My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Northern Verve said:
Zuko said:
I clicked on the link, but it just goes to a page saying "about:blank".

Oopsie, sorry about that. Try again.
Just looked at some of them.

Also, I made this GIF recently:
Something I've been wondering is, what do fans generally think about The Gift of the Maud Pie and On Your Marks? I think I know what they think about the other four Season 6 episodes, (The Crystalling is okay, Gauntlet of Fire is great, No Second Prances is either great or terrible depending on who you ask, and Newbie Dash isn't that good) but not those two.
I quite liked The Gift of The Maud Pie. Of course, there's a new episode coming today as well.
Today's episode was pretty good actually. Some of us may just have to get over the fact that the episode aired 7-8 months early given the holiday it covers.

But if you're fully in the christmas spirit, I could see this being an enjoyable re-watch just for how cheery it is. And the songs weren't bad either. Luna's song at the end was especially good, with Starlight as Snowfall's villain-esque song not too far behind it.
I really liked A Hearth's Warming Tail. The animation was great, the songs were nice, and I liked the parallels between Starlight and Snowfrost.

My rankings:

7. Newbie Dash
6. The Crystalling
5. No Second Prances
4. The Gift of the Maud Pie

3. On Your Marks
2. A Hearth's Warming Tail
1. Gauntlet of Fire
I was able to figure out how to calculate Season 6's episodes' score on IMDb without all the spammy one-star ratings, so here they are:

The Crystalling Part 1 - 7.7
The Crystalling Part 2 - 8.0
The Gift of the Maud Pie - 8.2
On Your Marks - 8.3
Gauntlet of Fire - 8.8
No Second Prances - 8.6
Newbie Dash - 7.5
A Hearth's Warming Tail - 8.9
Prepare to laugh for today's episode. Cause The Saddle Row Review is certainly one of the funniest episode in a while. There's pratically a funny line or moment every minute of this episode.
I liked The Saddle Row Review a lot more than I thought I would, and it's definitely my favorite Nick Confalone episode so far. The jokes were funny, and it avoided reusing the moral from Castle Sweet Castle.

8. Newbie Dash
7. The Crystalling
6. No Second Prances
5. The Gift of the Maud Pie

4. On Your Marks
3. A Hearth's Warming Tail
2. The Saddle Row Review
1. Gauntlet of Fire
Applejack's Day Off was really boring for me. Not really alot that entertained me. And sometimes an episode that doesn't do that can sometimes be worse then an episode that is more obviously flawed but had some entertaining moments.

For that reason alone I'm actually debating if I like it over No Second Prances or not, because as much as I had problems with that episode. At least it had some genuinely funny moments here and there and thinking more objectively it's a good development for Starlight even if it feels like it dumbed down both Twilight and Trixie.
For me, Applejack's "Day" Off is to Season 6 what It Ain't Easy Being Breezies and Made in Manehattan were to Seasons 4 and 5: it's objectively a good episode due to its moral, but it's just not interesting enough to be worth watching. Compared to the Fox writers' other episode, The Gift of the Maud Pie, I didn't like as much because it isn't as funny. With that said, it's an absolute masterpiece compared to Neal Dusedau's other episodes. While I think it's definitely one of the worse episodes of this season, I will say that I think it's at least better than Newbie Dash, because the writing isn't as awkward.

My ratings:

9. Newbie Dash
8. Applejack's "Day" Off
7. The Crystalling
6. No Second Prances
5. The Gift of the Maud Pie

4. On Your Marks
3. A Hearth's Warming Tail

2. Gauntlet of Fire
1. The Saddle Row Review
Something I've been wondering: why does everyone hate G3? I haven't watched it.
Flutter Brutter was fairly entertaining with some good jokes. Though a problem with the way they presented Zephyr is we hardly feel any sympathy by the time they try to make us feel bad for him. The ending is very touching but I have a hard time feeling happy for Zephyr just because of how unsympathetic he came across for alot of the episode.

I loved Rainbow's reaction to Zephyr trying to flirt with her. That was great.
I liked Flutter Brutter. Fans are split over Zephyr Breeze, but I liked him because I thought he was funny. I also liked how well Fluttershy was written, with her being assertive towards Zephyr about him getting a job. I'm surprised that the writer of Newbie Dash wrote this, because this episode was actually funny. The last thing that stood out was the animation, which had a lot of detail and color in it.

My rankings:

10. Newbie Dash
9. Applejack's "Day" Off
8. The Crystalling
7. No Second Prances
6. The Gift of the Maud Pie

5. On Your Marks
4. Flutter Brutter
3. A Hearth's Warming Tail

2. Gauntlet of Fire
1. The Saddle Row Review
Yeah I think literally how someone feels about the episode will depend how much they can tolerate Zephyr Breeze. If you don't like or care about Zephyr then the episode falls apart because you're mostly apathetic when Fluttershy helps him in the end. But if you do somewhat like him then you'll enjoy the episode regardless. Zephyr is clearly a polarizing character so it's going to really vary. (More so then most I'd say)

I'd say I'm one who disliked Zephyr though there are a few things here and there that helped it at least get to the "ok" level.

Anyway it turns out next week is the last episode before the break. WHich means strangely that it's cutting off at 12 instead of 13. So whenever FiM returns it will have 14 episodes waiting for us. That's kinda strange to me, I'm actually kinda wondering if there's a special reason for that.
I swear that the new episode referenced McJuggerNuggets. Zephyr(who made me laugh) is blonde, hasn't shaved, has long hair(look at Jesse now), stays with people, doesn't want a real job, got kicked out, lived in the woods when he got kicked out, he had a mannequin head that he named and talked to, and he even had a psycho freakout.
So has Season Six introduced any new writers that you think stand out, or changed your opinions at all on any of the returning writers? Here are some of my thoughts:

-I think it's good that Mike Vogel is writing more episodes, because I really liked A Hearth's Warming Tail
-I thought that Nick Confalone and the writing duo Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco were mediocre writers in Season 5, but I'm starting to warm up to them after Gauntlet of Fire and The Saddle Row Review
-I think the Fox writers have been OK so far, but I don't really care whether they write more episodes or not
Spice Up Your Life was a pretty ok episode. Nothing special, nothing too bad either though. Kinda predictable as soon as the Food critic is mentioned.

But anyway with us heading to the mid-season break here's my ranking so far from favorite to least favorite

1. Gauntlet of Fire
2. The Saddle Row Review
3. A Hearth's Warming Tail
4. On Your Marks
5. The Crystalling
6. Newbie Dash
7. The Gift of the Maud Pie
8. Spice Up Your Life
9. Flutter Brutter
10. Applejack's Day Off
11. No Second Prances

I'm already thinking Flutter Brutter, Applejack's Day Off, and No Second Prances won't make it into my Top 100 if I update that anytime after Season 6 is finished. All the other episodes I think could still be in the 100. Gauntlet of Fire and Saddle Row Review I'm thinking somewhere just in the Top 30 or 40
I thought Spice Up Your Life was pretty good. The story wasn't particularly compelling, but what really made me like the episode was its moral. The lesson that you shouldn't base your opinion on everything on critics and think for yourself is a good one. And in a way, it's relevant to watching the show, because it's easy for a fan like me to base my opinion on an episode entirely on whatever a reviewer has to say about it instead of thinking for myself.

My rankings:

11. Newbie Dash
10. Applejack's "Day" Off
9. The Crystalling
8. No Second Prances
7. The Gift of the Maud Pie
6. Spice Up Your Life

5. On Your Marks
4. Flutter Brutter
3. A Hearth's Warming Tail

2. Gauntlet of Fire
1. The Saddle Row Review

So what do I think about this season so far? Honestly, it's been really average. There haven't really been any bad episodes, with the definite exception of Newbie Dash, but none of the episodes have really stood out to me, either, except for my Top 3. Even then, none of those 3 episodes are Top 10 material, although The Saddle Row Review and maybe Gauntlet of Fire would probably make my Top 20.

Here's how I'd rank the seasons based on my opinion of Season 6 so far:

Season 1<Season 6<Season 3<Season 5<Season 2<Season 4

Also, I'd post the IMDb ratings for the episodes in Season 6, but the ratings are really screwy for some reason. For example, Applejack's "Day" Off has a higher rating than Gauntlet of Fire even though the fandom almost unanimously prefers Gauntlet of Fire.
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I've already said my opinion on the first half of Season 6, but what did you think about it?
Yeah I think this first half (Or well 46% of the season since it's split at 12) is definiely very average and unfortunately unless the 13th episode is THAT good will probably be a worse stretch of 13 episodes then the first half of Season 1. Cause let me remind you of what every season had by Episode 12:

Season 1: Applebuck Season, Dragonshy, and Winter Wrap-Up
Season 2 : Return of Harmony, Lesson Zero, and Sisterhooves Social
Season 3: Magic Duel, Sleepless in Ponyville, and Wonderbolts Academy
Season 4: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Flight to the Finish, Bats!, and Pinkie Pride
Season 5: Make New Friends But Keep Discord, Slice of Life, and Amending Fences

(Bold episodes are personal favorites)

Each season has at least quite good episodes within the first 12-13 of the season. Season 6 has certainly has it's good episodes. Gauntlet of Fire and Saddle Row Review especially but IMO they still aren't great enough to be put amongst the very, very, best of the show. If I were to put either of the best Season 6 episodes on my Top 100 list right now they'd be somewhere around the 30 or 40's. A respectable place for sure but yeah. And as for the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm already thinking No Second Prances, Applejack's Day Off, and Flutter Brutter will be among those out of the 100. (Sorry if you really liked Flutter Brutter, I just couldn't stand watching Zephyr Breeze). Every other episode though would probably make it. Just likely anywhere between #50-#90
(Starts ranting about Newbie Dash)