Worst Mario Game Ever

toadettesthewinner said:
I'm probably the only one, but I was bored to death with Luigi's Mansion. I thought, "This will be great! Luigi finally has his own title that doesn't suck like Mario is Missing." But I was wrong.

It's some what of an acquired taste, I suppose. It's one of the few Mario games with a fleshed out story and cast, if you're in to that. I liked how unique the game felt and how replayable it was. I beat it like three or four times.

Technically...Super Mario Bros. 2 is not even a Mario game, so I pick that as the worst one even though it's not a bad game.
ToxBox said:
I like Luigi's Mansion and Luigi is 70% better than Mario.
Luigi is only loved because of his humor.

toadettesthewinner said:
I'm probably the only one, but I was bored to death with Luigi's Mansion. I thought, "This will be great! Luigi finally has his own title that doesn't suck like Mario is Missing." But I was wrong.
Luigi's Mansion is amazing and I love Mario.
PokemonMaster said:
Luigi is only loved because of his humor.

I prefer Luigi because he can jump higher, run faster, and is taller and slimmer, with his only weakness being a crappy pair of shoes (traction). Luigi also has a more compelling personality than Mario, but that's mainly because he's not the main character of the series.
Luigi's Mansion is actually one of the best Mario games ever made. But I assume that the only reason it got a 7 on IGN was because it actually had actually had a BRANCHED OUT STORY. -.-
Wow, I didn't realize exactly how much love there was for Luigi's Mansion! :P I probably just played it in the wrong mood or something; I only end up playing it once.

But, to be clear, I don't mean to suggest it's even close to the worst Mario game ever! That honor still goes with Mario Is Missing or any number of the "edutainment" titles that came out in the 90s.

Here's a"10 Worst Mario Games" video http://www.gametrailers.com/video/top-ten-screwattack/23547
Reversinator said:
I recall reading an issue of Nintendo Power that stated Super Mario Sunshine was the worst Mario game ever.
Sunshine is the black sheep of the Mario mainstream games, and by far, the closest you will get to a bad Mario Game. So i guess it is the worst "Main Mario game".
Reversinator said:
I recall reading an issue of Nintendo Power that stated Super Mario Sunshine was the worst Mario game ever.

I never quite understood why people disliked the game so much. I'm assuming it has to do with the lack of focus to platforming and it's unorthodox nature, but I found that as a refreshing change. It's certainly not the best Mario game, but I wouldn't call it bad.
How was Mario Sports Mix awful? Is it the character roster?

Super Mario Sunshine did not deserve the hate. It's not a bad game by any means.
No Mario games I played I truly hated, though. Even Super Mario Galaxy 2. It's really hard for me to say worst games out of all I played, because no games I played are terrible and all are good in their own right. Even Super Mario Galaxy 2, which I must admit, even though I'm not a big fan of that game.

Mario Sports Mix is a fun game, though. I guess the roster and the cheap Final Fantasy characters were the bomb. I really did disliked the roster of that game, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.
I haven't really played a Mario game I didn't like.
I think Mario Party was my least favorite though.
Scrub Jay said:
How was Mario Sports Mix awful? Is it the character roster?

Super Mario Sunshine did not deserve the hate. It's not a bad game by any means.
True, It unique Also there is no worst Mario game
Probably the tedious Blue Coins undermined Super Mario Sunshine, as well as minor issues such as no long-jumping.
The game still isn't terrible.
I know that, but some think otherwise
Then they have not heard of Hotel Mario and Mario is Missing their abominations accompanying them.
Probably. I dare say they overlooked those games. I think Hotel Mario is worse than Mario is Missing.
Why do you dare say they are worse? They are worse in nearly, if not, all aspects.
No, I said that they probably overlooked these games. You misinterpreted my post
It's never a good idea to coin any Mario game, even any game, as the worst (or best) game, though. There is always someone that will disagree with that statement.
Even Hotel Mario and Mario is Missing? I can't think of any game worse than those. And I'm pretty sure people will whole-heartedly agree on them being one of the worst Mario games ever.