My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
That translation of Equestria in Chinese

Kylo Ren said:
So apparently, season 6 will start in May. I think it's cool that they're starting a new season this soon, but I hope they don't rush the episodes.

Nah I don't think they'll be rushed. There's a reason they had to split Season 5 with a hiatus. They were likely working mainly on Season 6 by the the time the 2nd part of Season 5 started airing on TV. It's just that since Season 5 finished not too long ago that it feels like it's so soon. But the hiatus was not only on the purpose of giving the fans something to still go over as the staff are hard at work with Season 6, it's also to make the hiatus between seasons not nearly as long as they used to be. (We waited quite a bit between Seasons 3 & 4, and 4 & 5. They're making a very smart decision if you were ever impatient during the wait for Season 4 or 5)

Anyway, time for #100-#96 in my list

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(Song used: Fire It Up - Thousand Foot Krutch.

Forgot to put this in the last one but in case you didn’t know the song for the Bottom 12 one, it’s Untitled by Simple Plan)

Now we've reached the beginning of the Top 100 after getting the 12 who were unfortunate enough to not even make this list. Though with Season 6 not too far from coming. The episodes from #100-#90 will really have to hope Season 6 completely fails in order for these episodes to stay within the Top 100. Because all it takes is a few good episodes in the next season to knock these episodes out of the 100 as well. These are the episodes that weren't bad enough to not make the list in a 112 episode list but also weren't good enough to get very far beyond that. That 112 Episode list will become 137 (An additional 24 [Assuming the opener and finale are Two-parters again] episodes + Equestria Girls 4) by the end of this year that's nearly 1 1/2 of full seasons that can't even reach #100. So Spot #100 is only going to get harder for some episodes to squeak by and get. When we get to #75 and above, for the most part those episodes can rest easy as Season 6 would have to be an absolute perfect Season for those to even come close to being put down to anywhere near #100. But the episodes in this set of 5 as well as the next are near guarantees to fall out unless once again Season 6 proves to be a horrible season. Which I see no signs of which yet (No, Flurry Heart being an Alicorn is not one of them. Nice try :P) Without further adieu, let's begin the Top 100!


Somehow Season 5 managed to not have one episode in the Bottom 12 while every other season had at least two. You could say that's a compliment to how consistent Season 5 was. But when you see what episodes are in #100-#90 you may realize that may not be for long once Season 6 arrives. Season 5 managed to avoid having an episode out of the Top 100 this time, but just barely. And my least favorite of the Season was Tanks for the Memories. It's clearly better then the weaker episodes in the Top 100 but all it takes is one Season 6 episode I look positively on and it'll forever be out. I know there's quite a bit that do like this episode for being like the closest to a pet dying episode without the pet actually dying. But I feel it over exaggerates a lot of things. We don't really see Tank all that often and as much as this episode wants to sells on how much Rainbow Dash cares for Tank. The only episodes we get even a little bit of their bond is in Tank's debut episode where understandably so since Tank saves Rainbow Dash from the boulder that crushed her wing and a little moment in Just for Sidekicks where we see Rainbow Dash sneak a nuzzle. And that's been in several episodes apart, we actually rarely see Tank after May the Best Pet Win. So I have a hard time having really any attachment to Tank. It's cool in one of those ironic ways that Rainbow's companion is a tortoise. But this episode wants us to take Rainbow Dash and Tank's companionship as something dear to her very heart to the point she would sabotage a weather factory just to avoid not having Tank around for 3 Months. The whole hibernation thing kinda makes the whole 5 Stages of Grief thing rather odd. I would think Rainbow wouldn't think it's a big deal, if Tank really was dying and somehow it was the weather that was making his condition worsen then Rainbow's actions in this episode would be perfectly understandable since she's trying to save a life. Not be selfish to people who enjoy Winter just because her pet will be sleeping the entire time (Heck why not ask Fluttershy for another pet that IS around for the Winter. Fluttershy would be happy to oblige). I'm sure Rainbow could keep herself busy for that amount of time. Even after May the Best Pet Win we see Rainbow most of the time without Tank whatsoever.

The only way Tanks for the Memories makes sense is if a lot of her interaction with Tank is off-screen and/or between episodes but nothing is really done to imply that. Rainbow also hardly gets any punishment for sabotaging the factory unless you count Tank still having to hibernate and/or the entire scene she cries. Which you kinda figure was going to happen anyway regardless or not of Rainbow's actions. That said however, I do give credit to this episode for some good character humor here and there ("APPLEJACK CRIES ON THE INSIDE, TWILIGHT!"). As well as a nice Rainbow Dash solo song. I can't help but feel the episode would be even better though if they parodied their own show music regarding Winter Wrap-Up which would be amusing. I get that this episode probably isn't a popular choice for worst of Season 5, but it just bothered more then any other Season 5 episodes did. And that includes what is #99 in the list.


Now this is the episode that most see as the worst of Season 5. And *gasp* it just so happens to be another Spike episode. The poor dragon just can't get his dues can he? But admittedly I do understand and get why so many regard this as the weakest of Season 5. The way the ending goes is so backwards. The things that come back to bite Spike actually came from when Spike was actually doing his job well. He does not instantly start to get into greed mode when he starts doing stuff "on behalf" for Twilight, he legitimately tries to help Twilight get some good sleep. This could be considered a bit of a positive on the episode that Spike legitimately really does try this best to help Twilight get much needed rest. The problem is about 2/3rd's into the episode they throw it all the way by having Spike indeed use this for personal greed. But the greed itself isn't what causes the karma bomb, everything that goes wrong at the end was from when he was still being helpful. It was as if the things he did earlier were just there to wait for Spike to do a bad thing for everything to go sour. Spike's comeuppance feels reversed like he's punished for doing what he thinks is best for Twilight more then the actual greed he shows near the end of the episode. And it just makes the episode all so awkward and maybe even a little uncomfortable.

Though I do gotta say, the jokes they came up with Sleep deprived Twilight were really good ("Just put the hay in the apple, and eat the candle"), and as I said Spike's effort to help Twilight is really admirable and if it weren't for the awkward ending I feel it would be an underrated enough part of the episode to raise it more then it is now. I like this more then Tanks for the Memories for the simple reason that I don't agree with thinking Rainbow would go that far while I do think it's in Spike's character to do all he can for Twilight as we actually have a solid basis for Spike's relationship with Twilight compared to Rainbow and Tank. I'll still admit Princess Spike is one of the weakest episodes of Season 5 but hopefully I proper explained why it's not my least favorite of that Season


This was the very first true Spike episode in the series (Up until then Spike was a secondary character in a few episodes, with a sort of major role in A Dog and Pony Show. I can't exactly remember what most thought about Spike back in the Season 1 Days but since Spike haven't had a couple of episodes yet there was no real hesitation about a Spike episode yet. If anything it were the CMC that were actually annoying people most. But the CMC would later grow on us, Spike unfortunately has remained a bit of a mixed bag. I've said before that while a good majority of the episode is rather eh, this episode is what started to inspire my preference to look at Twilight and Spike as somewhat of a Mother-Son relationship. As unless it is a case where the Older sibling is their caretaker, you only see episodes where a child character runs away for not feeling as loved as a recent addition. It's a Parent and Child kind of thing. Like if a Child got all sad that a new puppy in the family is getting all the attention and thought their parents didn't love them anymore. It was only supported further by an episode before this when we saw Twilight hatch Spike's egg. As much as I do give the episode credit for starting something that's has inspired a lot of my work on Genie Twilight (From the very beginning I wanted to work Twilight and Spike's special relationship in Genie Twilight. It wasn't a spur of the moment when I wrote the story. Even going as far as Twilight and Spike making it official once the blog turned a year old. Which I'm glad a lot of people liked the direction I took them)

Though enough about that part, as other then the ending that I do absolutely love I do admit the episode as a whole isn't strong. As it is a little too convenient that the ponies just go all excited for the new owl. Rarity even giving a box exactly like the one she gives Spike in the start of the episode, which kinda cheapens the whole thing since we could assume Rarity gave it after having known Spike a while. But Owlowiscious was only around for a day or two by then. Not to mention despite when Twilight mentions the owl's nocturnal it seems wide awake during the daytime for some reason. I also remember people actually calling the Owl a Mary Sue (Yes Mary Sue accusations existed even way back then) after it took on a full grown dragon to save Spike's life in the end. Which while I wouldn't say that, they did go a little far in giving the owl so many uses just to make Spike feel useless. On another note, despite the rating for Season 1 using an e/i rating (Harder to get away with stuff) they managed to get away with fake blood when Spike uses ketchup to try to frame the owl for mutilating a toy mouse which doesn't fool Twilight whatsoever. Of course there was also the Spiked joke from Pinkie earlier in the episode, perhaps the censors were just more lax the day they showed Owl's Well That Ends Well. Regardless, the episode is one of the weaker episodes in the first Season. And regardless how much I love the ending, just doesn't get enough to get very far here.


Well now with the recent reveal of the new Alicorn baby this episode feels a tad more relevant huh? This is the episode that probably spawned pony genetics debates throughout the fandom. As somehow two earth ponies had birthed a Pegasus and a Unicorn. We just have to assume that the Cake family have recessive genes of the other species in there somewhere (They do mention they have one of each one in their families). Cause it makes it hard to make sense of it if even a family full of earth ponies can spawn the other types (Not to mention unfortunate implications if something like that happened back in the days the three pony tribes hated each other. Would the Fathers assume their wives had cheated?). But anyway, the Cakes give birth to twins of different type of Ponies. And try to find a babysitter for when they're busy. They try their hardest not to be stuck with Pinkie but unfortunately all the rest of the Main 6 are booked. So reluctantly they ask Pinkie, who thinks Babysitting isn't just playtime with the babies and quickly realizes that when she doesn't know how to cheer up the babies when they start crying.

It's a bit of a cliche episode where an inexperienced babysitter is dealing with a troublesome and/or super strong baby with not a lot of new things done with it. It also leaves some confused on how the babies are able to fly or use magic well (Heck Pumpkin Cake levitates herself, something we only later see Starlight do in Season 5. There's only one logical conclusion for this: Starlight is clearly still a foal on the inside. [I'm half kidding at this point]). Though some appropriate that to just something the babies eventually will lose soon. It's just that all Pegasi and Unicorns when newborns have these bursts that they'll never be able to even when grown up. There's a point in the episode where Twilight's schedule opens up and she goes to attempt to help Pinkie but her wording comes off a bit passive aggressive towards Pinkie and it upsets Pinkie to the point of kicking her out. Though kinda understandable. While I wouldn't say it's the worst episode, there is upcoming concern with Princess Flurry Heart that we could see a repeat performance of this type of episode. Only probably a different character and it'd just be one baby instead of two. Babysitting episodes are ok to have once in a long series, but two separate episodes where a babysitter is having trouble with superpowered babies? That might be a bit much if you ask me.


*Someone’s been ordering from the ol’ Acme company...

This episode is considered the most controversial episode of the first season. While I wouldn't say it's Season 1's Mare-Do-Well. Among those that look at it negatively they would say it was. It all stems from the fact that the moral at the end could be misconstrued as "Don't question things you cannot understand. AKA a message to people who are non-religious shouldn't snoop around those who do believe in any kind of religion or strange phenomenon rather then scientific fact". Faust has said that was never the intention of the episode, but it started Dave Polsky's reputation of being a writer who wrote controversial and/or love it or hate it episodes. It is also very much a guilty pleasure for a lot of fans simply for all the humor in this episode. This was also the first episode to have an intentionally derped Derpy, the staff noticed the fervor for Derpy early enough that they decided to give a nod as early as just a little over mid-season (It even is the origin of Derpy's usual career choice of Mail Carrier). The criticism towards the episode is rather fair though, as heck it took a while before Pinkie Sense would come up in any regularity. The next time Pinkie Sense came up in an episode was in The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. Which may have started people having the sense that if Pinkie Sense shows up in an episode then it's a bad one. (Can we call that Critic Sense? Hardy har har, though in all seriousness it's not true as there are perfectly good episodes that at least mention Pinkie sense by now). This is one of the first episodes to have people split on it that enjoy it for the humor, and those who criticize it for screwing up the moral. It is these episodes that start diversifying the fanbase a bit more based on what each and every individual fan prefers when watching this show.
I think all of the episodes you mentioned for #100-#96 are bad, except for Feeling Pinkie Keen, which I have mixed feelings on. I don't really HATE those four episodes, but I do dislike them.

While I do have a Top 112 list as well, it would be easier for me to just show my list of my favorite and least favorite twenty episodes.

20. Call of the Cutie
19. Equestria Girls
18. Maud Pie
17. The Mane Attraction
16. Inspiration Manifestation
15. Wonderbolts Academy
14. The Last Roundup
13. Party of One
12. Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
11. Amending Fences
10. Sisterhooves Social
9. Too Many Pinkie Pies
8. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
7. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
6. Equestria Girls: Friendship Games
5. A Canterlot Wedding
4. Slice of Life
3. Lesson Zero
2. Crusaders of the Lost Mark
1. Twilight's Kingdom

Least Favorite:
20. Just for Sidekicks
19. Canterlot Boutique
18. Trade Ya!
17. Owl's Well That Ends Well
16. Tanks for the Memories
15. The Show Stoppers
14. Dragon Quest
13. Boast Busters
12. Baby Cakes
11. One Bad Apple
10. A Bird in the Hoof
9. Princess Spike
8. Look Before You Sleep
7. The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
6. Somepony to Watch Over Me
5. What About Discord?
4. Rainbow Falls
3. Filli Vanilli
2. Putting Your Hoof Down
1. Keep Calm and Flutter On

The bottom seven of my least favorite list are the only episodes of the show that I hate, by the way.
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(Song Used: Bullets - Creed)

A little further now, though these episodes are still very in trouble of being out of the 100 when Season 6 is over. Cause it only takes nearly half of the Season to knock these episodes out. And every season has had it's fair share of good episodes that's it's likely that most of these will also fall out.


Scott Sonneborn seems to be what Merriwether Williams was to Season 2, what he is for Season 4. Because let's just say his episodes struck a nerve most out of any of the new writers in that season. First you had Somepony To Watching Over Me which got people angry over the execution of the Moral and somewhat an exaggeration on Applejack's character. Then you have Trade Ya which while isn't nearly as bad. Some people I think found issue with the fact Rainbow almost traded Fluttershy for a limited edition Daring Do book. To be honest I don't think Rainbow was really thinking what she was doing at the time just excited to get what she came for, in fact she immediately regrets the decision once she realizes it. But I could definitely understand why people were upset about that (Particularly the FlutterDash shippers I imagine). The other two parts of episode weren't too special. Applejack and Rarity have their spats, and Pinkie tries to help Twilight in a way she thinks is working but really doesn't. (But not in a mean-spirited way like in Filli Vanilli, it's kinda that but done right).

I honestly don't think it's a bad episode by any means, but it's slightly filler-esque with not a lot going on. (Considering Season 4 is where continuity as well as season-long arcs became important I think filler is more relevant now) It has a few highlight funny moments here and there, but otherwise is this low for not much interesting going on. It's not an episode I'd throughly choose to rewatch.


This was the official beginning of the whole Equestria Games arc that started with this episode at the tail end of Season 3 that carried on throughout Season 4. Unfortunately for this arc it turned out to be rather disappointing. And I'm not just saying that because one of the Equestria Games episodes is my pick for the worst episode of the series. There is really only one well-loved episode in the arc, there's another good one as well but it's somewhat contested for a few reasons which I'll get to when I reach that episode later in this countdown. And even that one good one is liked is not for reasons related to the Equestria Games themselves. Overall the arc was pretty much a failure. Leaving this rather ok episode this low because as it turned out hardly anything came out of it. There are some particularly funny moments like when Rainbow hits the window, or when the fake inspector flirts with Shining Armor. Though one thing memorable in a bad way is the rather awkward rushed ending. Harshwinny let's the Crystal Empire host the games based on the thoughts of another pony when she had a bad time? They try to justify it by having her say that means their unbiased to visitors and everything but ist just comes of as rally awkward. One funny trivia is there is an animation error where at one point Fluttershy has Twilight's cutie mark. Which is a bit of a funny coincidence since this is the episode prior to Magical Mystery Cure. While of course Twilight's mark does not get switched. It's just funny to see that. It could almost be seen as an omen of things to come.

Oh I should also mention how in some ways this is technically a part of a Two-Parter though on a different way as Just for Sidekicks is what happens from Spike's and the pet's point of view. It's strange though however that the Spike side of things showed a more enjoyable episode then the one involving the Mane 6. That rarely ever happens. I think back when the episodes were new though I said I wished that Games Ponies Play aired first. I know considering the beginning of Just for Sidekicks it offers a more solid start rather then the Main 6 simply traveling from the very beginning but it would of fun to see the ending of Games Ponies Play where we see Spike and the pets under the chairs and start to wonder next week how in the heck they got there. Don't know why, I just feel that might of felt like a better way of ordering things.


We could probably list Neal Dusedau as another of the writers who got the most flack out of any writer in their debut seasons. Because you have Princess Spike, and then What About Discord. Which while isn't as bad and certainly had it's fun moments courtesy of it being a Discord related episode. Certainly had an awkward watching experience, as we're supposed to go through what Twilight is going through. DIscord and the others of the Mane 6 making jokes we don't get because we weren't there. Which while it is entirely on purpose, makes for a rather odd episode to watch. As aside from visual gags such as Discord as Bob Ross (Which funnily enough coincidentally came only a day or two after Twitch streamed the entire old Bob Ross series) and Pinkie as Marty McFly there wasn't a lot to laugh about. Unless you're into awkward episodes, even if you put into account that it was intentional to make us feel what Twilight is feeling. Still comes off as making this episode not very fun to rewatch. And it's concerning when you have an episode with Discord involved that you don't want to rewatch. That's a screw up no matter what you were trying to do.

This is pretty much the lowest Discord episode as even the mixed response towards Keep Calm and Flutter On is much higher on the list in comparison to this one and from there all other Discord episodes are at least in the Top 50. So this is indeed rather a bummer for a Discord episode for sure.


Really on this episode all I can really say is thank god it didn't turn out like The Great Divide from A:TLA. At the same time though this is a plot done so many times, that it's hard to do anything too new with it. I mean at the very least Fluttershy and Twilight didn't go as far as take a side and fight amongst themselves. Though the moment you see Twilight have this list of Friendship Problem solutions you had to see Twilight not having any of the solutions on the list and Fluttershy save the day be the most likely ending. And sure enough it did, though it did require a bit of Twilight using her freeze spell we've seen since Castle-Mania in Season 4. One amusing thing about the two families is their color, which easily could remind people of Team Fortress 2. I believe the backstory for the game is even about a family feud of some kind. Though I think in TF2's case it was within the family between two brothers as opposed to two different families.

I should also mention this is one of the three map episodes which was basically Season 5's own version of the Key episodes from Season 4. Only this time around it feels less connected because not only are there half the episode count compared to the Key episodes, but aside from the Map being crucial to both episodes hardly connects at all with either the Opener or the Finale. In fact it's kinda amusing there's not even those random Starlight cameos like there are in Amending Fences and What About Discord. You'd think the Map episodes would have Starlight hidden somewhere as to point towards what's coming. Only What About Discord kinda did not only with the Cameo but at a scene going on at the time they mention Time Travel which of course becomes important in the Finale. I'll just say that if you compare how the Map episodes to how overall the Key episodes did in Season 4 it's a massive letdown even though the idea was cool to have duo's star in each of them. Twilight & Fluttershy had not been really done since arguably A Bird in a Hoof, back in Season 1. So it's nice to have an episode they interact almost the entire time. Too bad it was in a rather average episode.


This episode is basically our big clue on what the CMC would get as their main talents that we see in Crusaders of the Lost Mark. They are able to help other ponies understand or even get their cutie marks. And this might be where CMC episodes lead from time to time in the future. One thing people may have found odd about the episode is the unfortunate implications of a pony getting a Cutie Mark that they misinterpret. Which could easily lead to some really dark stories. Some may find this a problem because it may have been thought that a Cutie Mark should appear when you have really found your destiny. That might be somewhat eyebrow raising to misinterpret your own destiny but considering that in Magical Mystery Cure you could clearly see the Mane 6 weren't happy with their swapped destinies, you can't say it didn't have some precedent.

Still, you gotta feel so bad for Trouble Shoes for having a predicament like that. It's definitely an episode where the more you think about it, you're either intrigued about this idea that Ponies can interpret their Cutie Mark wrong or horrified by the very prospect. Which if you fall into the latter category, this episode becomes a hard episode to re-watch real fast. That said I feel there are enjoyable moments such as Sweetie's lines and/or parts of the episode she has. "Worst. Idea. Ever." as well as Sweetie showing genuine progress on use of Magic. Looks like hanging around with Twilight has paid off. Possibly a follow-up on Twilight Time from Season 4? Would be pretty cool if so.
My opinions on these five episodes:
#95: I agree with the general consensus on this episode, which is that it's bad, but not as bad as Somepony to Watch Over Me.
#94: This episode has Dave Polsky's main writing problem, which is that it's charming but flawed.
#93: Not as morally messed-up as Keep Calm and Flutter On, but I still think it's terrible.
#92: If you think about it, this episode is a lot like The Great Divide... WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO RIP OFF THAT EPISODE? Otherwise a very mediocre episode.
#91: This episode rips off Bridle Gossip and has a weak script. I didn't like it.
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(Song Used: Enter Sandman - Metallica)

A little further now, though these episodes are still very in trouble of being out of the 100 when Season 6 is over. Cause it only takes nearly half of the Season to knock these episodes out. And every season has had it's fair share of good episodes that's it's likely that most of these will also fall out.


*Yeah I know Twilight, this episode was a little lacking wasn't it?

This was the second of the map episodes in Season 5. While the last one certainly gets much higher in this list it does go to show how at least in my opinion how it kinda failed in comparison to the Key episodes from Season 4 which are spread across the list (Even if one of those Key episodes was listed as the worst episode in the show). This episode starred Applejack & Rarity which has actually become probably the most common pair in episodes maybe even to the point where unless you ship the two it may start to be overused. Now I wouldn't say this is a bad episode. It's just this one is still one of those that are pretty ok, but unless you really like RariJack episodes, Coco Pommel, Plays, or Manehattan it doesn't feel all that special. And for 2 of those 4 things the Season 4 Manehattan episode is a far better one for both Coco and Manehattan in general and there are better RariJack episodes already at this point. It kinda doesn't help that this episode aired on the same day as Friendship Games, even if you didn't like Friendship Games you have to admit the episode got overshadowed quite a bit as a result. Cause you have Rarity and Applejack visiting Manehattan again to help Coco set up a local traditional play compared to a huge movie with at least some intriguing plot lines like an entirely new Twilight to meet.

Though speaking of which, the funny coincidence about this episode being on the same day as Friendship Games is the whole opening scene where Twilight is bored. Friendship Games in all intents and purposes is supposed to take place after the Season 5 Finale (The Stinger basically implies that) but when you take things out of context by assuming order of episodes aired. Sunset in Friendship Games can't get a hold of Pony Twilight and we just get the rather amusing image of Twilight being so bored that either she doesn't realize her ringing phone journal is ringing or that she's bored but not bored enough to want to be human again. Back to the episode though, there are definitely a few good character jokes here and there, like Rarity thinking a pony's decision to buy a hat she says does not work for the pony buying was the trouble they had to solve that the map called them for but instead just makes a salespony angry. On another note, Applejack's hat sure gets a lot of abuse in the episode. She even has to throw one in the trash while Rarity hands her an identical one at the end. This got some people a little miffed as some people's headcanon was AJ's hat was a hand-me-down from her deceased parents. I think some have changed it a bit to that she actually has a full closet of the hats and keeps the real one in a secret spot. But yeah, a pretty ok episode.


This episode's a little controversial, though definitely not nearly as much as Feeling Pinkie Keen was. There are certainly pretty good parts of the episode like the charming opening scene in the train that gave birth to the ol' Fluttertree fandom in-jokes and the introduction of Applejack's cousin Braeburn. And the Buffalos were pretty good too. Some of the controversy might be towards the episode itself with Pinkie's attempt to sing again ruining what could of possibly been a great ending to an episode where the buffalos and ponies decide maybe they've gone a little far. And also kind of making a true tragedy in America's Past a bit more lighthearted (That is settlers and Native Americans) where a lick of pie is enough to solve the conflict in the episode. It's because of the rather good and bad about the episode that it managed to just get out of the 90's part in the list but is still one of the lower episodes. I think there are genuine classic moments from the episode that definitely feel like they add to the charm that Season 1 had at times. But it is bogged down by some things that definitely have some understandable reasons for some disliking the episode. Moments like the aforementioned train scene, the Buffalo Chief calling Pinkie's singing the worst performance he ever saw and Braeburn & Little Strongheart being charming characters are good positives to have. But there's a reason why it Polsky's improvement in Season 4 came as a surprise in comparison to most of his work for Seasons 1 and 3.


As I said previously said with Games Ponies Play this is actually the better of the two episodes that run at the same time even though it focuses on Spike when that's not usually the case. I think part of it, is that there's enjoyable reappearance's by many other characters in the episode as things get a little crazy with Spike trying to take care of the pets. Though still to the point where it's just a pretty ok episode. Spike's big WHY is probably the most memorable part of the episode, poor Spike just doesn't have luck on his side for a lot of the episode. He doesn't even get to make the cake he wanted. While it does have the neat connection to Games Ponies Play it is somewhat filler-esque but overall just watching the episode is a more enjoyable romp then Games Ponies Play just for the humor and as said before the many secondary characters that make reappearance's. Some of which hardly get any spotlight these days. It's not an amazing episode by any means but it's one of those you can just have fun watching from time to time.


Admittedly I have a bit of a soft spot for this episode. This is one of the least liked episodes of Season 1 overall for making the wait for the CMC's cutie marks all the more excruciating. But I actually kind of like this one for personal reasons such as this one being the first one I watched live on TV as opposed to every episode before that I binge watched. Now the CMC do have their Cutie Marks at least we can finally look back at this episode with less of the frustration. Though at the very least the cutie marks for maybe somewhat the exception of Sweetie didn't totally follow what this episode implied was their talents. Aside from the frustration for how long it took to get their Marks, the badly sung song at the end is often cited as a reason people dislike the episode a lot. Even though it was sung badly entirely on purpose. But maybe badly sung music is badly sung music for some. While I definitely can't say it's that strong of an episode. It's one that loomed for a while until the CMC at finally got their marks so it at least was always in the memory of a lot of fans. Even if with each CMC episode that they didn't get closer to their Cutie Marks the frustration with this episode grew and grew. This episode might have cemented the CMC as Scrappies for some early on in the fandom, though thankfully they grew on people in time thanks to much better episodes in Season 2 and onward.


This was the introduction to another Mane 6 ability that rarely appeared afterward similar to Pinkie Sense. Fluttershy's stare (Though it's also possible the The Stare was kind of sort of used in Dragonshy given the kind of looks she gives the red dragon near the end, and to be fair The Stare has been relevant in more episodes). I believe it is also the first time we get a taste of Sweetie's singing talent, when she transforms what was a lullaby into one of those upbeat songs you'd hear in a church choir. One awkward thing about the episode though is how they include Twilight in this, where she gets turned to stone by a Cockatrice. Jeez, thank goodness the CMC and Fluttershy were there to stop the Cockatrice otherwise this would of been a shorter show then expected. It did give a good sense of how dangerous the Everfree Forest was though. I wouldn't say it was the best way of shoehorning Twilight in to give the moral at the end but I suppose it isn't the worst either. Again I feel limiting the friendship reports that only Twilight could write them really limited the scope of the first season.

On a side note, this is Chris Savino's only other episode other then Boast Busters as Chris never returned to write for FiM since. Stare Master is a much better episode then Boast Busters was, but doesn't really give us too amazing of an impression on Chris overall. This was also the episode that gave birth to yet another old Fandom in-joke with Scootaloo being a chicken. I think even back then fans of Scootaloo got sick of that joke pretty fast though, but it's amusing that a lot of the most famous in-jokes and/or memes early on were *insert pony* is *insert object and/or animal*. Anyway, the episode was a fine Fluttershy episode nothing too much against it aside from the Stare taking a while to really get any more usage like with Pinkie's Pinkie Sense. But the Stare works well with Fluttershy, as she has to have something to discipline any animals that disobey her (All part of being an animal person, you need to know when to be tough so they don't do bad things in front of you). Even she knows the Stare is a little menacing towards them and only uses it when she really has to, but it's certainly something that's been a welcome ability for Fluttershy for a long time.
You know, I have an interesting opinion on Just for Sidekicks: it's the opposite of a guilty pleasure. It's not a bad episode that I like, it's a good episode that I dislike, which is for two reasons. The first reason is that this episode was extremely mean-spirited towards Spike, which is something that wasn't objectively bad because Spike deserved it, but at same time left a bad taste in my mouth. The second reason is that I didn't like how obnoxiously selfish and greedy Spike acted... but it made sense, considering how it was established that dragons had a tendency to be greedy in previous episodes.
Kylo Ren said:
You know, I have an interesting opinion on Just for Sidekicks: it's the opposite of a guilty pleasure. It's not a bad episode that I like, it's a good episode that I dislike, which is for two reasons. The first reason is that this episode was extremely mean-spirited towards Spike, which is something that wasn't objectively bad because Spike deserved it, but at same time left a bad taste in my mouth. The second reason is that I didn't like how obnoxiously selfish and greedy Spike acted... but it made sense, considering how it was established that dragons had a tendency to be greedy in previous episodes.

That's kinda like Mr. Enter's thoughts on Hearts and Hooves Day. He's bothered way too much by all the lovey-dovey talk Big Mac and Cheerilee do and such, but admits it's still a really good episode anyway. Personally, I love Hearts and Hooves Day though.

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(Song Used: Push It - Garbage)



This episode is one of the more often forgotten episodes of the first season. It's one of those episodes that a lot of fans of the show are like "Oh yeah! That happened. Huh.". It's not that this episode doesn't have any memorable scenes to it. But I suppose the problem is that despite that it doesn't stand out. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing since it doesn't stand out for being particularly bad, just not too great either. I think one thing that may stand out though if a bit sad is that this is one of the few episodes we learn a little bit of what Celestia lives with personally. We've never gotten a true Celestia episode yet in the show, and it's a pretty sad fact that this episode is the closest we have to that. For those who like to follow the Trollestia jokes (But as in an occasional prankster, not all the time) the Phoenix itself could be seen as some evidence towards that as it was messing with Fluttershy the whole time. Perhaps taking a queue from Celestia herself who even does a light joke on the Cakes earlier in the same episode when she fakes drinking the tea saying "Gotcha!".

Another thing that is rare that can also be associated with this episode is the closest we get to a Twilight and Fluttershy duo episode until The Hooffields and McColts happened in Season 5. This episode also does get some subtle following up if you pay attention closely to Best Night Ever. Fluttershy remembers Twilight's advice of tough love in an attempt to lure out the animals who aren't listening to her. So while an oft forgotten episode, it certainly has some things to it that we rarely see and/or haven't seen yet in the show that would be neat to see more. Now if only we'd see Celestia's Phoenix again sometime, maybe the episode wouldn't be quite as forgotten then.


While Season 4 is still my favorite season there are a few things where I wish they had taken a somewhat different direction. I was hoping early on after this episode that since they were putting all this effort into renovating the old castle we see in this episode and everything, that this castle would be given to Twilight. Which would make all sorts of sense since it's not like Celestia and Luna use it anymore, and it is the very spot where Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 defeated Nightmare Moon. It would have been a good iconic location to show up repeatably. I don't hate the Castle that Twilight ended up getting in the end, but I do feel it would of been more clever to use the old castle. Probably would of softened the blow a little more for some who got really attached to the Golden Oaks tree library that gets destroyed by Tirek in the Finale. Cause while one iconic location is lost forever, it's replaced with a location that's arguably just as much and more entwined with the show's lore since as it turns out it's the location where Nightmare Moon gets defeated twice. About this episode itself though, it's a pretty ok episode. With some excellent humor here and there. Kinda some stuff you've already seen a lot of though if you've watched a lot of Scooby Doo however.

This episode also introduced a temporary replacement for the Friendship letters that kinda just went quietly away in Season 3 (Funnily enough the last character to send a friendship letter to Celestia was Applejack). Which I think personally work better, since it being a journal the Characters can write in it anytime they want, they don't have to feel obligated to send something in (I suppose as Season 3 showed they didn't feel obligated with the Friendship letters anyway but you get the idea). It even proved useful in the Finale of Season 4. The episode itself was pretty ok, I thought Pinkie was pretty humorous and one of the darker jokes in the show (Fluttershy thinking Angel had been crushed) was a surprise. Pretty amusing if you like Scooby-Doo situations in ponies.


The Smile song along from this episode is one of the most widespread and popular parts of the show. There is the problem though that if the episode was just the Smile song and nothing else (As in like a short, not the Smile song on repeat until it makes 22 minutes). It'd definitely be one of the top stuff of the show. The problem is there's still 20 minutes afterward. The Smile song perfectly gets Pinkie's character explained well. There's only one moment in the show I feel surpasses the Smile song that encompasses what Pinkie's character is. You'll see that much, much, later down the list however. It's practically universal in the fandom that the Smile song is pretty up there in terms of songs. But once you get past that in the episode, responses get very mixed. As afterward it could be argued Pinkie's pursuit of Cranky is one of her most annoying appearances to date. As much fun as it is to see the good ol' Droopy gag where no matter where the wolf went he'd find Droopy somewhere. The problem being that the wolf in those cartoons kinda deserved it, Cranky only wanted to be left alone.

Granted things turns out alright in the end when Pinkie reunites him with his long lost love Matilda and thus Cranky ends up befriending Pinkie in the end. But sometimes you can kinda get the feeling that Pinkie doesn't entirely deserve it after the things she did in the episode. The Smile song alone brought it this far, but I do kinda say that without it this episode would be quite a little bit lower.


This is the only other episode other then the Pilot that Lauren Faust wrote for the show. This was also the very first slice of life episode in the show. So given Slice of Life is what would make up the majority of the show it had to show us the true format of the show since the Adventurous episodes like the Pilot would only be occasional. It was also the first episode in what could be called a Grand Galloping Gala arc. Though if it's an arc not many episodes are there since there's just this, Suited for Success, and Best Night Ever. I'd say Ticket Master is a pretty ok episode, Twilight's personality in the pilot still showing up to give us some good humor. Though when you're watching the series in order it can be awkward to have the show have them come together to defeat a threat to the world but then start trying to gain the favor over their other friends for the tickets. Even Fluttershy blatantly admits to Twilight her cleaning the library was an attempt to get the ticket. That's the kindest of the 6 Main characters and she still tries to get Twilight's preference like everybody else.

Well anyway, the competition over the tickets prove fruitless as Twilight at first decides to just not take anybody even giving away her own ticket. Only for Celestia to send back tickets for everyone (Even Spike) so they all get to go in a "Well why didn't you just say so" response. Ticket Master being the first Slice of Life can be given some leeway, but all-in-all just proved pretty average


*It was at this moment, Dash knew there was no going back. She was getting a pet whether she wanted to or not

I know I kinda gave my misgivings about Tank for Tanks for the Memories. But that doesn't mean I have disdain for his debut episode, as I feel it's a pretty fun one still. I do like how it gets into what makes a pet truly special, one that meets all your high standards. Or just the one who may save your life. I wouldn't have had a problem with Tanks for the Memories if Tank had shown up more often then he did as I do feel it's possible for Tank and Rainbow to have a relationship like that. It's just one episode alone does not justify Rainbow's actions in that episode unless Tank really was dying. This episode is very predictable though, because you have Rainbow pushing all these cool pets in a big contest and Fluttershy keeps putting in this tortoise despite it obviously not being able to do much in those contests. You can see from a mile away that somehow they're going to go the ironic route for Rainbow's pet with one of the most slowest known animals. What remains entertaining though is things like Fluttershy and Rainbow's duet, the final race, and when Tank rescues Rainbow in the end.

Though I do always kinda feel bad for the Falcon at the end. The way that bird walks away in defeat kinda makes me wish Rainbow had decided to keep that one as well as Tank anyway, nothing wrong with 2 pets are there? I feel this will always be a fun little episode for the animal lover fans out there. Might of been higher in the list if Tank appeared more often then he did, but then again so would Tanks for the Memories.
I did not like A Bird in The Hoof, due to it being really mean-spirited and forgettable.
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(Song Used: Unkind - Hurt)

This is the point where Season 6 would have to be near perfect in every way for any of these episodes to be under threat of going under 100. But every season has their ups and downs and it's pretty much assured there will be a few duds here and there. Now it would be cool if Season 6 was utterly perfect in every way as that'd mean we have awesome stuff every new episode then. But each season except for Season 3 was 26 episodes, that's a lot of work on the writing staff and for every really good idea they manage to pull off they can sometimes rush and/or become a bit lackadaisical about some others. But anyway, this is also the point in the Countdown where the episodes are starting to get to that point where there's a lot of episodes around the same level. I'd say from this point until #55-#51 is the part where you could probably switch it all around in any order and I'd be fine. Every episode of FiM even the best ones have some flaws and/or things you could nitpick to death. So while I can try to say which ones are better or worse there is a point where it's hard because some episodes are at about the same quality that is really up the "Which would you rather watch" preference. And even that's not clear because there may be an episode from this part that I may want to sometimes watch again even over episodes that are ranked in the 50's cause of something in particular.


*Cheerilee’s so drunk, her eye color changed

M.A. Larson may be my favorite writer in the show. But even he wasn't perfect sometimes. Though even his weaker episodes always had something to them. This episode is probably his weakest in the series, but I think it still managed to have a bit of fun what with the Flim Flam's song and the Apple Family's competition with them. It is a bit annoying though they have to portray the Flim Flam's as greedy that takes most of the profit when they're not even the ones growing the apples. If they had compromised to a 50/50 deal or even a majority in the favor of the Apple Family, I feel they take the partnership easily. As an advantage of mass-production is you have such a surplus you can ship to opposite places of the country no problem. The Apples would be stinkin' rich. Also the way the Flim Flam's are defeated is kinda weird. They win the competition when they get desperate enough to turn off the quality control. But the problem is they still had perfectly good cider barrels for use. Even considering how greedy they were and how they deserved it, you'd think they'd be smart enough to make sure they know which barrels had the no quality control Cider and which ones did. They could of still grabbed total victory had they done that.

Aside from that though, I think one of my favorite parts is how the rest of the Mane 6 come to help Applejack, and she gladly accepts their help. It feels like she learned her lesson from Applebuck Season. Heck it's not even Applejack who really got them into this mess, it's Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. You get to see Applejack's very, very, nervous face when she realizes what's at stake with the competition looming. Granted, AJ didn't try to stop them. But you could tell AJ's not being quite as stubborn this time around. Though of course there is one more thing to talk about, the ending, where Applejack literally says that the moral was… she didn't learn anything! It's amusing as a kinda "what the heck?!" moment but the people who care most about the morals in the show might have taken issue that there was something AJ could of put down. Still, you have to wonder just what was Celestia's reaction to Applejack's letter from this episode.


We're on to our first Season 4 Key episode that isn't the worst episode in the series list-wise. It will actually be a little while till' the next Key episode in our list. Cause this is the only Key episode that made it in the Top 100 that's below #50 in rank. This is the only Key Episode I would consider more average, as there's Rainbow Falls that failed on nearly every level and the rest are good to great. As I've said before the Key Episodes have an interesting spread in this list. But regardless, this was an Applejack episode that also featured the return of the Flim Flam's who advertise some sort of miracle tonic that can cure anything. (This might be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I liked the Flim Flam's song in this episode more then the one in their debut episode) Going with past experience of course, Applejack doesn't trust them. Despite this, Granny Smith gives their stuff a try and suddenly she seems to have been effected by the tonic that she's doing all kinds of stunts. Even eventually planning to do a stunt that will no doubt seriously injure her or worse that Applejack must put to a stop.

Applejack eventually finds a pony who pretended to be cured immediately for the Flim Flam's to further try to sell their product. And through Applejack's through honesty they take down the Flim Flam's scheme before Granny Smith hurts herself. I don't think the episode as a whole is amazing, but it's certainly serviceable in a few ways. It's a masterpiece compared to Rainbow's key episode though, but falls short of every one of the others.


I think this is another of those really mixed response episodes. It may depend how much you can appreciate parodies of the crazy Silver Age comics where there's insane logic going into Superhero powers and absolutely crazy villains. If that's not your thing I could perfectly understand why someone would not like this episode much at all. Still, I feel like it's one of those episodes that you just gotta be in the right mood for. This isn't an episode you're supposed to take all that serious especially when you get to the comic portions. This was the staff having a little fun with the Mane 6 being in a comic world where there's weird logic to stuff to begin with. You could probably nitpick to the point that you notice that one or two of the Ponies have powers they technically already have outside of the Comic and thus should know how to do it right away. But they might not know that right way and/or the comic's universe is just different enough for that to not matter.

Still I wouldn't put it on any best of the show lists, but I do like to appreciate when the show staff just wants to have a little fun here and there. And they had this idea of taking the Mane 6 into Silver Age-esque comics and I feel that's fine. Stuff like Flutterhulk was fun to see just once, and a lot of Fanart came out of the design of the Mane 6 as the Power Ponies. I feel where I put it in the list is just fine in considering of the fun and entertainment value it has. But doesn't need to go too far because at it's own it's a pretty ok (Or you could even say good for Spike episode standards) episode on it's own.


This episode is kind of Season 4's own Hearts and Hooves Day. With some degree of Romance involved in the plot, but the real focus is the Comedy. Granted I think Hearts and Hooves Day is by far more enjoyable on this front. But Simple Ways has it's own moments that make it shine. Rarity's deliverance of "I LOVE BEING COVERED IN MUD" makes me laugh everytime. And for those who may have been pissed off about a main character getting a crush on a new character there is that same Jayson interview that I mentioned back in the Equestria Girls prompt in the Bottom 12. Though for what it's worth, Trenderhoof already shows a lot more character in this one episode then Flash has ever done in 3 movies. And it's not like this was the first time Rarity's had a crush on a stallion, as we saw as far back as Season 1 with Prince Blueblood even if we all know how that turned out. It makes sense for Rarity to be the one looking most often for a stallion while the others show barely any interest in Romance. I also like this episode as it feels it shows just how much Rarity and Applejack know each other by now.

While I in particularly loved the covered in mud line the entire scene where Applejack and Rarity have a bit of poking fun at eachother's lifestyles is character comedy gold. While I wouldn't say it's one of the best episodes, I'd certainly think it may be at least close to Top 10 in terms of Funniest episodes. Simple Ways is simply funny.


This episode is a little higher then it would be thanks to Lost Treasure of Griffonstone. Because after that episode, now we kinda get a sense of tragedy when Gilda and Rainbow Dash break off their friendship. Granted that doesn't entirely dissolve some issues like Gilda still hardly comes off as someone who would later regret the decision and her attitude towards Pinkie and everyone else still makes us feel she deserves her comeuppance at the end. Still though this is no doubt this is one of the more memorable episodes of the first half of Season 1. The entire scene of Pinkie and Rainbow pranking their friends is really good, then Gilda shows up and things take a little bit of a downturn. With Gilda not letting Pinkie in at all with Rainbow, not to mention perhaps the most infamous scene of the episode where she roars at Fluttershy. I think some fans still haven't completely forgiven Gilda for that even after her redemption in Lost Treasure of Griffonstone.

It is still fun to see Pinkie deal with a mean person by trying to make a party to cheer them up rather then make them madder. It was Rainbow's pranks throughout the party that was meant to get a laugh out of Gilda, though she takes it that Pinkie made all the pranks to humiliate her for her actions. When that wasn't the case leading to Rainbow confronting her old friend when Gilda starts accusing Pinkie. Rainbow now seeing just how bad Gilda has been treating her new friends. It's a strong scene for sure and certainly has consequences that we finally see fully realized thanks to Gilda's return in Season 5
I think the interesting thing about Power Ponies was that it really felt like a collaboration between Meghan McCarthy and Charlotte Fullerton. I mean, it was very entertaining, which is one of Meghan McCarthy's strengths, but it was also very contrived, which is Charlotte Fullerton's main weakness.
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Song Used: Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin)

We're one quarter into the 100 now (And 1/3rd into the entire series. 21 Parts, this is the 7th one). In this grouping is our first appearance from a two-parter and mostly Season 1 Episodes


While Speedy Cider is ranked lower, I actually kinda liked that episode more then this one despite it bring ranked higher, While I surely won't be perfect whatsoever given this is a personal list I do try to have some degree of objectivity. But yeah, M.A. Larson may be my favorite writer in the show. But I'm not big on his first episode despite it having some fun moments to it such as Twilight's first little freakout that would explode come early in Season 2 or the really hilarious scene where it looks like Pinkie's about to save Rarity but instead picks up an instrument and leaves. I think my main issue really is just Pinkie not being able communicate what she's doing. I know that's kinda the point but when the ending had something where the Main 6 apologize to her about not listened when Pinkie never really communicated herself. Kinda hard to really take that slight hyprocisy.

Regardless however, it's a fun episode for sure and given this was from my favorite writer from the show it's not like I consider this episode a huge mistake from him. You know you're going to see M.A. Larson episodes spread across the entire list all the way to near the end.


This is the episode that introduces the competitive rivalry between Rainbow and Applejack. For some this also may have started the ship between them like Look Before You Sleep did for RariJack (Though in both cases that's weird basis for shipping considering both argue or try to cheat against each other in games). One weird thing about the episode is that it's only two episodes after Winter Wrap-Up. That's right the start of Fall begins only two episodes after the end of Fall. While other Seasons have had similar issues with sudden Winter episodes happen only to bring it back to a normal Spring or Summer for the next one. This is the first time it happened so you can say it began the whole weirdness. It makes it hard to determine if the episodes really came one after another. Doesn't help that the early Seasons weren't as big on continuity as Seasons 4 and 5 were for the most part. Back when Season 1 was finished people even attempted a complicated timeline that was based entirely on headcanon with not much supporting evidence. I don't know if they still exist somewhere but it's certainly something that this episode was probably a direct cause of it being made.

On the episode itself it's another one of the just ok ones from the first Season. There are a few moments where it gets into the predictable territory, such as RD and AJ laughing at Twilight only for them to lose and Twilight wins and/or gets a high-placement. Which while I appreciate they didn't make it the former, the latter could still be seen as following the same trope. However I do have to give credit where it's due, the episode still manages to have some good moments here and there. Pinkie being the Loopy announcer, Rainbow Dash's derp face not too long after altering the sign to fool Applejack, etc. It's also a good showing voice talent wise because remember both characters are voiced by Ashleigh Ball, which means a lot of this episode turns out to be Ashleigh talking to herself. Which can actually be hard to tell since it's rare that you hear Rainbow's raspy voice in Applejack's country nor vice versa. You know you have a good voice actor when they can pull that off.


While this technically isn't Apple Bloom's debut. As not only did Apple Bloom first appear in the pilot episode, and later played a big role in Bridle Gossip this is the first official CMC episode pretty much. An explanation is given for the Cutie Marks, and it started a quest for three little fillies that would eventually get there's just a little less then 5 years ago for us in real life. So no doubt this was an important episode. It is however also the debut of some ponies that often are on people's most disliked ponies list. You have Twist who annoyed people with her voice enough for people to not even mind that she barely appeared much after getting hers. As well as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, now the latter got shades of some good in her shown earlier in the episode. But Diamond's would come perhaps a little quickly and in the same episode the CMC eventually got their Cutie Mark to boot. I don't think everyone has really fully forgiven Diamond despite the reveal that her Mom's far worse then she is. Cause you run to a similar problem as with Babs Seed in One Bad Apple: Bad things being done unto you might make you feel you want to do bad things, but it's an entirely different line of thinking when they actually go ahead and do so. And we've been subjected to Diamond treating the CMC like trash ever since this Episode aired and it will take a little more time then just the one week where we see her motive for all of it.

Back to this episode though, plenty of unforgettable moments such as the Cupcakes song (Not the fanfic, grimdark lovers), the official introduction of Sweetie and Scootaloo (Yes I know they make cameos in the pilot but you get the idea), and more. There was a time where people weren't sure of these three, but considering the moment they got their Cutie Marks is an instant beloved episode in Season 5 you have to figure that things definitely changed since then


Ah well look where we are now, the one that started it all. It's also our first two-parter on the list, which probably also unfortunately means it's the weakest two-parter in the list. But I just want to say something, although I have it as the weakest two-parter. This is actually more of a compliment of how things go on later. You have to put this in consideration, for most fans that got in the show in later 2010 or 2011 this was the first episode(/s) they watched cause people's instinct is to start with the first episode. People going into this episode with no facts known beforehand that were even curious was expecting it to be utter horrible crap that at that point MLP was known for. But as it turns out, it actually surprised a lot of people to the point where they said they enjoyed it. Spreading like a wildfire in 4Chan no less, where normally this kind of thing 4Chan utterly despises from the get go. Granted there were still people from the site that fought against it given the internet wars the show caused over there. But coming into this show thinking you'll find something on the level of G3 or just "eh" were shocked to find it have some interesting writing and characters. It's a huge testament to this episode that it managed to make a very cynical part of the internet fight for control of how many threads and/or users posting content from it.

With how much of an impact it had with starting the popularity, you would think it'd be higher on the list since I do like to value impact. But that's because the show actually just has that many amazingly done episodes that the beginning of it all is not only #72 out of a total 112 spots that it's the weakest two-parter we've had yet. Because despite how it still drew in people to the show, if you looked at it under the same critical analysis eye that some do these days on the Pilot you'd find many logical problems with it. Cause by the the time the other two-parters start coming the bar has been raised a lot. Some of those issues include Twilight's turning to Friendship might be seen as a little fast given her attitude earlier in the episode. Sound familiar? Yep! Even the show at it's start has had some quick turnarounds, while Twilight's turn isn't a total 180 like the villains you see getting redeemed quickly you could still see as Twilight trusting in the others a little too fast. Another one is Nightmare Moon is pretty ineffective as a villain. Complain all you want about Sombra who feels more like a natural force rather then a character at least he felt like a threat. Nightmare Moon's attempts to stop the Mane 6 only ended up blowing up in her face and conveniently showed their respective elements to Twilight until finally Twilight realized they themselves were the Elements of Harmony. Granted every episode under a critical eye could fall apart under the seams. As I'm sure even when we get to some of my Top favorite episodes there's probably a review somewhere that nitpicks them to death to the point where they look like they belong in the Bottom 12 instead of how high it actually is. But it's often forgotten that the Pilot isn't so different, maybe some do realize that and say that the show was never as good as they thought when they go back. It can be the fault of expectation bias, we were expecting the worst thing ever heading into watching the Pilot instead we actually got a pretty decent story and introduction to characters that we've come to know and love. The love for the show can start to raise certain expectations sometimes people expecting the show to go a direction but if there's anytime it falls below or the show to them seems to go out of the way to prevent whatever they wanted happen they start thinking that the show went downhill which from at least my point of view really has not been the case whatsoever.

Now if any of you still think pretty highly enough about this episode that you're appalled I put it this low, I do apologize but I don't mean any harm. The pilot did everything it could of possibly done right in terms of how the internet reacted to it. I would not be making this list today if it were not for that first glimpse of Twilight reading the story of the Mare in the Moon. I assure you that it's a testament to this show that the episode that hooked me like many others is this low in the list.


This episode's kinda in a weird place. If there's one thing Merriwether Williams did right in her Season 2 episodes is getting the cruelty correct. And this is one episode where that is actually kinda justified because this is the Main 6 re-enacting a play where to put it bluntly the ponies were racist to each of the other kinds. It creates pretty huge worldbuilding as it reveals that Equestria was once far from the paradise that it seems currently in the show (Well it's never 100% paradise what with the monsters, dragons, and such but you get the idea). It took the efforts of three ponies who weren't quite as mean to the others to unite against the Windigoes and unite ponykind to make Equestria. Also judging from the fact that it's mentioned the Unicorns raised the Sun and Moon. This is as far back as before Celestia and Luna were even born. Definitely intriguing to say the least. We don't even know how far back that could possibly be since we don't know nor will we probably really know Celestia or Luna's ages.

That said, not a lot has really came from this episode yet as there's hardly anything that's followed up on it. Meaning despite it having huge implications for the worldbuilding of Equestria in the past, it hasn't really set in for anything future-wise. It's really only impacted fanfiction authors at this point, though the stuff in the past and funny moments we got from the acting the Ponies did still made it fun and interesting. So I think this is a pretty good spot to put it. If anything follows up on it in the future there's potential for this episode to get higher in the rank. But for now I feel this is a solid spot for it as of right now.
I think all of the episodes you mentioned for #75-71 were good, but not great, except for Call of the Cutie, which I loved.
Just a bit before I put up #70-#66. We actually have a little bit of Season 6 news I want to mention. Shout Factory leaked an episode title because a DVD releases in June. While it's not a big deal especially since it's incredibly likely the episode will have aired before the DVD comes out.

The episode is called Flutter Brutter. And I think this implies that this is the episode we see Fluttershy's brother that we were told about at Comic Con (Because it was before Season 5 started we thought at first we were going to see him in Season 5 but later they clarified that it would actually be Season 6).

And while it is just a title and this could just be speculation. I think the title does imply what he will be like. Notice the second word in the title Brutter. Remove the r and one of the t's and you get Brute. Meaning similar to Maud and Pinkie we have another sibling pair that's opposite in some way.

There is a few ways this can go. Either this goes in a similar route to Maud Pie and where despite the differences Fluttershy and her brother get along well (Though this could result in the episode being a bit of a copycat of said Maud Pie episode just with a different character archetype) or while this could be a concern because if done wrong it really could be detrimential is that they don't get along much at all. And it's up to the rest of the Mane 6 to have them make amends. The latter could still be a really good episode if they play it out that it explains why Fluttershy was so meek before cause her childhood not only had the bullying implied in Hurricane Fluttershy but also a tough time with at least one family member. But at the same time it risks the possibility of Fluttershy's brother being a character that's too contemptible. Of course they could also balance it that perhaps Fluttershy's brother was tough on her, but it was in good intentions to try to help her. And now that Fluttershy has developed overtime we can be shown that Fluttershy's brother's attempts didn't work possibly making it worse. But he never meant any harm in his attempts and he'll apologize profusely by the end of the episode for past transgressions.

I think the episode will probably play out one way or another like any of the two scenarios I mentioned. Though of course time will tell what happens.

Video Link

(Song Used: It’s Been A While - Staind)


This is an episode that was very much beloved at first, but since then there may have been a bit souring on the episode. I kinda still love it myself as it was wonderful with comedy and I like the concept of the Poison Joke. As it's fun to imagine what Poison Joke would do to other characters other then the Mane 6. As well as the introduction to the wise Zecora. Unfortunately however you do kinda sense some unfortunate implications with everypony not trusting Zecora that they hide everytime she comes in and spread horrible stories that aren't true whatsoever. It's another of those times where the town of Ponyville suddenly doesn't look like the nice place most episodes tend to portray it as. Granted I don't think it's as bad as what Putting Your Hoof Down did. But as it is it can easily be misconstrued as somewhat racist. If this episode weren't one of the most entertaining episodes ever it might be even lower despite how much I like it. Besides Zecora this technically may be Apple Bloom's proper debut since she has a much bigger role then her small part of the Pilot. Though another problem you could point out in this episode is again a South Park syndrome where the Children knows what's up but the older people aren't being as bright or are fooled. There are some reviewers and perhaps other fans that have legitimate reasons for hating this episode.

But I think there is a reason this episode isn't often put in the worst lists. It's funny, the Poison Joke as I said is a great concept, Zecora is cool, Flutterguy is one of the top moments of the first season, and not to mention the fun of having Evil Enchantress sung by Pinkie and then later Flutterguy to really place it as a classic. It helps that Zecora's made many reappearance's since then and even Flutterguy returned in Season 4 for Filli Vanilli. Despite the strange implications there is very much a love for this episode that I can't even say I can shake.


With the interaction we see between Rarity and Fluttershy in this episode. It's kinda surprising we don't actually see more of Fluttershy and Rarity having more episodes together especially since Suited for Success revealed Fluttershy kinda has a secret thing of being into the specifics of Fashion when Rarity asked her for critique. But at the very least there is this episode where in Rarity's attempt to advertise her dresses only get's Fluttershy to be the center attention for Photo Finish who proceeds to milk as much out of the shy model she can since it seems a lot of ponies seem to see a lot of appeal in Fluttershy (And judging by the fanbase, that works in real life too). Which leads of course to what the title refers to with Green for envy as Rarity gets jealous of her friend's fame. Meanwhile Fluttershy still goes along with the modeling because she thinks that's what Rarity says she must, must, MUST do. Add some secret sharing shenanigans involving Twilight and Pinkie and you have an episode that certainly goes places. Pinkie is actually somewhat creepy when she comes out of nowhere to warn Twilight. (Though this seems to come back to bite her in one particular Season 5 episode) But it's pretty amusing.

Though this is another of those episodes I don't feel Twilight is as necessary for the exception of the scene where her magic is used to make Fluttershy move weird (Which becomes somewhat horrifying if you relate it to Blood Bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra). It's not a big deal in this case as this is still a very fun episode at times, but it's not like it's Twilight who spills the secret at the end anyway (Well she does, but after Rarity and Fluttershy already talked it out. Still enough to disappoint Pinkie). Just another small problem with the limitations that the format Season 1 had, but it doesn't ruin this particular episode.


*Maybe this is why Cheerilee didn’t befriend Big Mac prior to Hearts and Hooves Day...

This is one of those overlooked episodes. I don't feel it's a forgotten one, but it's definitely one not mentioned much. For a show titled on Friendship, there's a lot of Family oriented episodes that turn out very good and some even later far surpass quite a bit of the friendship focused episodes. There's plenty of wacky moments to laugh at such as Applebloom pupating a sleepy Granny Smith in front of a very confused Cheerilee, Sweetie getting flung when attempting to buck a tree infused with the Zap apple magic, and Granny talking to jars of Zap Apple jam that can remind people of the TF2 Meet the Soldier video. But it also has a generally sweet moment with Granny Smith telling the story of how they discovered Zap Apple Jam and possibly even helped found Ponyville. With flashbacks to a young Granny Smith (Which reminds me, was she called Granny Smith even back then? I suppose it's just as convenient as other ponies that have names that seem to predict their futures sometimes) and everything. It's also the debut of Diamond Tiara's Dad Filthy Rich who while hasn't been all that big of a character within the fanbase but has certainly made a fair decent appearances every now and then. Unlike Diamond herself and her Mom, Filthy Rich seems to be somewhat a decent pony even if he does spoil his daughter. At the very least we get to laugh a bit with Diamond forced to wear Bunny Eyes to adhere to the tradition that Granny Smith does for Zap Apple Jam with Apple Bloom.

The episode is a little less interesting if you're not quite into Granny Smith as a character nor Ponyville's history. But it's certainly a sweet episode I can appreciate. Your elders can have the best stories sometimes.



I'm slightly nervous about this one, because I do feel there may be rabid Luna fans who thinks I put this way too low. I know how popular Luna is with the fanbase, almost any time Luna is involved in the Equestria Daily favorite polls she tends to win. If Hasbro ever felt like they needed to promote a character to Main character status at the cost of another, Applejack would probably unfortunately be tossed out for Luna. I don't think that will ever happen, and I am definitely not supporting that as something they should do but I think that we are at the point where Luna is more popular then one or even two of the Mane 6. And that's absolutely crazy since Luna is just a secondary character who's gotten a bigger role in each following Season. Season 1 she never appeared anywhere beyond the Pilot, Season 2 she had the episode I'll be covering in this part and a small more cameo-esque of Canterlot Wedding (Which a lot of people seem to complain about a lot. And I mean ALOT, even the ones who do really like the episode), to having her powers explored for the first time in Season 3 and be there for Twilight's coronation, Season 4 continuing that trend, and then Season 5 finally have an episode that really could be qualified as the first true Luna episode.

It seems either Hasbro or DHX has heavily picked up on Luna's popularity and is taking full advantage of it after being scared if the target demographic would even be into Luna at first being a "dark princess" (The reason she didn't appear a lot in Season 1 or 2). That said… as much as I hate this word… there are some aspects of Luna's involvement in the show that I think has definitely got some of the strange feeling of being "Overrated" (Please don't kill me, I honestly hate the word Overrated as much as the next guy). Like Luna can never do wrong, or episodes involving her in a big role are absolute perfection. I just want to go on the record that I do like Luna Eclipsed, I just don't think it's quite the masterpiece some big Luna fans may say it is. Heck even before this episode even aired there was this huge worry it was going to split the fandom because by the time Luna Eclipsed was going to air, the Fandom had already established so many fanon personalities on Luna that had nothing to go on aside from the final minutes of the Pilot to go off of. Thankfully that wasn't the case and a lot of people actually accepted the loud and boisterous Luna we got. But the fact people were worried even back then, when the fandom was much smaller just goes to show how much Luna has been ingrained.

Anyway, there are certainly many wonderful scenes such as Luna's attempts to have "fun" and the utterly hilarious Luna meets Fluttershy scene (That is my favorite part of the entire episode, so excellently done). Though if there are issues to point towards to it's probably be how kinda annoying Pinkie and to a lesser extent Rainbow was in the episode. Yeah they're both doing it in the Halloween spirit, but it's Pinkie's "pretending to be scared" that caused all the problems for Luna in the first place. Luna can't tell it was faking, she's been stuck on the moon a long time and doesn't quite understand the holiday given it's a tradition that started after she was banished. It just comes off as insensitive, and you can't say Rainbow and Pinkie didn't know since they were there when they defeated Luna when she was Nightmare Moon. Aside from that though it's still an enjoyable episode and hopefully I don't piss off to too many with this episode's placement. But don't worry Luna fans, there are some episodes that involve Luna in a good role that certainly are much higher then this.


Some fans take issue with the fact that three of Pinkie's friends took a bite out of the Cake. But I don't know, I just found this episode to be a fun mystery inspired episode with many good laughs throughout. I laughed pretty loud the first time watching when we got to Pinkie's imagine spot flashbacks for the suspects (Ninja Donkey? Old Timey villain Griffon? Great stuff!) And the chemistry between Twilight and Pinkie feels much stronger then it was in Feeling Pinkie Keen. And to be honest the ending isn't entirely predictable, when Rarity had that bang over her eyes I thought that was just a nod to classic Mysteries where there's this one lady that just has that trait to her. I didn't assume at all that it was to hide something that would incriminate her. If that's been a common cliche, then I apologize as I suppose I haven't seen as many classic mysteries as I thought. This was for me just a fun little episode to hold us over prior to the big Season 2 Finale which certainly proved to be huge.
Have you ever considered ranking the writers?
Calvin said:
Have you ever considered ranking the writers?

That's a bit complicated when some of the writers have less then 5 to their credit (And there are some writers who probably left the show before they could reach that, only have more then 5 because they had a collab episode with another writer. I honestly feel these days that the writer should have at least 5 episodes before we can start judging them fairly. Cause regardless if they have a bad or even great first episode we don't know if their next outing will be that great. And it can be hard to really get a legitimate feel for what their style is.

This is a list of writers that have less then 5 episodes:
Corey Powell (4) - Sleepless in Ponyville was amazing. But Corey also has Rainbow Falls under her name. Just for Sidekicks was just ok, and while Inspiration Manifestation was good it still makes her one of the harder writers to pin down. Hopefully if there's at least one more episode from her we can see where she stands.

Chris Savino (2) - He seems to have left after Season 1. He only has Boast Busters and Stare Master to his name.

Scott Sonneborn (3) - Yeah he had Somepony Watching Over Me and a lesser extent Trade Ya. But he did at least have an entertaining bout in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep even if that seems to be a bit of a split opinion episode at this point

Neal Dusedeu (2) - What About Discord? and Princess Spike had their uncomfortable and/or awkward moments but I feel it's too early to judge him.

Joanna Lewis & Kristine Songco (2) - While technially their duo episodes they seem to work on a team on both episodes they've worked on. So they're together for now but I'll keep an eye out if they ever do their own episodes for once.

Noelle Benvenuti (2) - Maud Pie was great, but Made in Manehattan left much to be desired. Another writer we can't pin down quite yet

Lauren Faust (2) - While she is the general creator of the show. She only wrote two episodes. The first 3 in the series in fact. And while they were decent enough they pare in comparison to what would come afterward. Still, it's Lauren who created this new generation in the first place and that's a very big accomplishment

Nick Confalone (2) - Both of his Season 5 episodes I found enjoyable enough. I'll be able to get to his first episode in the countdown next week in fact. Still two episodes is still only two episodes

Natasha Levinger (3) - All of her Season 4 and Season 5 episodes have been fun. I think she's one of the few we can say is a good writer despite having less then 5. But who knows, I don't want to jinx her coming in to Season 6

G.M. Berrow (1) - A fun note about her is before she wrote The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows is she wrote some children books set in FiM (Including one that revealed Cadence was a Pegasus before becoming an Alicorn). It's only one episode, but I think she did a pleasant job with her first one.

Ed Valentine (1) - Only has Flight to the Finish which while certainly a great episode. Still doesn't leave enough of an impression. He did work with Meghan on Three's a Crowd at least.

Betsy McGowen (1) - Only was in a collab with Fullerton and McCarthy. We have no idea what she contributed to that episode

But I suppose of the writers that do have 5 episodes or more. Here's what I can say is my list.

1. M.A. Larson (13)
2. Meghan McCarthy (13, including EQG1 and 2)
3. Amy Keating Rogers (16)
4. Dave Polsky (12)
5. Cindy Morrow (11)
6. Josh Haber (6, including EQG3)
7. Merriwether Williams (7)
8. Charlotte Fullerton (5)
Video Link

(Song Used: Love Meth - Korn)


This episode is one of the most controversial in the show's history. Those who love it regard it as wonderfully entertaining episode that brings a really enjoyable antagonist back and makes it so we get more of Discord in the future and more of John De Lancie. While those who don't like it as much either didn't think it was necessary to bring Discord back, ruins the character we enjoyed in Return of Harmony, never found the appeal of Discord's character in the first place, or they are bothered by some rather troubling implications you could take from the episode where the ponies consider using a reform AKA a Mind control spell to reform him. Not to mention Celestia being incredibly cryptic when asked why they are even releasing Discord. I think we've had at least one good answer since then but for a while we didn't quite have any in-universe reason for it. Personally I have no qualms with Discord being reformed as Season 4 and Season 5 shows that he's still the jerk that he needs to be to retain the fun of his character. But I definitely understand that this episode definitely rushed it. And because it took a while for Season 4 to arrive people that weren't too fond of the episode were too scared we'd suddenly have the goody-goody Discord that we seemed to see in the final minute of the episode when he eventually reappeared. But thankfully that wasn't the case and he was still as fun to watch as ever.

I personally think more good then bad has come out of this episode, but it was definitely a rather awkward way to do it. They might as well have just said they wanted Discord back because they were able to get John De Lancie to come back more often then they thought they would at one point (Because back in Return of Harmony it was thought to be just a one time celebrity guest appearance ala Weird Al as Cheese Sandwich in Season 4. Though Weird Al has expressed interest in returning in the future). Because let's be honest, that's probably the reason this episode was made. I think the episode has it's value enough to get to this spot in the countdown but it's definitely one I could see people argue it should be way lower then it is (or higher in some cases)


I feel this is going to be another of those episodes that many will say I put too low. As by all means this is one of the most popular and well-known Rarity episodes in the series. And some would say it's one of the best in the entire series. I have no doubt that this is a classic episode from the first season. And is the only episode Charlotte Fullerton did really, really good. Considering this is the lowest ranked of the solo Rarity episodes that's actually a compliment to how consistent that most Rarity episodes are (That's not counting episodes she's paired with characters anyway). I think it's probably lower then it probably should be because to be honest it's not an episode that entertains me as much. Don't get me wrong, it's not boring. But like I said when talking about Apple Family Reunion that even more flawed episodes that are exciting in some way may have a better chance at a higher ranking then an episode with harder to spot flaws that didn't entertain quite as well cause this is a more of a personal list. I personally enjoy other Rarity episodes that came after much more then this one.

This was the first episode that started a bit of theme for Rarity episodes where it can be an allegory for an artist. Where the rest of the ponies represent the different types of people who may be somewhat annoying regarding commissions. Like Rainbow saying it needs to be cooler without really explaining what that means. Or Twilight getting every small detail correct. And while it appeals to the person getting it, since it ends up being shown in a fashion show it is criticized heavily and because Rarity is unfortunately caught up with the credit/blame for it, it saddens her to the point of being bed-ridden thinking she'll forever be a laughing stock in the industry she's most interested in. It's only thanks to her friends that turn it around by getting Hoity Toity to give them one last chance as they use the original dresses Rarity made for them that they initially were hesitant about. And with Fluttershy's knowledge of dresses that was revealed in the episode they even manage to make one themselves for Rarity. And when Hoity Toity is shown them, he is utterly shocked it's from the same designer and instantly makes a 180 and decides to support Rarity's work. It's also kinda neat that it's like in an arc with Ticket Master and the Season 1 finale since the dresses return for the Gala.

Again I'll understand if you think I put it in too low. But as it is, it still makes the Top 10 of Season 1 as it certainly deserves that much. Though for me, Suited for Success isn't even the best Rarity episode in the first season. And that episode happens to be the next one.


Initially Rarity is a character that gets kinda mixed responses from those who are getting in the show. It may take a while for a character like her to grow on others. Sometimes Suited for Success is the episode where Rarity finally grows on them. But for some others like myself, it is this episode that showed us how fun and enjoyable Rarity can be. The way she manipulates the Diamond Dogs was hilarious and heck Rarity wasn't even the only great part of the episode. While this isn' really a Spike episode this is one of the first times he feels like he has a big role. And he even has a hilarious daydream that almost made him kiss Applejack (Which I'm certain started a ship between them anyway).

But the comedic Whining scene that's the significant scene of the episode and by the time the Mane 6 had come to "rescue" Rarity it actually seem like they save the Diamond Dogs from Rarity from how much the Dogs are willing to give them Rarity back. The episode taught us not to underestimate Rarity in more ways then one. And from then on Rarity episodes tended to always be a joy to watch.


*I imagine this will be many a Rarity fan’s reaction to Suited for Success being #64...

This is yet another episode the CMC attempt to get their Cutie Marks, but this is one where it turns out rather fun. Where they attempt to get it in journalism, though unfortunately for them their boss is Diamond Tiara, who makes them look for juicy stories that start out as half-truths to full-on lies (And blackmailing that she'll reveal embarrassing things about them if they don't). And when their alias has been found out, they've been shunned by the many ponies they wrote something about. The scene where they walk around but the Mane 6 want nothing to do with them is heartbreaking but understandable. (Though Applejack talking like Big Mac, and Big Mac suddenly being talkative when scolding the CMC is a very memorable switcheroo they performed) Luckily they do turn things around by printing a full-on apology, and they eventually get Cheerilee to fire Diamond from her position.

It's definitely one of the better episodes that involve all the CMC front and center though if you put into account the Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo solo episodes it's definitely not Top 5 of any CMC at all involved episodes. But back when it was new it was certainly one of the better CMC episodes in the show.


When most people talk about time travel in relation to FiM these days, it's mainly in relation to the most recent finale. But of course this wasn't the only time in the show that time travel magic was shown. Even if it wasn't quite on the same level. It's About Time has Twilight travel a week to try to warn herself not to worry herself though because the Time Travel spell doesn't last very long she fails to get the message and it just ends up being one big time loop. Where Twilight's own attempt to calm herself down is what causes her to get paranoid about the future. It's an enjoyably quirky episode where we at least get one more episode of Twilight overreacting to events after Lesson Zero even if course she doesn't bring things to quite that level. A fun note about the episode is that's it's possible that Cerberus's appearance could be where Tirek managed to escape from Tartarus leading into the Season 4 Finale. Now I doubt they had that planned from the start when they wrote It's About Time, but it's a neat way of connecting things.

Though as much as I do enjoy the episode it did kinda make me facepalm the moment she went back in time, even if that was just meant to be because it completes the time loop. Though ironically it probably handled the concept of time travel better then The Cutie Re-Mark did as a time loop is a time loop, not much complexity to it there. While the Cutie Re-Mark had full-on changing events of the past and an attempt at a butterfly effect kind of thing. There will probably never really be a true perfect Time Travel story (Even Back To The Future had it’s situations where something happened that should of caused a paradox) though so suspension of disbelief's pretty much a given. Especially when this time travel is in a land of magical talking ponies. At least It's About Time has it a bit simplified
Keep Calm and Flutter On is my least favorite episode of the show. While it had its moments, and I liked the idea of Discord being reformed, I couldn't help but feel that the only reason Discord let himself get reformed at the end was that he was acting uncharacteristically soft, and this isn't a good thing considering that Discord's reformation is such a major plot point in the series. Say what you like about Rainbow Falls, but even though it impacted the canon, at least problems didn't have anything to do with it. On the other hand, part of the reason I respect Twilight's Kingdom was that it gave Discord a genuine reason to be friends with the Mane Six, and also made Fluttershy's intentions feel less manipulative, which kept me from hating it even more. Still, Discord didn't have a very good reason for being reformed before Twilight's Kingdom.
Wait what this is still alive and kicking? That's.... amazing. But is this the longest MLP gen?
Sylveon said:
Wait what this is still alive and kicking? That's.... amazing. But is this the longest MLP gen?

Technically it's not yet if you mean like the entire generation and not just the shows. But it is certainly the longest running MLP show for sure. G1's show is 2nd longest as I believe it ended at 65 episodes and a movie. G4 by the end of Season 6 will have more then twice of that and 5 movies (4 EQG movies, and the actual FiM movie coming out in 2017)
I wonder who's going to write The Crystalling?
Sylveon said:
Wait what this is still alive and kicking? That's.... amazing.

honestly its probably because this one in particular has been hyped by all of the internet (either in a positive or negative way) since a few years now

that isnt particularly bad but i think enough of a reason for them to not cancel it
Video Link

(Song Used: The Way - Fastball)

By the end of this part we will have reached the halfway point of this list! The first 56 episodes will have been covered with another 56 to go. We're finally rising up the ranks where we'll be getting close to the really good stuff

(BTW I am aware that Season 6 is starting sooner then we thought. When we get to the week of the 21st of March. There will be two parts going up on the Monday (#30-#26, #25-#21), Tuesday (#20-#16, #15-11), and Thursday (#10-#6, #5-#1). So that the countdown ends only a few days before Season 6 begins)


When you get a new home, whether it was because you had to sell it so you could move somewhere else or it gets burnt down to the ground and/or destroyed through unforeseen circumstances (Which the latter is what Twilight had to deal with) it can be hard adjusting to your new house since most of the time you've been in your old house a while. Even if overall the new house is so much bigger and pretty much objectively a better place to live in, you can sometimes just miss the simplicity of your previous house. It takes time to changes in your life like this and that's what Twilight goes through herself. I don't think it's one of the most exciting episodes of the series, but it is a pretty sweet one as the rest of the Mane 6 try to help Twilight get used to her Castle. The problem is they don't do the smart thing right away of thinking what Twilight would want to make things feel like home and instead bring things they think makes something feel like a home which is different for everybody. Rainbow beings trophies and sports memorabilia, Applejack brings in hay and dirt, Rarity tries to freshen up the place with stylish decor, Fluttershy brings in some animal friends, and Pinkie just hides surprise party cannons everywhere.

It's still kind of a sweet gesture cause it's like having a little bit of her friends in her home somewhere but again that doesn't mean Twilight would take the house as hers. And thankfully the solution they came up with was not just to fill up the place with books as if that's the only thing they think could make her happy. Because as funny as it we tend to call Twilight bookhorse, it shouldn't be her only defining characteristic to the point that it's so easy to cheer her up by just giving her a book. Instead, they go to the remains of Twilight's old tree home, dig up the roots of the tree, and repurpose it as a chandelier, adorning it with gems with photos of memories in the past (I think someone noticed that the number of jewels matched how many episodes of the show had at some point so it's probably each gem had a moment from each previous episode in the show represented which would be yet another great touch)

While the episode was far from perfect, I do feel the end of the episode at the very least is the perfect send-off and tribute to the Golden Oaks Library. Whether you prefer Twilight's new castle or Golden Oaks, we lost a very iconic location in the show. And we shouldn't fault those who miss the place being a part of the show. At the very least those people who do miss it can relate to Twilight in this very episode. It makes the appearance of the castle feel that much less of a marketing ploy (Even if admittedly it still kinda is), with the destruction of the library just being an unforeseen circumstance in-universe that Twilight could not have done anything about. Most of the episode isn't too special, but it definitely has a very sweet ending to make up for it and certainly brings some closure to a rather surprising destruction of one of the most iconic locations in the show


This is the episode that ended off the Equestria Games arc. One that began with one episode (Technically 2 if you count Just for Sidekicks since that episode runs at the same time chronologically) and with a few other Season 4 episodes all building up to this moment. The Crystal Empire was going to host the Ponified Olympics. While not everybody in the fandom is big into sports, it was certainly making us wonder how this was going to all pay off in the end. We got Cadence excited to be able to host the games, Scootaloo and the CMC carrying the flag for Ponyville, Rainbow flying with Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps in a race against the Wonderbolts (Even if at the expense of it reminding us of the episode that set it up…). What was going to happen? Would there be interesting new characters and situations for the Mane 6 to confront? We had to be thinking something big was going to go down with all this if we've had a good 3 or 4 episodes building it up since Season 3. Eventually we finally get an episode called the Equestria Games that no doubt made us believe we'd finally see what this was going to end it all in. And what do we get?

A Spike episode… yeah… Granted, it's actually a pretty good Spike episode when you think about it. Heck on this list it's 3rd amongst Spike episodes and certainly a step above or even a huge margin over previous Spike episodes. But still yeah, you can kinda feel why so many felt disappointed. We hardly see much of the Equestria Games itself despite the title, instead we get mostly just Spike awkwardly going through the opening ceremony type stuff like lighting the traditional Olympic fire and botching the Cloudsdale anthem. Only at the very end do we get some kind of game-related intrigue with these arrows that can freeze stuff hit a huge cloud that starts then falling down, in which Spike manages to save the day using his fire to melt it. Though again like I said if you ignore the build up to the games, and just allow to watch it as the Spike episode it is. It's an actually pretty decent episode in it's own right. But I would not fault anybody for thinking it was a disappointment if they were hoping to get something interesting out of the Equestria Games.

The only Equestria Games related episode that feels like it has any importance as a result is Flight to the Finish because of it implying and addressing Scootaloo's disability to fly that has been referenced a few times since then. But Games Ponies Play, and Rainbow Falls hardly mattered (While you'd think I'd be happy about that. It's actually one of those cases where I'm both happy and upset about it even more. On one hand good, Rainbow Falls didn't really matter too much as nothing really big came out of the race between the Wonderbolts and Rainbow's team meaning it's not going to linger much beyond Season 4. But on the other hand, the new question becomes then why did Rainbow Falls have to happen in the first place. I even think there was a different Season 4 episode where they could of had Rainbow's key instead that would of been a lot better. I'll get to that when we get to the episode I'm talking about).

So in conclusion, if you're a big Spike fan you can still enjoy this as one of the better Spike episodes. But anyone looking for Equestria Games in the episode titled Equestria Games, won't find much.


The final episode of the trilogy of Dreamwalker Luna + CMC episodes. While I wouldn't say it's quite as fantastic as the other two in said trilogy. It's still a fun go-around and may have been an early clue that Season 5 was finally going to be the end of CMC's search for her cutie mark search. Cause now she's really thinking about the consequences of what getting her Cutie Mark might be. Whether that she'll get something she won't enjoy that much (Twittermite hunting), get kicked out of the CMC, or if it's not an Apple Cutie mark… disowned by her family. And as with the other dream episodes, Luna gets involved to assist Applebloom throughout. Helping her to understand that she's far from the only one worried about all this. Eventally she just gets a good night's sleep and sings along with Applejack's short and sweet lullaby that it won't change her no matter what she gets.


I feel this is a somewhat underrated episode in the series. Yeah the Yaks are kinda annoying and a bit of a tired gag about mid-way through, but one thing I certainly praise this episode is for Pinkie. If there's one thing I think Season 5 had over Season 4, it's Pinkie's overall portrayal throughout the season. It felt a lot more consistent and really treating her as a character rather then just comic relief then perhaps any previous season before. There was not one moment I felt they were treating Pinkie like an idiot, a dog, nor do I remember feeling angry at Pinkie. Pinkie by all means is supposed to be the character making gags nearly everytime she speaks onscreen but she should also be somewhat more then that and be her actual own character that's important.

I think the reveal of Pinkie's basement where she keeps a record track of nearly every pony she knows to know what their favorite or least favorite things are so she knows what to bring or not to bring in future parties just shows how dedicated she is to making sure she puts a smile on every pony she sets up a party for. It even portrays her as one of the more brilliant and prepared ponies, something we'd expect more from Twilight. Not Pinkie. Which makes it all the more interesting. It's possible that the basement has revealed an entirely new layer to Pinkie's character we didn't know before and I think that's cool. This episode also has some of the best faces and character humor, Twilight being afraid of Quesadillas was funny little gag that certainly could of not made more sense in context in a different type of episode. Cause it shows that Pinkie pays attention to what characters avoid. Now those who overly obsess over a certain grimdark fanfic may go like "Pinkie has a secret basement… with files for nearly everypony in Ponyville?! OH GOD! SHE MAY EVEN CALL UP NUMBERS LIKE IN THE FIC!". Which by now may as well be a more tired joke then anything the Yaks do in this episode. Also Pinkie traveling and temporarily being a part of the Ponified version of The Beatles is pretty much just for fun and wacky moments and really isn't meant to be thought about. So anybody complaining that she couldn't of done all that in the time she was given needs to understand Pinkie plays by different rules. It's not supposed to make sense, it's just another one of those Wacky things Pinkie's able to do even in such short notice that we just sit back and laugh. It's part of the charm of being a character that runs on Looney Tunes and/or Tex Avery logic, we don't question how Droopy is able to catch up with the Wolf in his cartoons.

The Yaks still kinda make this episode eh at times, but I feel it does enough for Pinkie to get here at the very least


The episode that began Season 5. Certainly seems a little while since this episode aired. Introducing us to Starlight which would prove pivotal later on and having certainly some things that broke the mold of previous openers and two-parters before. This time the villain isn't some superpowered evil, the same villain isn't defeated by some magical artifact, nor is the villain totally defeated at the end, and the Mane 6 are technically not the only ones that help bring her down. It certainly change things up, I honestly think this episode has the potential to get higher on the list. But it all depends on how Starlight and if anything more about the Village in the episode ends up being elaborated on in the future. Because as it is now, there's a bit of a Hearth's Warming Eve syndrome where it's on the fence until something ever follows up on it more. Because despite Starlight reappearing to take her revenge in the Finale we really aren't shown much more on the village that Starlight used to try to get ponies to follow her philosophy on Cutie Marks.

The episode can still get credit though for not following the typical direction a two-parter in the direction a two-parter goes. If you're tired of the the formula that most two-parters follow in the show this is certainly the two-parter for you as it goes out of it's way to avert the many tropes previous ones have had. The episode also has some new characters that fast became new ponies many took a liking to. Party Favor, Night Glider, Sugar Belle, and more quickly became characters to create stuff for. One of my favorite scenes in the two-parter is actually pictured in the Banner where Sugar Belle goes up and just Smiles next to the Mane 6, I don't know why but it just makes me laugh overtime. Maybe because it's like Sugar is showing genuine enthusiasm in greeting the Mane 6 and wanting to take their order when everything up to that point still had the feeling of fake enthusiasm with the creepy smiles, establishing her character in a real funny way. One little annoyance I had was Fluttershy having to be the pony to think the town's stepford smiling act was all for real. But I suppose that worked for the best as it made her the best spy upon the 2nd part of the episode. Still it bugged me Fluttershy was being a little too trustworthy at the beginning.

But otherwise this is one episode that may get the nod for bring promoted later on depending how Season 6 goes but I think where it is now (The very halfway point of this list by the way! One half of 112 is 56) is a good spot.