Amy Keating Rogers wrote this episode, and has sense felt that she didn't do anything wrong when it came to writing Pinkie Pie in that episode. Think is, this is mostly because the backlash was so huge, mostly from rage-fueled idiots who will jump on anything to hate on season 4, and thus Ms. Rogers dismissed ALL arguments against her as the same. This amplifies MY anger toward Pinkie Pie in the episode, because not only does the writer think this is okay, but it's likely we're going to get more of this.Amphituber said:Smashgoom202 said:She knew not to prank Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush Off because she knew Fluttershy was sensitive, so she has no excuse here.ernesth100 said:Pinkie was only playing, she's childish and didn't know Fluttershy would take it so seriously.Smashgoom202 said:Probably because Fluttershy realized and deeply regretted what she did. Pinkie Pie showed no such remorse, even after being told she was doing something wrong.ernesth100 said:You know what I just realized when Fluttershy made Pinkie cry in the Iron Will episode it was forgiven but Pinkies actions in Filli Vanilli are still scene as "evil"?
I'm sorry, I don't care if Pinkie was "only playing" or "being childish", a line has to be drawn in these situations with how far you can go with your insensitivity and Pinkie definitely crosses it by making Fluttershy break down to tears *TWICE* and not only not bothering to correct herself until promted, but literally showing no regret about what she did. Hell, when Fluttershy runs off crying, she doesn't have an "oh no, what have I done?!" thing like she did with Cranky Doodle Donkey in A Friend in Deed or even season 4's own Pinkie's Pride with Rainbow Dash, she just goes "What? Too much?"
Hmm. What does that say about Pinkie's character? Normally she is exuberant and fun-loving, but not at the expense of her friends, so this is alarmingly out of character. Couple theories:
1. Pure random selfishness (Odd and out of character)
2. Inconsistent writing (More likely)
3. Some ulterior motive (Odd and out of character)
What Pinkie Pie did was cruel and unnecessary, but my question is "why?", not whether it was wrong or insensitive. Hell yeah, let's analyze this.
btw pinkie is best pony
...BTW, I DO like Pinkie Pie, about half the time... the other half... ugh...
Also, sorry for spoiling this for you if you haven't seen the episode yet.
Edit: BTW, here's Mr. Enter's review of the episode:
I like how he described the moral as a very "kids moral". That's kind of how I feel, too, though I didn't really consider the fact that Rainbow Dash ISN'T a kid. It's weird, I feel like I should have realized that sooner.
I have to admit, even though part of me thinks Mr. Enter is too hard on the episode for being too optimistic, everything he said about the American educational system is so freaking spot-on I don't even care.
I have to admit, even though part of me thinks Mr. Enter is too hard on the episode for being too optimistic, everything he said about the American educational system is so freaking spot-on I don't even care.