My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Discord said:
Also, I hear that Equestria Girls: Friendship Games is coming out September 26 (I have no idea how Season 5 will finish by then) and it's going to be written by Josh Haber. On a more opinionated note, I don't think that's a good idea, because Josh Haber definitely isn't as good of a writer as Meghan McCarthy, who wrote the first two movies.

Season 5 won't finish before then. Friendship Games will be airing in the middle of it this time.

And that's actually the first I learned of this. I thought Meghan was going to be made to write this one too. Personally I don't actually mind someone else trying it out. The first movie... was far from Meghan's best work (In fact I'd probably consider it her worst writing performance). Rainbow Rocks was a huge improvement but otherwise yeah, I don't really count EQG as some of Meghan's best works.

Josh Haber's done some pretty average FiM episodes for the most part. His best episode is probably Bloom & Gloom which was in this season. This is the first time he's doing something a little more interesting however. Since this will involve magical shenanigans, and even a different Twilight from the Twilight we know. This is the first time Josh is doing something that's not quite as Slice of Life as his other episodes were. Who knows, he may do really good with this one.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about those movies.

Are they canon? Will I have to watch them before continuing or what?

Also, I saw a few things of that, and one thing that bugs me is why Spike becomes a dog. That makes no sense. He isn't Twilight's pet, more like a little brother.

And if dragon = dog, then does dog = dragon? If so, next time that universe is in danger, just bring Winona through and have her fuck some shit up.
Magikrazy said:
Oh, yeah. I forgot about those movies.

Are they canon? Will I have to watch them before continuing or what?

Also, I saw a few things of that, and one thing that bugs me is why Spike becomes a dog. That makes no sense. He isn't Twilight's pet, more like a little brother.

And if dragon = dog, then does dog = dragon? If so, next time that universe is in danger, just bring Winona through and have her fuck some shit up.

They're barely canon. There's barely any references to Equestria Girls unless you count the cameos of Flash Sentry in Season 4 (Which doesn't really mean much, because thankfully Twilight never like acknowledges that he's there)

Both Equestria Girls and Equestria Girls 2 take place between two different seasons (EQG1 = Between Season 3 & 4, EQG2 = Between Season 4 & 5) but without any kind of reference to the events of the Equestria Girls ever being called back nor an appearence from Sunset.

You could say EQG takes place in a parallel universe where everything that happened in the pony world was the same for the exception that EQG happened in this universe and you would have barely anything to prove against your case. So it's not important when catching up with the show.

And yeah Spike was made a dog pretty much only because so they'd have a cute pet toy thing for the EQG Twilight toy. (And Spike would be too young to attend the high school)

But if you do still want to see them be warned that Equestria Girls is just not that good. It's not the worst thing ever but plenty of it's flaws are apparent. Rainbow Rocks is an large improvement over the first.

EQG3 may not even have Pony Twilight appear at all and may be concentrated only in the human world (Partly because there is the Human world Twilight)
Well now, looks like Season 5 is coming back a little earlier then I thought

It seems it starts up again on September 12th. Meaning Friendship Games will air DURING the season. So it's possible we have Episodes 14 & 15 done with before Friendship Games airs on the 26th (Which will air on Discovery Family at 8 AM). I assume Friendship Games will be that week's "episode" but considering Equestria Girls movies are only a little over an hour long. It's entirely possible they run a new episode on the same day. I doubt they will but it's certainly possible.

As for the episode synopsis


Rarity's dream of owning a boutique in Canterlot finally comes true, but it comes at a price Rarity may not be willing to pay.

I don't know about you guys but this seems at least a little similar in concept to Sweet & Elite. Both episodes have the idea that Rarity is having something in Canterlot she's always dreamed of doing. But it comes at the expense of spending time with her friends. Which I assume is what the "price" is that she may not be willing to pay. I'm sure it will be different in quite a few ways, but nonetheless I worry about people thinking the episodes will be too similar.

EDIT: Oh Wow, the 15th episode has also been made known already too.

Title: Rarity Investigates!

Rarity must prove that her friend is innocent when Rainbow Dash is accused of a crime that she did not commit."

I have a feeling this will spawn more Ace Attorney references in the fandom. Heck, considering Metal Gear was referenced we may even have a direct Phoenix Wright reference in the actual show
Who are the writers of the 14th and 15th episodes?
Discord said:
Who are the writers of the 14th and 15th episodes?

Unknown at the moment. We normally don't know until someone in the staff says who wrote it and/or when we see the writer name below the episode title upon seeing it.
Northern Verve said:
Well now, looks like Season 5 is coming back a little earlier then I thought

It seems it starts up again on September 12th. Meaning Friendship Games will air DURING the season. So it's possible we have Episodes 14 & 15 done with before Friendship Games airs on the 26th (Which will air on Discovery Family at 8 AM). I assume Friendship Games will be that week's "episode" but considering Equestria Girls movies are only a little over an hour long. It's entirely possible they run a new episode on the same day. I doubt they will but it's certainly possible.

As for the episode synopsis


Rarity's dream of owning a boutique in Canterlot finally comes true, but it comes at a price Rarity may not be willing to pay.

I don't know about you guys but this seems at least a little similar in concept to Sweet & Elite. Both episodes have the idea that Rarity is having something in Canterlot she's always dreamed of doing. But it comes at the expense of spending time with her friends. Which I assume is what the "price" is that she may not be willing to pay. I'm sure it will be different in quite a few ways, but nonetheless I worry about people thinking the episodes will be too similar.

EDIT: Oh Wow, the 15th episode has also been made known already too.

Title: Rarity Investigates!

Rarity must prove that her friend is innocent when Rainbow Dash is accused of a crime that she did not commit."

I have a feeling this will spawn more Ace Attorney references in the fandom. Heck, considering Metal Gear was referenced we may even have a direct Phoenix Wright reference in the actual show
woo more rarity

also i watched the smile song parody on youtube

literally wtf
Here are some more unpopular opinions:

*I don't hate Merriweather Williams.
*Equestria Girls is as good as its sequel.
*Keep Calm and Flutter On is the only episode of the show I really hate.
Discord said:
*Equestria Girls is as good as its sequel.
*Keep Calm and Flutter On is the only episode of the show I really hate.

Now do you mean Equestria Girls isn't as bad as people make it out to be or do you mean Rainbow Rocks isn't quite as good (at least in comparison to the first one is) as people say. Because I believe the general consensus is that Rainbow Rocks was at the very least showed improvement over the first.

And the other surprises me a little considering you did name change yourself to Discord. Who would of remained a one-time villain were it not for Keep Calm and Flutter On. But maybe you just really liked Return of Harmony alone.
I think the original Equestria Girls is about as good as Rainbow Rocks.

Also, the main reason I hate Keep Calm and Flutter On is actually what you pointed out, that Discord comes back as an ally. Now, don't get me wrong. I love Discord, because he reminds me of the Genie. And I had no problem with him becoming an ally. But the way Fluttershy became friends with Discord was not only rushed, it was flat-out TWISTED. Acting like a doormat to get Discord to like her and then immediately rejecting him right after the first sign of trouble made me think she didn't give a flying *bleep* about friendship and, more likely, she wanted to manipulate him. Also, bad characterizations were sometimes put in, like Discord suddenly letting himself get played like a puppet because of his sudden, OOC friendship obsession and Celestia suddenly saying Discord's powers could be used for good without giving any explanations until Twilight's Kingdom. The icing on top of the cake was that unlike some other bad episodes (The Mysterious Mare Do Well and Putting Your Hoof Down comes to mind), it had a negative influence on the rest of the series. Throughout Season 4, it shows that Discord dislikes the Mane 6, with the exception of Fluttershy, by him trolling them. It's obvious that the only reason he doesn't turn Equestria into chaos again is Fluttershy's threat of not being his friend. This was thankfully fixed in Twilight's Kingdom, where not only does it get lampshaded, but it gets fixed by Discord having a genuine reason to be friends with the Mane 6.
Blue the Raptor said:
So question: am I the only one who seriously ship Fluttershy and Discord now? Like I swear Discord has some infatuation with Fluttershy.

I'm pretty sure Fluttercord is pretty popular ESPECIALLY with how "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" seems to heavily cater to it.
Northern Verve said:
Blue the Raptor said:
So question: am I the only one who seriously ship Fluttershy and Discord now? Like I swear Discord has some infatuation with Fluttershy.

I'm pretty sure Fluttercord is pretty popular ESPECIALLY with how "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" seems to heavily cater to it.
in twilight's kingdom part 2 he gives celestia flowers and winks
Northern Verve said:
Blue the Raptor said:
So question: am I the only one who seriously ship Fluttershy and Discord now? Like I swear Discord has some infatuation with Fluttershy.

I'm pretty sure Fluttercord is pretty popular ESPECIALLY with how "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" seems to heavily cater to it.
IDK how popular it was before that episode or how noticeable it was, but that ship definitely thrives in that episode.
Blue the Raptor said:
Northern Verve said:
Blue the Raptor said:
So question: am I the only one who seriously ship Fluttershy and Discord now? Like I swear Discord has some infatuation with Fluttershy.

I'm pretty sure Fluttercord is pretty popular ESPECIALLY with how "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" seems to heavily cater to it.
IDK how popular it was before that episode or how noticeable it was, but that ship definitely thrives in that episode.

Yeah, though like what princessofalicorns said there's also a decent following for the Dislestia (Discord X Celestia Ship) with things like the flower giving scene.

Not that any ships besides already married (Shining Armor and Cadence, Mr. and Mrs. Cake) or subtle background stuff (Lyra and Bon Bon [Though not quite as subtle now with Slice of Life as well as the Equestria Girls short starring them], and possibly Cheerilee and Big Mac [Ever since Hearts and Hooves Day, Big Mac and Cheerilee have been seen together a few times in the background. Which at the very least means they've befriended each other since then]) really lead anywhere.
You know what I think this series needs? A collab with M. A. Larson and Meghan McCarthy. Think about it: you get two writers that almost always make great episodes, and have very few weaknesses, and make one episode with them. My idea would be a 2-parter.
Only 6 days til' the return of Season 5 (And 20 until Equestria Girls 3)

Discord said:
You know what I think this series needs? A collab with M. A. Larson and Meghan McCarthy. Think about it: you get two writers that almost always make great episodes, and have very few weaknesses, and make one episode with them. My idea would be a 2-parter.

That'd be cool considering they are my two favorite writers. Don't really have a specific idea what they'd work on together for one episode though.

I hope Larson helps with the 2017 Pony Movie in some way though, I know Meghan's going to have a heavy hand in it. Which I think will work. Meghan's done fine on 2-parters (Especially in Season 4) so a full length Pony movie (Possibly closer to 2 hours as opposed as the EQG movies that are only a little over an hour long) written by Meghan definitely has me hyped.

(Wellll I know there's the elephant in the room with Equestria Girls which I think was an idea forced upon her that she just couldn't write well enough. I do feel EQG1 is Meghan's weakest writing job. But I really can't fault her for it, I think Meghan did enough that it was at least a tolerable watch. Because it could of been worse, and I mean ALOT worse. Meghan couldn't make it quite that good, but she made it bearable enough that there are some FiM episodes that I would rather watch the first Equestria Girls over. Even though of course EQG takes longer to watch.)
i saw this video called smile hd. not posting it because of forum rules. basically pinkie pie became evil and she karate kicked the rest of the mane six. the animation's brilliant though, it's very close to the show's style. i think the person who made it used to be an animator for it or something.
shy said:
To be honest I had no idea mlp was so popular.
I don't really watch tv or use the internet much.

you missed quite a lot then appearently

mlp fans suddenly appeared everywhere in like, 2011 (or 12?)
shy said:
To be honest I had no idea mlp was so popular.
I don't really watch tv or use the internet much.

Good writing, multi-layered characters, funny humor, beautiful and colorful animation, fun songs. It's hard to see what not to like about it unless you're one of the bandwagon fans who are overall irritating. Luckily, that has died down like, significantly, so I can comfortably watch the show again.
Episodes 17-20 have had titles and synopsis revealed!

Title: Brotherhooves Social
Info: When Applejack is called away and has to miss participating in the Sisterhooves Social with Apple Bloom, Big Mac decides to fill in for her.
Title: Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Info: When Pip Squeak decides to run for class president, the Cutie Mark Crusaders rally around their friend, but find themselves helping their long-time nemesis, Diamond Tiara, in an unexpected way.
Title: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
Info: Pinkie Pie struggles to keep a secret that involves Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.
Title: Hearthbreakers
Info: Applejack is excited to celebrate Hearthswarming Eve with Pinkie Pie's family but soon discovers that the Pies have very different ways of enjoying the holiday at their Rock Farm.