My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Oh yeah, Wrote Dash buy accident. I can't believe i never saw newbie dash. Currently watching tho.
So since the first half of Season 6 is over, which episodes would you consider to be overall bad? I think that, to be very exact, 23 episodes are bad. That may sound like a lot at first, but if you think about it, I'm saying that I only dislike less than a fifth of the episodes.

Here are the episodes that I dislike/think are bad in chronological order:

The Ticket Master
Boast Busters
Look Before You Sleep
Stare Master
The Show Stoppers
A Bird in the Hoof
Owl's Well That Ends Well
The Cutie Pox
The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well
Baby Cakes
Putting Your Hoof Down
Dragon Quest
One Bad Apple
Keep Calm and Flutter On
Rainbow Falls
Filli Vanilli
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Trade Ya!
Tanks for the Memories
Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Princess Spike
Canterlot Boutique
What About Discord?
Newbie Dash
I'm a little more lenient when it comes to lesser episodes. Rainbow Falls is the only episode I can truly say I think is bad. All other episodes even some like Spike at your Service have something I remember that I did like about it (Ex: The Mane 6 were portrayed pretty well overall in Spike At Your Service. Just Spike himself wasn't). And for whatever flaws Mare-Do-Well had I admit I do like the short scene where Rainbow Dash feels alone. It's a somewhat poignant moment in a pretty flawed episode.
I'll admit I probably have higher standards when it comes to episodes, but something I will say is that out of my 23 least favorite episodes, there are only 7 that I really hate, although a few other episodes came very close (Look Before You Sleep, One Bad Apple, Princess Spike).
I haven't watched since the end of season 2...

Can someone nutshell what has happened since then for me, please? :yoshi:
Quickie-la said:
I haven't watched since the end of season 2...

Can someone nutshell what has happened since then for me, please? :yoshi:

Well, quite frankly alot really. Put in Spoiler tags just in case, but still pretty vague on how it all happens so it doesn't completely spoil it in case you find interest in checking out those episodes. And only listing the real important stuff (Or at least episodes that were just that good to be listed anyway even if their purpose wasn't too important in the grand scheme of things)

A lost empire called the Crystal Empire returns of which Cadence and Shining Armor get to rule over.

Trixie Returned (Twice now, once in Season 3. And again in Season 6)

Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt in Season 6 after a good amount of episodes showed her get closer and closer (Wonderbolts Academy being the first episode to kinda start the ball rolling)

Discord is brought back and kinda/sorta reformed

Twilight became an Alicorn Princess

The Mane 6 give up the Elements of Harmony to save the Tree of Harmony

There was an episode where Weird Al Yankovic was a guest star of which his character even got his own songs and sang a duet or two with Pinkie

Twilight's house is destroyed by the villain of the Season 4 Finale, though a new Castle that becomes Twi's new home pops up within the same finale

The Mane 6 meet a unicorn that's a bit off her rocker in Starlight Glimmer who's trying some equalist society kind of thing

The show had it's 100th episode that celebrated it by focusing on fan-favorite background characters

Twilight meets with old friends she had before the series even started

The Cutie Mark Crusaders got their Cutie Marks

Shining Armor and Cadence had a baby (Which features in the Season 6 opener)

Starlight Glimmer returned for revenge, and after some wild time shenanigans, is reformed to become Twilight's pupil

There may be other things I've overlooked but this certainly should be alot especially for someone who hasn't watched since Season 2 already.
So MLP will be back on July 30, and the first episode to air will be called... Stranger Than Fan Fiction. Good job at making the fanservice subtle, writers.
Oh please, this show is 90% fanservice lol

Edit: I realized something really dark.

A while back Trixie was about to feed herself to a manticore because her only friend left her. Is it me or was that a sucidal tendancy they showed?
ernesth100 said:
Oh please, this show is 90% fanservice lol

Edit: I realized something really dark.

A while back Trixie was about to feed herself to a manticore because her only friend left her. Is it me or was that a sucidal tendancy they showed?
The writer of that episode, Nick Confalone, said that he wasn't intending for that scene to look like a suicide attempt.
Zuko said:
So MLP will be back on July 30, and the first episode to air will be called... Stranger Than Fan Fiction. Good job at making the fanservice subtle, writers.

Other then the title have the word fan, uh... I don't see how this is obvious fan service? The episode itself is not going to be about fanfictions after all. But anywhere here's the synopsis anyway:


Sounds kinda fun they're doing a convention episode. It's even in the middle of convention season and everything. Though I have a concern about the episode. The convention is a Daring Do Convention meaning it's well known that it's a place where fans of Daring Do gather. Why the heck is this Daring Do hater coming to storm in? While I'm sure there may actually be assholes who do actually do that, my concern is the episode's lesson is "tolerate the haters" when this is one case of a rather extreme example of a hater who'd run into a convention just to try to stomp on other's enjoyment. At that point, I think it'd be better for them to piss off. Cause regardless how you may not like a thing, you shouldn't barge in on others enjoyment.

We also have one for two more episodes


This sounds like it could be a very fun one to watch. Also no doubt there will probably be some Mario Kart crossover art made after this one.


This unfortunately sounds like a re-hash of Mare-Do-Well but replace the showboating with pranks. Granted the episode could be executed better this time and pranks are a different subject entirely. But if you're going to re-hash an episode. I'm not sure one of the almost unanimously agreed Bottom 5 episodes of the show is a good idea for an episode.
Zuko said:
ernesth100 said:
Oh please, this show is 90% fanservice lol

Edit: I realized something really dark.

A while back Trixie was about to feed herself to a manticore because her only friend left her. Is it me or was that a sucidal tendancy they showed?
The writer of that episode, Nick Confalone, said that he wasn't intending for that scene to look like a suicide attempt.

Ah, okay. Guess thats resolved.
We finally got some more info about EQG4: Legend of Everfree


It looks like Human Twi's Midnight Sparkle may not be completely gone. So we at least have some inner conflicts going on.

Also there is a video for this, but it's not exactly a trailer. It's a video with no sound, showing backgrounds that will be in the movie. It is pretty though.

There are quite a few ways 28 Pranks Later could screw up:

-Rainbow Dash being portrayed as mean-spirited
-The other ponies being portrayed as vindictive
-The plot being nothing but an excuse to show a bunch of pranks

In fact, I can almost guarantee it won't be a good episode.
Hey look, it's Human Twi's room. The multiple Spike pictures are cute



Also on a side note we'll get some sneak peaks at the rest of Season 6 and EQG4 on July 22nd. Conveniently that's also the same day as the next main Sonic game will likely be announced. So very interesting day for me.
Season 6, Episode 17 Synopsis!

Title: The Times They Are a Changeling

Synopsis: When Spike travels with Twilight and Sunburst back to the Crystal Empire to visit Flurry Heart, they discover the entire empire in a panic due to the reported presence of a Changeling spy.

I definitely think this has the potential to be a good episode.
And now Episode 18

Dungeons and Discord

When the Mane 6 leave town, Discord decides to join Spike and Big Mac’s role-playing game session.

Airing: September 3, 2016

I think this is the first time an episode of this show has truly centered on only male characters. Spike, Big Mac, and Discord all have had at least one episode for themselves but not one where a Mane 6 or CMC (In the case of Big Mac) were not also somewhat in the spotlight. Though the episode in itself sounds interesting and has a lot of potential for good gags (Even better is that Hasbro actually owns Dungeons and Dragons so they could go all out and even pull off actual properties if they wanted. though they certainly could still go on a parody sort of route)
I'm looking forward to this episode, because Discord is almost always funny in the episodes he's in. One writer that I think would be really good at writing this episode is Nick Confalone, because he seems to be really good at comedy.
I heard that Stranger Than Fan Fiction is going to be a collab between Josh Haber and Michael Vogel.
Here are the writers that have been confirmed to write more episodes for Season 6:
-Josh Haber (Stranger Than Fan Fiction)
-Nick Confalone
-Michael Vogel
-Michael P. Fox and Wil Fox
Oh snap!

At 0:09, Friendly Changeling!

Also on a side note that prank episode got an updated info on it with something like "Zom-Pony style" added to it. If it's a harmless halloween-esque episode then I feel I can be a little more lenient on the Mare-Do-Well rip-off accusations. Still, better be careful with it anyway. Dash has to do something that's worth scaring her with a fake Zompony outbreak, though at the same time it can't be too harsh on either pony's side which could prove mighty difficult.
Just saw the new episode, and wow! The original synopsis doesn't do it justice. I thought it would be just another "arrogant Rainbow Dash episode," but it was fun to watch and a perfect allegory for most of the fandoms out there. I don't have time for a full review, but I think I'd give it an 8.5/10.

Oh, and it only makes sense that my first episode after joining this forum would be a Daring Do episode. ;D
Pretty fun episode. I'm also kinda glad the synopsis was a bit misleading. Cause I had concerns that Quibble was going to be a straight up hater of the series going to the convention. But he's more like a fan who fell out of favor with what happened later. Not too unlike the fans who only like the first season or the first two seasons of this very show or for another analogy Pokemon for those who have fond memories of just the first generation or two (I should know about the latter since I kinda qualify, though I certainly don't hate every generation after Gen 2 just I'm likely to remember them when seeing a silhouette then alot with the others). Like many of the other Daring Do episodes, it's quite deliciously meta.

Also welcome to the forum, Daring Do!
I really liked Stranger Than Fan Fiction! It was fun to watch, and I thought the moral's subtext was really clever. I also liked how showed both sides of the ponies' opinions on the Daring Do books, as opposed to making Quibble Pants look like a strawman idiot for not liking the newer Daring Do books to show that anyone who doesn't like the newer seasons is stupid.

12. Newbie Dash
11. Applejack's "Day" Off
10. The Crystalling
9. No Second Prances
8. The Gift of the Maud Pie
7. Spice Up Your Life

6. On Your Marks
5. Flutter Brutter
4. A Hearth's Warming Tail

3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review