My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Magikrazy said:
Aren't those three background ponies regularly?

How will that work?

Well that can be kinda excused that most of the time regarding background ponies they're just used for filler when a crowd is needed and most of the time the choice of pony being there is completely random. However you are right that those 3 have appeared multiple times in previous episodes and who knows the episode may even reference that. But anyway they're reuniting officially in Canterlotaccording to the synopsis.

Though when looking at pictures of the three I noticed in the episode Slice of Life that was focused on Background Ponies the yellow one of the three is the one who holds the Twlicane and there's some momenrs you see the white and the blue one walking together. Who knew that could be a future continuty nod? Considering Larson wrote this episode and the next one. I wouldn't doubt that was intentional, Larson's the best at continuity in this show.
I'm thinking based on the Twilight and Flash Sentry doll pack, their chemistry in Friendship Games will be great.

Equestria Girls: A lot of good talking
Rainbow Rocks: Meh. Barely on-screen together

I'm hoping this will have the best chemistry of the three movies.
supermariofan said:
I'm thinking based on the Twilight and Flash Sentry doll pack, their chemistry in Friendship Games will be great.

Equestria Girls: A lot of good talking
Rainbow Rocks: Meh. Barely on-screen together

I'm hoping this will have the best chemistry of the three movies.

Bleh, I never look forward to anything Flash Sentry related. Though I imagine they may at least hook up Flash with the actual Human born Twilight. And that's just fine, as it is a different Twilight.

Just please, please, PLEASE for the love of all that is holy do not have Human and Pony Twilight (if they do meet anyway) fight over Flash Sentry. Those type of plots are NEVER fun to watch. Nothing has been shown to make Flash worth fighting over and it'd feel like a real disgrace to both Twilight's character.

I've always felt Flash was only there because Hasbro had a checklist of High School Movie cliches that had to be fulfilled and that includes the generic love interest that Flash is. Thankfully his role is pretty downplayed in both previous films as you could take him out and the plot would barely change (The person who shows Human Luna that the photos were faked (and hilariously not even photoshopped but actual cut and paste) could of literally been anyone in the first movie) and he's relatively even more downplayed in Rainbow Rocks despite him being known as a guy with a band his kiss with Twilight was even stopped by Trixie (I was pretty relieved to see that)

Instant new fave of the season. Slice of Life and the Discord ep might have been really good too but this one was more then just laughs and absolute craziness going on. It's relatable to anyone who has old friends they haven't talked to in years and just has all the feels going for it. I already can say I rank it amongst my favorites of the entire series. Which not counting two parters as seperate episodes is finally a Personal Top 10 list.
Well now, Season 6 is apparently coming this year... We're just now getting to the halfway point of Season 5...

I think this means a couple of things

*This explains why the Hiatus between Seasons 4 and 5 was so darn long. They started working on Season 6 at the time too!
*Given it's coming so soon though, this will probably be another 13-episode long season like Season 3 was. Just to make another 65 episode section of the show. I'd actually be worried if this was another 26-episode season because look at what has to release within the next 2-3 years starting with the beginning of 2015 if it turned out to be 26 episodes: 52 episodes of the Show, Equestria Girls 3, and the big 2017 MLP Movie. That's a huge workload to put on any animation company. So I'm willing to bet they'll at least lessen that stress a little by making Season 6 13-episodes long
*As it stands right now the earliest Season 5 can end is early October. Meaning we're more then likely in for the shortest hiatus yet if Season 6 truly starts before the end of this year. May even be similar to the length in between Seasons 3 and 4 of Korra. Only without quite as much of the rushing-it-just-to-get-the-show-over-with that Nickelodeon pulled.

False alarm. The twitter that mentioned a "Season 6" was actually just referring to the latter half of Season 5. Whoops
This season is actually going through a bit of a Hiatus it seems. They decided to have the first half during the Summer here, and save the rest for Late Fall or even beginning of Winter.

But with that last episode I certainly can't say they didn't let us off on a good note. Because the latest episode was good and insane! Believe it or not it probably counts as a Luna episode more then any previous episode of the series for sure. But the stuff that happens in the dreamworld just has to be seen to be believed. You could tell the staff was having fun with this one.
NOTE TO THOSE OUTSIDE OF THE TUMBLRPON LOOP: This post was put on Tumblr and mostly for those who know me from Tumblr first so it assumes that those who are reading it is someone that knows their way around the pony community on Tumblr. So I'm sorry if I don't really have a proper introduction for some of these especially for my friend known as Pirate Dash/Teej. SO please forgive that a little if you can. You'll still basically get how my experience was regardless

Alrighty, I told you guys after I came back home I'd tell how my visit at Trotcon went. I may have been there for only about 5 hours but I got a good enough impression for a pretty great con experience I feel.


The very first thing I did when I was all registered was head straight to the Vendor hall to meet up with the mod of Pirate Dash. It's actually thanks to him I even went in the first place. As he prompted me months ago, and I realized that this is a rare chance to actually have a convention somewhat nearby (The convention was around 3 1/2 hours away from my house). So I thought it proper to not only meet with someone who's been a good friend of mine for a good while in this community but also say thanks for telling me about it to him.


After that I just explored a bit of the place just to see the cosplayers and get a feel for places to go while I was there. I think overall I spent the most time in the Vendors room though. As the only real times I was outside of there for a lengthy amount of time was when I went to watch M.A. Larson's Harry Potter in Ponies panel. Which speaking of that panel, that was entertaining all on it's own. With Larson cracking jokes and providing funny music for the crowd (The crowd got Rickroll'd for example) and a pretty nice insight in some things Larson did that were subtly (Or even not so subtly) put as a reference to the Harry Potter series. I actually have two photos from the event. One from where my seat was


And one more close-up where people can come up and ask questions (My question was just a simple "Which of Twilight's friends do you think best represent Ron and Hermione in the Princess Twilight is Harry Potter thing you presented" interestingly he said it as If Princess Twilight is Harry Potter, Pinkie is Ron, and Unicorn Twilight is Hermione. Which was an interesting answer for sure I'd say.


Of course that turned out to not be the only interaction with Larson. Both before and after the show they were short but nonetheless very nice moments. Just before the show started I was actually near Larson towards the back of the stage. I told him he was my favorite writer and he said a nice "Why thank you!" in response. And sometime later which would be about an hour before I left I managed to get there for the autograph line. I didn't actually get an autograph but I got something I personally find better: A photograph with him!


It was definitely special to see my favorite show writer in person. As while maybe Writers aren't normally as huge to some fans, it feels somehow different within the Pony fandom. I don't think there's as much discussion about the writing I've witnessed, then any other fandom I have been in. Maybe that's just because the Pony fandom is the most active one I've been a part of aside from Mario and Smash Bros. (Wellll for both of them there's not much to argue about writing about for either of those since it usually comes across to save Peach from Bowser, and massive Nintendo crossover where you invent your own little interactions for the exception of Brawl's story mode) but nonetheless it feels like I met a pretty important person as this guy has written some of my absolute favorites of the show. Of my favorites of the show he has written Cutie Mark Chronicles, Magic Duel, Magical Mystery Cure, and as of most recent Amending Fences. That's 4 out of the 10 which is only rivaled by Meghan McCarthy with Lesson Zero, Canterlot Wedding, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Twilight's Kingdom (In case you don't know the other 2, it's Hurricane Fluttershy by Cindy Morrow, and Pinkie Pride by Amy Keating Rodgers). I've always praised how Larson was the best with keeping continuity as well as generally writing some really good episodes. The only episodes from Larson I'd say I don't enjoy as most others is Swarm of the Century (Which was his debut written episode funny enough) and Luna Eclipsed. Not that I think those were bad episodes at all. But I certainly enjoy Larson's other episodes more then those two. It helps that Larson is a real swell guy from what I saw in-person. I'm glad he came, he's part of the reason Trotcon was so good for me even for just the short time I was there. Not that I wouldn't have enjoyed it without him as I had plenty fun just being in the Vendor Hall and meeting up with Pirate Dash's mod. But I feel like I was close to a celebrity of some sort. And that's a real good feeling no matter what. ^^


Now to the Vendor hall. There were so much interesting stuff to even look Window-Shopping wise. I had around $300 dollars worth of Souvenir money and used around $200 of it for the stuff I got. (Some of which I still have yet to get, being commissions and/or requests). I'll show off everything I got shortly but first I want to talk a little more about my time with Pirate Dash. He was very nice to me for my entire time there and even allowed me to behind his booth for a decent amount of time. Even giving me a "Not TJ" sticky note for when he briefly left the booth which will be amongst the stuff when I show the souvenir photo. Nearby fellow artists such as ChocoPony as well as NekoCrispy and the mod of Ask Surprise provided some pretty good humor with him and I laughed with them quite a bit. Here's actually a pic with me and Teej right here that he had someone take on his tablet with me holding Bookworm and him holding Pirate Dash.


The hat I'm wearing was the very first thing I bought at the con actually. (I think that will be my new regular Fall/Winter hat whenever that comes by) I also got one of PD's prints (A Twilight one, you can probably figure that on it's own xD) and also a very nice sketch which I'll show when I get to showing everything I got.

I did feel bad for Teej though considering he was hoping his prints would sell better then they did. His small $1 ones did well of course but as he explains and as obvious that doesn't exactly make for a successful vendor time when for the most part anything more then $1 wasn't going well. Now Teej wasn't the only one who apparently had trouble getting sales but as a friend of his I had to feel sorry a little bit. As I said in the post on Saturday Night. But I hope aside from that you had at least somewhat of a good time. I was certainly very glad to have met up with you and spend what short time I had there. Both you and Larson were the two people that made my time at Trotcon awesome. I just want to let you know you made me quite happy there. ^^

Anyway, time to share the things I got from Trotcon. I will put a special note for each of them and I'm going from left to right (most will have some close-ups of some kind)


Sketch Commission from Penn


Funny enough, I thought I was getting a sketch commission from the mod of Cheerilee's Chalkboard. THough a rather easy mistake to make considering the commission notice was kind of on his vendor part. But nonetheless I didn't want to be rude. I did get this from a nice lady and it's a very nice sketch. The kitty face look is very cute.

Gift Sketch & Print from Pirate Dash


These are the things I said I got from PD not too long ago. He told me how one good thing about drawing Genie Twilight is that you don't have to draw legs as the Genie tail is probably one of the easier things an artist can draw. And that's certainly a good thing to leave less stress sometimes on the artist. Funnily enough considering I use premade sprites, it's actually vice versa that I have to do a little more effort into making the tail. But on the same time I actually love making the Genie tail. It's actually one of my favorite things about genies. There's just something about it that I really like. If it weren't for the fact that I personally believe Genie Twi would prefer to be 100% her pony self more often then being connected to a bottle I'd have her like that almost all the time. But when I get the chance to do it, I really like giving Genie Twi the tail. And in fact probably I'll ask for Genie Twi in her tailed form more often in requests and/or commissions then in her pony form.

Princess Twilight & Twilight's Mom/Twilight Velvet Plushies


These were 2 very good plushies from LunarShine that I was glad to get simply for the fact these ones were actually relatively cheap compared to most of the other plashes. I don't mean any offense to the other artists who were offering up plashes. But I didn't want to spend 1/3 of the money I had available to purchase stuff with on just one Plushie no matter how good the Plushie looked. LunarShine's looked really good too. So I wouldn't be surprised if he sold the most out of any of the Plushie sellers in the vending hall. Because good quality and the cheaper price tends to win out overall I think. I got a Twilight one for obvious reasons, Twilight's Mom is kinda of an offball choice given what was there. (I didn't want to overwhelm myself with Plushies to carry so I thought I'd only get two. I could of gotten a Rainbow Dash one instead since she is currently my 2nd favorite pony. But I don't know, I felt the Twi's Mom plush was calling me a little more. Maybe if Twi's mom wasn't a choice I might of gotten a Rainbow instead. (Which probably would of made Teej quite happy if I did, sorry ^^') But even though she doesn't have a real solid character shown in the show (yet… please have her show up in the show pretty plz DHX? You've done so much for background ponies in some of the past few episodes alone. Please give us a episode with Twi's parents in a good role (And speaking too)) I've always liked her from what we have. (I think we can tell even from the flashbacks and their cameos that they're very supportive and proud parents of Twilight's. Her design may be a Twilight recolor for the most part, but given what this show has done recently they still manage to have the magic of having the fandom love characters even if design-wise they don't stray too far from another pony. In other words the show can do what most young OC Creators can't. I even gave my personal portrayal of Twi's mom as a Mother's Day special on I Dream of Twilight Sparkle that I really enjoyed making. It's also noteworthy to mention that aside from the tiny Blindbag ponies (Which I have a few already of Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie) I probably wasn't going to find anything of note of Twilight's Mom ever. So I think that also had it going for it. But overall, it was quite good to have two plushies for only around $50 (Twilight was $20, Twi's Mom was $25) when most of the other plashes were worth over $100 for just one. Although he won't see this, I want to thank LunarShine for offering such cheap and quality plushies.

As a bonus, yesterday I decided to have a little fun with it by putting the hat I got on my Twilight plush. I think it looks quite cute with it too so here's some photos of it.




Classic Sonic Stained Glass


*GASP* A non-pony item? What madness is this?!

Hehe only kidding. Trotcon may have been a Pony con through and through. But there were certainly oppurtinuties to show and sell stuff aside from Ponies there. And as soon as I saw that, as a Sonic fan myself I couldn't help but felt it called for me. It may have been my most expensive item. ($50) but I'm certainly glad I picked it up. It's now hanging up on the wall just outside my downstairs entertainment center as you can see in the photo above

Not TJ Sticky Note & Out of Work Derpy Sticker

As I said before the Not TJ was for when Teej had to go when I was sitting behind his vending. There was a joke or two from his friends that talked to me like I was Teej anyway just to troll him a bit but it was all in good fun. The sticker was from when Teej pointed out that Out of Work Derpy was nearby the vending. I came up to say Hi and he gave me this sticker. Don't know where I'll put it quite yet. But it was a nice little thing he gave me.

Princess Twilight Shirt


One thing I definitely wanted as a souvenir was a new Twilight shirt. Specifically an Alicorn Twilight one of some kind. If you don't know me enough already, I actually really love that Twilight's an Alicorn now. And although there were pretty good Unicorn Twilight stuff available. I was hoping to find some great Winged Twilight stuff for me to get. Which thankfully both the Plushie and this shirt provided. The shirt is from the amazing Tsitra360 and I'm actually wearing it the moment as I type and put this whole thing up. I'm not saying I don't appreciate Unicorn Twilight anymore as I like nearly all forms of Twilight. But as someone that actually is quite supportive of the direction this show has taken I felt it'd be proper to get some merchandise of the current Twilight design that I feel that the fandom has warmed up to more-and-more (Or at the very least most of those who still are a bit salty over it have shut up about it by now. As if they still rant about it to this day they just look like sad, desperate fans that can't accept change). Again, I'll always like Twilight in all sorts of forms. Unicorn, Alicorn, Human, Genie, etc. that won't change anytime soon. It's just a combination of wanting something that represents more of the current state of the show that I'm enjoying as well as the shirt on it's own just looking pretty damn awesome in general

Equestria Princesses 3DS Decal Set



Last but not least is this Decal set. It's from The Ghostly Muse and it's a really neat set that I have placed on my 3DS that was before all this just a pretty barren black color since I got it from Launch. But now I have the Princesses of Day and Night adorning the outside, as well as Love and Friendship on the inside. It looks pretty cool. They also had a Mane 6/Element of Harmony set, but personally I felt the Princess one looks better. Also it took a little while and some restocking. And while it probably isn't 100% I did manage to basically make my 3DS look like as if the 3DS was originally made with the design in mind. It's really cool looking and I'm glad I got it. I believe this was also the very last thing I bought there too

And that's about it all for merchandise I got. It's time to get to some closing thoughts.


As I've stated from when I got back. I had a great time for what short time I had there. There was plenty of fun to even just look at and some details I even left out. Including some of the cosplay that was there. Such as the bronies who had Master Chief Armor based around Princess Twilight and Luna. And some fursuits like ones for Twilight and Gilda. (I even Brohoofed the Twilight one as I passed them in the vending hall) Now I know not everyone's quite a fan of those kind of costumes, but by now those are a very normal part of fan conventions that I hope no one made too big of a deal while there. I gotta commend them too for a few reasons. My head was sweating from just having that hat on my head for most of the time I was there. I couldn't imagine how hot it must of been to have a full-body costume like that. That's another reason I hope they didn't run into any furry prejudice there because dealing with the heat would be hard enough. But feeling shamed by those who would insult them would make it far worse.

The only really bad thing that happened from this trip was when not too long after I left, I kinda threw up in the backseat of the rental car we took. My dad wasn't real too happy about it being that if he didn't clean it well enough the rental car company will charge us for it… (I had Steak n' Shake prior to the Con as we weren't sure there would be food at Trotcon. There was food, but we went just in case. Plus I love some good Steak n' Shake burgers. Good thing I didn't consume anything other then a bottled water I got. Otherwise I probably would of thrown that up too. I was fine and didn't feel sick at all through the entire con. But it seems I got a bit overwhelmed when I was starting to leave. Hoping my dad manages to hide the evidence well enough to have us go scot-free but yeah. If there was one negative thing that happened it was that. But even if the worst comes out of it and they do charge us, it wouldn't ruin Trotcon for me at all.

Back on track though, this will surely be an unforgettable memory for me. And I'll treasure each and everything I got from this trip. If I ever go to another Con, it probably won't be for a little while. I unfortunately probably won't be there for Trotcon 2016 (That was confirmed recently to be happening) unless we manage to hit some big bucks through the lottery or something before then. But even if this is the only con I ever go to in my entire lifetime. I feel like I can say I had a solid experience at a convention. It was just 5 hours. With probably more time just traveling there then actually being there but nonetheless they were a very enjoyable 5 hours to be sure. I am very glad I went and want to thank everyone I met, and those who hosted Trotcon who made it all possible for me to have perhaps the most wonderful time I've had as a Brony in nearly 5 years of being a fan. This will certainly etch this fandom in stone of my most enjoyable parts of my life more then most things that have come before. I'm still quite the happy brony just two days after I went. And now I focus on providing more stuff that I still enjoy making for this fandom and my friends from within. You can definitely say I have been quite bolstered pony-wise from Trotcon. Thank you to anyone bothering to read this ^^
I have a bit of an uncommon problem with judging the episodes in this show. I generally watch The Mysterious Mr. Enter's reviews of the series, and his opinions seem to be so well-thought-out that I really tend to agree with whatever he says instead of coming to my own conclusion. I'm planning to drop my review thread because of this.
Alrighty, Season 5 may be in a hiatus. But we got some very cool Season 5 news today. You see a poster came out that has almost all of the Season 5 characters on it. While some characters both old and new that are blacked out.

There's even a certain team of 3 fillies that are blacked out despite having a few appearances already in the Season. I wonder why...

Oh wait no I don't, because it's...

The CMC ARE finally getting their Cutie Marks at last this season!

They even found what may be Sweetie's and Scootaloo's in the site data


An interesting fact is that these are the exact cutie marks the two ponies had in their G3 Incarnations. Now I like Sweetie's as I still think it can be seen as fitting with her talent for music possibly by thinking that she "sings her heart out". However Scootaloo's is a little confusing. Butterflies? Though there's actually two possibilities I've thought of if it's indeed still her cutie mark.

1. It's Metaphorical. Right now Scootaloo is a "caterpillar", but when she's fully grown. She'll be able to fly one day and quite well too.

or (This is going to be a bit of a crazy theory)

2. I haven't mentioned it yet, but there was a Q&A session with the Staff at Comic-Con where they mentioned that we'll be seeing that Fluttershy has a brother. Now this is a crazy theory, but what if Fluttershy's brother... is also related to Scootaloo in anyway, shape, or form? Possibly even being Scootaloo's father for example. Firmly establishing Scootaloo as a family member of Fluttershy's and a perfect reason to have butterflies as her Cutie Mark. She turns out to be related to Fluttershy, who also has those. And heck it could be a double meaning with this and the first possibility as well. I kinda doubt this will actually be the case. But I'd personally love it if it was true.

Applebloom's is missing however. I assume it's because they're keeping it a little more top-secret (Or it's just Apple Bloom didn't exist in G3 and therefore don't have a long standing vector yet). It'd be weird if they gave 2 of the CMC their Cutie marks but left out one of them.
Northern Verve said:
The CMC ARE finally getting their Cutie Marks at last this season!

They even found what may be Sweetie's and Scootaloo's in the site data


An interesting fact is that these are the exact cutie marks the two ponies had in their G3 Incarnations. Now I like Sweetie's as I still think it can be seen as fitting with her talent for music possibly by thinking that she "sings her heart out". However Scootaloo's is a little confusing. Butterflies? Though there's actually two possibilities I've thought of if it's indeed still her cutie mark.

1. It's Metaphorical. Right now Scootaloo is a "caterpillar", but when she's fully grown. She'll be able to fly one day and quite well too.

or (This is going to be a bit of a crazy theory)

2. I haven't mentioned it yet, but there was a Q&A session with the Staff at Comic-Con where they mentioned that we'll be seeing that Fluttershy has a brother. Now this is a crazy theory, but what if Fluttershy's brother... is also related to ScootalItoo in anyway, shape, or form? Possibly even being Scootaloo's father for example. Firmly establishing Scootaloo as a family member of Fluttershy's and a perfect reason to have butterflies as her Cutie Mark. She turns out to be related to Fluttershy, who also has those. And heck it could be a double meaning with this and the first possibility as well. I kinda doubt this will actually be the case. But I'd personally love it if it was true.

Applebloom's is missing however. I assume it's because they're keeping it a little more top-secret (Or it's just Apple Bloom didn't exist in G3 and therefore don't have a long standing vector yet). It'd be weird if they gave 2 of the CMC their Cutie marks but left out one of them.
Anyway a few extra things about the poster that's interesting


You can see silhouettes of the rest of most of the rest of Pinkie's family near Maud and Gummy

Starlight Glimmer's silhouette can be seen with the Mane 6. Twilight even giving her a smile, probably implying Starlight will be reformed by the end of this season.

While it's a bit hard to see (There's no bigger resolution at this time) some have noticed the possibility of a baby bottle and/or pacifiers perhaps meaning Shining and Cadence will have a baby. Which will be interesting for better or worse if this baby is born as. (I feel there may be some riots if this one is born an Alicorn... Even more so if it's name ends up being Skyla. That was the name of a toy that came out long ago before Season 3 even started.)

I think I see Coco Pommel from Season 4 within the silhouette group the left in front of the Yaks. There's also a Pinkie-haired esque stallion looking at Party Favor's binoculars. Could that be Cheese Sandwich? (Who was also in Season 4)

The ponies on the balcony are also rather interesting. While I have no clue on what any of them could be (And heck they could all be brand new characters for all I know). But it's interesting to have an entire balcony of characters up there that have yet to appear in Season 5. I wonder if it's important to anything. Some say the one at the very far right is Braeburn (Though he already appeared once). But only time will tell.
I want you guys to rank the Season 5 episodes from worst to best and tell me why.
Discord said:
I want you guys to rank the Season 5 episodes from worst to best and tell me why.

Least Favorite
Tanks for the Memories
Princess Spike
Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Castle Sweet Castle
Bloom & Gloom
The Cutie Map
The Lost Treasure of Griffon Stone
Party Pooped
Slice of Life
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
Make New Friends But Keep Discord
Amending Fences
Most favorite

This is my personal ranking right now. There hasn't actually been an episode that was too bad. But like Tanks for the Memories felt like it didn't portray Rainbow Dash too well and I don't care enough about Tank to get quite as invested. But as for my absolute favorite Amending Fences right now it's just the absolute best episode this season so far. Though the rest of the episodes in Top 4 are really good too.
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
I want you guys to rank the Season 5 episodes from worst to best and tell me why.

Least Favorite
Tanks for the Memories I liked the symbolism for the five stages of grief, though. Besides, it's certainly better than May The Best Pet Win.
Princess Spike From what I know, a lot of people hate this episode, but I don't know why. And I'm not saying I think it's good, but I'm just going to suspend judgment until I find out what's wrong with it.
Appleoosa's Most Wanted My problem is that it's flat-out mediocre, and it doesn't even have Dave Polsky's humor.
Castle Sweet Castle I'd say I agree with this. It's overall OK beside the great nostalgic feel of it.
Bloom & Gloom This episode is just... weird. And that's why I like it so much!
The Cutie Map I'd place it in the top 5. It takes away the big, grand feeling of most of the 2-parters and instead focuses on making the story very interesting. I think Starlight Glimmer is very overrated, however
The Lost Treasure of Griffon Stone I liked the episode overall. It's good to see Pinkie in character again, and it redeemed Gilda.
Party Pooped I literally can't remember a thing about this episode. It's just so forgettable.
Slice of Life Hands-down the funniest and most clever episode of the show. I like how it doesn't feel like a cash grab for bronies, although it could be. Probably in my top three favorite episodes of the whole series.
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? Who would've expected a good episode to come out of the writer of Somepony to Watch Over Me?
Make New Friends But Keep Discord I liked Discord better when he was a troll (I don't care for Three's A Crowd, but it had my favorite portrayal of him in the whole series.) He's still very funny, though, and it felt an improved version of Owl's Well That Ends Well handling jealousy.
Amending Fences Other than Moon Dancer becoming too bitter just because one of her friends didn't attend her party, this episode is pretty much perfect.
Most favorite

This is my personal ranking right now. There hasn't actually been an episode that was too bad. But like Tanks for the Memories felt like it didn't portray Rainbow Dash too well and I don't care enough about Tank to get quite as invested. But as for my absolute favorite Amending Fences right now it's just the absolute best episode this season so far. Though the rest of the episodes in Top 4 are really good too.

By the way, do any of you know why Mr. Enter is taking a long time to get out his Season 5 reviews?
Discord said:
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
I want you guys to rank the Season 5 episodes from worst to best and tell me why.

Least Favorite
Tanks for the Memories I liked the symbolism for the five stages of grief, though. Besides, it's certainly better than May The Best Pet Win.
Princess Spike From what I know, a lot of people hate this episode, but I don't know why. And I'm not saying I think it's good, but I'm just going to suspend judgment until I find out what's wrong with it.
Appleoosa's Most Wanted My problem is that it's flat-out mediocre, and it doesn't even have Dave Polsky's humor.
Castle Sweet Castle I'd say I agree with this. It's overall OK beside the great nostalgic feel of it.
Bloom & Gloom This episode is just... weird. And that's why I like it so much!
The Cutie Map I'd place it in the top 5. It takes away the big, grand feeling of most of the 2-parters and instead focuses on making the story very interesting. I think Starlight Glimmer is very overrated, however
The Lost Treasure of Griffon Stone I liked the episode overall. It's good to see Pinkie in character again, and it redeemed Gilda.
Party Pooped I literally can't remember a thing about this episode. It's just so forgettable.
Slice of Life Hands-down the funniest and most clever episode of the show. I like how it doesn't feel like a cash grab for bronies, although it could be. Probably in my top three favorite episodes of the whole series.
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? Who would've expected a good episode to come out of the writer of Somepony to Watch Over Me?
Make New Friends But Keep Discord I liked Discord better when he was a troll (I don't care for Three's A Crowd, but it had my favorite portrayal of him in the whole series.) He's still very funny, though, and it felt an improved version of Owl's Well That Ends Well handling jealousy.
Amending Fences Other than Moon Dancer becoming too bitter just because one of her friends didn't attend her party, this episode is pretty much perfect.
Most favorite

This is my personal ranking right now. There hasn't actually been an episode that was too bad. But like Tanks for the Memories felt like it didn't portray Rainbow Dash too well and I don't care enough about Tank to get quite as invested. But as for my absolute favorite Amending Fences right now it's just the absolute best episode this season so far. Though the rest of the episodes in Top 4 are really good too.

By the way, do any of you know why Mr. Enter is taking a long time to get out his Season 5 reviews?

Mr. Enter has said he'd do Season 5 reviews when he feels like doing so this time around. And if he does do them he may not even do things in order, though it's not out of any lost interest though he's said some thoughts or two. Like me, Tanks for the Memories is also his least favorite of the Season thus far (Or well it was at the point from when after Slice of Life aired. I don't know his total thoughts on episodes from Princess Spike and onward) but Slice of Life is his favorite out of the first nine.

Also keep in mind that the point of average is a little lower in that list of 13 So just because I put Cutie Map at #7 doesn't mean I think it's below or even just average. Think of Appleloosa's Most Wanted or Castle Sweet Castle at the point of average.

Also I know Party Pooped tends to get flak for the Yaks. But personally I can remember scenes such as some really funny faces and Pinkie was pretty top-notch character wise and I liked the concept of Pinkie keeping party notes in the basement so she keeps track of what each pony likes or dislikes. It makes her look subtly more smarter then she seems at times. And that's good, I'd rather Pinkie still be kooky like she can be, but not an idiot.

On a side note I've felt Pinkie has been really great this Season. Nearly everyone of her jokes in episodes she appeared in hit home. And feels much improved over some missteps in Season 4 (Balloon Distraction in Three's a Crowd, and nearly everything Pinkie does in Filli Vanilli)

Also eh, Somepony To Watch Over Me is a guilty pleasure episode so I never felt any scorn for Scott Sonneborn.

And about Moondancer, I get the feeling she wasn't upset just because of that one party Twilight skipped (With good reason no less) instead I felt it was the last straw for her. Because remember Twilight and Moondancer were shown to know eachother since they were fillies, possibly before Twilight even got her Cutie Mark. There might have been plenty of other times Moondancer tried to reach to Twilight for friendship but Twilight generally ignored her, until it all leads to Moondancer leaving one last shot with that party mentioned in the Pilot and Twilight again didn't show up. What Moondancer was upset about may have come from years of pent up frustration. And while it was better Twilight didn't go at that time (Or else Nightmare Moon would of created Eternal Night), it still wouldn't of been easy to explain to Moondancer about it because again the assumption is there was more to it then just that one party. Moondancer seems to really have particulary liked Twilight (Almost to unrequited lesbian love levels you could say) and probably tried several times to be her best friend and even when she still didn't quite do what Moondancer wanted she never gave up hope, that is until she put all her effort into making this party that she especially wanted Twilight to come to but she didn't. Like I said that was the last straw that finally broke her and she shut herself off after that. It's a very relatable issue sometimes too because someone may have a friend they really, really like but if they start ignoring you for a decent length of time you worry that they don't want to be friends anymore so you try your hardest to spend some time with them but they spurn you everytime. Which can leave you bitter and not willing to befriend more people because you're scared of being left behind again by the one friend you like seeing the most.

It's why it's such an amazing episode IMO, Moondancer is yet another literary foil to Twilight. Like Trixie, Sunset, and Starlight was before her. But the biggest thing that makes all the difference is Moondancer is not exactly an antagonist of any kind. She doesn't wield a powerful amulet seeking revenge, she doesn't brainwash people from another world to try to take over Equestra, she doesn't try to enforce her beliefs on what true friendship is. She's just heartbroken, and someone who needed help. Neither Twilight or Moondancer are the bad guy here and it's a much more realstic approach at things because neither were entirely in the wrong. Just the events passed the way they did and it unfortunately led to some hard times for one of them. This alone makes this episode perhaps one of the most emotionally impactful episodes since Hurricane Fluttershy. And from the moment I finished watching it for the first time, I know I just witnessed one of the best episodes of the entire series.
What place would you rank Amending Fences in the all-time best episodes of the series?
Discord said:
What place would you rank Amending Fences in the all-time best episodes of the series?

Certainly Top 10 maybe even Top 5.

Though I do have a personal list of my favorites. I think I've already stated what they are but I'll list them again. This is in order of which they aired. So not in any particular one is better then the other order. Because while there is some I could definitely say one is better if you ask. I don't like ranking them that way.

Cutie Mark Chronicles
Lesson Zero
Hurricane Fluttershy
Canterlot Wedding
Magic Duel
Magical Mystery Cure
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pride
Twilight's Kingdom
Amending Fences
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
By the way, do any of you know why Mr. Enter is taking a long time to get out his Season 5 reviews?

Mr. Enter has said he'd do Season 5 reviews when he feels like doing so this time around. And if he does do them he may not even do things in order, though it's not out of any lost interest though he's said some thoughts or two. Like me, Tanks for the Memories is also his least favorite of the Season thus far (Or well it was at the point from when after Slice of Life aired. I don't know his total thoughts on episodes from Princess Spike and onward) but Slice of Life is his favorite out of the first nine.

Finally got a bit of an answer to this. His new favorite episode of Season 5 is Amending Fences, and his least favorite is Princess Spike of the first 13 episodes. For Mr. Enter and maybe even the fandom it's kinda looking Episode 10 is the new "Episode 8" of the season (Where that particular number of the Season almost always has a lackluster episode. Which was broken in Season 4 with Rarity Takes Manehatten and further with Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. But Seasons 4 and 5's Episode 10 has been Rainbow Falls and Princess Spike respectively.)

I still like Princess Spike more then Tanks for the Memories personally, but eh opinions are opinions.
Well, let me know if he posts anything else. Also, what "logical and character problems" with Princess Spike do you think he was talking about?

BTW, Here are some unpopular opinions I have about the series:

-Feeling Pinkie Keen is a good episode besides Twilight being completely obsessed and the bad moral.
-I dislike Rainbow Dash. Almost all of the episode she's in portrays her badly (She's a jerk in The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and May The Best Pet Win, and immature in Tanks for the Memories. And leave it to the "element of loyalty" to betray her friends in Rainbow Falls.)
-I didn't like Magical Mystery Cure. The songs were great, but the story was really thin.
Discord said:
I didn't like Magical Mystery Cure. The songs were great, but the story was really thin.

i mean suddenly their cutie marks were all mixed up and then twilight was like "save rainbow dash"

then she called fluttershy

and fluttershy was all "yay"

but then rainbow saved rarity

and so the cycle continues until celestia says well done and boom twi is a princess

i mean it should've been like a two parter or something. where twilight battles another evil pony or whatever who was so unbelievably evil that she grew wings when she killed it. that's just a random thought though lol.

anyway onto more pressing matters. why is rarity the second least popular? applejack is annoying as hell but rarity is amazing.
People probably don't like the idea of Rarity, because the idea of a fashion pony sounds stupid. I agree that she's a good character, however. Also, Applejack is only annoying because the writers keep portraying her out of character. (I'm looking at you, Apple Family Reunion and Somepony to Watch Over Me.)
Eh, MMC is more of a "Love it or hate it" episode. Not much inbetween. Personally I enjoy it because while yes it gets rushed what with two major stories (The Cutie Mark Swap & Twilight's Coronation) having to be wrapped up in 22 minutes. But personally I don't like to view MMC as a singular episode but as just the end of the first half of the show. Cause if you just view it on a single episode basis you may dislike it for just Twilight for just writing/finishing a book. But thinking over the whole series and what Twilight's been through I just view MMC as the final test Twilight had to do before she essentially graduates/ascends.

Oh and i suppose I was one of few who saw potential in Alicorn Twilight from the very moment it was a rumor.

Rainbow Dash is currently my 2nd Favorite Pony, but yeah I can understand especially early on that Rainbow wasn't portrayed the best. But the reason she's my 2nd favorite started with Read It and Weep where she started showing more of a nerdy side to her, then how she improves her treatment of Fluttershy in Hurricane Fluttershy, nearly everything she did in Wonderbolt Academy, and while just a small moment I like she was the first friend to respond positively to Twilight's ascension in MMC. I also liked Daring Don't as well as Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 (Rainbow Falls did kinda hurt though, ergh)
In MMC, everyone (not saying the other word) got their marks switched and they got each other's talents. However, Rarity did not get Rainbow Dash's talent, which is going fast. Now she is assigned the job of controlling clouds. Um, isn't that a job for all pegasuses, not just Rainbow Dash.

That's just a small detail, though. Season 3 as a whole wasn't that good, and it's the reason I haven't seen an episode since.

Although I do plan on seeing the Weird Al episode. Heard that was good.