My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
GabbyHayes said:
Cant belive deviant art

That's the word of Lauren Faust though. Ya know, the one who basically created the show and was the show's director from Season 1 and most of Season 2? :P
GabbyHayes said:
On the one hand, Lauren Faust isn't working on the show anymore... on the other hand, she was basically saying what was later kind of, sort of confirmed in the episode Baby Cakes, so...
Season 5 Stuff! First an animatic. Unlike the Season 4 one, it doesn't showcase things from multiple episodes. Instead, I think it's a full 4-minute clip from the Opener (Still an animatic though. It's mostly storyboards and voices with no music or sound effects)


There's some details that are interesting, but I feel the real star of this clip is some of the humor. Pinkie and Spike were great throughout nearly the entire clip.

And I told you guys the Mane 6 would be like a Knights of the Round Table sort of thing :D

Also some Season 5 teaser info and a short Q&A. All in Spoilers in case you don't want to see them

(My comments will be in italic)

Initial Points:

*Every season they try to figure out a way to make the show bigger and better, but have trouble figuring out a way to top themselves. They totally figured it out for season 5 already.

I am curious on how they're ever going to be able to top Season 4. But this makes me intrigued

*Princess Luna has a nightmare, episode based on that most likely?

The Fanbase will go crazy for another Luna episode :)

*Entire solo song for Rainbow Dash

Sweet, my new 2nd favorite pony will be getting some kind of Solo eh? I'm wondering if it will be Wonderbolt related

*This season has the 100th episode, which is sufficiently awesome and focused on characters that have been on the show for a while, but mainly in the background. Coco Pommel returns for one!

I think I mentioned this before, but it's cool to see this show reach 100 episodes. I am curious what they're going to do for that particular episode to celebrate

*Maud Pie returns. Entire Pie family episode.

Cool, more of Pinkie's Family ^^

*Twilight really misses her library, and there is an entire episode about it.

This could be an interesting episode. My thoughts on it might sway however depending if they magically rebuild the Treebrary or not (Hoping for not though)


Will Twilight's Library ever come back?
You'll see!

I kinda hope that the episode doesn't rebuild the treebrary in anyway. Her castle could possibly have an area where she can still have the library and more space then the old tree

Will Flutterbat Come back?
Mike Vogel wants her back!

I'd like to see Flutterbat come back as well ^^

Will the CMC Ever get their marks?
You'll have to wait and see!

It'd be cool to finally see at least one of them finally get their Cutie Marks. It's about time they get that done.

Will Chrysalis be in season 5?
In spirit, and maybe

Contradicting statements much? xP But it sounds like that Chrysalis or the Changelings will at least be mentioned somewhere

Why hasn't the concept of Applejack's parents been approached?
It is an important lesson for kids that may happen, but they have some trepidation on how carefully they would need to handle something like that, and they havent figured out a good way to deal with it.

I'd love it if the show ever tackled this. But I do understand how hard it is to really get the message out in a show like this. But I hope the show eventually shows once again the bravery that's it's shown before (If they've dared to change the status quo in some major way twice, and have covered issues of bullying (In Hurricane Fluttershy BTW, not One Bad Apple...) and Stage Fright (Filli Vanilli) then I think an episode on deceased parents could surely make this show quite brave and hopefully portray it in a strong light)

Will any of the characters in the official comics sneak into the series?
It's certainly a thing they would consider since the characters already exist. They try to keep the universe of pony connected.

I'm unable to get most of the comics, but this could be interesting even if they have to keep those kind of characters in the background for now

Will we be seeing seaponies?
Anything is possible!

I'm not opposed to it. Though I would certainly like it more if they looked closer to this as opposed to the designs of the G1 Seaponies

Will anymore classic g1 ponies return?
Yes, perhaps!

Might have to look back at what G1 provided then...

Will Spike sing in Season 5?
Jayson thinks she should have an epic rap battle with Pinkie Pie.
Cathy wants to do one.

In other words sounds like there won't be one for Spike. But could provide hope for people who want the little dragon to sing in a potential Season 6

Is Twilight going to have any relationships?
Twilight dates ALL THE PONIES.

Hahaha, I love how playful they are with us regarding this. But seriously keep any long-lasting romance out of the show please. Especially with he-who-shall-not-be-named

Will Starswirl Appear in season 5?
He's always there... watching... waiting... Just for the right moment.

Also I know that the 2nd Equestria Girls movie will be out in Late September. And have a Hub showing at October 17th.

But I'm really not that excited for it at all. I'll probably see it as soon as a decent copy leaks onto the internet in September, put my thoughts out on it. And then Smash Bros. on the 3DS will take all my focus afterward (Since by then it will only be weeks away)
supermariofan said:
I really want Twilight to be in a relationship with somepony

She is. She's in a relationship with the Mane Six.
supermariofan said:
Baby Man said:
supermariofan said:
I really want Twilight to be in a relationship with somepony

She is. She's in a relationship with the Mane Six.
I meant going on a date with somepony she needs a love interest in the series soon

No she doesn't. Why do you have that lame thought that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE needs a love interest? Shows like this don't need a romantic relationship. Spongebob doesn't have one other than an episode or two. Fairly Oddparents did but it wasn't overly emphasized.
Baby Man said:
supermariofan said:
Baby Man said:
supermariofan said:
I really want Twilight to be in a relationship with somepony

She is. She's in a relationship with the Mane Six.
I meant going on a date with somepony she needs a love interest in the series soon

No she doesn't. Why do you have that lame thought that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE needs a love interest? Shows like this don't need a romantic relationship. Spongebob doesn't have one other than an episode or two. Fairly Oddparents did but it wasn't overly emphasized.
It just makes it cute
supermariofan said:
It just makes it cute

REALLY? That's your reason for wanting a love interest? Aren't the ponies themselves "cute" enough already?
Dr. Javelin said:
my reason's better

It's probably the most valid reason to have characters require a love interest
Also, why is it necessary to bring the old library back? It burned for a good cause, it left a lot of things memorable about the show, it's sad to see it go but I don't see a need to bring it back, Twilight has a new library now in Canterlot so why do we...wait a it because of that fucking petition?!
Baby Man said:
supermariofan said:
It just makes it cute

REALLY? That's your reason for wanting a love interest? Aren't the ponies themselves "cute" enough already?
I don't know about you but I find a lot of couples in cartoons, animes and video games cute. Also her relationship with Flash Sentry was cute I can't believe they ruined it
supermariofan said:
I don't know about you but I find a lot of couples in cartoons, animes and video games cute.

I don't, but primarily because I don't get romance
I just started getting into the pony comics. The artwork in them is beautiful.

I also got one of those POP figures of Dr. Whooves.
supermariofan said:
Also, why is it necessary to bring the old library back? It burned for a good cause, it left a lot of things memorable about the show, it's sad to see it go but I don't see a need to bring it back, Twilight has a new library now in Canterlot so why do we...wait a it because of that fucking petition?!

No, whether or not the tree comes back in some form. The petition had no effect whatsoever

supermariofan said:
I don't know about you but I find a lot of couples in cartoons, animes and video games cute. Also her relationship with Flash Sentry was cute I can't believe they ruined it
Also her relationship with Flash Sentry was cute I can't believe they ruined it
Also her relationship with Flash Sentry was cute
relationship with Flash Sentry
Flash Sentry


Sorry, SMF. But I really, really, disagree with this. Flash Sentry had barely a personality in Equestria Girls. And his only purpose was to fulfill the "generic love interest" part of the High School movie cliche.

And if Flash were to become a recurring secondary character as Twilight's boyfriend in the actual show, that would be the point the show has jumped the shark. This show is about friendship, not love. While it's had plots with love in it, they usually did it for lighthearted comedy (Hearts and Hooves Day & Simple Ways) and/or the romance or at least marriage was between two supporting characters (Mr. & Mrs. Cake and Shining Armor & Princess Cadence). It'd be a completely terrible direction for the show to take, cause that's not what the show focuses on.
ernesth100 said:
Derpy better get her own episode.

Eh, she doesn't need one. I like Derpy and all, but really the Where's Waldo and occasional foreground appearances (Ex: Luna Eclipsed and Pinkie Pride) is the best use for her. The only way I'd want a Derpy episode and without risking another Last Round-Up incident is to have the entire episode where the only audio comes from sound effects and the music while Derpy delivers mail to everypony in Ponyville. Some cartoons have done mostly silent cartoons before after all.