Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments
You may have seen my name in this thread before, but this is the first time I'm actually posting something I started.
You may have seen my name in this thread before, but this is the first time I'm actually posting something I started.
<MichiganMarioFan>: Has there ever been an instance of product placement in any Mario games?
<MichiganMarioFan>: Other than those from Nintendo?
<Anton{Politoed}>: yes
<Anton{Politoed}>: but more like
<MichiganMarioFan>: Where?
<Anton{Politoed}>: parodies of them
<Anton{Politoed}>: one of the mariokarts I guess
<Anton{Politoed}>: the signs on the race tracks
<MichiganMarioFan>: Couldn't they have used the real brands?
<Smiley>: copyrights
<Anton{Politoed}>: and the fact that it would be really irritating having a game being used as a commercial
<MichiganMarioFan>: Well, could this happen?: seeing an Ipad 3 or Honey Nut Cheerios billboard in Mario Kart U?
<Anton{Politoed}>: why
<Anton{Politoed}>: do you want that to happen
<Uniju>: Did you mean Honey Bunches of Oats?
<MichiganMarioFan>: Wouldn't there be massive lawsuits?
<Misogi_Kumagawa>: why are you bringing this up
<AM-homework>: That would be funny seeing a Cheerious billboard in a Mario kart game
<AM-homework>: *Cheerios
+++ ChanServ has given op to Misogi_Kumagawa
<Gamefreak75>: there has been product placement in other nintendo games
<Gamefreak75>: just not mario
<MichiganMarioFan>: Examples?