My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Northern Verve said:
Toy Chica said:
Northern Verve said:
Pink Unicorn.
What, not even red?

Nope. Actually to be more precise she's kinda in the line between pink and purple.


Dat evil grin tho
Dat, staff tho. Dat mane tho. I sense great potential.
We now know what the title for the Season 5 Opener will be. It will be called Cutie Markless. This was confirmed via a press release for a DVD that includes Show Stoppers, Return of Harmony, and the Season 5 Opener.

Nothing really else was revealed. Like the exact airing date for the opener has remained elusive. But it's something.

From my experience though, it's good when they keep things mainly tight-lipped until the episode airs. It's what made the latter half of Canterlot Wedding as well as the epic DBZ-esque fight in the Season 4 Finale so sweet.
I know this seems a little pointless but on the inside I feel good and strange geeking out about a tv show based on a toyline for little girls
supermariofan said:
I know this seems a little pointless but on the inside I feel good and strange geeking out about a tv show based on a toyline for little girls
That's how every fan feels. But we watch it anyway so...guess there's no point in complaining.
Here's another trailer

At 0:17 seems to be Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch judging for a singing competition. (Equestria Idol anyone?)

Also with Sweetie Belle there... I'm getting the gut feeling we'll be seeing the CMC. Or at the very least Sweetie Belle get her cutie mark in the episode from which that clip is from.
Northern Verve said:
Here's another trailer

At 0:17 seems to be Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch judging for a singing competition. (Equestria Idol anyone?)

Also with Sweetie Belle there... I'm getting the gut feeling we'll be seeing the CMC. Or at the very least Sweetie Belle get her cutie mark in the episode from which that clip is from.
Speaking of...

Why hasn't Scootaloo gotten her cutie mark?! She has a talent: Riding on a Scooter! How is that not enough for a cutie mark?!
She actually got her cutie mark, but she covers it up with makeup so she doesn't hurt her friends' feelings.

Spoiler: its a fan theory
supermariofan said:
Northern Verve said:
Here's another trailer

At 0:17 seems to be Rarity, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch judging for a singing competition. (Equestria Idol anyone?)

Also with Sweetie Belle there... I'm getting the gut feeling we'll be seeing the CMC. Or at the very least Sweetie Belle get her cutie mark in the episode from which that clip is from.
Speaking of...

Why hasn't Scootaloo gotten her cutie mark?! She has a talent: Riding on a Scooter! How is that not enough for a cutie mark?!

Getting a cutie mark in FiM isn't just doing something cool. While it can be part of it (Ex: Rainbow performing the Sonic Rainboom for the 1st time, Twilight having a major magic freakout that impresses Celestia), getting a cutie mark is entertwined with when the pony realizes what they want to do most in life and as MMC established also is related to the destiny of the Pony.

If right now it did what you ask with doing cool Scooter tricks. Then Scootaloo's destiny would just being a daredevil using a Scooter and that's it. I think it's been implied by now that she has a talent in something more broad then just that.
Of the main 6 characters, which one do you dislike the most?
Condescending Wonka said:
Of the main 6 characters, which one do you dislike the most?

Absolutely none of them. They're all great.

Princess Power House said:
I looked at Youtube's Season 5 episode list. I get this:

Um, those are all Season 4 episodes.

There's no way we could know enough episode titles of Season 5 to make a list anyway. We only know the Opening will be called The Cutie Mark-less and that's it.
Northern Verve said:
Condescending Wonka said:
Of the main 6 characters, which one do you dislike the most?

Absolutely none of them. They're all great.

Princess Power House said:
I looked at Youtube's Season 5 episode list. I get this:

Um, those are all Season 4 episodes.

There's no way we could know enough episode titles of Season 5 to make a list anyway. We only know the Opening will be called The Cutie Mark-less and that's it.

Yeah, I clicked Season 5 and that popped up. You try.