Wii U

EA is not right in their head.
Just wait till nintendo's first party titles are released, then the plane will really take off so to speak. Titles such as Super mario galaxy 3/super mario sunshine 2, mario kart u, zelda u and smash bros u will really give the wii u what it needs to get ahead of the game. Don't forget the virtual console service is launching in April
How do you know Super Mario Galaxy 3 and/or Super Mario Sunshine 2 are coming?
It's something Nintendo (probably) doesn't even know that!
I know, I'm mostly just speculating or rather hoping for a sequal to any of those games, or somthing totally different. In the words of another famous toy, "hay, I can dream, can't I?"
U freak said:
Just wait till nintendo's first party titles are released, then the plane will really take off so to speak. Titles such as Super mario galaxy 3/super mario sunshine 2, mario kart u, zelda u and smash bros u will really give the wii u what it needs to get ahead of the game. Don't forget the virtual console service is launching in April
Um, sadly I don't think Mario, or Zelda, or Smash Bros aren't going to be the system sellers you make them out to be if Nintendo doesn't get their shit together and actually advertise that the Wii U is a new console, with that it's nothing. I still meet people that think the 3DS is just an upgrade DS with 3D capabilities, and that they can play 3DS games just fine on the DS, thankfully that is slowly becoming less common now. The point is that Nintendo needs to get out the word that the Wii U exists before thinking about box office hits.
Well, I think nintendo learned there lesson with the 3ds after loosing a ton of momentum. In the past, titles like super mario, kart, zelda and smash bros. have been whats carried there systems to success. Don't worry, you'll see. Nintendo will get there "act" together.
Xpike said:
U freak said:
Just wait till nintendo's first party titles are released, then the plane will really take off so to speak. Titles such as Super mario galaxy 3/super mario sunshine 2, mario kart u, zelda u and smash bros u will really give the wii u what it needs to get ahead of the game. Don't forget the virtual console service is launching in April
Um, sadly I don't think Mario, or Zelda, or Smash Bros aren't going to be the system sellers you make them out to be if Nintendo doesn't get their shit together and actually advertise that the Wii U is a new console, with that it's nothing. I still meet people that think the 3DS is just an upgrade DS with 3D capabilities, and that they can play 3DS games just fine on the DS, thankfully that is slowly becoming less common now. The point is that Nintendo needs to get out the word that the Wii U exists before thinking about box office hits.
Yeah their advertising is nothing compared to the wii.

And I'd hate it if Super Mario Galaxy 3 is announced.
I would kindof have to agree with you on that one, I quite frankly don't want to see another mario galaxy game. I want to see somthing new and orginal or a mario sunshine 2. I really don't care.
New and original 3D Mario, please. The Galaxy games are great, but with the Wii U's capacities, they can make a game like Mario 64 but way better.
They already remade SM64 on the DS, but it's nothing better, compared to the original, besides that it has Mini Games, Multiplayer, and more Levels. (Triple M, lol?)
Xpike said:
New and original 3D Mario, please. The Galaxy games are great, but with the Wii U's capacities, they can make a game like Mario 64 but way better.

I absolutly agree, somthing like mario 64 but new and better hd grapics with a whole new story would be awesome.
True, I think Nintendo has had a bit of trouble with their marketing. Maybe there just wasn't enough of it. Like, I know they're trying to market the whole "new ways to play" with the gamepad, but I feel like they're not getting the message through.

Also, yeah, there aren't enough 1st party titles out there right now. It'll come soon, though. Pikmin is supposed to be coming soon, right?
If by soon, you mean Launch Window, then yes. Apparently, Launch Window ends March 31, 2013 and yet not a single peep has been heard about Pikmin 3 ever since the Nintendo Direct in December 2012. I wouldn't be surprised if the blasted game got delayed again.
That would suck. But as long as they don't try to rush it, it'll be fine. Games can be really crap when they're rushed *Sonic 06*
Nintendo will most likely give more details in the next nintendo direct for this month or next month. I heard may 2 or somthing like that at gamestop, but then again what do they know.
Xpike said:
Ness said:
I hate EA and they ruined Real Racing 3 that you pay for new cars and Watch_Dog lead developer has moved to EA today
I haven't heard of this anywhere at all, so I think it's fake.

EA is one of the worst publishers there are. They're anti-consumer all the way, with *bleep*ty tactics like DLC for items, forcing people to install bloatware in order to play games, and rushing things out to release. It's a shame that Crytek and DICE are roped in with EA, one day they're going to end up being consumed by greed like BioWare and start releasing *bleep* like Mass Effect 3.
Bioware are still good they just need to make their games non pay to play.
The Dark Knight said:
Xpike said:
Ness said:
I hate EA and they ruined Real Racing 3 that you pay for new cars and Watch_Dog lead developer has moved to EA today
I haven't heard of this anywhere at all, so I think it's fake.

EA is one of the worst publishers there are. They're anti-consumer all the way, with *bleep*ty tactics like DLC for items, forcing people to install bloatware in order to play games, and rushing things out to release. It's a shame that Crytek and DICE are roped in with EA, one day they're going to end up being consumed by greed like BioWare and start releasing *bleep* like Mass Effect 3.
Bioware are still good they just need to make their games non pay to play.

they have like, one game that requires to pay.

Anyway, bioware has made plenty of bad titles in its time, although not even its recent titles are the worst crap ever, even with ME3's lack of impacting story elements.

nothing compares to the absolute crap that was nwn2 however.
Crystal said:
The Dark Knight said:
Xpike said:
Ness said:
I hate EA and they ruined Real Racing 3 that you pay for new cars and Watch_Dog lead developer has moved to EA today
I haven't heard of this anywhere at all, so I think it's fake.

EA is one of the worst publishers there are. They're anti-consumer all the way, with *bleep*ty tactics like DLC for items, forcing people to install bloatware in order to play games, and rushing things out to release. It's a shame that Crytek and DICE are roped in with EA, one day they're going to end up being consumed by greed like BioWare and start releasing *bleep* like Mass Effect 3.
Bioware are still good they just need to make their games non pay to play.

they have like, one game that requires to pay.

Anyway, bioware has made plenty of bad titles in its time, although not even its recent titles are the worst crap ever, even with ME3's lack of impacting story elements.

nothing compares to the absolute crap that was nwn2 however.
Unfortunatly that game is the one I want. I think the Mass Effect series and KTOR look awesome though and I want to get them.
neverwinter nights was the absolute BEST

kotor was okay but it was basically stars with watered down nwn battle system, appearance customization blows chunks though.

personally i really liked dragon age 2, it was a fun game, story was meh, but it was fun to play and characters were great, havent played much of dragon age 1 yet but so far the battle system is really boring compared to 2.

ME series is okay in general i guess, havent played 3, but 1 and 2 were okay.
BioWare's games, starting from Dragon Age 2, have started to become dumbed down, streamlined games, with rushed content (ME3 ending), vital plot points relegated to DLC, forced multiplayer, etc. They've started to be influenced by EA and have added tons of unnecessary stuff to their games like Kinect voice commands, forced multiplayer, social integration, among others, that just screams "we need to catch the Call of Duty audience". It won't work anyway, because the Call of Duty audience will continue to play Call of Duty, what they need to realize is that the only way to do it right is to continue pleasing their dedicated fanbase, instead of insulting them by releasing shit, a lesson that Capcom should also learn. If anything, Activision is doing it right; look at their most popular franchises: Call of Duty keeps the Call of Duty audience while slowly trying to evolve little by little what you can do each game, and Skylanders gives kids a funny little game with a solid collecting in real life component. Meanwhile, Capcom and EA try to do what they shouldn't do: dumb down their games and try to reach something they'll never get, pissing off their loyal fans in the process.

tl;dr: BioWare has been constantly dumbing down their games to make more cinematic approaches (and more money), something they shouldn't do
even with that though their games are still more interesting than some other western rpgs though.
So, both Dead Island 2 and Saints Row IV was confirmed to not be coming to the Wii U. (Excuse me for the wall of text)
This is ridiculous, why are third-parties so idiotic? The Wii U has no confirmed games to be coming in the months those games are to be released, they would have no competition! Is it because they think Nintendo is just for children so no one would buy these games? If I was a kid and saw Saints Row IV, with superpowers and shit I would go insane and buy it inmediately. Is it because they don't think the Wii U release would be profitable since no one is buying it? Well, I'm pretty sure that more people would buy it if more things were announced for it. Or is it Nintendo's fault, for not providing any incentive to third parties to release on their console? Or, and I'm pretty sure it's this one, is a combination of all of these factors, plus the fact that Nintendo of America doesn't know how to do anything related to the Wii U, including how to advertise it, how to localize games, how to succesfully show it's features and differentiate it from the Wii, how to motivate Western devs into developing for, among others. It's like Reggie doesn't know how to do anything except doing crappy PR that doesn't work most of the time, because I'm sure it's not Iwata that's holding up important VC releases like Earthbound for the Wii U or Zelda or Mario 3 for the 3DS. It's about time for Reggie to retire, he's still stuck in the "casual gamers will buy us anything" mentality instead of realizing that in order for the Wii U to reach sucess you have to target the PS3 and 360 customers primarily, while using Wii Fit U or Wii Party U to get some steady but not vital sales, because once the 720 with it's built-in Kinect comes out, that'll get the casual audience for a long time.
tl;dr: please, Nintendo of America, fire Reggie and get a new President that actually knows how to sell your console and handheld.
It's more the fact that porting something is hard work, so they'd much rather port a game to a console with an established fan base.
Gundam Tanaka said:
It's more the fact that porting something is hard work, so they'd much rather port a game to a console with an established fan base.
You don't get an established fan base if you don't start releasing games for it. Like I said, releasing any game on the Wii U is likely to give you attention, because you would be alone in the charts.

GalacticPetey said:
I think companies are not wanting to incorporate the gamepad into their games.
Oh, you mean that just putting the hud and quick weapon select would be a real trouble? I'd rather have convinient stuff like that in the gamepad instead of gimmicky minigames or something like that tackled onto the game, and it's a matter of one or two days of programming, since the assests already exist. Now, other features like Off-the-TV play would be convinient, but just having a port would be fine.