My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
I agree with a lot of the episodes you put in your top 10, especially Crusaders of the Lost Mark and Twilight's Kingdom.
The episode as a whole was kinda on the average side of things and probably one of the weaker openers. Though it certainly does have a few interesting things I'll point out when I make a more detailed thoughts after a rewatch.

But right now I'm still hyped as hell about the fact that...


(Now I just hope there's at least one episode where they play a bigger role this season)
I just saw The Crystalling, and... it was decent. Compared to Josh Haber's other two-parter, The Cutie Re-Mark, it's less flawed, but at the same time, it's not as fun or original, and I didn't care as much about what was going to happen. I'd say that besides Friendship is Magic, this is my least favorite two parter. On a more positive note, after watching this, I really want Josh Haber to write Gauntlet of Fire. He wrote Spike quite well in this episode.

It may seem a bit lame right now, but here's my ranking for Season 6.

1. The Crystalling
Paper Jorge said:
eminem AND my little pony in your video, SM? did you turn into me!?

I've liked Eminem songs for a long time xD

Plus I'd need to be obsessed with Jackie chan, change my favorite pony from Twilight to Pinkie, make two or three shortlived comic series on Userpedia, and then nuke Userpedia to become you. (No offense meant of course, you know I still like ya)
Oh my, the 7th episode of Season 6 could end up being a big one.

After Rainbow Dash achieves her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, she makes a disastrous first impression and gets saddled with a mortifying nickname.

I was actually thinking this would happen this season. Just not quite this early on. Either way it's going to be interesting for sure.
I think the 7th episode, if done right, could become one of the best episodes of the show. I think maybe Cindy Morrow should write, due to her more mature style of writing.
In case anyone's interested, here are the current Season 5 episode ratings on IMDb from worst to best:

24. Princess Spike (6.5)
23. What About Discord? (6.6)
22. Appleoosa's Most Wanted (7.4)
21. Made in Manehattan (7.8
20. The Hooffields and McColts (8.0)
19. Party Pooped (8.1)
18. Canterlot Boutique (8.2)
17. Castle Sweet Castle (8.4)
16. Brotherhooves Social (8.4)
15. Tanks for the Memories (8.5)
14. Bloom and Gloom (8.5)
13. Scare Master (8.6)
12. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows (8.6)
11. Hearthbreakers (8.6)
10. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone (8.7)
9. Rarity Investigates! (8.8
8. The Cutie Re-Mark (8.85 two-part average)
7. The Mane Attraction (9.0)
6. Make New Friends but Keep Discord (9.0)
5. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? (9.1)
4. The Cutie Map (9.15 two-part average)
3. Slice of Life (9.3)
2. Amending Fences (9.4)
1. Crusaders of the Lost Mark (9.4)
Just watched The Gift of Maud Pie.

Although this episode has a few contrived moments, it's much more entertaining than I thought it would be. The jokes are funny (I completely cracked up at Rarity's Pinkie impression), and the characters are very likable. It also has heart, which I enjoyed. I guess the reason I wasn't expecting this to be so fun was that the last Manehattan episode was really dull.

It's probably not going to look that impressive until the 6th episode, but here are my Season 6 rankings.

2. The Crystalling
1. The Gift of Maud Pie
Gift of the Maud Pie was ok. Some funny gags here and there especially in the 2nd half of the episode.

Though one thing nags at me quite a bit: Why didn't Pinkie just ask Rarity to make one of those pouches? Pinkie wouldn't have had to give away her Party Cannon (Speaking of which according to this Hot Minute for Pinkie thing. She has 3, so it's not like she wouldn't have any afterward. So unless that Party Cannon that she had in Gift of Maud Pie was her very first one and thus had a special attachment to it then it wouldn't matter to lose one), and Pinkie would have the gift for Maud. I'm sure a simple pouch wouldn't have been a problem for Rarity to make.
From now on, if a Season 6 episode is good enough to make my Top 20 or bad enough to make my Bottom 10, I'm going to point it out before I talk about or rank it.
Okay, the next episode that's been announced is A Hearth's Warming Tale, which is about... Twilight telling Starlight a story. Okay, I'm not exactly hyped for it.
Calvin said:
Okay, the next episode that's been announced is A Hearth's Warming Tale, which is about... Twilight telling Starlight a story. Okay, I'm not exactly hyped for it.

It depends what exactly the story is about. It's related to Hearth's Warming so it could possibly be related to the lore we got from Hearth's Warming Eve back in Season 2.

If it's a normal feel-good christmas esque story though, then yeah that could be a bit boring.
OK, I need to wait and see a few reviews to see if On Your Marks has any problems before I rank it, but for right now, my opinion on it is very positive.

Northern Verve said:
Calvin said:
Okay, the next episode that's been announced is A Hearth's Warming Tale, which is about... Twilight telling Starlight a story. Okay, I'm not exactly hyped for it.

It depends what exactly the story is about. It's related to Hearth's Warming so it could possibly be related to the lore we got from Hearth's Warming Eve back in Season 2.

If it's a normal feel-good christmas esque story though, then yeah that could be a bit boring.
The problem is that it's likely to be the latter, because it says Twilight's telling the story to cheer Starlight up.
Yeah, On Your Marks is definitely my favorite of Season 6 so far right now. Definitely an enjoyable follow up. Probably my favorite Apple Bloom centered episode (It's kinda all CMC at first but by the 2nd half it's pretty focused on Apple Bloom specifically)
Why did you like it? Personally, I liked it for its clever premise and great song. Still, it only has an 8.0/10 on IMDb right now, which isn't good by MLP standards.
I really think you shouldn't depend on IMDB to weigh how good or bad an episode actually is. It should depend on you and you alone. I certainly didn't make my Top 100 list by looking at some ratings site that only a small part of the fandom comes in to rate the episodes (And some of those raters might be biased one way or another in some way). I also beg to differ that 8 out of 10 is not good by MLP Standards. No episode is perfect, I would say a majority of the episodes are around the 7-8 out of 10 scale. Twilight's Kingdom is the only one I'd say that could possibly be a perfect 10 but I wouldn't be upset with a 9

And I can't say everything yet as I like to give episodes a second watch before giving out my thoughts. But I suppose in short I did like how they had the CMC respond what to do now. Like Applebloom forgetting temporarily they already had their cutie marks since they've been searching for so long for them. As well as Apple Bloom being concerned that each of them doing their own things would result in them never hanging out again. But I think most of all I like how they realize that now they have their cutie marks they can start to branch out a little. They wouldn't always be apart, they'll probably be there for most of the time they help a pony out on getting their or understanding their cutie mark more. They're still kids, they can learn what they like now, as they have their whole entire lives to dedicate themselves to helping others.
That's what I meant when I said that the plot was clever. The fact that the CMC don't have to do everything together now that they have their Cutie Marks was a really smart idea.

Also, the thing about 8.0 out of 10 not being good by MLP standards isn't what I think. It's just that it's a below-average rating for MLP on IMDb (The average is usually around 8.5). And about IMDb, I don't exactly base my opinions on the episodes' ratings, but what I do do is try to find out why when an episode (like this one) doesn't get as good of a rating as I thought it would, because I sometimes miss things like logical or moral problems.
I haven't spotted a major problem with On Your Marks yet, so here are my rankings:

3. The Crystalling
2. The Gift of the Maud Pie
1. On Your Marks
So apparently, Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco are writing Gauntlet of Fire. That's too bad, because I was actually hoping Josh Haber would write it, even though he's already written all of the other Season 6 episodes so far. I mean, I know opinions on him as a writer are mixed, but he's been able to write Spike very well as a side character.
Heh, I think I was quite pleasantly surprised with Gauntlet of Fire. I think it could very well be the best Spike episode in the series yet.

Princess Ember
or Dragon Lord Ember considering the ending
was a pretty awesome new character, we got some great worldbuilding, Spike was really awesome in this episode, and the episode was pretty fun to watch all-around.

I think I may have liked this one more then last weeks (And I liked that a fair bit too)
I really liked Gauntlet of Fire, and I think it's actually my favorite Spike episode. I thought it was good mainly due to the very impressive animation and interesting plot.

My rankings:

4. The Crystalling
3. The Gift of the Maud Pie

2. On Your Marks
1. Gauntlet of Fire
So apparently, the ninth and tenth episodes are going to be called Saddle Row & Rec and Applejack's "Day" Off.

I'm not really looking forward to either of these episodes. Neither of them really sound that interesting.
So there's an episode called No Second Prances (Which is the next one. It doesn't come out tomorrow though there's no new episode this week. But next week it will air) at first is an episode we didn't know anything except the title. But most presumed it would be a returning character. And not even the synopsis when it came out revealed who it was.

The synopsis was: "When Starlight Glimmer starts becoming friends with a fellow formerly-bad pony, Twilight tries to stop her."

Well thanks to a recent trailer, we know who it is now

Guess who's back
back again.
Trixie's back.
Tell a friend

Hehe, that's really cool. I approve Trixie's return. Though since the synopsis has been revealed, I have to wonder why Twilight doesn't want Starlight to befriend Trixie just yet. I thought Twi was cool with Trixie after the "Great and Apologetic" ending of Magic Duel?

Though having Trixie meet Starlight could be very interesting giving their both former antagonists for Twilight. Albeit a big difference in that Trixie had a mind corrupting amulet make her more evil then she actually is. Starlight didn't have anything aside from her mind being possibly messed up to begin with and what she did is arguably worse then what Trixie did with the amulet on

But anyway, it'll be great to see how Trixie's been since we last saw her in Season 3. From the short clip we got, looks like she still has her confidence. So she must of recovered her career at least somewhat.