If you could kill one Mario character...

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Villain11 said:
MrConcreteDonkey said:
*Puts up flame shield, specifically from one certain user*

I'd kill Rosalina. I can't help but feel that she has done her role and needs a dramatic exit. I can imagine the Comet Observatory being sucked into a massive black hole.
I officially dislike you. Don't let that Lily x person see this...

Villain11 said:
WaluigiWare said:
Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
I was joking.

Villain11 said:
WaluigiWare said:
I know, I'm just preparing for Lily's reaction.
I know!

I did step up and tell those two to stop arguing about Rosalina. Their argument started out amusing, but it began to get out of hand rather quickly. Now, I just hope that I don't have to go even further than just giving them a simple notice.
Villain11 said:
MrConcreteDonkey said:
*Puts up flame shield, specifically from one certain user*

I'd kill Rosalina. I can't help but feel that she has done her role and needs a dramatic exit. I can imagine the Comet Observatory being sucked into a massive black hole.
I officially dislike you. Don't let that Lily x person see this...
i wont kill you everyone can have their own opionion, that would be ok,as long as their is a return from thedead thing
i would kill birdo cus he a blummin gay tranny!
I think if Rosalina died it would be kind of symbolic and serious.
MrConcreteDonkey said:
I think if Rosalina died it would be kind of symbolic and serious.
Yeah, but if they can't even let the Luma stay dead at the end of SMG, I don't think they'll ever kill off Rosalina.
luckily nintendo wouldnt do it, but it proboly represent the world going to disaster

i could see birdo dying of humiliation if he admits hes a gay tranny
Lily x said:
luckily nintendo wouldnt do it, but it proboly represent the world going to disaster

i could see birdo dying of humiliation if he admits hes a gay tranny
No Nintendo character is going to die!
Villain11 said:
Lily x said:
luckily nintendo wouldnt do it, but it proboly represent the world going to disaster

i could see birdo dying of humiliation if he admits hes a gay tranny
No Nintendo character is going to die!
Rosalina's mother, Samus's parents, Cackletta, Ganondorf, Wrinkly Kong, Professor Layton's mentor, Cubone's mother, Dr. Fuji, Latios, Pokémon Hunter J, some kid's Onix on the Sevii Islands.

Any others I left out?
All the Pokémon in the Pokémon Tower. The ghosts in Luigi's Mansion, all ghosts, the ghosts in the old chateau, Luma (Though later reborn), Celebi (though later revived), Ash (though later revived)
I'm only referring to characters that are confirmed or implied to be dead, and characters that die and STAY dead (which is why I removed Bowser from my post).
what pokemon hunter j died what did a groundon crush her lol

and you forgot some: al the pokemon in the pokemon graveyards
Lily x said:
what pokemon hunter j died what did a groundon crush her lol

and you forgot some: al the pokemon in the pokemon graveyards
1. Look up "Pokémon Hunter J Dies" on YouTube. You'll find the scene pretty quickly.
2. I'm just naming established Nintendo characters, not just misc. ones.
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