My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Magikrazy said:
is 19's title a reference to friends?

Possibly? It could be since I guess most episodes of that show start with "The one where"
I just watched Rarity Investigates. I liked it a lot more than Canterlot Boutique, mainly because the story was much more interesting. And yay, my wish of M. A. Larson and Meghan McCarthy writing an episode together was granted! Oh, and the writers of Castle Sweet Castle returned. I don't really have an opinion on that.

So now that there are 15 episodes of Season 5 out, how would you rank them?
Ahhhhhh Friendship Games was actually really good. For me it's definitely the best out of the 3 EQG films. I'll give my score out of 10 for each of the films just to recap.

The first one has always been a 5 out of 10 for me. It wasn't too great, but I don't hate it enough to say it's the most terrible thing ever.

Rainbow Rocks is a 7 out of 10. It showed much improvement over the first and overall had more good then bad. And probably had the best soundtrack out of the three movies.

Friendship Games however maybe a solid 8 or even 9 out of 10. It escapes many of the problems of the previous movies and actually takes place on it's own grounds rather then depending on something or someone coming over from Equestria in order to get a plot going. Human Twilight was also a very great part of the movie. And the climax didn't feel as rushed as the first as it was pretty much built up through both the magic being captured as well as the general feeling of Human Twilight's peer pressure from her school.

Oh and bonus points for Flash Sentry having an even smaller role then he did in the last movie. Which is hilarious because it was already diminishing in the 2nd compared to in the first movie.
My bro was watching the movie while I was reading the newspaper yesterday, so I saw it too.

I was sad that they had all OCs at the other school besides Twilight, Spike (still wish he was her little brother, not her dog), Cadence and Shining Armor - I'd hoped for a chance to see Sombre again, as the principle, given the crystal connection, but alas, all we really got was a shoutout in the form of Evil Twilight's flaming glasses (and at the same time, the horn seemed a bit like a reference to Queen Chrysalis and the wings were like Nightmare Moon, which was cool). The plot was pretty solid, the "take that"s of Flash Sentry's repeated failure to get Twilight engaged in shipping at all were awesome (good to know they learned from their mistakes), and I must say, I loved the other Twilight's design: the fact that the Mane 6 all dress so similar to each other always bugged me, so Twilight's uniform was a breath of fresh air - and it, the bun and the glasses really suit her.

Although, if I suddenly was granted amazing powers of evil, wings, eye flames and a badass unicorn horn, I'd keep 'em. Screw friendship, I wanna blow stuff up.
I just saw Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. It. Was. Awesome. If the movies count as episodes, this is my new favorite episode of the show besides Twilight's Kingdom. Literally, my only problems were Twilight's completely out-of-character power hunger at the end, and just a minor problem, but Principal Cinch not getting sacked from her position at the end. I used to think Josh Haber was just an OK writer but... wow.
Well, keep in mind it's a different Twilight, who's been bullied and made to feel like a powerless doormat by almost everyone around her for years, with even her principle threatening to crush her educational dreams. Even pre-series pony Twilight had it better despite being a loner too, with a mentor who nurtured and supported her, and peers who didn't go out of their way to be assholes to her. For pony Twilight, it'd be OOC fo' sho', but for human Twilight, it makes sense that suddenly having power (instead of nothing) would go to her head - but even then, it didn't take long for sense to be talked back into her anyway.
Discord said:
I just saw Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. It. Was. Awesome. If the movies count as episodes, this is my new favorite episode of the show besides Twilight's Kingdom. Literally, my only problems were Twilight's completely out-of-character power hunger at the end, and just a minor problem, but Principal Cinch not getting sacked from her position at the end. I used to think Josh Haber was just an OK writer but... wow.

On the power hunger when I post my full thoughts on the movie tomorrow. I have a bit of a headcanon that explains all that. In short though, I think it's something to do with the way the magic manipulated her mind when she transformed. As well as outside influences that built up to it. But I'll fully explain what I mean tomorrow.

Though Walkazo also explained it just now too.
Could you copy and paste what you said here? When I go to the link, it gets blocked.
Discord said:
Could you copy and paste what you said here? When I go to the link, it gets blocked.


Ok here we are with my thoughts on Friendship Games. These are all notes that I jotted down and went into detail as I went through my 2nd watch of the movie. I probably won’t talk about every scene, but if there’s an important one I want to get my thoughts out on I’ll definitely say something here. Without further adieu, let’s begin. (Oh before I forget too, I happen to be a fan of Sports and team competitions so that may be another of the small but notable reasons why I really liked this one. Cause I still remember the kinda disappointment with the Equestria Games when it all ended with a Spike focused episode. Granted it was a pretty good Spike episode all things considered but the games were built up since Season 3 so it felt like a downer)

Now when I was watching it for the first time. While this technically wasn’t part of the movie, they had a neat little thing where they had Sunset recap the events of the last two events. Which was nice and felt proper before the first scene of the movie where after Human Rainbow gathered everybody for just a guitar scene where Sunset then writes another journal/message to Pony Twilight. Sunset’s grown on me on part to the last film, though it’s still hard to forget how she was in the first movie. But for now I think we can let that slide now. To quote Sunset on her very own song and/or short, her past is not today.

After that we get out first look at Human Twilight. I won’t lie, she’s the main reason why for once I was excited for this film even though like I’ve said before I wasn’t fond of the first, and I groaned when the 2nd one was announced. I just felt it made for a great concept to bring in the other world’s Twilight and I’m happy with how much focus she gets. I’ll talk more on her as this review goes on. But know that my hype for her didn’t disappoint.

With the title theme going on I want to say something on the soundtrack. While I think Rainbow Rocks had a better overall soundtrack. In terms of quantity of songs I liked. Friendship Games may have had more. Just none of the songs matched what the Sirens brought in the 2nd movie. But most songs in this movie certainly I felt were better then most songs that the HuMane 5 sang in the last movie. I think if you prefer Quality over Quantity, Rainbow Rocks has the better soundtrack just for the Siren’s songs alone. But if you prefer a decent quantity of songs. I’d say Friendship Games have more songs that are ok to listen to. Including the Opening Theme. If nothing else though, Friendship Games definitely beats the first movie in Soundtrack (Who’s only real hit was the Cafeteria song Help Twilight Sparkle Win The Crowd)

Heh on Applejack’s joke on magical things coming over to take over. If this was still Rainbow Rocks, there probably would of been another “No offense” “None taken” joke right there. Sunset seems fine by now with it though.

Here we’re introduced to the rivalry between Crystal Prep and Canterlot High. Well before this movie the rivalry is more akin to a sports team who has led a division for over 20 years and won multiple championships as opposed to one that’s struggled to even make the playoffs in those same years. But you get the idea, they’re two in-state High Schools that have a beef with one another.

Now for the pep rally song, gotta say. I’m glad they have a more positive in intent song for Rainbow in this movie as opposed to while still kinda catchy, Awesome As I Wanna Be was definitely one direction towards a too egotistical moment. (As a side note, gotta be awkward with the Demon Sunset picture being there considering Sunset herself is in attendance.)

When Sunset says that Pony Twilight must be pretty busy as her role as Princess. It’s hard to stifle a chuckle when the episode that aired on the same day had Twilight bored as all heck at the beginning. Now chronologically I’m sure that wasn’t intended. As in all likelihood EQG3 actually probably takes place after Season 5 as all EQG movies take place between seasons. But I’m sure everyone had a good laugh after remembering Made in Manehatten.

Now we cut to poor Human World Twilight. She’s pretty much rejected by the other students, her only friends being her dog Spike (All my transgressions about Spike being a Dog ended after the first movie. While at it’s core it will always kinda bother me they kind of demoted him that way. They still made him pretty important nonetheless. More on that later too) and Vice Principal Cadence. Her solo song was nice and definitely gives you the feeling about what this Twilight is all about. She’s aced pretty much every test that Crystal Prep has offered her, however she also hasn’t been able to have any social interaction with fellow students. And when you have no friends and you pretty much know everything the school teaches already, you want to go out of your current boundaries. And that is why Twilight wants the Independent Study Program.

Before we get into Principal Cinch’s introduction it was interesting seeing Human Shining there. It seems like Human Shining is someone already graduated that is employed at the school. Though what’s odd is it seems he’s not quite as close with his sister as Pony Shining is with Pony Twilight. Maybe with what little lines he has that might not the actual case, but it seems like he’s one that has fallen under Cinch’s influence. The tone of his voice when he says “We always win” just kinda sounds like he’s another who’s gone on as Winning is more important. I suppose since he’s a former student when the school is still on it’s undefeated streak it may be no surprise. But it makes me feel this Shining if he had more of a role would not be quite on Twilight’s side in this film.

But anyway on to Principal Cinch, I’ll get more to her later when we get near the end of the movie. But it seems she’s the one getting flack as one of the weaknesses of this film because she seemed flat as a villain who only cares about one thin: Reputation of her school as well as herself. Which I’ll concede that’s the case, but I have a personal view at it that I’ll explain later. I’ll just say right now that I don’t count Cinch as THE main antagonist of the film even if she’s hyped up as such through the opening credits. I will say she definitely is a bitch though, not even wanting Canterlot High to have a shred of good reputation, basically blackmailing Human Twilight into attending the games. And she only gets worse as the movie goes on.

We’re introduced to a few of the Shadowbolts here. Another point some people have put up is that the Shadowbolts don’t get quite as much focus as they could of had. Though I think we get the point of which ones are supposed to rival with each one. Like Soursweet who’s the first to talk is with Fluttershy, she seems to be able to switch between sour and sweet moods. Though you definitely get the feeling her sweet mood is more so sarcastic and/or passive aggressive. Then there’s Indigo Zap who’s obviously our Dash rival who gets right in Human Twi’s face and asks if they’re gonna win. Sugarcoat who’s Applejack’s with absolute Brutal Honesty. And so on and so forth.

Upon the Crystal Prep bus arriving we see Human Luna and Cadence interact. I don’t think we’ve seen Pony Luna and Cadence talk much in the show. So this is a neat touch I think. But anyway, moving on to everybody in Canterlot High recognizing Twilight confusing the heck out of her because of course this Twilight never met any of the Canterlot High students.

And here is our first “Device sucks magic” scene with Rarity being the first “victim” of it. It’s our build up to the climax that starts here because all that powerful magic is being kept in one spot. And eventually it will have to be released. With so much magic that was inside it by the end though, initial effects were sure to be devastating. Magic does seem to go quite haywire in EQG World.

I won’t do this for every “device sucks magic” scene but this one is incredibly important since it stops Sunset from seeing Twilight by just going back. And was also pretty much the final nail in the coffin for Pony Twilight coming into the movie (At least not until you know what scene but more on that later). Of course Human Twilight didn’t know it was a portal, but it’s yet more magic that her thing picks up. It also seems incredibly powerful as it causes her device to spark up. So I think most of the magic that is unleashed comes from the portal. Kind of supported later during the climax when we can see multiple places of Equestria being shown through random portals. Also you can’t really say there’s a clear alignment to portal magic, some will question why Twilight turns into Midnight Sparkle later on when most of the magic was sucked from positive magic. But I think it’s certainly possible part of it is because the magic of the Portal makes up the biggest sum of the magic that gets unleashed and there’s not really any alignment to it, plus something else when we get there.

To the Acadeca song. This one is another really nice song and a good look at the events in the Friendship Games. It’s only natural Pinkie helps win the Baking contest, Crystal Prep would have better teaching on dimensions of a stable structure so they win the Birdhouse making contest. Now Spelling Bee was quite interesting to see. And ultimately ending with a contest of figuring out a complex equation between Human Twilight and Sunset. Which of course, Human Twilight wins.

Right after Acadeca though is one thing I want to bring up on Flash Sentry. You know how I’ve always felt on Flash ever since the first movie. I have to say another plus to this movie, is Flash has even less screentime then he did in Rainbow Rocks. And even that was already diminished from how it was in the first film. He has only like 2 or 3 notable scenes in the movie. And heck his final interaction with Human Twilight basically comes down to “Hey Twili-” “Sorry, I don’t know you. Gotta go!”. Now even if they had hit it off it wouldn’t have bothered me as much since it is a different Twilight. And I was kinda expecting him to get more focus when he was featured heavily in the toys for the movie. But in the end I just get to laugh that Flash got even less important in the scheme of things. Flash Sentry is hardly an issue of the film. And not even one cringeworthy moment like in Rainbow Rocks when Pony Twilight said “Flash Sentry was talking about me?!”. Maybe it’s a little petty to say even less Flash is another reason I prefer Friendship Games over the previous films. But I can’t help but say it made me snicker to see Flash become even more less important then he was.

Anyway, onto where Human Twilight interacts with Fluttershy. Honestly Human Twi I think probably would get along most with Human Fluttershy out of the HuMane 5 simply that they both are relatable in terms of school social behavior. It’s a really sweet moment that the two share. While it leads to yet another magic sucking scene. We also have Dog Spike talking. Now I was kinda spoiled by this when I listened to the soundtrack before the movie because I remember hearing Spike’s line at the end of the song and of course there’s also the fact Cathy still is credited in the opening credits. That would of been odd if Spike only barked throughout the whole film. But I’m glad he gets to speak. I think Dog Spike’s role in this film was just as good as Dragon Spike turned Dog in the first film. Though a little more on that later.

Now we get to the relay where Human Twi’s struggle at physical activity heavily frustrates her team. And a really good moment for Human AJ here to help her out. And show an example of positive honesty as well as fairness as the competition could of been impossible to even compete for if Twilight couldn’t hit the target in time. Of course leading to yet another Magic sucking scene of which Twilight tries to start fighting against her device but it gets released from her necklace and starts making magic portals that starts disrupting the Motocross race like some crazy Mario Kart track. The race manages to still end though it leads to a rather heartbreaking though understandable scene where Sunset confronts Human Twilight that Twilight trying to keep Magic for her to understand kept in one little device put people in danger. Twilight going away crying, feeling probably hurt even by those who gave her more kindness then all the students of Crystal Prep. Even though Sunset is understandably upset with her though, she instantly feels bad when Human Twilight runs crying.

Now we’re here at the final event/climax. With the Release the Magic song on it’s way I just want to say what I think the true “villain” of this movie was all along. Yes Principal Cinch herself is a big influence on it. But in my view on this movie, the true villain is peer pressure combined with the stress of a negative school environment. We can see that Twilight’s not happy with her experience in school even though she’s the smartest student there. And the reason is that the students just aren’t nice to Twilight much at all. They all seem to be jerks and bullies from what we can see, and it doesn’t help that the Principal doesn’t do anything about it. As after all she only cares about top grades and/or reputation of the school rather then the well-being of the students. With Twilight being the smartest, the entire of Crystal Prep puts their weight on her shoulder to help them prove their dominance while still treating her like an outcast. Even if Twilight succeeds, what does that accomplish for her in regards to Crystal Prep? She gets the independent study program that allows her to do whatever she wants to study but ultimately whenever she’s walking in the halls she’ll still get the rude students in the hallway that make her have to dodge students who refuse to do even the most basic of kindness for her. Personally I’m thankful my high school was a pretty positive environment, I never had to experience what Human Twilight had to go through. But there are legitimately people like her out there who are really smart and do well in terms of grades and everything. But they’re just not able to enjoy their time at school because their peers look at them like outcasts and/or the teachers and staff always may say their concerns are only trivial matters when they’re really not. Human Twilight ultimately is under a lot of things that are often become causes for depression for young students. And it’s something that feels like it’s representing the most mature thing that the Equestria Girls films have ever covered.

This ultimately cultivates into Human Twilight’s transformation into Midnight Sparkle. Which is basically our Nightmare Moon for Twilight. (On a side note, I like the design for Midnight Sparkle much better then Demon Sunset’s. I don’t know how to explain it, but it just looks quite good). The negative emotions felt from a combination of what I said of the peer pressure as well as Human Twi’s want to know about magic. The magic inside that device fuels that desire to know and makes it into an evil greed that twists the mind of the Human Twilight who we know is a good person into this evil form. I do kinda wish she did have some degree of control of herself and put all her anger at Cinch and those of Crystal Prep. But the look of fear that we see Principal Cinch upon seeing Midnight Sparkle is probably decent enough on that end. She knows she messed up bad upon that very moment. It’s the true villain that has shown up, and Principal Cinch is a prime driving force into it’s creation. I’ve already seen arguments on whether Cinch or Equestria Girls 1 Sunset is the worser EQG Villain but that is why I’m doing this part of the review that I don’t think there'a a clear person villain this time. Cinch is just a driving force as much as the students of Crystal Prep are also to blame for Human Twilight’s corruption. Though I can understand why someone may hate Principal Cinch the most out of any EQG character for her abuse, blackmail, and shady plans just to make sure her “reputation” stays at an all-time high. But I stand by my view that there’s no single person that’s a villain this time. It’s the negative emotions associated with a unhappy school atmosphere twisting the mind of an otherwise perfectly good person into something that no one wants to see coming. Now of course realistically no one becomes a magical monster bent on destruction, but the result is never pretty no matter how you look at it. Again I think this is a heavily mature subject that’s subtly the real evil here and from that point of view I feel like I have really strong reasoning for liking this one the most out of the trilogy of Equestria Girls films. I understand if any of you reading this still prefer Rainbow Rocks over this one, but I hope I explained well enough why from the point of view I’m trying to get across that this one really hits it out of the park.

Now even when Midnight Sparkle is on her rampage, Human Twilight is still insulted by the very Principal that was a cause of all this. Calling her the monster. The real monster at the moment is if Cinch looked in a mirror.

Following this is Angel Sunset (Or well Canon name is actually Daydream Shimmer) who transforms herself via the positive magic energy as well as her intention of saving Human Twilight from herself. A more noble cause gives Sunset an opposite of her demon self in the first film. Though upon the beam o’ war thing you can see Midnight still had the advantage at first. It’s only thanks to yet another plus to the movie that’s dear to my heart

And it’s that ultimately it is Spike who conks Twilight out of her evil mind long enough for Angel Sunset to finish her off. Even when Spike’s a dog, he’s still heavily important to his Twilight that a simple sad eye stare is all it takes for Human Twi to regain some control of herself. This is big with me because of course if you haven’t noticed how much focus I’ve had on Spike and Twilight’s relation through my ask blog for Genie Twilight that I love any such moments the two share. These may be different dimensional versions and definitely a different dynamic, but nonetheless it stays true that Twilight and Spike have an unbreakable bond that’s clearly special. And it’s just another reason I really loved this one.

Also gotta say, I’m pretty sure the Take My Hand moment is going to further the SunLight ship in the fandom. The only question is, SunLight shippers are going to find themselves in an odd situation where they may be having some argument between those who also ship SunLight. You know why? Because now there’s two different Twilight’s that Sunset knows. The Pony one and the Human one. Which Twilight do you ship Sunset with? There is Pony Twilight who Sunset writes to a lot but Pony Twilight is also often busy and has her own plans going on in Equestria. While Human Twilight is readily available, though in a bit of a role reversal it would be a Sunset being the leader and teacher of Friendship. Of course I imagine there will be the threesome stuff to make it easier (And for some hotter) but it’s certainly an odd predicament that you likely won’t find in other ships.

I know some people think Cinch probably should of been punished more then she did. And believe me, even I think Midnight Sparkle should of at least temporarily transformed Cinch into something like a frog or a really small snake. But having her perfect record tarnished as both Canterlot High and her own students turn against her is enough to show Cinch that her manipulative ways did not work out for her in the end. She probably should be fired, though I think as Celestia points out the School Boards will have a hard time believing everything that happened at Canterlot High actually happened. So you can’t really blame them for thinking even if they heard everything that went on on how crazy things were that they wouldn’t understand enough to give the proper punishment. They’d probably just send Cinch to a psychiatrist if she tried explaining everything.

Now we get Human Twilight transferring over to Canterlot High. I kinda suspected this the moment I heard the final song of the soundtrack where she sings with Sunset and the HuMane 5 about finding what she’s been looking for. As well as it seems ridiculous that she would stay at Crystal Prep knowing how horrible she had it there. There may be concerns that Sunset becomes the 7th Wheel again, but I think personally they’ll keep a balanced thing going on. After all it’s actually Sunset who has to teach this Twilight about Friendship. A really interesting role reversal here going on where Pony Twilight taught the Sunset in the first and second EQG movies friendship, and now Sunset gets the chance to teach the other Twilight about it. There’s rumors out there that an Equestria Girls spin-off series will be starting sometime next year. If so I think EQG3 provided a very good start off for it, and know that just like how Twilight is my favorite pony in the Main show. Human Twilight will be my favorite character of this Spin-off show, I assure you. ^^

Oh also I feel the Pony Upping going when the HuMane 5 are showing their element I feel is better then only having it when they play an instrument in Rainbow Rocks. It just feels more natural and makes a little more sense keeping how the main series has gone in mind.

Oh and the sudden stinger at the end where Pony Twilight shows up and sees her EQG World self was priceless. One of things I was excited about Human Twilight was seeing what would happen should the two Twilights meet. And while this is kinda short it still offered exactly what I thought would happen. Awkward stares and all. I hope at least the fandom does some awesome comics between the two, and should there be an EQG4 or even the possibility of Pony Twilight showing up every now and then in the possible EQG spin-off show next year I’d like to see any interaction at all between the two Twilights. It’d just be really, really cool. (On a side note, some have said the Time Loop that Twilight is referring to might reference the Finale of Season 5 cause it also involves Time Travel. But we’ll have to see to be sure. Would make sense though. As I said before EQG films tend to take place between seasons as it’s obvious EQG1 took place between Seasons 3 and 4. And EQG2 took place between Seasons 4 and 5. We can assume the same for this film for Seasons 5 and 6)

And that’s Friendship Games. I hope I throughly explained most of the little things as well as what I liked that was actually focused on. This really was a good film and you can consider me someone who was left skeptic after the first film, warming up after the 2nd, to fully starting to enjoy it with this one. If a 4th movie or that Spin-off series is officially announced. You can officially find myself amongst those who won’t mind them and maybe even some excitement on my part. Now I’ll still say I prefer the Main series over EQG of course, but it’s grown to something more then it was and has shaken out of most of the problems that had left me so unsure after the first movie aired. Thank you to any of you that read all this as I know it’s incredibly long as after all I was putting notes as I was rewatching a film that’s just a little over an hour long and expanding upon my thoughts especially if it’s a particular part of the movie I felt strongly about such as what the true “villain” of the movie was. While it seems the consensus so far (At least from what I’ve seen, most places I go to I have people saying they liked Rainbow Rocks more but they still thought this one was pretty good) is that Rainbow Rocks is still considered the best of the three I think I have explained why I like Friendship Games the most and if there’s anybody reading this who felt the same at all, I hope maybe I might have given you more of a reason to like it cause maybe I provided a view of the movie that you didn’t see for yourself at first.

Thank you to all who bothered to read all this, and have a good day ^^
With Friendship Games out, I'm going to say what my top 15 favorite episodes of MLP are (including the EQ series)

15. Rarity Takes Manehattan
14. The Return of Harmony
13. Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
12. Bloom and Gloom
11. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
10. Equestria Girls
9. Party of One
8. Amending Fences
7. Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
6. Hurricane Fluttershy
5. Lesson Zero
4. A Canterlot Wedding
3. Slice of Life
2. Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
1. Twilight's Kingdom
The Rest of Season 5 has their synopsis's revealed. Some of these I already posted. But I think it's better I have everything that's coming up in one post

Episode 18: Brotherhooves Social:

When Applejack is called away and has to miss participating in the Sisterhooves Social with Apple Bloom, their brother, Big Mac, decides to fill in.

Episode 19: Crusaders of the Lost Mark:

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are determined to help Pip Squeak when he runs for class president but unexpectedly find themselves aiding their nemesis.

Episode 20: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows:

Pinkie Pie struggles to keep a secret that involves the lovely Princess Cadence and her husband, Twilight's brother Shining Armor.

Episode 21: Hearthbreakers:

Applejack is excited to celebrate Hearthswarming Eve with Pinkie Pie's family but finds that her friends have different ways of enjoying the holiday.

Episode 22: What About Discord?:

Twilight returns from a trip and is distressed to find that her friends have become close to Discord, making her wonder if Discord is up to something.

Episode 23: The Hooffields and McColts:

Princess Twilight and Fluttershy are called by the map to settle a dispute between two feuding families who can’t even remember why they are fighting.

Episode 24: The Mane Attraction:

An old friend of Applejack’s has become a huge pop star, but Applejack is worried that the singer’s manager does not have her best interests at heart.

Episode 25: The Cutie Map: Part 1:

Starlight Glimmer, hoping to obtain revenge against the Mane 6, acquires a spell that could change the past, present and future of Equestria forever.

Episode 26: The Cutie Map: Part 2:

Princess Twilight and her friends continue to fight against Starlight's attempts to alter the past, but they fear that their efforts may be in vain.
Why is The Cutie Map there twice?
Discord said:
Why is The Cutie Map there twice?

Two-parter. Though if I remember correctly the Season 5 Opener was also called The Cutie Map. So that's kinda weird. I wonder if Netflix just made a mistake there. (That's where it came from)
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
Why is The Cutie Map there twice?

Two-parter. Though if I remember correctly the Season 5 Opener was also called The Cutie Map. So that's kinda weird. I wonder if Netflix just made a mistake there. (That's where it came from)
That's what I meant. Why are there two 2-parters with the same name?
Discord said:
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
Why is The Cutie Map there twice?

Two-parter. Though if I remember correctly the Season 5 Opener was also called The Cutie Map. So that's kinda weird. I wonder if Netflix just made a mistake there. (That's where it came from)
That's what I meant. Why are there two 2-parters with the same name?

I think it's likely a mistake from Netflix. According to a leaked list (That was actually pretty legit, pretty much all the titles of episodes came true) based on official trading cards. The real name of the finale will probably be The Cutie Re-Mark. Which probably makes more sense with the Synopsis.
The Big Mac & Applebloom episode from last Saturday was a heartwarming episode. The ending alone makes it pretty touching. Big Mac crossdressing sure was weird but it got a good laugh from me as it started. It's also quite possible Big Mac spoke more lines in this one episode then he did in every previous episode combined.

Also Equestria Girls 4 was confirmed. It will be called Legends of Everfree like I mentioned in that big review post I did for EQG3. For once, I'm happy with a new Equestria Girls announcement since I throughly enjoyed Friendship Games (The fact I'm currently using a rotating avatar only for Human Twi should attest to that) so I'll be awaiting where things go from here.
It's also quite possible Big Mac spoke more lines in this one episode then he did in every previous episode combined.
That would have to be quite a fucking lot, considering Hearts & Hooves. :P
Magikrazy said:
It's also quite possible Big Mac spoke more lines in this one episode then he did in every previous episode combined.
That would have to be quite a fucking lot, considering Hearts & Hooves. :P

Well even if Hearts and Hooves has more. Big Mac isn't made smitten by a love potion. So in terms of Big Mac speaking when he's in the right mind it definitely is the most. Though of course, most of his lines are when he tries speaking like a woman while he's crossdressed.
Northern Verve said:
Magikrazy said:
It's also quite possible Big Mac spoke more lines in this one episode then he did in every previous episode combined.
That would have to be quite a *bleep*ing lot, considering Hearts & Hooves. :P

Well even if Hearts and Hooves has more. Big Mac isn't made smitten by a love potion. So in terms of Big Mac speaking when he's in the right mind it definitely is the most. Though of course, most of his lines are when he tries speaking like a woman while he's crossdressed.
does he say things other than "nope" and "yep"?
Flippy said:
Northern Verve said:
Magikrazy said:
It's also quite possible Big Mac spoke more lines in this one episode then he did in every previous episode combined.
That would have to be quite a *bleep*ing lot, considering Hearts & Hooves. :P

Well even if Hearts and Hooves has more. Big Mac isn't made smitten by a love potion. So in terms of Big Mac speaking when he's in the right mind it definitely is the most. Though of course, most of his lines are when he tries speaking like a woman while he's crossdressed.
does he say things other than "nope" and "yep"?

Yes. He says lots of things while crossdressed, though he also openly talks as himself in a rather touching scene at the end.
OK, I really liked Brotherhooves Social. I'd say it's my fifth-favorite Season 5 episode, behind The Cutie Map, Bloom and Gloom, Amending Fences, and Slice of Life.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders got their Cutie Marks in today's episode! Happy Day! I honestly was expecting them to get it in the Finale, so that really surprised me
Is it like what the showstoppers would want you to believe?