<NEXandGBX>: i don't have any problems with today or tomorrow for love live
<NEXandGBX>: wendsday and thursday may be complicated though
<Nysic>: what's love lick
<NEXandGBX>: >love lick
<ShyGuy>: Love lick?
<NEXandGBX>: nysic please
<tfp>: how do you even fuck that up
<ShyGuy>: What the **** is Love lick?
<Anton{Politoed}>: hey shyguy I'm gonna have to tell you to keep your "jokes" away from trollbaiting/feeding territory
<Anton{Politoed}>: thanks
<Nysic>: it's when you lick love
<NEXandGBX>: A lollipop shaped like a heart?
<Nysic>: like yoshi
<tfp>: ok
<ShyGuy>: Anton(Politoed) Okay, I'll try harder
<Anton{Politoed}>: there's no trying