My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Is there a way the poll can be changed? The old poll is getting pretty much no votes now.
Kylo Ren said:
Is there a way the poll can be changed? The old poll is getting pretty much no votes now.

Well a mod could change it but I don't see the need. People can still vote on it. And it shows how popular it was (At least at one point anyway) how popular it got here when 130 users chose a favorite pony. Your favorite Mane 6 is like the most common question asked anyway between when different bronies talk for the first time.
So apparently, this website says that a YouTuber named Moliminous has the names of the Season 6 episodes, which I will list.
Cutie-Pie Castle Part One
Cutie-Pie Castle Part Two
Starlight Express
Cutie Marks the Spot
Rainbow Rescued
Most Excellent Princess
Runaway Success
Apple Family Recipe
Fall For the Cutie
Out of this World
Royal Guard
Wonderbolt' Premiere
Everfree Caverns
Less than Hero
Fear and clothing in Las Pegasus
Hoarder Spoder
Scoot Over
Star Swirl Society
Uncle Spike
Darling Little Angle
Joke's on You
Cake Walk
Big Trouble and Little Equestria
Element of Courage
One in Two

I honestly don't know if the website is just making one of those false "leak" stories, but I really hope it isn't. Here's the website in case anyone wants to see it.

Also, I think I may make a worst to best list of the MLP episodes pretty soon, but when I do, I probably will also have to make a list of how I'd rate each episode on a scale of one to ten, because categorizing the episodes will make ranking them easier. I'm probably going to post everything in chunks, though.
I believe that's already been proven fake. A person within the show staff has already said it's fake.

There's also no way they could have the episode titles already. The only way we had some of the Season 5 titles get announced early was because there the official Card Game seemed to conveniently reference alot of episode title names. No way people are just going to random guess the titles.
Northern Verve said:
I believe that's already been proven fake. A person within the show staff has already said it's fake.

There's also no way they could have the episode titles already. The only way we had some of the Season 5 titles get announced early was because there the official Card Game seemed to conveniently reference alot of episode title names. No way people are just going to random guess the titles.
Well, that's too bad. I was hoping I could figure out what the episodes were about by the names.
So, here's how I'd rate each MLP episode by date:

Season 1
Friendship is Magic: 7
The Ticket Master: 4
Applebuck Season: 8
Griffon The Brush-Off: 6
Boast Busters: 3
Dragonshy: 8
Look Before You Sleep: 2
Bridle Gossip: 5
Swarm of the Century: 8
Winter Wrap-Up: 9
Call of the Cutie: 9
Fall Weather Friends: 7
Suited for Success: 9
Feeling Pinkie Keen: 5
Sonic Rainboom: 9
Stare Master: 4
A Dog and Pony Show: 8
Green Isn't Your Color: 9
Over a Barrel: 6
A Bird in the Hoof: 2
The Cutie Mark Chronicles: 10
Owl's Well That Ends Well: 3
Party of One: 10
The Best Night Ever: 9

Season 2
The Return of Harmony: 9
Lesson Zero: 10
Luna Eclipsed: 7
Sisterhooves Social: 10
The Cutie Pox: 4
May the Best Pet Win!: 5
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: 1
Sweet and Elite: 7
Secret of My Excess: 9
Hearth's Warming Eve: 8
Family Appreciation Day: 9
Baby Cakes: 3
The Last Roundup: 10
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: 5
Read it and Weep: 9
Hearts and Hooves Day: 8
A Friend in Deed: 5
Putting Your Hoof Down: 1
It's About Time: 9
Dragon Quest: 3
Hurricane Fluttershy: 9
Ponyville Confidential: 7
MMMystery on the Friendship Express: 6
A Canterlot Wedding: 10

Season 3
The Crystal Empire: 8
Too Many Pinkie Pies: 10
One Bad Apple: 2
Magic Duel: 9
Sleepless in Ponyville: 9
Wonderbolts Academy: 10
Apple Family Reunion: 6
Spike at Your Service: 5
Keep Calm and Flutter On: 1
Just for Sidekicks: 4
Games Ponies Play: 6
Magical Mystery Cure: 7

Season 4
Princess Twilight Sparkle: 8
Castle Mane-ia: 8
Daring Don't: 9
Flight to the Finish: 9
Power Ponies: 6
Bats!: 9
Rarity Takes Manehattan: 9
Pinkie Apple Pie: 9
Rainbow Falls: 1
Three's a Crowd: 7
Pinkie Pride: 9
Simple Ways: 6
Filli Vanilli: 1
Twilight Time: 8
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: 6
Somepony to Watch Over Me: 1
Maud Pie: 9
For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils: 10
Leap of Faith: 9
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3: 8
Trade Ya!: 3
Inspiration Manifestation: 10
Equestria Games: 8
Twilight's Kingdom: 10

Season 5
The Cutie Map: 9
Castle Sweet Castle: 7
Bloom and Gloom: 9
Tanks for the Memories: 3
Appleoosa's Most Wanted: 4
Make New Friends but Keep Discord: 9
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone: 8
Slice of Life: 10
Princess Spike: 2
Party Pooped: 7
Amending Fences: 10
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?: 5
Canterlot Boutique: 3
Rarity Investigates!: 8
Made in Manehattan: 6
Brotherhooves Social: 9
Crusaders of the Lost Mark: 10
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows: 6
Hearthbreakers: 8
Scare Master: 7
What About Discord?: 1
The Hooffields and McColts: 5
The Cutie Re-Mark: 8

Equestria Girls Movies
Equestria Girls: 9
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks: 10
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games: 10

Or to categorize them by rating:

One star
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
Putting Your Hoof Down
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Rainbow Falls
Filli Vanilli
Somepony to Watch Over Me
What About Discord?

Two stars
Look Before You Sleep
A Bird in the Hoof
One Bad Apple
Princess Spike

Three stars
Boast Busters
The Show Stoppers
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Baby Cakes
Dragon Quest
Trade Ya!
Tanks for the Memories
Canterlot Boutique

Four stars
The Ticket Master
Stare Master
The Cutie Pox
Just for Sidekicks
Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Five stars
Bridle Gossip
Feeling Pinkie Keen
May the Best Pet Win!
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
A Friend in Deed
Spike at Your Service
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
The Hooffields and McColts

Six stars
Griffon the Brush-Off
Over a Barrel
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
Apple Family Reunion
Games Ponies Play
Power Ponies
Simple Ways
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Made in Manehattan
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows

Seven stars
Friendship is Magic
Fall Weather Friends
Luna Eclipsed
Sweet and Elite
Ponyville Confidential
Magical Mystery Cure
Three's a Crowd
Castle Sweet Castle
Party Pooped
Scare Master

Eight stars
Applebuck Season
Swarm of the Century
A Dog and Pony Show
Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearts and Hooves Day
The Crystal Empire
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Castle Mane-ia
Twilight Time
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Equestria Games
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Rarity Investigates!
The Cutie Re-Mark

Nine stars
Winter Wrap-Up
Call of the Cutie
Suited for Success
Sonic Rainboom
Green Isn't Your Color
The Best Night Ever
The Return of Harmony
Secret of My Excess
Family Appreciation Day
Read it and Weep
It's About Time
Hurricane Fluttershy
Magic Duel
Sleepless in Ponyville
Daring Don't
Flight to the Finish
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Pinkie Apple Pie
Pinkie Pride
Maud Pie
Leap of Faith
The Cutie Map
Bloom and Gloom
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Brotherhooves Social
The Mane Attraction
Equestria Girls

Ten stars
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Party of One
Lesson Zero
Sisterhooves Social
The Last Roundup
A Canterlot Wedding
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Wonderbolts Academy
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Inspiration Manifestation
Twilight's Kingdom
Slice of Life
Amending Fences
Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
Last edited:
i've just watched every episode of this on netflix, at least season four anyway. netflix is the best way to watch it, i've found, because there's an episode of it that's banned where i live (namely the super speedy i know the name but it's long 6000) and i was able to watch it. i actually like the episode though, there's these times when i'm at school and all i hear in my head is the song from this episode.

i also properly re-watched the key of harmony episodes, because the first ever episode i saw was leap of faith and i just thought "what is happening, why are all the characters' voices from pac-man, what's so important about the coin?" and my mum said the real moral was not to click clickbait. after watching it a few more times, i've noticed some errors (the swing changes, there's this tail error that carried over from sscs6000 that annoys me) and i've had to reconsider pac-man because it's weird that pac is best friends with pinkie pie, rainbow dash has a crush on him, his aunt is applejack, flim is the president and granny smith is his mum.

and i watched the cutie re-mark, which was actually kind of boring. it was funny to see twilight being put in all these weird places where the mane 6 didn't exist (wow, equestria would suck if celestia hadn't sent her to ponyville, good call) and it was nice to see basically every antagonist have a shot at ruling equestria.

a new mane 6 member? count me out. reforming villains is annoying anyway, but making them your automatic best friend? what?

i watched friendship games. was disappointed because it was actually really boring.

i watched the rainbow rocks shorts. the prequel instrument ones annoy me though:
player piano moral: make people do worthless stuff for you only to discover you can somehow play a small piano with much less keys that is shaped like a guitar.
guitar centered moral: cheating is fun.
a case for the bass moral: punch people if they won't let you buy something of worth for much less because you stupidly forgot to ask your family if they'd seen your bass before they sold it
the pinkie one (forgot its name) moral: practice is a waste of time
hamstocalypse now moral: animals totally know how to clean their own home which you haven't bothered to clean for a year

when they're in the cafe you can see starlight reading the newspaper in the background
Kylo Ren said:
So, here's how I'd rate each MLP episode by date:

Season 1
Friendship is Magic: 7
The Ticket Master: 4
Applebuck Season: 8
Griffon The Brush-Off: 6
Boast Busters: 3
Dragonshy: 8
Look Before You Sleep: 2
Bridle Gossip: 5
Swarm of the Century: 8
Winter Wrap-Up: 9
Call of the Cutie: 9
Fall Weather Friends: 7
Suited for Success: 9
Feeling Pinkie Keen: 5
Sonic Rainboom: 9
Stare Master: 4
The Show Stoppers: 3
A Dog and Pony Show: 8
Green Isn't Your Color: 9
Over a Barrel: 6
A Bird in the Hoof: 2
The Cutie Mark Chronicles: 10
Owl's Well That Ends Well: 3
Party of One: 10
The Best Night Ever: 9

Season 2
The Return of Harmony: 9
Lesson Zero: 10
Luna Eclipsed: 7
Sisterhooves Social: 10
The Cutie Pox: 4
May the Best Pet Win!: 5
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: 1
Sweet and Elite: 7
Secret of My Excess: 9
Hearth's Warming Eve: 8
Family Appreciation Day: 9
Baby Cakes: 3
The Last Roundup: 10
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: 5
Read it and Weep: 9
Hearts and Hooves Day: 8
A Friend in Deed: 5
Putting Your Hoof Down: 1
It's About Time: 9
Dragon Quest: 3
Hurricane Fluttershy: 9
Ponyville Confidential: 7
MMMystery on the Friendship Express: 6
A Canterlot Wedding: 10

Season 3
The Crystal Empire: 8
Too Many Pinkie Pies: 10
One Bad Apple: 2
Magic Duel: 9
Sleepless in Ponyville: 9
Wonderbolts Academy: 10
Apple Family Reunion: 6
Spike at Your Service: 5
Keep Calm and Flutter On: 1
Just for Sidekicks: 4
Games Ponies Play: 6
Magical Mystery Cure: 7

Season 4
Princess Twilight Sparkle: 8
Castle Mane-ia: 8
Daring Don't: 9
Flight to the Finish: 9
Power Ponies: 6
Bats!: 9
Rarity Takes Manehattan: 9
Pinkie Apple Pie: 9
Rainbow Falls: 1
Three's a Crowd: 7
Pinkie Pride: 9
Simple Ways: 6
Filli Vanilli: 1
Twilight Time: 8
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: 6
Somepony to Watch Over Me: 1
Maud Pie: 9
For Whom the Sweetie Bells Toils: 10
Leap of Faith: 9
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3: 8
Trade Ya!: 3
Inspiration Manifestation: 10
Equestria Games: 8
Twilight's Kingdom: 10

Season 5
The Cutie Map: 9
Castle Sweet Castle: 7
Bloom and Gloom: 9
Tanks for the Memories: 3
Appleoosa's Most Wanted: 4
Make New Friends but Keep Discord: 9
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone: 8
Slice of Life: 10
Princess Spike: 2
Party Pooped: 7
Amending Fences: 10
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?: 5
Canterlot Boutique: 3
Rarity Investigates!: 8
Made in Manehattan: 6
Brotherhooves Social: 9
Crusaders of the Lost Mark: 10
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows: 6
Hearthbreakers: 8
Scare Master: 7
What About Discord?: 1
The Hooffields and McColts: 5
The Cutie Re-Mark: 8

Equestria Girls Movies
Equestria Girls: 9
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks: 10
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games: 10

Or to categorize them by rating:

One star
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
Putting Your Hoof Down
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Rainbow Falls
Filli Vanilli
Somepony to Watch Over Me
What About Discord?

Two stars
Look Before You Sleep
A Bird in the Hoof
One Bad Apple
Princess Spike

Three stars
Boast Busters
The Show Stoppers
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Baby Cakes
Dragon Quest
Trade Ya!
Tanks for the Memories
Canterlot Boutique

Four stars
The Ticket Master
Stare Master
The Cutie Pox
Just for Sidekicks
Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Five stars
Bridle Gossip
Feeling Pinkie Keen
May the Best Pet Win!
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
A Friend in Deed
Spike at Your Service
Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
The Hooffields and McColts

Six stars
Griffon the Brush-Off
Over a Barrel
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
Apple Family Reunion
Games Ponies Play
Power Ponies
Simple Ways
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Made in Manehattan
The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows

Seven stars
Friendship is Magic
Fall Weather Friends
Luna Eclipsed
Sweet and Elite
Ponyville Confidential
Magical Mystery Cure
Three's a Crowd
Castle Sweet Castle
Party Pooped
Scare Master

Eight stars
Applebuck Season
Swarm of the Century
A Dog and Pony Show
Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearts and Hooves Day
The Crystal Empire
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Castle Mane-ia
Twilight Time
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
Equestria Games
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
Rarity Investigates!
The Cutie Re-Mark

Nine stars
Winter Wrap-Up
Call of the Cutie
Suited for Success
Sonic Rainboom
Green Isn't Your Color
The Best Night Ever
The Return of Harmony
Secret of My Excess
Family Appreciation Day
Read it and Weep
It's About Time
Hurricane Fluttershy
Magic Duel
Sleepless in Ponyville
Daring Don't
Flight to the Finish
Rarity Takes Manehattan
Pinkie Apple Pie
Pinkie Pride
Maud Pie
Leap of Faith
The Cutie Map
Bloom and Gloom
Make New Friends but Keep Discord
Brotherhooves Social
The Mane Attraction
Equestria Girls

Ten stars
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Party of One
Lesson Zero
Sisterhooves Social
The Last Roundup
A Canterlot Wedding
Too Many Pinkie Pies
Wonderbolts Academy
For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
Inspiration Manifestation
Twilight's Kingdom
Slice of Life
Amending Fences
Crusaders of the Lost Mark
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

Now that I've rated and categorized everything, here is my final rating:
1. Twilight’s Kingdom
2. Crusaders of the Lost Mark
3. Lesson Zero
4. Slice of Life
5. A Canterlot Wedding
6. Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
7. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
8. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
9. Too Many Pinkie Pies
10. Sisterhooves Social
11. Amending Fences
12. Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
13. Party of One
14. The Last Roundup
15. Wonderbolts Academy
16. Inspiration Manifestation
17. The Mane Attraction
18. Maud Pie
19. Equestria Girls
20. Call of the Cutie
21. Rarity Takes Manehattan
22. Read it and Weep
23. The Return of Harmony
24. Bloom and Gloom
25. Secret of My Excess
26. Pinkie Pride
27. Make New Friends but Keep Discord
28. Bats!
29. Daring Don’t
30. Sleepless in Ponyville
31. Flight to the Finish
32. Sonic Rainboom
33. Hurricane Fluttershy
34. Suited for Success
35. It’s About Time
36. The Cutie Map
37. Magic Duel
38. Brotherhooves Social
39. The Best Night Ever
40. Winter Wrap-Up
41. Pinkie Apple Pie
42. Family Appreciation Day
43. Green Isn’t Your Color
44. Leap of Faith
45. Hearthbreakers
46. The Crystal Empire
47. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
48. Princess Twilight Sparkle
49. Hearts and Hooves Day
50. Hearth’s Warming Eve
51. Equestria Games
52. The Cutie Re-Mark
53. Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3
54. Swarm of the Century
55. A Dog and Pony Show
56. Twilight Time
57. Rarity Investigates!
58. Dragonshy
59. Castle Mane-ia
60. Applebuck Season
61. Luna Eclipsed
62. Friendship is Magic
63. Castle Sweet Castle
64. Three’s a Crowd
65. Magical Mystery Cure
66. Party Pooped
67. Fall Weather Friends
68. Sweet and Elite
69. Scare Master
70. Ponyville Confidential
71. Griffon The Brush-Off
72. MMMystery on the Friendship Express
73. Made in Manehattan
74. Over A Barrel
75. It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies
76. Games Ponies Play
77. Simple Ways
78. Apple Family Reunion
79. Power Ponies
80. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
81. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?
82. The Hooffields and McColts
83. A Friend in Deed
84. Spike at Your Service
85. Feeling Pinkie Keen
86. Bridle Gossip
87. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
88. May The Best Pet Win!
89. Stare Master
90. Appleoosa's Most Wanted
91. The Ticket Master
92. The Cutie Pox
93. Just for Sidekicks
94. Canterlot Boutique
95. Trade Ya!
96. Owl’s Well That Ends Well
97. Tanks for the Memories
98. The Show Stoppers
99. Dragon Quest
100. Boast Busters
101. Baby Cakes
102. One Bad Apple
103. A Bird in The Hoof
104. Princess Spike
105. Look Before You Sleep
106. Somepony to Watch Over Me
107. What About Discord?
108. The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
109. Rainbow Falls
110. Filli Vanilli
111. Putting Your Hoof Down
112. Keep Calm and Flutter On

I know most people who read this won't understand why I ranked some episodes the way I did, but I'm willing to explain my ranking for any episode if you ask me to.
Season 6 has it's theme announced

Every season in the show has had some sort of theme that either the show centered around and/or Hasbro made the selling point at that point of time

Season 1 had the Gala
Season 2 had the Canterlot Wedding
Season 3 had Twilight's Ascension to Alicornhood as well as the Crystal Empire
Season 4 had the Keys and Twi's new Castle
and Season 5 had Cutie Mark Magic referring to what Starlight does in the opener as well as the CMC getting their Cutie Marks at last

Season 6's is going to be "Exploring Equestria". Likely meaning we'll be seeing quite a bit of episodes outside of Ponyville. Where we'll likely see the return of old places and probably some new ones too.
you know i haven't watched this show since the premiere of season 4 or whatever

what big things have happened in the show? how's it doing?
Nabber said:
you know i haven't watched this show since the premiere of season 4 or whatever

what big things have happened in the show? how's it doing?

Season 4 is my new favorite season of the show, there's alot of good ones. Though if you don't have alot of time to see it all I would personally recommend Pinkie Pride and Twilight's Kingdom. I must warn Season 4 also has one of the worst episodes of the show in Rainbow Falls (And considering I'm one of the more positive people you know it must be bad). But other then that episode it's a really solid season overall.

Season 5 is good too though I don't think it's as good as either Season 2 or 4. My biggest recommendation there would be Amending Fences. Though there are other really neat stuff such as Slice of Life (The special 100th episode that's a love letter to the fandom) as well as The Crusaders of the Lost Mark where

The CMC get their Cutie Marks at last
How do they do an episode about the background characters without making it seem like its pandering to the bronies?
Magikrazy said:
How do they do an episode about the background characters without making it seem like its pandering to the bronies?

They actually did it fairly well I think. The moral at the end really drives it home why. Sure, the episode is alot more fun if you've been a part of the fanbase for a long time. But I can't see why someone new, or the target audience (Younger children) couldn't find some enjoyment in the episode too. (Note: There are little girls who are both aware of and are fans of Derpy for example).

I think most people who complain are people who have been in the fanbase a long time that never wanted to see any kind of pandering in the show. But Slice of Life is a special case where I think it's acceptable. It's the 100th episode of the entire show, and the show certainly wouldn't of gotten as far as it is now without the fanbase it had.
i don't really intend on watching the show anymore, but im curious, what was so bad about rainbow falls?
Nabber said:
i don't really intend on watching the show anymore, but im curious, what was so bad about rainbow falls?

Most of my problems can be found here from one of my favorite cartoon reviewers

Though I'd also like to say there was a much better way to do this episode. And that's screw the whole injury to Soarin' thing. And just have Rainbow choose between her loyalties of either flying with the wonderbolts. Or representing her hometown (And her friends). Of which she should of joined her hometown's team because she wants to see how she stacks up against the Wonderbolts to show their stuff rather then simply fly with them. Would of made for a far better execution then what we got.
Yeah, I really hated Rainbow Falls. I think the best way to describe it is to compare it to the Double Rainboom fan episode. They're both horribly written and contrived Rainbow Dash episodes with a weak moral that Rainbow would have known if she wasn't out of character. That being said, I don't think it's the WORST episode of the show. It's not as mean-spirited as Putting Your Hoof Down or Filli Vanilli, or as morally messed-up as Keep Calm and Flutter On. However, I do think it's the most unfunny episode. I didn't think there a single joke in it that even came close to being mildly amusing.
What writers do you guys hope will and won't return during Season 6? I know Amy Keating Rogers won't return, but I particularly hope Josh Haber, M. A. Larson, and Meghan McCarthy do. The only writer I absolutely DO NOT want to return is Neal Dusedau.
Eh, I wouldn't say any particular writers I wouldn't want to see. You never know if they'll improve. If writers were gone for lackluster, controversial, or poor earlier episodes, Dave Polsky wouldn't have gone on to do what he did in Season 4 because of his work in Season 1. And Merriwether Williams wouldn't have been there for Wonderbolts Academy and Bats! (Though she hasn't written an episode since Bats!) because of her Season 2 work.

Princess Spike and What About Discord were some of the weaker Season 5 episodes but not enough to make me want to think Neal shouldn't try again.

On a side note, Jayson Theissen (The director of the show for Seasons 1-5 who is currently focused on the 2017 movie) had an interview with Equestria Daily recently and answered a question I'm glad to have some full clearence on.

We have seen this guy in the background, and despite several "hints" at a relationship with Twilight in both toys and movies, he never really went anywhere. Were there ever plans to add Flash Sentry to ponyland from Equestria Girls in a major role?

JT: Nope.

And on the topic of relationships, it seems to be something that has been completely avoided for the mane 6 over the last few years. Was this due to the possible reaction from fans? Or was it never in the original vision of the show to begin with?

JT: You answered your own question with the second option.

Basically further confirmation Flash won't be coming to the show in any role of importance. And aside for a few flirts with it like we've seen with Rarity in Best Night Ever and Simple Ways. Relationships (as in a boyfriend that they maintain a long-term crush on) aren't in the future for the Mane 6.
I suppose you have a point with the writers' quality changing, but for me, I have no idea how Neal Dusedau could get better. What I mean is that, to be honest, his two episodes were so bad in every way that I don't think he has any redeeming factors as a writer that show how he could improve. At least Dave Polsky's Season 1 episodes were funny, and Merriweather Williams' controversial Season 2 episodes showed that she wasn't afraid of taking risks, which foreshadowed how their episodes would be good later.

Also, thank heavens that Flash Sentry is not coming into the show. He was just so bland.
I'm just saying because there were people saying similar things about Scott Sonneborn in Season 4 which admittedly he did have a hand in two of the weaker episodes of Season 4 (Somepony Watching Over Me and Trade Ya. Though the former is one of my guilty pleasure episodes of the show) he went on to co-write the Opener of Season 5 (Even if we can't tell what it was that Scott added when he was working with Larson) and wrote Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep which I thought was at the very least ok and very entertaining, if a bit rushed near the end.
I think Scott Sonneborn was better in Season 5, but I still wouldn't say he was good. I thought The Cutie Map was pretty good, but both M. A. Larson and Meghan McCarthy, who are my favorite writers of the show, wrote it as well, so I wouldn't really say he was the reason the episode was good. As for DPDOMS, I have the same opinion on it as I do Feeling Pinkie Keen, where I can't decide whether I absolutely love it or absolutely hate it, and it's actually for the same reasons (the entertainment value evens out with the bad moral). I guess having an extreme mixed opinion on that episode is better than disliking it (Trade Ya) or DESPISING it (Somepony to Watch Over Me).