Stupid questions, stupid answers.

Because you had your tray table up, and your seatbelt in the upper right position!

Why is everything I know wrong?
3Dejong said:
Because you had your tray table up, and your seatbelt in the upper right position!

Why is everything I know wrong?
Because you had a little confusion.

Why is no u?
Smiddle said:
no u

Why did the stupid pheasant get roadkilled trying to cross the road?

Because it needed to get out of a "stupid" situation

Why did a meteor strike the Earth?
Smiddle said:
Perhaps you're oblivious.

Why does Captain Obvious pwn Captain Oblivious?

Because then some random Oblivious Captain would PWN the world!

Why are there so many users?
If it wasn't, you coulnd't ask that question!!11!1

Why are clowns standing outside my house while I sleep?
Because there's a circus in fronta your house.

Why are Goombas yellower than Firebars?
Cuz he duz

Bulls freak out when they see red. (They don't really see red)

Why is a cliché a cliché?
What? Haven't you ever felt the nice ol' feeling of crushing a lil' weasel goomba beneath your feet?

Why is that your final answer?
Because *gets shot*

Why did the road cross the chicken?
Well, the road thought that crossing chickens with elephants would be ftw.

Why do I no sound like Yoda?