My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
I am a bit worried that this episode might portray Twilight as out of character if the writers don't handle her not wanting Starlight to be friends with Trixie correctly.
Northern Verve said:
So there's an episode called No Second Prances (Which is the next one. It doesn't come out tomorrow though there's no new episode this week. But next week it will air) at first is an episode we didn't know anything except the title. But most presumed it would be a returning character. And not even the synopsis when it came out revealed who it was.

The synopsis was: "When Starlight Glimmer starts becoming friends with a fellow formerly-bad pony, Twilight tries to stop her."

Well thanks to a recent trailer, we know who it is now

Guess who's back
back again.
Trixie's back.
Tell a friend

Hehe, that's really cool. I approve Trixie's return. Though since the synopsis has been revealed, I have to wonder why Twilight doesn't want Starlight to befriend Trixie just yet. I thought Twi was cool with Trixie after the "Great and Apologetic" ending of Magic Duel?

Though having Trixie meet Starlight could be very interesting giving their both former antagonists for Twilight. Albeit a big difference in that Trixie had a mind corrupting amulet make her more evil then she actually is. Starlight didn't have anything aside from her mind being possibly messed up to begin with and what she did is arguably worse then what Trixie did with the amulet on

But anyway, it'll be great to see how Trixie's been since we last saw her in Season 3. From the short clip we got, looks like she still has her confidence. So she must of recovered her career at least somewhat.
I was dancing in celebration after seeing this trailer.

I have really high hopes for future episodes of Season Six, especially after Gauntlet of Fire and On Your Marks, the two-parter however was a bit meh but The Gift Of Maud Pie gave me another excuse to laugh at the humorous moments the show had once more.
We FINALLY have a synopsis for the Fluttershy's brother episode!

When Fluttershy tries to convince her freeloading brother to move out of their parents' house, he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to him and help him get over his fear of failure.

Sounds like we'll get to see Fluttershy's parents as well. It will be nice to see another family branch. And for once for one of the pegasi since we know so little about their families.
Eh, I don't think I'm too big on No Second Prances. Twilight felt a little too immodest this time around. Ironic considering in Trixie's Debut episode (Boast Busters) her modesty was a big part of it all. I suppose they do try to make it work by relating it to her worship of Celestia. But it doesn't seem right for Twilight to prioritize her image in front of even Celestia over being a good teacher/friend to Starlight.

Also Twilight treats Trixie alot worse then Starlight... even though Starlight definitely did far worse on her own overall even if Trixie's actions with the Alicorn amulet weren't a result of her being corrupted by said evil amulet.

I also fear Trixie almost essentially committing suicide may be another of those controversial moments in particular episode that make it sometimes awkward to talk about an episode. Similar to how some could debate the Mirror Pool clones in Too Many Pinkie Pies had enough sentience that they shouldn't have zapped/mass-murdered them like they did.

I think this is definitely my least favorite of the season so far. Which is a shame because I felt it had good potential.
I thought No Second Prances was a mixed bag. On one hand, most of the jokes were funny, and it benefited from a great premise. On the other hand, my fear about Twilight being out of character came true, although it wasn't executed quite as bad as it could have been.

My rankings:
5. No Second Prances
4. The Crystalling
3. The Gift of the Maud Pie

2. On Your Marks
1. Gauntlet of Fire

Northern Verve said:
I think this is definitely my least favorite of the season so far. Which is a shame because I felt it had good potential.
Would you consider it a bad episode, or do you just have mixed feelings on it?
Zuko said:
Northern Verve said:
I think this is definitely my least favorite of the season so far. Which is a shame because I felt it had good potential.
Would you consider it a bad episode, or do you just have mixed feelings on it?

I'd say it's similar to how I felt on Tanks for the Memories. The episodes are otherwise ok, but there are just lingering problems I have that I can't shake off that are related to how the characters involved have been in past episodes and/or somewhat surprising actions from a Mane 6 member and not in a good way.

Also looks like a bomb shell was dropped today. We finally have some possible concrete information about the 2017 pony movie. Though for some reason the place Hasbro chooses to first reveal this is at a Russian convention (Though the show is actually reportedly really popular in Russia it seems)

But anyway there was something pretty big revealed


We have merponies/hippocampi! And Mane 6 transformed into some too!

I actually really like this. Mermaids are one of my favorite fantasy creatures. And I'm doubly excited that it seems the Mane 6 will all be transformed into some as well. It should bring some fascinating challenges for the animators as well. They haven't had to do Underwater very often (There have been moments like in Show Stoppers, or I think When the Sweetie Belle Toils). So it could be cool to see how they do underwater effects and swimming stuff
Still, I liked No Second Prances more than Tanks for the Memories, because while Tanks for the Memories is just a decent episode without its out of character moments, No Second Prances is actually a really good one.
Zuko said:
Still, I liked No Second Prances more than Tanks for the Memories, because while Tanks for the Memories is just a decent episode without its out of character moments, No Second Prances is actually a really good one.

Yeah I'd say No Second Prances is still better then Tanks for the Memories. Just that it might be the first Season 6 episode that could miss being in my Top 100 so far. Though if that's the case it will probably be at least close to #100. By the time Season 6 ends there will be quite a bit of episodes that drop below #100 because either a Season 6 episode pushed them out, or I didn't like a Season 6 episode enough for it to make it up there. (After Season 6 is over and including EQG 4 there will be 137 episodes/movies. So 37 episodes left out)
Is there a website that shows what fans generally think about an episode of the show? IMDb has a lot of people spamming one-star ratings, so I can't rely much on that site right now.
Zuko said:
Is there a website that shows what fans generally think about an episode of the show? IMDb has a lot of people spamming one-star ratings, so I can't rely much on that site right now.

I don't think there is any particular website that's good for knowing the rating of a particular episode. Sometimes you just have to feel out how most are feeling by seeing general resposnes to the episode. Even if that's not a guarantee either because some communities might be overly negative or overly positive. Sure, some episodes can get near universal praise right away such as what Amending Fences or Pinkie Pride got. But those are pretty rare.
In that case, I'd say Gauntlet of Fire and No Second Prances seem to be the best-received episodes of this season, even though they only got an 8.1 and 7.9 on IMDb. BTW, it seems to say something that those two episodes were the ones that weren't written by Josh Haber.
I'm not sure I would say No Second Prances is one of the best received given I'm pretty sure there's gotta be some who felt similarly to my thoughts on it or even harsher then I am towards the episode.
Northern Verve said:
I'm not sure I would say No Second Prances is one of the best received given I'm pretty sure there's gotta be some who felt similarly to my thoughts on it or even harsher then I am towards the episode.
Well, from what I know, most people who didn't think Twilight was out of character really liked the episode.

There's now an OFFICIAL blooper reel for Friendship Games. And yes, it's pretty funny.

I love it when Animated movies do this sometimes. I remember when Toy Story 2 did it for example. Heck even Nintendo got onto the blooper reel scene with the Mario Power Tennis opening (As a reward for finishing the harder difficulties in the Tournament mode)
I've decided to revise my Bottom 10 for the series as well as explain why I dislike each episode that I put on it.

10. One Bad Apple - Aside from a great song, this episode handles the subject of bullying terribly and gives Babs no consequences for her actions.
9. Look Before You Sleep - This episode has a really boring and repetitive plot with Rarity and Applejack fighting for no reason and Twilight acting like an idiot.
8. Princess Spike - This episode's plot is a contrived rehash of Just For Sidekicks, and doesn't punish Spike for the right reasons.
7. Filli Vanilli - Pinkie's sheer out-of character behavior completely overshadows any positives the episode has.
6. The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well - I hated this episode for the same reason a lot of other fans hate it, which is that the Mane Six were way too vindictive about delivering the moral.
5. Somepony to Watch Over Me - How Applejack was portrayed was, in my opinion, the most out-of-character behavior in the series, and the ending was terrible.
4. What About Discord? - This episode is my least favorite of Season 5 for a lot of reasons, but the most noticeable one is the bad characterizations.
3. Putting Your Hoof Down - The conflict could have been avoided if all the characters in it weren't acting like jerks, and the episode is extremely unpleasant to watch.
2. Rainbow Falls - This episode is terrible. It's badly written, illogical, and it destroys characters.
1. Keep Calm and Flutter On - I was really, really put off by Fluttershy using her friendship as leverage against Discord at the end.
Well Newbie Dash seems to be one of those mixed response episodes. But I for one enjoyed it fairly enough.

I wouldn't say it's best of the season or one of the best episodes ever in general. But I think there are certainly enough enjoyable parts to it. And hey, yet another longtime character goal was reached. Rainbow is a Wonderbolt now ^^
Northern Verve said:
Well Newbie Dash seems to be one of those mixed response episodes. But I for one enjoyed it fairly enough.

I wouldn't say it's best of the season or one of the best episodes ever in general. But I think there are certainly enough enjoyable parts to it. And hey, yet another longtime character goal was reached. Rainbow is a Wonderbolt now ^^
I was sort of hoping but sort of not hoping that Rainbow Dash would become a Wonderbolt at some point.
A lot of people seem to dislike Newbie Dash, but I'm not quite sure why. Personally, I haven't formed an opinion on it yet.
Zuko said:
A lot of people seem to dislike Newbie Dash, but I'm not quite sure why. Personally, I haven't formed an opinion on it yet.

Well for one thing, I actually got accused of defending bullying just for saying positive things about the episode on a different site :eek: (Same guy also did so for others in the same thread... someone seemed to have been particularly triggered by this episode)

The guy seemed to think that the end of the episode was Rainbow Dash sucking up to the bullying. When the Wonderbolts' methods were similar to how the Military shake ups rookies to build a team player out of them. It's just coincidental that the name they gave was the same bullies gave Dash when she was younger.
You know, I've decided that I don't really like this episode, and I think it's my least favorite of the season so far. The main reason for this is the ending. The Wonderbolts said that they already knew about all the great things that Rainbow Dash did, which made it hard for me to buy their utter lack of respect for Rainbow in the other parts of the episode, even if she did make some mistakes. The episode doesn't have enough good moments to make up for the Wonderbolts' behavior, either.

My rankings:

6. Newbie Dash
5. No Second Prances
4. The Crystalling
3. The Gift of the Maud Pie

2. On Your Marks
1. Gauntlet of Fire

Northern Verve said:
Well for one thing, I actually got accused of defending bullying just for saying positive things about the episode on a different site
While I don't like this episode, I do agree that the message probably wasn't trying to say that bullying is OK.
I think I now understand that this episode is probably going to be very polarizing because some may not understand that what the Wonderbolts were doing is something that the real life military often does especially to new recruits. It's meant to instill some humbleness into members of the team so that when they're in a serious situation they don't break down or do something that could get them hurt or worse while on a mission. While the Wonderbolts are more of an air show then military, the real life equivalent would be the Blue Angels.

And I think this treatment is applicable for the Air Force as well. As even when it's not combat, it's awfully dangerous if you don't get a trick right or go on an unauthorized solo flight to try to showboat your own skill.

I'll still grant that they probably could of presented it alot better, but I think that's enough reason to explain why there is room for people to at least find the episode ok.

On a side note, is Tumblr still blocked for you Shadow Prince?
Uh, I actually don't use Tumblr. Why do you ask?
Zuko said:
Uh, I actually don't use Tumblr. Why do you ask?

Well I wasn't asking if you have a Tumblr. I just want to know if you're able to see my Genie Twilight ask blog now. It's been something I've done work on for nearly four years. Doing lots of fun stuff with the idea of Twilight being a genie. As well as episode responses (Usually a comic that relates to the episode in some way) for every episode since the start of Season 3.
I clicked on the link, but it just goes to a page saying "about:blank".