My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Thwompinalltheway said:
Speaking of Discord..,. Is Discord best villain? Also WHEN is the premier of season 5 going to come out? Been waiting since 2014.

Season 5 starts in Spring. We don't know any more exact dates then that right now.

As for Discord being best villain. I think he was... until Season 4 that is. Tirek made even Discord how he was in Return of Harmony look like a chump. The moment Tirek steals his magic feels like a metaphor for how he usurped him as the best villain this show has had.
Northern Verve said:
Thwompinalltheway said:
Speaking of Discord..,. Is Discord best villain? Also WHEN is the premier of season 5 going to come out? Been waiting since 2014.

Season 5 starts in Spring. We don't know any more exact dates then that right now.

As for Discord being best villain. I think he was... until Season 4 that is. Tirek made even Discord how he was in Return of Harmony look like a chump. The moment Tirek steals his magic feels like a metaphor for how he usurped him as the best villain this show has had.

Tirek is awesome infact Tirek could qualify for one of the more dangerous villians in cartoons. If he kept absorbing magic and energy god knows how powerful he would've gotten. Island maybe even planet Buster level.
(Note: This being a Twitter image, please read from the bottom to the top)


Jayson gave a few short teaser sentences for Season 5. Including one at the very end that is probably a joke


...Or is it?

Then again, I assume if there truly is a death in Season 5. It'd be a villain much like what Sombra's fate was in Season 3 basically. Or if it is a character that's been in the show a long while, it'd probably be a character that we know is really old like Granny Smith. I don't think they'll kill off anyone young and/or major in this show. Friendship is Magic isn't Game of Thrones
what if at the end twilight wakes up oz-style and realizes that she was just knocked unconscious by someone throwing a book at her and that she still has no friends

that'd be a great ending to the series
Nabber said:
what if at the end twilight wakes up oz-style and realizes that she was just knocked unconscious by someone throwing a book at her and that she still has no friends

that'd be a great ending to the series


Nabber said:
what if at the end twilight wakes up oz-style and realizes that she was just knocked unconscious by someone throwing a book at her and that she still has no friends

that'd be a great ending to the series
That is so unrealistic Nabber. Who besides Twilight uses books? It would be more like a football instead.
Magikrazy said:
Hope they turn Diamond Tiara into glue.

That would be the best ending ever

What bothers me a little is Discord is nowhere to be seen here, I thought that since he joined them he would get a little more attention, maybe he's just Trollestia's assistant
Very cool trailer! Looks quite interesting. Also a nice touch to have Twilight and Spike hug eachother over looking at the wreckage of the old library, and who knows what's really behind the Equal Cutie Mark town. I can't help but get a feeling it's kinda similar to the Equalist thing in Korra where instead of taking away bending there's this villain who hypnotizes a whole town of ponies into Stepford Smilers and makes their Cutie Marks all the same because the villain doesn't like how different Cutie Marks make ponies from one another.

Heck, with every one in town with those smiles. He might have also taken away their personality as well.
I don't really get how changing Cutie Marks change the ponies' personality? I mean, I think I'm sure the CMC's personalities won't change if (hypothetically speaking) got their cutie marks. Heck, I don't think the Main 6 had any personality change other than perhaps more confidence in their skill when they got their cutie marks.
Didn't the opposite happen in The Magic Medicine Cure? They swapped cutie marks and they were bad at what the marks said.

Then again in Cute Pox Apple Bloom got a bunch of cutie marks and automatically got the talent and became a fucking one pony show.

Get your facts straight hasbro