My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Northern Verve said:
Yeah Pinkie rapped. I personally found it funny. And don't really count it as a serious song,
*song proceeds to be included from mlp albums and i have to painstakingly remove all the irritating 30 second pinkie pie bits from my mp3 player*
supermariofan said:
Speaking of Twilight's library, was this really necessary?!
You gotta be *bleep*ing joking!
I am almost certain that's definitely a joke. Too bad too many people seem to think it isn't.
i feel like you've become the nabber to fim's legend of korra

also omp digimon adventure
Shoutmon said:
i feel like you've become the nabber to fim's legend of korra

also omp digimon adventure
Has something been going on in that thread? I've never stepped in there because I don't want to spoil the show, I plan on watching it at some point.
nabber dislikes legend of korra, but he keeps watching it. i surmise that this is because he enjoys hating it as much as its normal fans enjoy liking it
Oh, I see.

Nah, I don't hate the show. It's decent. Not really something that interests me (and why should it? it's a children's cartoon), but whatever. I don't even watch it.

I do watch Joshscorcher, who primarily does video game top ten lists and secondarily does MLP reviews. So all my exposure to the show comes from his reviews, which I enjoy watching because they're hilarious.

Does that make sense?
BVB Guy said:
Good season. I thought Rainbow Falls comedic but flawed. I didn't like Power Ponies because they had a writer from Johnny Test(Thank Heavens that show is finally dead) in it as well as Johnny-Test-like humor. I was amused by everything else overall. This was a great season. Also, yay for Derpy and Luna.

I found Power Ponies ok xP I know what it was going for, just something fun the staff wanted to do with Superheroes. Many of the ridiculous stuff happening within the comic book was supposed to be kinda a parody of how comic books were alot of the time in the 1950's or 1960's. I do however think Rainbow Falls was the lowest the Season ever got. But besides that, I agree that it was a great one. My absolute favorite of the series thus far.
Northern Verve said:
BVB Guy said:
Good season. I thought Rainbow Falls comedic but flawed. I didn't like Power Ponies because they had a writer from Johnny Test(Thank Heavens that show is finally dead) in it as well as Johnny-Test-like humor. I was amused by everything else overall. This was a great season. Also, yay for Derpy and Luna.

I found Power Ponies ok xP I know what it was going for, just something fun the staff wanted to do with Superheroes. Many of the ridiculous stuff happening within the comic book was supposed to be kinda a parody of how comic books were alot of the time in the 1950's or 1960's. I do however think Rainbow Falls was the lowest the Season ever got. But besides that, I agree that it was a great one. My absolute favorite of the series thus far.
Yeah, see, that's the thing... it wasn't being a parody. It was taking comic book cliches and playing them painfully straight. I think thing Mr. Enter said it best, the writers of Johnny Test don't know the difference between a parody and playing something straight. There were a lot of bad things about the episode, like being bogged down with exposition, the ham-fisted moral about Spike not feeling useless, the botched execution of said moral that made it seem like Spike's only useful when everyone else is rendered useless or incompetent, Fluttershy not caring that her friends are hurt despite raging out against a dragon, her biggest fear, when they were hurt by it, the list goes on really.
I've started the series, and so far I like Twilight Sparkle the best, because she's the most reasonable. Some of the characters can be a bit odd at times (Applejack in Applebuck Season.)
I can see why some people hate Trixie, but I did feel sorry for her reaction when those 2 morons were all "Herp derp we set a big bear on da village"