My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Ah okay. Anyone wanna see more of Tirek? I mean I know we probably wont for a while but maybe atleast he'll be referenced or given further more detialed back story.
Tirek is cool, but don't rush his return just yet if he returns at all. It would be nice if we got to see his brother Scorpan, mentioned in the Season 4 finale though.
I saw Equestria Girls 2 today (Camrip Quality on Youtube that was recorded from a theater but still). Here's my thoughts on it.

First thing’s first, it’s much more enjoyable of a movie then the first. If you liked the first one at all, you’ll enjoy this for sure.

However, If you were indifferent to or didn’t like the first movie. I don’t think it’s going to impress that much more. As it does better at what EQG1 did that was entertaining. But at the same time, some problems that existed in the first still linger in the sequel.

One example being Flash Sentry. He has even less appearances and overall screentime then in the first. But almost every scene that had him talk and/or even mentioned was so cringeworthy and forced. I know there are fans out there that were hoping Rainbow Rocks redeemed Flash a little more. But I’m sorry, none of that happened with Flash. I don’t feel he’s any deeper of a character after the first. The part where he’s mean to Twilight doesn’t count cause he was under the Dazzlings’ spell and even if it did count. Then he’s portrayed as an asshole. He’s still very much the Generic Love Interest that he was in the first movie and once again, the movie could of done without him.

But how about I do it again like I did with the first movie with the things I liked:

- There were plenty of great character moments for many of the characters. Including those outside of the Main 6 and Sunset that were fun to see.

- The songs overall were better this time around then the majority of the songs in the first movie. The thing is though, I think ALL of the songs sung by the Dazzlings were far better then any of the songs sung by the HuMane 6/Rainbooms. There was just something different about the way they were sung, while the Mane 6’s song all sounded like Generic Pop. I guess you could say if I was in that crowd I would still be hypnotized :P

- I also liked plenty of the continuity references, there was references to both the previous movie as well as in the show.

- Besides their music, the Dazzlings were a bit fun to watch. Though the constant arguing between the two that aren’t the leader kinda gets on your nerves after a while

But now for what I don’t like:

- I won’t repeat what I just said earlier. But I’ll still list it here: Flash Sentry as a character is a legitimate flaw of the Equestria Girls series. There is nothing that makes me want to see Twilight and Flash together. Thankfully so far this has remained in EQG only. And I hope that’s where it stays. I could not stand it if it leaked over into the main show somehow.

- The movie still had a few forced “Because the plot said so!” moments like Twilight fixing up some sort of device to make the mirror work again. It just speaks of “We didn’t know we were going to end up making a sequel, and this us handwaving a crucial plot element to the first just so we can have a sequel”

- When Sunset was listing off the problems for the reasons most of the students distrust Sunset at the beginning of the movie. But she left out one that I wanted to yell out: She fired a laserbeam at Twilight and the HuMane 5 with the intent to hurt or even kill. I think after that Sunset should understand why the other students don’t trust her yet. And that’s not even getting into the implied years of bullying she’s done. It’s just a little hard to accept the attempt to redeem Sunset after the rather quick ending to the first movie where she was a bitch who became an Evil Demoness without any hint of good within her until she’s crying on the ground after being defeated.

- This is a bit of a minor point, but we didn’t get the full version of Trixie’s song within the movie. That’s kinda weird since she’s the one character who got a full song on the soundtrack that isn’t a Rainboom or a Dazzling song. I listened to it early when the soundtrack was out and on Youtube. And I was looking forward to see what the movie does with it visually. Only for most of the song being muffled while we see the HuMane 5 argue. And we only get little bits of it otherwise.

That’s all for the movie itself. There is one other scene in the movie I want to mention though. Where at the very end we get a glimpse of Human World Twilight. Which I actually find kinda exciting. Because this is either a teaser for the concept of what might be that Equestria Academy series we heard way back. And/or for a 3rd Movie. Why do I say I’m excited for this when I wasn’t that fond of the first, and only a little more of the 2nd? Cause I’m really interested with the possibilities they could do with a brand new Twilight. Because this Twilight hasn’t had the experience of Friendship like her Pony counterpart, she should be similar to how Twilight was early on in the first season. That has great potential for some great character moments. Like the Mane 6 thinking the Human Twi is still the Pony Twi mentioning all this stuff about Magic, Ponies, and more while this Twi will have no idea what they’re talking about.

While it’s likely they’d eventually get more Flashlight. Guess what: Introducing Human Twi may actually fix my biggest problems with FlashLight. Cause it’s a different Twilight from the one in the show, the Human one can have the Human Flash and I don’t have to be afraid of it effecting too much in the main show. FlashLight Human stuff can happen in the Equestria Academy spin-off show and/or the 3rd Movie and I won’t have as much of a problem with it as the pony Twilight we know and love is still how she is in the Main Series.

HOWEVER, even with FlashLight there has to be something that still makes Flash X Human Twi actually interesting. They should not make Human Twi just instantly fall in love with Flash just because the other Twi did. There should be some initial conflict in this relationship. Human Twi doesn’t know Flash Sentry at all, she should find it weird that this guy is trying to come on to her as soon as she arrives at the school. And Flash not knowing any better because either he thinks Human Twi is the Twi he met or if he knows it’s a different Twilight… he’ll think it’ll be just as easy to woo her. As long as they have some degree of conflict in their relationship we can get something out of the two. And not to mention some actual character depth to Flash. If they can manage that, then this is something FlashLight related that I would tolerate.

That’s all I got to say now. I gave the first movie a 5 out of 10 in score. I think based on my first showing, I think the 2nd Movie did well enough to get a 7 out of 10. It’s much more entertaining as a whole then the first movie. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely escaped what was wrong with the first movie. It’s likely not going to change anyone’s opinion on the concept of Equestria Girls. If you liked the first movie, you’ll enjoy this one. But if you weren’t that impressed by the first, I don’t think Rainbow Rocks is going to either.
I hate Flash Sentry so much.

I saw the movie as well. It was overall pretty good. Thought Derpy was gonna sing but nope. The Sirens songs were the best. The ending was once again an over the top taste the rainbow motha *bleep*er laser blast and I loved it.
In before I tried to find the movie from You Tube and Google, it made me crazy. I can't find any of them. However, I finally found it from a website.
The website is called "New Lunar Empire". It is a French website, however you still can change the language to English. Searchthe movie collection and you will find Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. The movie is still in English, so it isn't a problem. Do remember it doesn't work on phones.
Magikrazy said:
has anypony been killed off yet

id suggest killing off snails

maybe in a parody of mice and men

The only one who has been really killed off for real (Not kidding) is Sombra from Crystal Empire (He was the main villain of that two parter). The writer of the episode confirmed a while back that they're most likely not going to bring him back.

Still, some interesting stuff that does change some stuff for future seasons did happen in Season 4.

You know the Treebrary (Or otherwise known as Twilight's house basically) that has been in the series since the beginning of the series? Yeah, that was blown up in the Season Finale.
Magikrazy said:
Did Twilight or Spike get injured?

Or was anyone in there when it blew up?

Twilight was on the balcony at the time the blast was about to hit the tree. But she teleported just in time to avoid being hit (And saves her pet owl) as well. Spike wasn't in there, he was with the others of the Mane 6 that were elsewhere.
Here's my thoughts on the movie

And here's a pointless one shot commentary on my review. Why did this guy respond to me? He doesn't like my opinion on Celestia

My Little Pony, My Little Pony...
(Shows Shadow quickly shooting his gun)
Nah, I'm just kidding. I liked the episodes I watched, but I think it's a bit overrated.
King Harkinian said:
My Little Pony, My Little Pony...
(Shows Shadow quickly shooting his gun)
Nah, I'm just kidding. I liked the episodes I watched, but I think it's a bit overrated.

I could say the same for Shadow :P

Nah. I understand, at least you're not having a silly gut reaction where you question the sanity of people who watch a My Little Pony show that got real old a few years ago :P
The Hub has been replaced with Discovery Family recently. It doesn't harm that much of the Hub's exclusive shows, especially Friendship is Magic. But still kinda sad considering quite a bit of those who worked on the Hub Network were laid off. EQG2: Rainbow Rocks will still be airing on the channel this Friday. And likely whenever Season 5 starts up it will probably air there as well.

Though there is a chance of the FiM being syndicated to other channels, considering Hasbro has signed a deal with Cartoon Network to bring the next Transformers series on to Cartoon Network. They probably won't get the brand new episodes as fast as Discovery Family will. But still 91 episodes from 4 seasons is quite a bit to syndicate.

On another note. Equestria Daily have held polls for Favorite Episodes from a group of 13 (The 26 episode seasons are put in half, while Season 3 is a full season poll because of course how it was shortened)

Here were the results of each:

First Half of Season 1


My thoughts: Personally, I think Winter Wrap-Up only won because of the song. It was a good episode even ignoring the song, but I don't find it the best out of the first 13. I personally feel that goes to Dragonshy, at least it got 2nd. Though I gotta to be honest and say that I think the first half of Season 1 is the weakest stretch of 13 episodes of the entire show.

Second Half of Season 1


My thoughts: Party of One was fun, but I'm always going to have a soft spot for Cutie Mark Chronicles. That is my #1 favorite episode of not only the 2nd half of Season 1, but the only episode of Season 1 I still consider one of my all-time favorite episodes of the show.

First Half of Season 2


My thoughts: Gonna be quite blunt here. Luna Eclipsed only won of these reasons: "Because Luna, nuff said" :P Luna tends to do well on any poll no matter what. My personal choice for best of the first half of Season 2 goes to Lesson Zero for quite a few reasons. Always kind of felt that these days Luna Eclipsed is kind of overrated. Though I'll always love the Luna meets Fluttershy scene.

Second Half of Season 2


My thoughts: This is actually the first of the polls I'm overall satisfied with. Canterlot Wedding (Technically just Part 2 but still) & Hurricane Fluttershy are the Top 2. I wouldn't have even minded if both had switched places.

Season 3


My thoughts: This is one I'm both satisfied AND amused with because of how the fandom has ever been so split about MMC since it's airing. Yet it still managed to win pretty well enough in the Season 3 poll.

First Half of Season 4


My thoughts: Well deserved win there for Pinkie Pride. It is definitely one of the top episodes of the show. I kinda voted for Princess Twilight Sparkle, Part 2. But that's not to say I'm that upset Pinkie Pride won immensely. Pinkie Pie and Weird Al made a great combination.

Second Half of Season 4


My thoughts: It's probably fair to say that this being the most recent episode that it probably got in favor because some people are still feeling the hype from it long ago. But yes I'm happy with this too. Twilight going all DBZ on Tirek's ass? That was an instant all-time highlight for me.

#1 of each previous Poll


My thoughts: Yeah still having a feeling it's part of hype when it dominates even the past winners. But yeah, still a result that I can enjoy for now. At least 4 of my all-time favorites made it onto this poll in the first place
Northern Verve said:
ernesth100 said:
Derpy better get her own episode.

Eh, she doesn't need one. I like Derpy and all, but really the Where's Waldo and occasional foreground appearances (Ex: Luna Eclipsed and Pinkie Pride) is the best use for her. The only way I'd want a Derpy episode and without risking another Last Round-Up incident is to have the entire episode where the only audio comes from sound effects and the music while Derpy delivers mail to everypony in Ponyville. Some cartoons have done mostly silent cartoons before after all.
I here they changed Derpy's name cause it was offensive to disabled people.
ernesth100 said:
Northern Verve said:
ernesth100 said:
Derpy better get her own episode.

Eh, she doesn't need one. I like Derpy and all, but really the Where's Waldo and occasional foreground appearances (Ex: Luna Eclipsed and Pinkie Pride) is the best use for her. The only way I'd want a Derpy episode and without risking another Last Round-Up incident is to have the entire episode where the only audio comes from sound effects and the music while Derpy delivers mail to everypony in Ponyville. Some cartoons have done mostly silent cartoons before after all.
I here they changed Derpy's name cause it was offensive to disabled people.
i call her dumbface because she has a dumb face and also her face is dumb
Lario said:
I'm baffled how this show is still popular.

I definitely don't think it's as popular as it was anymore. But there's still a great amount of people that stuck around. (I think the drama within the fandom that came from the trifecta of everyone being split on the whole Alicorn Twilight thing, Equestria Girls, and also the Cease and Desists of quite a few popular Fandom-made projects. Most notably Fighting is Magic. kinda got in the heads of quite a bit of people) Those who remained though generally were rewarded with what was quite possibly the best season of the show so far, as well as a much better EQG movie compared to the first.

In a way, after all that drama that happened in 2013. I kinda think the fandom (as well as the show itself) is in a bit of a new era in a way. I'm also kinda liking it, it feels much more down-to-earth and quiet compared to back when the show was basically a meme everywhere you go.
Northern Verve said:
In a way, after all that drama that happened in 2013. I kinda think the fandom (as well as the show itself) is in a bit of a new era in a way. I'm also kinda liking it, it feels much more down-to-earth and quiet compared to back when the show was basically a meme everywhere you go.

^That, pretty much. Plus you also have to remember that an adult, predominantly-male fandom following a cartoon aimed at girls was a big novelty in 2011. Now that a few years have passed and the show carved its niche in the mainstream's consciousness, I think a lot of the "hipster" and "bandwagon" fans have come and gone.