My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Rainbow Rocks airs on TV tomorrow.

For those who didn't already see my thoughts on it last page. It is definitely an improvement over the first. But probably for the most part because it had less pressure on actually telling us about the Human world. The 2nd movie isn't without it's contrivances and plot holes that practically plagued the first movie (As well as it's cringeworthy moments, thanks Flash Sentry :mad:). But it's definitely closer to being fewer and less in between.

The Music is also much better. Though that maybe because the songs are closer to Rock then the Pop songs that were in the first movie where the only memorable song from that movie was "Help Twilight Sparkle win the Crown" when this movie has at least three excellently done ones. And they all involve the antagonists somewhere. To be honest, most of the HuMane 6's songs still feel like they're more closer to the generic pop songs that were in the first movie. All the villains songs however sounded different in a good way, they really steal the show musically
Magikrazy said:
i hope they do thrash metal next

metallica as guest stars

That'd be funny xP

But hey considering Season 4 had Weird Al Yankovic guest star in an episode (An awesome one at that). FiM has had at least one really good musical guest.
Northern Verve said:
Rainbow Rocks airs on TV tomorrow.

For those who didn't already see my thoughts on it last page. It is definitely an improvement over the first. But probably for the most part because it had less pressure on actually telling us about the Human world. The 2nd movie isn't without it's contrivances and plot holes that practically plagued the first movie (As well as it's cringeworthy moments, thanks Flash Sentry :mad:). But it's definitely closer to being fewer and less in between.

The Music is also much better. Though that maybe because the songs are closer to Rock then the Pop songs that were in the first movie where the only memorable song from that movie was "Help Twilight Sparkle win the Crown" when this movie has at least three excellently done ones. And they all involve the antagonists somewhere. To be honest, most of the HuMane 6's songs still feel like they're more closer to the generic pop songs that were in the first movie. All the villains songs however sounded different in a good way, they really steal the show musically
Shhhhh you might get some butthurt Sonic recolor do a one shot commentary on this
supermariofan said:
Northern Verve said:
Rainbow Rocks airs on TV tomorrow.

For those who didn't already see my thoughts on it last page. It is definitely an improvement over the first. But probably for the most part because it had less pressure on actually telling us about the Human world. The 2nd movie isn't without it's contrivances and plot holes that practically plagued the first movie (As well as it's cringeworthy moments, thanks Flash Sentry :mad:). But it's definitely closer to being fewer and less in between.

The Music is also much better. Though that maybe because the songs are closer to Rock then the Pop songs that were in the first movie where the only memorable song from that movie was "Help Twilight Sparkle win the Crown" when this movie has at least three excellently done ones. And they all involve the antagonists somewhere. To be honest, most of the HuMane 6's songs still feel like they're more closer to the generic pop songs that were in the first movie. All the villains songs however sounded different in a good way, they really steal the show musically
Shhhhh you might get some butthurt Sonic recolor do a one shot commentary on this

Northern Verve said:
supermariofan said:
Northern Verve said:
Rainbow Rocks airs on TV tomorrow.

For those who didn't already see my thoughts on it last page. It is definitely an improvement over the first. But probably for the most part because it had less pressure on actually telling us about the Human world. The 2nd movie isn't without it's contrivances and plot holes that practically plagued the first movie (As well as it's cringeworthy moments, thanks Flash Sentry :mad:). But it's definitely closer to being fewer and less in between.

The Music is also much better. Though that maybe because the songs are closer to Rock then the Pop songs that were in the first movie where the only memorable song from that movie was "Help Twilight Sparkle win the Crown" when this movie has at least three excellently done ones. And they all involve the antagonists somewhere. To be honest, most of the HuMane 6's songs still feel like they're more closer to the generic pop songs that were in the first movie. All the villains songs however sounded different in a good way, they really steal the show musically
Shhhhh you might get some butthurt Sonic recolor do a one shot commentary on this

Well if you look on the previous page, I did a review of this movie, and when I expressed my personal hatred towards Celestia, some recolor artist did a one shot on it because he likes Celestia and I don't.

You see when someone thinks differently from him he makes a pointless and really shitty commentary
Ah. I didn't really see that video. Though personally in terms of Rainbow Rocks there really wasn't alot that Celestia did, unless you're talking about the Human Celestia. Who isn't exactly the nation leader that Pony Celestia is. The human Celestia couldn't have done anything because she's a normal human like everyone else in this alternate world that has no magic for the exception of the Dazzlings and the HuMane 5.
Northern Verve said:
Ah. I didn't really see that video. Though personally in terms of Rainbow Rocks there really wasn't alot that Celestia did, unless you're talking about the Human Celestia. Who isn't exactly the nation leader that Pony Celestia is. The human Celestia couldn't have done anything because she's a normal human like everyone else in this alternate world that has no magic for the exception of the Dazzlings and the HuMane 5.
But she's the principal she should do something about it, especially when the human ponies are causing a lot of shenanigans on stage...In front of her!!!!
supermariofan said:
Northern Verve said:
Ah. I didn't really see that video. Though personally in terms of Rainbow Rocks there really wasn't alot that Celestia did, unless you're talking about the Human Celestia. Who isn't exactly the nation leader that Pony Celestia is. The human Celestia couldn't have done anything because she's a normal human like everyone else in this alternate world that has no magic for the exception of the Dazzlings and the HuMane 5.
But she's the principal she should do something about it, especially when the human ponies are causing a lot of shenanigans on stage...In front of her!!!!

The Dazzlings had what's essentially hypnosis magic. It's exactly how they were able to make the Musical Showcase into a Battle of the Bands, as well as make it so that the HuMane 6 made it to the final over Trixie. Didn't you notice that when the HuMane 6 go to see Celestia her and Luna's eyes glow green for a short bit?

She couldn't have done anything about it, because she was not in full control of herself. Just like most of the rest of the school. She couldn't of known they were anything but new students. And even if she did realize it before she was hypnotized, it was probably too late at that point.
Cheesy said:
Northern Verve said:
In a way, after all that drama that happened in 2013. I kinda think the fandom (as well as the show itself) is in a bit of a new era in a way. I'm also kinda liking it, it feels much more down-to-earth and quiet compared to back when the show was basically a meme everywhere you go.

^That, pretty much. Plus you also have to remember that an adult, predominantly-male fandom following a cartoon aimed at girls was a big novelty in 2011. Now that a few years have passed and the show carved its niche in the mainstream's consciousness, I think a lot of the "hipster" and "bandwagon" fans have come and gone.

No wonder why I find the show a lot more tolerable now
Viper26 said:
Watched it once but I don't have The Hub. :mad:

Yeah it's a shame finding your way to seeing Pony episodes isn't as easy as it used to be. It used to be so that Pony episodes would be put up on Youtube all the time and it was rarely blocked or at least it was once thought that Hasbro didn't care enough that episodes were being uploaded online for free.

If you're really really, into the show though, there are ways to find it. But probably not a good idea to just link it publically as there's a reason that Hasbro takes the eps down on Youtube. So fans can actually support the official releases (And give them moolah)
Northern Verve said:
Viper26 said:
Watched it once but I don't have The Hub. :mad:

Yeah it's a shame finding your way to seeing Pony episodes isn't as easy as it used to be. It used to be so that Pony episodes would be put up on Youtube all the time and it was rarely blocked or at least it was once thought that Hasbro didn't care enough that episodes were being uploaded online for free.

If you're really really, into the show though, there are ways to find it. But probably not a good idea to just link it publically as there's a reason that Hasbro takes the eps down on Youtube. So fans can actually support the official releases (And give them moolah)

Besides, if they take down a ----ing free fangame that is entirely free to play it, why would you think they would allow those videos up which obviously break copyright (but the free game doesn't?????)
? Block said:
Northern Verve said:
Viper26 said:
Watched it once but I don't have The Hub. :mad:

Yeah it's a shame finding your way to seeing Pony episodes isn't as easy as it used to be. It used to be so that Pony episodes would be put up on Youtube all the time and it was rarely blocked or at least it was once thought that Hasbro didn't care enough that episodes were being uploaded online for free.

If you're really really, into the show though, there are ways to find it. But probably not a good idea to just link it publically as there's a reason that Hasbro takes the eps down on Youtube. So fans can actually support the official releases (And give them moolah)

Besides, if they take down a ----ing free fangame that is entirely free to play it, why would you think they would allow those videos up which obviously break copyright (but the free game doesn't?????)

Yeah I understand the frustration with the whole Fighting is Magic C&D (It didn't help that came around the same time as both the whole Alicorn Twilight debacle as well as Equestria Girls being confirmed to exist. 2013 was just not a mentally healthy year to be a Brony no matter where you stood on any of the big drama)

But at least the team is still making some kind of game even if it's not based on what they planned on with the Ponies. (Lauren Faust is backing them with all-original characters and everything). And there is another Fighting game project that's keeping themselves on the lowdown (I think the main reason Fighting is Magic got shut down was it's exposure at EVO). It happening to be Super Smash Ponies, based on of course the Smash Bros. series that's coming December of this year (Though the problem with this is I think it's kiinnnnndddaaaaa going to be overshadowed by... ya know... the actual official Smash Bros. games? :V)
Eh, it's a fanproject, it's bound to get overshadowed by a big release. I'm sure hardcore pony fans will want it nevertheless and that it will gain some popularity. I'm just a little peeved that the team couldn't use the mane six for reasons that are clear as clean glass fair use.
ernesth100 said:
Theres a new pony movie.

Not coming until 2017. But can I say FINALLY a pony-specific movie after two and a likely 3rd EQG film.

Smg2daisy said:
There is one
After everyone saw another scientist Twilight and screamed of joy

Though to be fair, that alone made me want to see a 3rd EQG movie. And considering I didn't even want a 2nd, that's really the biggest compliment I can give Rainbow Rocks. The sequel I never wanted ended up making me want to actually see more.

There is SOOOOOO much potential for some good moments with this new Twilight. Even if they make the Pony Twilight go back again because it'd be two different Twilight's meeting.
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)

Oh there's some posts from early on that aren't so kind to the show in this thread. But I think the whole fiery hate thing has died down at the same time that "Ponies being everywhere" has also kinda died down. More people are aware or have come to terms that there is a popular My Little Pony show and it's reached the Mainstream consciousness at least regarding the Internet. Back in 2012 it was pretty much a strange novelty on the internet. It's grown even more popular since and some of the bandwagon fans that went in just for the irony and/or the memes eventually stopped.

That's not to say there still isn't the occasional overreaction (Whether positively or negatively) to Ponies being posted somewhere. But I don't think it's as much as it used to be.
Northern Verve said:
The Spiked Red One said:
Okay, I live on the internet and have a question to ask.

How is there a pony thread without fiery hate posts?

(not from me, by the way, I'm fine with the show)

Oh there's some posts from early on that aren't so kind to the show in this thread. But I think the whole fiery hate thing has died down at the same time that "Ponies being everywhere" has also kinda died down. More people are aware or have come to terms that there is a popular My Little Pony show and it's reached the Mainstream consciousness at least regarding the Internet. Back in 2012 it was pretty much a strange novelty on the internet. It's grown even more popular since and some of the bandwagon fans that went in just for the irony and/or the memes eventually stopped.

That's not to say there still isn't the occasional overreaction (Whether positively or negatively) to Ponies being posted somewhere. But I don't think it's as much as it used to be.

I've been going on Imgur a lot recently.

...Yeah... those people are not nice on that topic...