My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters

This plot point is a huge reason I'm actually hyped for EQG4. I'd even say more so then the rest of Season 6 as of right now.
Northern Verve said:

This plot point is a huge reason I'm actually hyped for EQG4. I'd even say more so then the rest of Season 6 as of right now.
I'm still very hyped for the rest of Season 6. ;D But EQG4 looks like it will have a unique, darker atmosphere that hasn't appeared in the spinoff series before so I am excited to see how it turns out.
Yeah don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not excited for the rest of Season 6. Just nothing's really providing me with a huge boost aside from maybe a few things (Like the possible good changeling episode, whatever fun may come from the next kart racing episode, and of course the Discord Dungeons and Dragons episode) but even then it's not as exciting for me then whatever else they do with Human Twi in EQG4. That's just me.
Cart Before The Ponies was pretty much a so-so episode. Nothing terrible, but nothing really too substantial. I wasn't expecting much other then a "What if the Pony sister combos went to race" albeit the different ways to win did kinda put at least a little twist to it since now not all of them are actually trying to win the race itself. But not enough to really make it the most interesting episode.

The song wasn't bad though I'll say that.

Admittedly the most notable parts of the episode were anything with Derpy (Especially Rarity's flashback xD) where we find she has a little brother/cousin/son/etc. Probably not a good thing for an episode that the most notable thing is a background element but that can kinda be what happens with pretty average episodes like this.
I didn't really like The Cart Before The Ponies. I thought the song was just enough to keep it from being bad, but there were two major problems I had with it. The first one was that I thought Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were way too oblivious to the CMC. It got on my nerves, and it felt a bit out of character, especially for Applejack. The second is that it felt like it just wasn't trying to be interesting. I mean, besides Applejack's "Day" Off, this was the most boring episode of the season so far, which is saying quite a bit.

13. Newbie Dash
12. The Cart Before the Ponies
11. Applejack's "Day" Off

10. The Crystalling
9. No Second Prances
8. The Gift of the Maud Pie
7. Spice Up Your Life

6. On Your Marks
5. Flutter Brutter
4. A Hearth's Warming Tail

3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
Something I've wondered is: what episode is considered by the fandom to be the worst of Season 6 so far? For me, it's Newbie Dash, but I don't know what the fandom in general thinks.
I don't think there's a particular one that's considered the worst of the season thus far. It's been mainly medicore/mixed opinion ones other then a few stand-outs. Even in terms of episodes like Newbie Dash there is the room of someone who thought more positively of the episode saw what the Wonderbolts were doing is something real life Militaries do to keep new recruits honest.
I just saw the promo and the sneak peek for 28 Pranks Later, and you know what? It actually looks like it's going to be kind of fun! I don't know how the new writer will be able to keep it from looking like a rehash of Mare-Do-Well, but at this point, I don't care how bad a new episode is as long as it's not boring.
28 Pranks Later certainly did the type of plot much better then Mare-Do-Well. Dash certainly deserved her punishment, and the Ponies prank was about Equal to what Dash was doing to them earlier.

Still unless you're a fan of Rainbow Dash pranking ponies, or a Zombie horror fan. I'm not so sure I can recommended it that much

Also on a side-note, this is yet another episode Starlight has been missing. It's getting to the point where they pretty much only include her if she's relevant to the plot somehow. Not exactly what we would of thought given the ending of Season 5. I'm not a fan of Starlight myself, but you'd think she'd appear more often and get some things cleared more about her.

If this trend continues we literally won't see Starlight until the 21st episode of the Season. Which is slated to be a Starlight episode. I don't think we can consider Starlight part of a Mane 7 with that kind of appearance numbers. She's at best Spike + CMC level right now, and even then Spike and the CMC have appeared when they weren't so relevant alot more this season.
I disliked 28 Pranks Later, but not for the same reason that I disliked The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. Mare-Do-Well's problem was that Rainbow Dash didn't do enough to deserve her punishment, but this episode's problem was that Rainbow Dash DID do enough. She was really out of character in this episode, going way too far with her pranks despite everypony telling her to stop. People seem to think this episode is better than MMDW, and while I agree, I think an episode has to be really, REALLY bad to not be better than it. It's not my least favorite episode of the season (it's at least funnier than Newbie Dash), but I do think it deserves the #2 spot.

14. Newbie Dash
13. 28 Pranks Later

12. The Cart Before the Ponies
11. Applejack's "Day" Off

10. The Crystalling
9. No Second Prances
8. The Gift of the Maud Pie
7. Spice Up Your Life

6. On Your Marks
5. Flutter Brutter
4. A Hearth's Warming Tail

3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
Now THAT was a good episode!

I think this beat out Gauntlet of Fire for my favorite episode so far this season.

My only complaint may be how jerkish the guards and Shining Armor were, though in the latter's case he kinda did have a really, really, REALLY bad encounter with changelings given Canterlot Wedding so it's understandable.

But otherwise I enjoyed Thorax and his interactions with Spike. The ending song was beautiful, and I just about clapped when Twilight is the first to reach out.

And Starlight finally has a supporting role in an episode she's not relevant to the plot. If she disappears until the 21st episode though the complaints about her screentime will probably continue. But for now they can be silenced. Good episode, through and through.
I thought The Times They Are A Changeling was really good. I liked Thorax, and Spike was written well (Season 6 has been pretty good at writing him, with The Crystalling, Gauntlet of Fire, and this episode). I know the song was divisive, but I really liked it as well. It's not my favorite episode of the season, but it does come close.

15. 28 Pranks Later
14. Newbie Dash
13. The Cart Before the Ponies

12. Applejack's "Day" Off
11. The Crystalling
10. No Second Prances
9. The Gift of the Maud Pie
8. Spice Up Your Life

7. On Your Marks
6. Flutter Brutter
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
Pretty ok Discord episode today. To be honest I was kinda expecting a bit more craziness then what we got considering this is Discord makes a simulated Dungeons and Dragons thing in real life.

But for what it is, it had some funny and good character moments for most involved. And it didn't feel as awkward as What About Discord was. Just it probably doesn't quite have the entertainment value that other Discord eps like Three's a Crowd or Make New Friends But Keep Discord had.
I thought Dungeons and Discords was pretty good. It's not a GREAT episode, because the plot was a bit weak, but it was still very entertaining due to Discord (I thought the part where Spike and Big Mac got sent into the game was really cool.) I think it's my favorite Discord episode besides Make New Friends But Keep Discord, and The Return of Harmony if it counts. I also think Nick Confalone is one of my favorite writers of the show now, because he hasn't written a single boring episode yet.

Also, I think the second half of this season has been better than the first so far. I didn't like The Cart Before The Ponies or 28 Pranks Later, but I did enjoy Stranger Than Fan Fiction, The Times They Are A Changeling, and this episode. But what do you think?

16. 28 Pranks Later
15. Newbie Dash
14. The Cart Before the Ponies

13. Applejack's "Day" Off
12. The Crystalling
11. No Second Prances
10. The Gift of the Maud Pie
9. Spice Up Your Life

8. On Your Marks
7. Flutter Brutter
6. Dungeons and Discords
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
Buckball Season wasn't the most original episode, but I still liked it. The characters were all funny, and I thought Snails was written very well. I always respect when a writer can take a boring premise and turn it into a lot of fun (like Nick Confalone did with Saddle Row Review, for example), so I really like the new writer, Jennifer Skelly.

17. 28 Pranks Later
16. Newbie Dash
15. The Cart Before the Ponies

14. Applejack's "Day" Off
13. The Crystalling
12. No Second Prances
11. The Gift of the Maud Pie
10. Spice Up Your Life

9. Buckball Season
8. On Your Marks
7. Flutter Brutter
6. Dungeons and Discords
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
I don't have much to say about Fault in Our Cutie Marks, but I thought it was good. I liked Gabby, and I thought it had some heart.

18. 28 Pranks Later
17. Newbie Dash
16. The Cart Before the Ponies

15. Applejack's "Day" Off
14. The Crystalling
13. No Second Prances
12. The Gift of the Maud Pie
11. Spice Up Your Life

10. Buckball Season
9. On Your Marks
8. Flutter Brutter
7. Fault in Our Cutie Marks
6. Dungeons and Discords
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
1. The Saddle Row Review
I watched Viva Las Pegasus and Every Little Thing She Does.

-I enjoyed Viva Las Pegasus because it had an interesting story and I liked how they put a twist on the "character redemption" plot.

-I LOVED Every Little Thing She Does, and I think it's now my favorite episode of the season behind Saddle Row Review. The main thing I liked about it was that it did exactly what it needed to do with Starlight's character. It showed that she still wasn't perfect after being redeemed, while not going too far to the point where I couldn't sympathize with her for doing what she did. It was also absolutely hilarious. I mean, the entire mind control scene had some of the best comedy in the series.

20. 28 Pranks Later
19. Newbie Dash
18. The Cart Before the Ponies

17. Applejack's "Day" Off
16. The Crystalling
15. No Second Prances
14. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
13. The Gift of the Maud Pie
12. Spice Up Your Life
11. Buckball Season

10. On Your Marks
9. Viva Las Pegasus
8. Flutter Brutter
7. Fault in Our Cutie Marks
6. Dungeons and Discords
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Every Little Thing She Does
1. The Saddle Row Review
Viva Las Pegasus was certainly the most interesting plot-wise Map episode since the Griffonstone episode. Though I wouldn't say this episode was as good as that one. Still, it certainly has it's good parts to it. And yeah they definitely had us thinking they were going to try to reform Flim and Flam in this one. But it's just con ponies helping to take down a worser con pony.

And while I've been lukewarm towards Starlight I did indeed enjoy the episode Every Little Thing She Does. As it was like her own Lesson Zero. There's a few decent parallels with this one and Lesson Zero and that's a good thing to me. I'd say it could be the funniest episode this season.

I also saw Legend of Everfree (It aired in South America, but down there there's options to change the language. Including English. So someone recorded it and put it on Youtube) and I'll put my thoughts in the Spoiler box below (It's official english release is on Netflix on October 1st)

I'll say right now that I think from a pure technical, and consistent level that this is the best movie out of the 4.

I feel it avoids having many of the flaws of the previous films. Heck it even gives a conclusion to a flaw that has been a bit of a headache since the first film, the villain has more of a solid motivation and character then the sirens (As much as they were fun we never exactly get what they're after and the only thing we get behind them is that story of Starswirl banishing them. Character-wise they weren't that deep), and every involved character got an appropriate amount of screentime and role unlike in Friendship Games where the Shadowbolts didn't live up to the billing of being the HuMane 6 rivals they were advertised to be (This could be for the amount of new characters. Friendship Games had a whopping 8 new characters counting Human Twilight and Human Cadence that needed their share of screentime and Sunset and Human Twilight had to have the most focus cause they were the main characters of that movie. Legend of Everfree only has 2 new characters).

The only thing that may go against it is perhaps this movie doesn't have as much of a super wow moment like the climatic final battle in Rainbow Rocks or the Midnight Sparkle transformation in Friendship Games. But even without such a big moment I again must mention they for the most part avoiding some of the awkwardness and weaker parts of the previous films to get to that.

There's also two standout songs for me. That would be Human Twi's song Midnight In Me and Gloriosa's song Stand For Everfree. The former is just beautifully sung and the latter is another great villain song.

Also while I did not like Flash Sentry, I actually really liked Timber Spruce. He was pretty much everything Flash Sentry was not. Timber was fun to watch, he had character, he had an important role in the movie other then be the generic love interest, and his interactions with Human Twilight were actually quite cute, funny, and/or meaningful. I was actually scared that Timber was really trying to kick people out like Sunset thought not just for the sake of how heartbroken Human Twilight would of been but it would of been harder to say I actually liked him if he was really behind everything.

The only thing I'd say it doesn't have that Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games did is a SUPER WOW AMAZING moment in the climax like the final battle against the sirens and/or the Midnight Sparkle transformation and beam struggle. But even if the movie wasn't able to reach a peak on where the previous two films got it also never got to have as much of a low point as either of them either. It feels all-in-all more consistent throughout. Though I'm certainly not saying the climax wasn't exciting itself as the whole ending has basically the heroes knowing what they have to do, and the villain trying to plead that she's doing this for them, plus Human Twi overcoming Midnight within her own mind thanks to the help of her friends. Lots of cool moments on their own.

So yeah, Legend of Everfree is my favorite of the films. I only wonder where it will go next, the ending didn't exactly yell out this being the end of EQG after all.
P.P.O.V. was an ok episode. Some good laughs with the imagine perspectives with Pirate AJ and Rarity saying Darling even more often. Still that's not biggest thing I want to post about.

The first part of the Season Finale aired early in the UK. And I saw it, it's certainly an interesting set up

All the Princesses, the Mane 6, etc. have been kidnapped by the changelings led by Queen Chrysalis

And a team of Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord are going to try to save them

The next part will be tomorrow. So that'll be interesting. There's also Episode 23 of the Season this Saturday and Episode 24 of the Season will be aired early in the UK as well on Monday. So the end of Season 6 is real soon.

Also Season 7 has been confirmed to be next year, along with 3 Equestria Girls specials

I take it this means Season 7 could be only 13 episodes like Season 3 was. Since a full 26 might risk having the show still going while the movie is in theatres. Also the continuation of Equestria Girls is pretty necessary since the ending of Legend of Everfree definitely left it open for more.
I just watched the last three episodes.

I thought P.P.O.V was a really underwhelming episode, but it's hard to me to explain exactly why. I mean, it had some funny moments and the animation was really impressive, but... I just didn't think the story was that memorable.

Where The Apple Lies was decent. I liked seeing Applejack and Big Mac younger, although I really wish the episode had a bit more humor.

Top Bolt was better. It was entertaining enough, and I thought the conflict was really thought provoking and well-executed.

23. 28 Pranks Later
22. Newbie Dash
21. The Cart Before the Ponies

20. Applejack's "Day" Off
19. P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
18. The Crystalling
17. No Second Prances
16. Where The Apple Lies
15. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
14. The Gift of the Maud Pie
13. Spice Up Your Life
12. Buckball Season
11. On Your Marks
10. Top Bolt
9. Viva Las Pegasus
8. Flutter Brutter
7. Fault in Our Cutie Marks
6. Dungeons and Discords
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail

4. The Times They Are A Changeling
3. Gauntlet of Fire
2. Every Little Thing She Does
1. The Saddle Row Review
Season 7 confirmed to be a full 26-episode season

Well once again I was wrong about a season being 13-episodes (I thought Season 6 was going to be shortened too). But boy they're really going to be squeezing this thing tight in terms of scheduling with the movie (And whenever those 3 EQG specials air too)

I calculated that if Season 7 starts from the first Sunday of Spring next year. And there was absolutely no breaks. The finale would air on 10/7/2017. That's one day after the scheduled release of the 2017 Pony Movie. I just don't know what's the likelihood that there is no breaks. So no matter what there will be some time where the Movie will be out there before the Finale. It's just if there's no breaks then it's only a one day difference. But if it's a break like Season 5 or 6 had. Then there will be at least a month or 2 between the Movie and Finale.
Been a little while but there's certainly been some news.

First of all, Season 7 starts in April. Meaning for sure that the movie will release while Season 7 is still going even if there's no mid-season break. We also have two episode titles revealed thanks to an upcoming title as well as another thing it looks like we'll be seeing in Season 7. Both will be in the Spoiler box below.

The titles are "Celestial Advice" and "All Bottled Up". Both episodes are going to be in a DVD set called Twilight and Starlight so naturally one or both of them will be the stars of those episodes. Celestial Advice sounds like perhaps for the first time we'll actually have a somewhat Celestia focused episode. The only episode that came closest to being a Celestia episode is that Season 1 episode where Fluttershy takes care of her Phoenix. All Bottled Up on the other hand may be a bit harder to guess but I'm hoping it's genie related perhaps

Anyway, the other news we got is we have official names for Rainbow's and Applejack's parents.

RD's Parents names: Windy Whistles and Bow Hot Hoof
AJ's Parents names: Bright Mac and Pear Butter

It also sounds like that Episode 13 of Season 7 will be a flashback episode about AJ's parents. (Who I believe the staff has already confirmed that they're deceased. So that episode could be chock full of feels)

As for the movie, we got quite a bit since my last post. Like here's the general synopsis

A new dark force threatens Ponyville, and the Mane 6 – Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity – embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet new friends and exciting challenges on a quest to use the magic of friendship and save their home."

We also got information on a bunch of new characters (And their voice actors) as well as a certain thing the Mane 6 will get to be for we can assume a significant part of the film if the marketing is any indication.

Here are the new characters announced and their voice actors:

Also, at some point in the film the Mane 6 will be come merponies/seaponies/hippocampi/whatever else you want to call them:


I'm REALLY glad they went with this design for seaponies in this film. I never really liked the design for the G1 types that much. Also I really like mermaids so I love this is going to happen. I can't wait to see how the Mane 6 react to the transformation. I expect a little bit of freaking out at first.

All in all I'm pretty excited for the film. As a side note, a Season 8 has already been confirmed. Perhaps there's stuff in the movie they plan on expanding on in that Season. I certainly wouldn't mind a few episodes here and there with the merponies.

As for the 3 Equestria Girls specials, nothing new has really been revealed other then it's been said they're being released on Netflix in the Summertime. But nothing else besides that.