Wii U

Yeah, fuck Microsoft.

I'm glad they made it this easy for me, though.

This gaming gen, I'll be doing just fine with my 3DS, my Wii U, my PS4 and my Gaming PC. I don't need anything else.

I'm not dealing with MS bullshit.
I agree, I own an XBOX 360 and I only bothered to get 4 games, and that was only because 3 they were in a bargain bin and 1 was used at gamestop.
Am I the only one who thinks of the original Xbox when I hear "Xbox One?"
Lord Spongeful said:
Am I the only one who thinks of the original Xbox when I hear "Xbox One?"
No, I do too. I thought this thread was talking about that when it said XBOX 1.
chillv said:
Lord Spongeful said:
Am I the only one who thinks of the original Xbox when I hear "Xbox One?"
No, I do too. I thought this thread was talking about that when it said XBOX 1.

Same here, and probably the same for most of the rest of us.
"Xbox One" rather reminds me to the Google Nexus One.
But the latter one has an accurate name, it was the first Nexus, after all.
Xbox One, at the other hand, is the third Console by Microsoft.

Hell, only the Wii U still looks like a Console.
I mean, the PS4 has Specs of a PC, and Xbox One has the looks of a PC (noticed how the Console reminds to a typical 80's PC?).
There's a "Report to moderator" Link for a reason, remember?
Even though wii u looks like it's behind all the specs of microsoft and sony's new consoles, I still think they have a huge potential to gain some serious momentum with the classic gaming and hardcore gaming market. The fact that nintendo made an HD system is enough to keep me content for a very long time. Not only that but it's backwards compatible, unlke xbox 1 and ps4.
i remember people were saying about their Wii U's getting bricked if the power was removed while updating, and i was wondering, does anything bad happen if the internet cuts out while it updates?
Epic Nitwit said:
i remember people were saying about their Wii U's getting bricked if the power was removed while updating, and i was wondering, does anything bad happen if the internet cuts out while it updates?

Your Wii U explodes and you have to do 20 push-ups to fix it.

I assume it might do something to it, but if it comes up with a message saying that connection was lost or something then I wouldn't worry too much. If it freezes or never stops updating then yeah, something might have stuffed up with it.
i don't actually have a wii u, i was just curious because my internet often works terribly, so it would be annoying if i bought a wii u and then it broke just because my internet is bad.
freakworld said:
New Super Mario said:
Yoshidude99 said:
freakworld said:
And also XBOX ONE sounds gay IMO :posh:
That was unnecessary.
Yeah, it's very rude to associate things like that, since you're making the impression that "gay" is bad.

Man, don't worry about it.

As an actual member of the LGBT community, I don't give a shit if you call things "gay". Hell, a lot of us still call things "gay".

Don't feel bad about it, just make sure it doesn't get you into trouble.
Geno said:
Even though wii u looks like it's behind all the specs of microsoft and sony's new consoles, I still think they have a huge potential to gain some serious momentum with the classic gaming and hardcore gaming market. The fact that nintendo made an HD system is enough to keep me content for a very long time. Not only that but it's backwards compatible, unlke xbox 1 and ps4.
Momentum? What momentum? Where are all those games we've been wanting?
Buy 2 of 3 Kirby games on SNES and download a third one for free and I got Kirby Dream Course for first time
Epic Nitwit said:
i don't actually have a wii u, i was just curious because my internet often works terribly, so it would be annoying if i bought a wii u and then it broke just because my internet is bad.

I think the way it works is that the system first downloads the update from the internet. My internet went off during this, but all that happened was that I needed to delete the corrupted download (it gets corrupted if it's downloading is stopped abruptly) and just redownload it. Once it's downloaded, you can install it without needing internet.

At least, that's how it worked for me.
Good job Micro$hit and Xbox nOne
