My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Niime said:
Toad Eightyfive said:

I honestly liked Putting your Hoof Down a lot. It felt like one of the seldom few times the writing staff actually tried giving Fluttershy extra dimension and a true character arc, even if they didn't stick the landing.
the problem with puttin your hoof down was seeing pinkie pie and rarity being visibly hurt by fluttershy. Sure, Iron Will put those words in her mouth, but she could been a little less cruel

My problem with Putting Your Hoof Down, that it's not just Fluttershy that's unnecessarily cruel. Almost every pony in the episode was an asshole in some way. And it came like one episode after the ep with the Smile song. Try playing the Smile song over all the cruelty in PYHD xP
Niime said:
Toad Eightyfive said:

I honestly liked Putting your Hoof Down a lot. It felt like one of the seldom few times the writing staff actually tried giving Fluttershy extra dimension and a true character arc, even if they didn't stick the landing.
the problem with puttin your hoof down was seeing pinkie pie and rarity being visibly hurt by fluttershy. Sure, Iron Will put those words in her mouth, but she could been a little less cruel

i was under the impression that that was the point of the moral?

that you can be assertive without being a complete asshole, like fluttershy was?
Niime said:
Toad Eightyfive said:

I honestly liked Putting your Hoof Down a lot. It felt like one of the seldom few times the writing staff actually tried giving Fluttershy extra dimension and a true character arc, even if they didn't stick the landing.
the problem with puttin your hoof down was seeing pinkie pie and rarity being visibly hurt by fluttershy. Sure, Iron Will put those words in her mouth, but she could been a little less cruel
Thing about that... Iron Will said "Don't apologize when you could criticize!" He didn't say "hit them where he hurts the most". The way Fluttershy spoke, it's like she knew EXACTLY what to say to make Rarity and Pinkie Pie very upset, despite this being brought on mostly through a spur-of-the-moment rage. The way the scene is set up, it almost feels like those were Fluttershy's ACTUAL feelings about two of her best friends and their livelihoods and passions... and it makes me very depressed and uncomfortable to think that.

...Also, how, exactly, did Fluttershy learn to be assertive without being a prick again? Like one moment she was in her own house, tied to a chair, and the next thing we know, she knows exactly how to deal with Iron Will. Did we miss something?
Why do I have a feeling that in season 5 they're gonna kill off Discord, I mean isn't that what usually happen to bad guys who have a change of heart?
supermariofan said:
Why do I have a feeling that in season 5 they're gonna kill off Discord, I mean isn't that what usually happen to bad guys who have a change of heart?
I dunno why you have that feeling, considering this is a KIDS SHOW, and rarely are characters, good or evil, killed off. I also highly doubt, after all the time they've dedicated to trying to redeem Discord that they'd just get rid of him like that.
supermariofan said:
Why do I have a feeling that in season 5 they're gonna kill off Discord, I mean isn't that what usually happen to bad guys who have a change of heart?

They wouldn't do that. Especially since this is well... a kids show for one xP

Considering how long Discord has lived though. It'd have to be something really powerful to kill him, him being put to stone was probably the closest to him dying. Since if they didn't decide to bring him back, he would of still been in stone since the Season 2 opener.

Smashgoom202 said:
I dunno why you have that feeling, considering this is a KIDS SHOW, and rarely are characters, good or evil, killed off.

Well I think technically Sombra is still considered dead... and he blew up into pieces on-screen :V

But that's really besides the point, they would not just get rid of him after all that time they focused on keeping him around as you said. The staff knows the majority of the fandom loves Discord as well, to see him get permanently taken out of the show would have terrible consequences.
Northern Verve said:
Well I think technically Sombra is still considered dead... and he blew up into pieces on-screen :V

But that's really besides the point, they would not just get rid of him after all that time they focused on keeping him around as you said. The staff knows the majority of the fandom loves Discord as well, to see him get permanently taken out of the show would have terrible consequences.
Yeah, hence why I said rarely, not never, but whatever. :rolleyes:

Yeah, even if the fans don't love Discord, like I said, they brought him back when they didn't really need to (he worked just fine as the antagonist of The Return of Harmony and nothing else), so killing him off now after bringing him back AND having him perform a full Heel-Face Turn would seem really... dumb. And bad on the writers part. It would be like suddenly removing Twilight's status as an alicorn princess after Magical Mystery Cure, it just feels like a cop-out and, if I may, rather pathetic.
I definitely understand why you'd get that impression, though if they were theoretically to kill off someone, I doubt it would be a character who had a lot of character development dedicated to them like Discord.

BTW, I was over on another forum talking about the song "You'll Play Your Part", and how some apparently hate it, and I decided to rank the songs of season 4 from favorite to least favorite:

1.) Hearts as Strong as Horses/Apples to the Core (sorry, I can't choose, they're both just so good!0
2.) Glass of Water (no really, I listened to this song about 50 times after the episode aired... I compare the appeal of this song to that of Yakko's World, just so many words, I feel like I want to memorize it...)
3.) Find the Music in You
4.) Music in the Treetops/Find the Music in You mash-up
5.) Make a Wish (really like the extended version)
6.) Bats (though I found the part with the mane 6 to be very jarring)
7.) Music in the Treetops
8.) Cheese Confesses
9.) Pinkie's Lament
10.) The Goof-Off
11.) The Super DupeR Party pony
12.) Pinkie the Party Planner
13.) Generosity/You'll Play Your Part
14.) Let the Rainbow Remind You
15.) Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic
16.) The rappin' Hist'ry of the Wonderbolts

Dishonorable Mention: Spike singing the Cloudsdale Anthem.
Toad Eightyfive said:
i've still only seen like the first five episodes, so
Of season 4? Someone's got a lot of catching up to do...

Either way, I'd say you're not really missing anything with that rap, since I'm almost certain it was meant to be a joke.
Yeah Pinkie rapped. I personally found it funny. And don't really count it as a serious song, because the parody of 90s Music Videos was pretty obvious. Right down to the screen not taking up the whole TV and the lower quality. xD

I did have an argument with someone on a different site that seemed to dislike the rap so much he compared it to the Rapping Dog from the Titanic animated musical. Which say what you will about the rap, it's on two completely different levels. The most important is that Pinkie's rap actually served a purpose of some sort.
I suppose I should get this out to prevent flaming: I'm indifferent to MLP. I just ignore it, and don't really have an opinion on it.
My favorite song has to be Bats from this season. I just felt like it had the most emotion put into it! Plus, Applejack said "Sin". :P

I lied. Pinkie's Lament is tied for my favorite. That one definitely had the most emotion in it out of every song this season. I liked Bats a lot though because I liked how the music went.
Mr. Enter reviews Twilight's Kingdom, and has a mini-rant about certain Brony Analysts being overly negative to the show:

My thoughts:

Well, I don't know about flawless... Though much like Magical Mystery Cure, I consider this two-parter to be as close to flawless as possible, with a few minor nitpicks on hand. I still have a hard time buying that Tirek had a.) been wandering around Equestria since It's About Time yet b.) did NOT know about Discord's freedom or Twilight's ascension to princesshood. It's a bit of a stretch, though I'll grant that it's not truly a flaw. I'm also having a hard time wondering why Celestia told Twilight not to tell her friends about her newly acquired alicorn powers, plus the fact that the alicorn magic here doesn't at all look like the alicorn magic Twilight used in Princess Twilight Sparkle. Also, Tirek had the chance to drain Twilight's power during their fight, but instead just threw her into a mountain... eh, maybe he was caught up in the excitement of the fight. I also found the songs underwhelming, NOT BAD, just not all that memorable. And the fight scene, while epic beyond belief, just left me wondering... this is still a little girls show, right? I mean, not that all little girls shows need to be about tea parties and dressing up, but... would little girls really be into this kind of thing? Also, apparently, Twilight was going to actually PUNCH Tirek, but that got rejected...

This kind of ties into the question of where to go from here. This season has been VERY out there, and I've seen people turned off by it to the point of not watching the series anymore. I'll admit, while this is undoubtably my favorite season, it did seem very... gimmicky, and went a bit too crazy here and there (I guess that's to be expcted when you have the Queen of crazy writing, Meghan McCarthy, running the show). Not to mention, with the season finale having blown many away, people will likely be expecting the series to get even bigger somehow from here, yet if Meghan McCarthy and the staff try to do so, they'll end up in Power Creep territory long before you know it, and the amount of effort they'll have to use to make bad guys even more threatening then Tirek will be staggering to borderline ridiculous. I sincerely hope they don't fall into this trap and reel it back for season 5.

...All that out of the way, I completely agree, this two-parter was amazing, 5 stars, ten out of ten, just fantastic! The negativity towards this episode... eh, I try not to let it get to me. After all, I can be really negative about a lot of things, and it really bothers me when people claim that I'm just being negative for negative's sake, when really that's just how my mind works, and these things really DO bother me. I think it speaks to how good some things are when things don't bother me as much, hence why they're great.

I was under the impression that the whole "Twilight's tree" thing was a joke and always was meant to be a joke, and I didn't think ANYONE took that seriously or was THAT genuinely upset by the tree's destruction. It was hard for me to watch Fluttershy's heart being broken, though, doubly so when Discord was betrayed, so now he knows how it feels.

I just want to say, the exchange between Discord and Tirek when they initially meet in this two-parter is probably my favorite part of the whole thing. I LOVE the dialogue, and I love how tempting Tirek can be, it's all so convincing and very well done!

Also, how exactly did they defeat Tirek before? They apparently defeated him without Discord's help, at least that's what it sounded like from the backstory. Not that it matters, since Discord has allied himself with Tirek, and since only the Elements of Harmony could defeat him, they're out of options.

"The point is to stay hidden, dipshit." Well I find that rather rude. After all, Twilight's friends aren't about to tell Tirek where the alicorn magic or Twilight is. That also doesn't explain why Twilight didn't tell them about Discord's betrayal, so they'd be prepared... Then again, maybe Fluttershy would trust Discord too much and let him know. Still, I don't think it's AS obvious as you made it out to be, though I understand your bluntness, given how frustrated you are.

Also, I prefer not to believe that this is a plan from Discord to open the box, because if it was, it would remove the genuine emotion he had when he felt betrayed by Tirek and humbled by Twilight. I prefer to think that Discord didn't tell Tirek because, like he said, he wanted to make sure their plan was a team effort, and thus kept this information as a means to get out of it should it seem like Tirek would betray him.

I agree with you on the whole "try to find something nice to say" deal, as well as the whole "I don't enjoy failing/critiquing an episode". You know what I find especially ironic... I distinctly remember DigiBro admitting he liked saying negative things about an episode because he got to say what he thought about it and write it out and talk to others about it. I feel like that's a wrong-headed mindset to have, and that might be why he suffered quite a bit of backlash this season.
I just wish s5 would get here sooner. Been rewatching the series.

Twilight's Kingdom did definitely have a "Magical Mystery Cure" feel to it, which I loved. I'm pretty sad about the library. And Tirek's first appearance was hands down the most menacing villain intro in the series; I had shivers running up my spine. Add to that the new additions to the show's background canon (mythology) and main canon (story) and you've got a damn good season finale.

As far as s4 goes in general, I did get a gimmicky vibe from it; you'll notice in my previous posts about s4 I brought up how it felt almost like fan pandering. My fave ep ever did come out of this season (Pinkie Pride), and there was some damn sweet new music, which is probably part of why I liked the season.

Combine that with having only about two episodes I dislike or am just meh about, and its easy to see how good the season seems to be.

Part of me can't seem to shake the feeling that it is mostly shallow, spoon-fed-to-the-fans pandering, though.

In the meantime, have some oddball obscure brony rock:
Speaking of Twilight's library, was this really necessary?!
You gotta be fucking joking!