Wii U

I just did a test with this, by swearing in a few languages.
Polish was deleted very quickly, Dutch is still there, and English gave me an Error Code.

Finally, the Video:
Half of Miiverse will be Banned soon, as they don't even know what "dikkerd" actually means.
LakantaTheQlaus said:
Maybe we are not allowed to talk about religions?

Posting religious content is considered a violation of the Miiverse Code of Conduct.
Well, "Godverdomme" is cursing about religion, as it literally means "God kill me".
It's basically the same thing.
I got a Wii U for Christmas... I'm waiting for the opportune moment to set it up and wait for it to update... Specifically when my sisters leave.
MKGirlism said:
Well, "Godverdomme" is cursing about religion, as it literally means "God kill me".

Well, they probably have a set number of languages they cover (or the Miiverse administration is more or less inattentive).
As far as I know, only a few languages are auto-moderated, and other languages get Reviewed.
Chilly said:
I like how the word "god" is considered a bad word, but "dang" isn't.

>Using The Lord's name in vain
>Not comparable to cursing

I made a post asking if there were any other gaymers, it got deleted after about 10 minutes though ;_; If they're gonna do that they could at least censor the word "gay" to avoid abuse.
so my wii u has started to be shipped back by nintendo

it was done with UPSBLUE

so when should i expect it to come back

you know what's interesting though?

i linked my account to this NEW wii u

and i didn't need to do the system update

edit: okay so i lost all my wii data meaning the system transfer was USELESS AS FUCK

and i'm absolutely terrified of downloading anything now
basically they sent me a new wii u

and i don't have any of my data from the system transfer on it

meaning all of my wii data is gone
There's nothing they can do, is there? Besides maybe things he downloaded, all the save data is local, so it's gone.