My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Princess Power House said:
Yeah, I clicked Season 5 and that popped up. You try.


It doesn't change the fact all those episodes titles are from Season 4. Either that playlist is a typo (Typed in 5 instead of 4) or it's a list of episodes from Season 4 meant to rewatch to get a Pony fix before Season 5 begins
Northern Verve said:
Princess Power House said:
Yeah, I clicked Season 5 and that popped up. You try.


It doesn't change the fact all those episodes titles are from Season 4. Either that playlist is a typo (Typed in 5 instead of 4) or it's a list of episodes from Season 4 meant to rewatch to get a Pony fix before Season 5 begins

That's a good theory.

Also, look what I found as a pic for a meme. Go away, Rarity.
Princess Power House said:
I agree. Whenever she's being helpful, the time feels overly convenient and set-up.
I would look at the piano, and wait. I was nervous about playing it. I walked up to the it...

"Good evening, mares, stallions, and fillies!" the announcer would say. "Tonight, a filly will be playing Do Re Mi on piano!"

Everyone stomped, as if they were clapping. I, meanwhile was nervous. The curtains opened, the lights dimmed. A spotlight faced me. I was ready.

As I played, everyone started to smile, until I finished. That's when they cheered, stomped, and threw roses. I was pretty happy. Then, I realized that I had recieved my Cutie Mark! I was REALLY happy!

I wanna leave this here. ^
Condescending Wonka said:
Of the main 6 characters, which one do you dislike the most?

Probably Rarity though she does have her good moments I admit.
Pretty sure it's Fluttershy
DragonFreak said:
My least favorite is probably collectively the entire bronies' favorite.

That varies though. Twilight, Luna, and Fluttershy are all ponies who have won Best Pony/Favorite Pony in huge numbered polls at some point in time. If you're thinking Rainbow is that which I assume is what is your least favorite of the 6. Just because she's probably the one that appeared in the most meme stuff early on (20% Cooler for example) doesn't mean she's the collective favorite.

Honestly I think Rainbow's a little polarizing in some ways. Maybe not quite as much as say Pinkie or Rarity but nonetheless while I have seen alot of love for her (Heck even I love her, since Season 4 she rose up to become my 2nd favorite pony, only Twilight do I like more) I have seen those who utterly DESPISE her. Even people I know who are at least somewhat level-headed.
Remember when that one magazine called RD a lesbian stereotype and called the show racist for having no black ponies?
Magikrazy said:
Remember when that one magazine called RD a lesbian stereotype and called the show racist for having no black ponies?

Yeeaaaah a show about technicolor ponies isn't the best place to rant about racial diversity: hell, the colors the ponies are are very diverse anyway.

And the lesbian stereotype is laughably...ugh.
Magikrazy said:
Remember when that one magazine called RD a lesbian stereotype and called the show racist for having no black ponies?

I think that was some article that Lauren Faust herself went and responded to. The Article was saying that it was racist because Celestia is white and Nightmare Moon is black.

And while Bronies themselves are guilty of this sometimes (Though Shipping in FiM is kinda full of Lesbian ships I even ship Twilight and Rainbow just a little.... There's alot more of those then Straight Ships partly because there's not many main Male characters. The only really popular Straight shipping is probably Fluttershy and Big Mac (How do I know that? There were appearently death threats on dA from Fluttermac shippers when Cheerimac pictures started going up after Hearts and Hooves Day during Season 2 :V) it did call Rainbow a lesbian just because "Rainbows!" and/or "Tomboy!"
Official synopsis for the first four episodes (The first two obviously being the opening two-parter as is tradition by now)

"The Mane 6 arrive in a village to solve a friendship problem and find out that everyone in the village has given up their Cutie Marks."
"The Mane 6 have their Cutie Marks taken and must find a way to get them back from the pony who took them."
"The ponies try to make Princess Twilight's castle feel more like home after finding out she's been avoiding it."

I like this idea for an episode, could be very heartfelt and it makes sense for Twilight to have those kind of sentimental feelings for the tree that was destroyed in the Season 4 Finale
"Apple Bloom has high anxiety over getting her Cutie Mark and it begins to turn her life into a nightmare."

I think the wording is weird in saying getting her cutie mark because it makes it sound Apple Bloom gets her cutie mark at the beginning and for some reason another gets anxietic about it. When it probably just means she's reached her breaking point of still not having hers. Which may be a set up for her getting her cutie mark near the end of the episode or in a later episode of the season. Either way, this Season could finally have us see the CMC get their Cutie Marks after so long. And that's good :)
It's kinda of a shame that we already know what sort of cutie mark the CMC are going to get if they're getting theirs in this season.
Yeah, but that's also why it's good if it is finally happening. We get it over with. And we can still have CMC episodes even afterwards (Because with things like the Crystal Empire, AliTwi, and even Twi's new castle home. This show has shown it can change things up and still continue on. When in a less successful show, the whole AliTwi thing may have been the series finale and the CMC's Cutie Marks part of the big history of cartoons that had something that had the show lasted longer it would of gotten to but the show is canceled before it happens.)
The CMC getting their cutie marks sequentially could definitely be interesting: the first one to get it would feel bad and might even feel like she should leave the group since she doesn't need to find her special talent anymore; and then the last one could also feel bad, or the others feel bad for her or just don't know what to say or do, and there's always the chance that jealousy between friends could occur as well. And once they all have their marks, it's the old question of "where do we go from here?" - and finally a new status quo where they just hang out even without a fixed quest uniting them (besides helping each other work on their talents) - since it's ultimately their friendship that unites them.

Assuming that's the direction the show goes with them, of course.
I guess because a lot of shows make stereotypical characters like that, and the article writer didn't know much about Friendship is Magic, it seemed like on the surface that Rainbow Dash was supposed to be a stereotypical lesbian character. Because of not being stereotypically feminine and having a rainbow mane.

Feminists are people too and make mistakes and prejudgements. I don't like that people use things like these to be against feminism. Lauren Faust herself is a feminist.

I think the sea serpent Stephen Magnet may supposed to be a gay stereotype. His sexuality isn't stated, but it seems very likely. Actually, not many characters in the show have their attractions mentioned, other than Rarity and Princess Cadence.

To be honest, while stereotypes are bad. It would be nice to have more LGBT characters in shows. It seems like LGBT characters are very missing from children's shows. Because I guess people think it's bad for children to seen LGBT people. Which is really sad and offensive. Even Vivian, one of my favourite Mario characters, was censored for being a transwoman.

... I fear the Hub wouldn't risk having an out LGBT character in the cast. :<
Lovely Shroomy said:
I guess because a lot of shows make stereotypical characters like that, and the article writer didn't know much about Friendship is Magic, it seemed like on the surface that Rainbow Dash was supposed to be a stereotypical lesbian character. Because of not being stereotypically feminine and having a rainbow mane.

Feminists are people too and make mistakes and prejudgements. I don't like that people use things like these to be against feminism. Lauren Faust herself is a feminist.

I think the sea serpent Stephen Magnet may supposed to be a gay stereotype. His sexuality isn't stated, but it seems very likely. Actually, not many characters in the show have their attractions mentioned, other than Rarity and Princess Cadence.

To be honest, while stereotypes are bad. It would be nice to have more LGBT characters in shows. It seems like LGBT characters are very missing from children's shows. Because I guess people think it's bad for children to seen LGBT people. Which is really sad and offensive. Even Vivian, one of my favourite Mario characters, was censored for being a transwoman.

... I fear the Hub wouldn't risk having an out LGBT character in the cast. :<

I wouldn't be against anything of the sort being in the show somehow. But I just doubt it will happen because it's not exactly My Little Pony's job to really get that out there (Since the main concern that Hasbro wants is that it sells toys to little girls. As unfair as it is, having an important character be LGBT may result in boycotts from those families with parents of fundamentalist values). Yes, Legend of Korra had something like that. But even then the series finished by the time they had their confirming that Korra was Bi. Korra won't continue on besides maybe the comics of which it would be mainly the adult audience buying it anyway.

Also, for the most part the series + Equestria Girls haven't even gotten straight romance all that great. They've done couples that are implied to have been together a long time decent enough (That would be Mr & Mrs. Cake as well as Shining Armor and Cadence) but in other cases it was just a set up for a full-on comedy episode (Hearts and Hooves Day with a love potion, and Simple Ways for the one episode only Love Triangle set-up) or the pony the Main character was crushing on ended up being an egotistical jerk (Prince Blueblood). And don't get me started on Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls because... urgh...

All I'm saying is Romance isn't this show's strong suit at all and I'm not confident in them suddenly improving that regardless if it's a straight or lesbian relationship for any important character in the actual show.

The closest arguably to a LGBT thing would be this tiny scene between background characters in EQG2: Rainbow Rocks


But it's really subtle if it even is that because you could also say they were just "In the moment". And even if it is, these are just background characters. Not quite as special if it were between even just secondary characters.
Lovely Shroomy said:
To be honest, while stereotypes are bad. It would be nice to have more LGBT characters in shows. It seems like LGBT characters are very missing from children's shows. Because I guess people think it's bad for children to seen LGBT people. Which is really sad and offensive. Even Vivian, one of my favourite Mario characters, was censored for being a transwoman.

... I fear the Hub wouldn't risk having an out LGBT character in the cast. :<

I think children's shows would benefit a whole bunch more if it was taught that openly LGBT people are normal people just like anyone else. This is why education is very important: it helps stifle bigotry and ignorance of the subject. Knowledge is power.

However I don't think My Little Pony is the right show to ask for LGBT people honestly, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some characters openly LGBT people either; but as Northern Verve said, My Little Pony doesn't handle love stories well.
It'd decent at some romantic comedy. As Hearts and Hooves Day is actually one of my favorites of Season 2. And while Simple Ways isn't quite as good as Hearts and Hooves Day it has hilarious moments on it's own.

Case in point

But actual new romance it definitely hasn't done anything too good. Prince Blueblood being a jerk doomed that from the start, as much as they keep Spike's crush on Rarity around it's pretty obvious it isn't to grow to anything special, and Flash Sentry is just one of the worst things. (One of my biggest fears is they try to implement Pony Flash Sentry as Twilight's boyfriend in the actual show. The absolute nightmare scenario for me is to find out a future episode show is about Twi's first date with Flash. I'd argue that'd be just as bad as making the rest of the Mane 6 Alicorn Princesses*.)

*Note: Remember that I actually liked Twilight becoming a princess. It makes sense if you've paid attention to Twi's story the whole way through. It would make no sense whatsoever to make the rest Princesses cause that was never any of their goals.