My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Northern Verve said:
supermariofan said:
Yeah but it's like throwing a party for jews, you get bored, so you invite nazis to liven things up.

Er, in case it isn't obvious. Discord isn't exactly a villain anymore. He is in fact reformed. He's just... well... kind of a jerk. I don't think Nazis to a Jewish party is quite the same analogy.

Right now it's more like inviting your "crazy uncle" (Even if you don't have one, think hypothetically) to a family reunion that would otherwise be uninteresting. But he livens up the party if he's there with crazy shenanigans whether or not most people actually attending are amused by the antics.

With how long Celestia has lived she's probably had enough of the uninteresting galas. Both Season 1's Finale as well as this episode are a result of Celestia just wanting to have fun for once.
Yeah...having fun watching everyone feel humiliated


Sesame Streets came into my mind. I died there, in the English class...
We have synopsis for Episodes 9, 10, and 11

One special note is that Episode 9 is the 100th episode of the show. The staff has actually been hyping that one because it's a particularly special one that focuses on some of the popular Background Ponies as opposed to the Mane 6.

"As Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity battle a monster, the rest of Ponyville rushes to make it to a wedding on time."

"When Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing disturbs Princess Twilight, the power soon goes to his head and he begins making decisions in her name."

"An important friendship summit takes a disastrous turn and it's up to Pinkie Pie to save the day."
I saw Season 1 & 2 ages ago (back when you could call people "everypony" on certain places of the internet without getting angry-mobbed) and I saw Season 3 and 4 when they aired so I might be forgetting some things.

Out of Season 5 I've only seen the premiere episodes (with the gobbudisd pony) and the Discord episode. I liked the stoner pony. Tree Hugger, was it? I'll be watching the rest of Season 5 when I get a chance.

What's wrong with Celestia inviting Discord to a place the Mane Six are? Don't they still have the power to turn him into a statue? "Send Tree Hugger back to Ponyville or we'll turn you into a statue!"
Puddin said:
What's wrong with Celestia inviting Discord to a place the Mane Six are? Don't they still have the power to turn him into a statue? "Send Tree Hugger back to Ponyville or we'll turn you into a statue!"

They gave up the elements to the Tree of Harmony back in the Season Opener. So they couldn't just do that.

By now though, Discord's no longer a bad guy in the sense that Equestria's in danger while he's out. As even shown in the episode, Discord's too attached to Fluttershy now.
Northern Verve said:
Puddin said:
What's wrong with Celestia inviting Discord to a place the Mane Six are? Don't they still have the power to turn him into a statue? "Send Tree Hugger back to Ponyville or we'll turn you into a statue!"

They gave up the elements to the Tree of Harmony back in the Season Opener. So they couldn't just do that.

By now though, Discord's no longer a bad guy in the sense that Equestria's in danger while he's out. As even shown in the episode, Discord's too attached to Fluttershy now.
To change the subject for a sec, the main reason I didn't like Keep Calm and Flutter On was this. Discord was perfectly in-character (a Hades-like troll) for most of the episode, and then he suddenly becomes obsessed with friendship at the end.
Good Cop and Bad Cop said:
Northern Verve said:
Puddin said:
What's wrong with Celestia inviting Discord to a place the Mane Six are? Don't they still have the power to turn him into a statue? "Send Tree Hugger back to Ponyville or we'll turn you into a statue!"

They gave up the elements to the Tree of Harmony back in the Season Opener. So they couldn't just do that.

By now though, Discord's no longer a bad guy in the sense that Equestria's in danger while he's out. As even shown in the episode, Discord's too attached to Fluttershy now.
To change the subject for a sec, the main reason I didn't like Keep Calm and Flutter On was this. Discord was perfectly in-character (a Hades-like troll) for most of the episode, and then he suddenly becomes obsessed with friendship at the end.

Yeah it was pretty rushed. I felt Season 4 did a good job in fixing it. Even taking a little bit of a slow route. He was still pretty much a big jerk around where in the opener he briefly forgets Fluttershy's name (Though that also may have been just a joke) and even grabs Rainbow instead of Fluttershy. People who liked that episode kinda hated that moment of the Opener but it felt right with me personally since it kinda made more sense then the instant 180 degree flip.

Then the Season 4 Finale making an actual solid reason for Discord to turn good for his friends for good after he's betrayed by Tirek.

Looks like Gilda will make her first appearence since 94 episodes ago.

Kinda expected since it would be a missed oppurtunity for there to be no Gilda when not only is this a Pinkie and Rainbow duo episode like Griffon the Brush-Off was but they're going to the land of the griffons. This episode got a whole lot interesting either way though. And it already was pretty important since this is part of the Season's arc.
Northern Verve said:

Looks like Gilda will make her first appearence since 94 episodes ago.

Kinda expected since it would be a missed oppurtunity for there to be no Gilda when not only is this a Pinkie and Rainbow duo episode like Griffon the Brush-Off was but they're going to the land of the griffons. This episode got a whole lot interesting either way though. And it already was pretty important since this is part of the Season's arc.
Gilda's back? Fuck me.
supermariofan said:
Gilda's back? Fuck me.

It makes perfect sense though. I don't exactly like Gilda as a character either but it makes sense for her to return in this episode.

Like I said, This is a Pinkie/Rainbow episode. The last time they were the major duo of an episode just so happens to be Griffon the Brush-Off. And if that wasn't enough, they're going to the land of the Griffons. It'd be a missed oppurtunity otherwise as a result. It's honestly exciting to see a character from so long ago in the show come back. There's obviously going to be some tension/conflict between Gilda and Rainbow (Pinkie too, but mostly Rainbow) cause we do have to remember Gilda and Rainbow were friends prior to Griffon the Brush-Off. They're not going to easily forget the moment where if it didn't outright end their friendship, it certainly strained it. This could be the most interesting character reappearence since Magic Duel (Which also happened to return an early Season 1 Antagonist)
Haha this was another great one! I actually can't say if I liked this one more or less then last week's. Both Pinkie and Rainbow were great in this episode.

And Gilda gets her own bit of redemption in this episode too

Plenty of laughs + Interesting worldbuilding + Great characterization = Solid episode. ^^
There's been a bit of a 2-week hiatus between the last and this week's episode coming up Saturday. But I thought I'd let people here know the next one's a particularly big one. It's the 100th episode of the entire show. And what the staff did for it is make it a big thank you to the fans. For if it were not for the popularity it garnered in the 4-5 years this show has been around it likely would of ended much earlier.

So they're centering this episode around some of the popular background characters from within the fandom.


Derpy! (And yes she'll talk again. Likely alot more lines then she had in Last Round-Up too)

Doctor Whooves

As well as Vinyl Scratch and Octavia (Who are even confirmed to live within the same house)

Could be even more surprises throughout the ep, but it should be a fun episode. It will unfortunately probably cause some degree of drama from those who hate any kind of fan pandering or those who are too attached to their headcanons about background ponies that rage just because the canon portrayal of them is not to their standard.

But those within the fandom within the right mind should know this is a love letter to the fandom that will only stick around for just this one episode. I'll treat it as a celebration of how far this show has gotten as not many cartoons get this far. (Not counting shows that are in 11-minute half that make it to 50 episodes. I mean a full set of 100 22-minute long episodes) So I hope to just enjoy all the little nods the episode gives the fandom and celebrate a great milestone ^^
Haha that was pretty great I say. I had faith that Larson could pull a background pony episode and still keep a fun story.

And the moral at the end has two excellent meanings. 1. It works in-universe with all the background characters now they got a little more exposure for those who are generally outside of the fandom at large (Target Demographic and/or more Casual Fans of the show) and 2. It works on a meta level because it's us as a fandom that expanded on the many background ponies and for the most part they've canonized quite a bit of it now. We ourselves gave more depth to the many ponies that were only there for a few seconds but just by the designs and our own imaginations we brought them to life.

And that's what this episode is about, expanding people's horizons beyond the main cast as well a big thank you to the fans. This is what the 100th episode aimed to do, and I personally believe they did it wonderfully. Thank you everyone involved the show, this episode will always be solid proof that they appreciate us. I hope most fans can give back some of that appreciation as well. This isn't something that comes around that often. :D
Today's episode was a Spike episode. It was just decent. Not great but also not too bad. However since the last three were so good though the disappointment's probably going to set in with this one. And it's not going to help Spike episode reputation whatsoever in the fandom I'm sure. (The only Spike episodes I could say are well-liked I think are Secret of my Excess back in Season 2 and Inspiration Manifestation in Season 4)

What good I can get from it though is Twilight was very cute in this episode when she was tired, and the fact Spike did try his best to cover for her while she's asleep. The fact Twilight got a good rest showed he at least succeeded at something. But given during this time Spike pretty much is at fault for an angry mob being formed, a pipe breaking, a delicate statue breaking, etc. it doesn't exactly outweigh the bad of what he did...
I would like to point out that one scene at the end when

Twilight was suspecting what Spike was doing, Spike was about to climb out a window...was Spike attempting suicide like a coward? I know I'm reading waaaaayy too deep but that's what it seems like.
supermariofan said:
I would like to point out that one scene at the end when

Twilight was suspecting what Spike was doing, Spike was about to climb out a window...was Spike attempting suicide like a coward? I know I'm reading waaaaayy too deep but that's what it seems like.
He wasn't attempting suicide... he was attempting to flee.
Ruby said:
supermariofan said:
I would like to point out that one scene at the end when

Twilight was suspecting what Spike was doing, Spike was about to climb out a window...was Spike attempting suicide like a coward? I know I'm reading waaaaayy too deep but that's what it seems like.
He wasn't attempting suicide... he was attempting to flee.
Flee where? To the ground that's like 50 feet below from where he is?
Magikrazy said:
50 feet? I don't think her house is that high. Or did Twilight move to Canterlot since she became a princess?

They were in Canterlot for just that episode. Twilight was just in a temporary room while she attends the Summit meeting.

But anyway I think you read too much into it SMF. It's what Mason said, Spike was simply trying to escape. (Besides even if he fell far it'd probably just lead to Cartoonish Slapstick)
This week's was much better. Ah so many good character moments, facial expressions (I may have a hard time picking my next Twilight avatar for the first time in a while!), new things, etc.

I do have to say Pinkie's been amazing throughout Season 5, she's really been top notch through pretty much every episode she's appeared in.

On another note, I'm excited for the next one it's about Twilight apologizing to past buddies she's had from before the series (They happen to be the 3 ponies you see Twilight run past during the pilot. Talk about one huge callback!)