My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
We finally have both a clip and some information about the two episodes airing on April 15th. Oddly enough this may be the first time the 2 episode premiere won't be a straight-up two parter with all 44 minutes there to tell one whole story. It looks like we're literally just getting two episodes back-to-back. Though certainly the 2nd one will undoubtedly not take too long after the first.

But anyway, here's the clip.

All I can say is...

Boy, Starlight's apprenticeship under Twilight sure didn't last as long as people thought it would did it?
Eren Jäger said:
supermariofan said:
William Shatner will make an appearance in Season 7...This sounds exciting.

the fuck lol

Isn't the first time someone famous from Star Trek voiced for MLP (Q's actor is Discord after all)

The question after that though is does Discord speak with Shatner's character. Cause that'd be the closest we could get to Captain Kirk meeting Q :P
okay but still lol

since star trek the only thing ive seen william shatner in was and that was already pretty funny
Magikrazy said:
alright i havent watched mlp since season 3 but shatner has convinced me if he does a "musical" number

If it takes celebrity appearances to get you watching again. Why don't you at least see Pinkie Pride (Season 4, Episode 12). It has Weird Al, and he sings multiple times and everything.

It's also one of the best episodes in the series for that matter.
Been a while since a post. Alot has shown up since but I don't think I could post it all because of how much there was.

But I will mention that half of Season 7 is out there. And the 13h episode in particular is a pretty special one because we finally learn who AJ's parents were.

And while we don't learn exactly how they died, we can kinda tell just by the lines and emotions int he episode is they are deceased

Also this was the William Shatner guest episode. He plays the part of Grand Pear.

It's probably the most emotional episode in a long time. Hard to keep from tearing up by the end.

Also as a whole Season 7 has been much better then I expected. A bit of a relief because I wasn't feeling so strongly about Season 6 at the halfway point. But I feel much more invigorated so far with Season 7.

Oh, also I'm going to be going to Trotcon once more next month. I'll be there for practically a full day this time too on Saturday, July 15th.

Trailer for the official movie coming in October!

The animation looks so smooth. While the show animation was amazing for Flash Standards, this definitely looks like it will allow for more advanced animation now that it's using a program that's closer to handdrawn type stuff. And the locations are bound to look beautiful on-screen.
Been a long while since I posted anything here. But some important stuff has come up lately.

Though I should first mention some short thoughts about Season 7 and the Movie.

Season 7 was fun. I think it was good enough to be just under Season 2 to take 3rd place in my ranking of the seasons. Plenty of good moments especially with the episode about Applejack's pretty much confirmed deceased parents (They don't tell how they died, but just from the tone of the episode it's pretty obvious that they are dead)

The movie is good for what it is. It isn't going to impress anyone who wasn't a fan already. And even fans could find reason to nitpick with it. But it manages to capture some of the core things fans like about the show good enough. Just there is the caveat that there are a decent amount of episodes that are probably better overall products then this movie. The animation is really nice though. Refreshing to see a more 2D animated film in theaters with so much over saturation of 3D as of late.

But anyway the big news this week is there was a huge leak this past weekend of plans for MLP in the coming years. From next year with Season 8 all the way to 2020-2021. And from the looks of it, Friendship is Magic/Generation 4 as a whole will officially end after a ninth season. And will be replaced by an all-new Generation 5 in 2020. So as of now the show currently running has only 2-3 years left. I'll surely miss it when it's over, but I'm sure by the time it ends myself and other fans will know that 9 Seasons, a feature-length film, and a decently successful spin-off (Equestria Girls) makes for a really good run.

As for the Generation 5 that will replace it, I'm not really sure if it'll be a good follow-up. For one it'll be CGI animated which as I mentioned regarding the movie I already mentioned 3D is over saturated. I think part of the appeal of FiM was the simple but effective designs that moved well in flash. It's far easier to make things look uncanny in 3D. There's other things that are a bit strange and don't know how to feel about. Though that may count as spoiler territory. If you're curious just ask me about it somewhere.
I have one major concern for Gen 5:

Discord not coming back.

Discord is easily my favorite character in the whole show.
i havent watched the series in a long time, i wonder how things have changed?
the last thing i remember was the gang taking down a communist cult out in the boonies
So, the other day, I saw the Series Finale while scrolling through the channel guide. I didn't tune in since I'm not a Bronie, but I thought I'd just let y'all know.