My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Well, now I understand why this show is so popular. I'm only three or four episodes in and I'm hooked. The music's kinda annoying, but other than that, it's a great show. Certainly better then 95% of the crap on television today.

Oh and my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.
Applejack is tied with Twilight for second.

Herr Shyguy said:
Northern Verve said:
And you sound like Herr Shyguy earlier in this thread Smasher lol
Yeah stop stealing my bit man.

I shall talk like that in every post I make
Applejack said:
Chandelure said:
Oh and my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.
Curses, I've failed to convert you
/)^ɛ^(\ So awesome!

C'mon, isn't it enough that he likes the show in the first place?
My little 4 year old sister is obssesed with this show. I try to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai, but my sister is watching MLP and my mom won't let me change the channel until she finishes.
GalacticPetey said:
My little 4 year old sister is obssesed with this show. I try to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai, but my sister is watching MLP and my mom won't let me change the channel until she finishes.

That's a darn shame GP. But I know a site that has DBZ Kai episodes. You'll have to mind that it's in Megavideo, so you can watch maybe 2 episodes and some of the 3rd before you have to wait 72 minutes to see more.

But anyway on to Ponies. A few days until Episode 3 of Season 2.
Herr Shyguy said:


Northern Verve said:
A few days until Episode 3 of Season 2.

Sadly I won't be able to watch it right away since I'm always in town on Saturday mornings and my internet is too slow for Youtube, so I'll have to catch a rerun.
Chandelure said:
Well, now I understand why this show is so popular. I'm only three or four episodes in and I'm hooked. The music's kinda annoying, but other than that, it's a great show. Certainly better then 95% of the crap on television today.

Oh and my favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.
Welcome to the herd. :P


Oh YES that was an AMAZING episode

Forget about Swarm of the Century Twilight. Lesson Zero has the TRUE Insane Twilight! It might actually be alot more difficult to choose the weekly Twilight avatar change with all the exploitable Twi faces from this episode
Here's a link. (With commercials mind you)

EDIT: And just when I post this, one without commercials comes out. Changed link

Twilight's psychosis is hilarious. I also think we've got a new Rarity meme here.

Also, Sonic RainNuke.
I'm going to go ahead and invent a new word here: Twilight's behavior here was hiscarious.

Also, I swear I saw Dinky Hooves in that "magic kindergarten" imagine spot. At first I thought it was a flashback and attributed it to Doctor Whooves, but still... Has Dinky been accepted into canon?
SiFi said:
I'm going to go ahead and invent a new word here: Twilight's behavior here was hiscarious.

Also, I swear I saw Dinky Hooves in that "magic kindergarten" imagine spot. At first I thought it was a flashback and attributed it to Doctor Whooves, but still... Has Dinky been accepted into canon?

Well Dinky technically appeared in Winter Wrap-Up before. I don't know when people started the fanon that Dinky was Derpy's Daughter. But I think they'd have to show Derpy taking care of Dinky in some way to make it canon.

Speaking of Derpy. She makes an apperence in the slightly changed intro. and is derped
Northern Verve said:
Oh YES that was an AMAZING episode

Forget about Swarm of the Century Twilight. Lesson Zero has the TRUE Insane Twilight! It might actually be alot more difficult to choose the weekly Twilight avatar change with all the exploitable Twi faces from this episode
I loved this episode, even though my TV didn't work and I had to watch it on YouTube...

Crazy Twilight his freaking hilarious, but at the same time, I also like the message at the end. Something seemingly unimportant to you might be INCREDIBLY important to others, and you shouldn't dismiss them just because you don't think it's a big deal. Also, I LOVED Big Macintosh in this episode.
Anyone notice the train going through the middle of town in the intro. (Inception Ponyville?)
Anyways, I thought that episode was one of the best yet, but it felt weird.
I'm excited to see what this group will do next.
The 720p is loading too slow for me on Youtube. So I'm downloading it instead. I might have to do a Rotating Avatar just for THIS episode with how many faces I liked.
Northern Verve said:
The 720p is loading too slow for me on Youtube. So I'm downloading it instead. I might have to do a Rotating Avatar just for THIS episode with how many faces I liked.
Even though my internet is terrible, the video loaded fine.
I liked spike in that episode.
And we saw Mayor Mare a lot. Squeeeeeeeeee!
So on pure indecision, I made my rotating avatar. Feel free to refresh on my profile and stuff. I have 21 different faces. Will you see them all? One of them is even animated.
I just watched it, and it was fantastic. Every single thing insane Twilight did made me laugh.
Yay finally a way I can relate to Twilight!
I panic at the slightest problem related to my schoolwork and will go to extreme measures to fix it.
Episode 6's sypnosis has been leaked. Avoid this post if you're against spoilers.

Air Time: 11/12/11 10:00 am EST
Title: The Cutie Pox
Synopsis: Applebloom finally gets her Cutie Mark! But joy turns to panic as she gets a second, then a third, then a dozen cutie marks.

Gotta be honest, when I first saw it I only saw the first 6 words and I was like "No way, really?". But then I read the Cutie Pox part. And now I feel like I might end up feeling bad for Applebloom in this episode. Though it will be interesting to see what exactly the Cutie Pox does and what Applebloom's probably psedo-Cutie Mark (or should I say Marks)