My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Northern Verve said:
Episode 6's sypnosis has been leaked. Avoid this post if you're against spoilers.

Air Time: 11/12/11 10:00 am EST
Title: The Cutie Pox
Synopsis: Applebloom finally gets her Cutie Mark! But joy turns to panic as she gets a second, then a third, then a dozen cutie marks.

Gotta be honest, when I first saw it I only saw the first 6 words and I was like "No way, really?". But then I read the Cutie Pox part. And now I feel like I might end up feeling bad for Applebloom in this episode. Though it will be interesting to see what exactly the Cutie Pox does and what Applebloom's probably psedo-Cutie Mark (or should I say Marks)
I've been told that this particular episode helps further cement season 2's more darker and edgier approach. In a way, I think it's true. At first glance it doesn't sound that bad, but think about it:
a filly who desperately wants her cutie mark (and find out what she's meant for), only to find out she's contracted some sort of weird disease. It's a pretty cruel thing to put poor Apple Bloom through.

...Naturally, I'm looking forward to this episode.
Not too far until Episode 4. Is anyone getting the vibe that we're probably getting the first Season 2 Song out of this one? I think we're pretty much due when the first 3 didn't have any. Some Halloween song on the likes of "This is Halloween" from Nightmare Before Christmas might be nice even if I'm not sure if they'll make it quite as good as a classic like that.

Also as much as we've talked about Luna I want to see what all the Ponies do for Costumes.
OMG, I was actually listening to some Nightmare Before Christmas music just a few minutes ago... But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if some people made some This is Halloween PMVs after Luna's episode...

Particularly Marilyn Manson's rendition.
2 screenshots from Saturday's New Episode. Spoiler alert as always



Looks like Twilight is Dumbledore a Wizard. And Spike as... a more grownup himself? No offense Spike but that's laaaaame
And as for Luna in the 2nd one I think this brings up the possibility that Luna's state in the 2nd episode of Season 1 was a weakened state and this is Luna's normal look
Dear sweet Celestia, those costumes are so adorable!

And Luna... her mane and her tail are like when she was Nightmare Moon, but I adore her so much with that expression! X3
Was looking at Equestria Daily's latest drawfriend and discover Luna is a pegasis pony.
I am an idiot.
She's a combination pegasus/unicorn, most fans refer to it as an alicorn. For a long time, it was mostly a fan-creation, until Lauren Faust introduced Celestia and Luna, who are basically God-tiers of this world.

BTW, my TV still isn't fixed, so I'll have to watch this episode on YouTube AGAIN.

And there's a clip on Facebook from the episode, introducing a new character who will most likely play a key role in this episode...

Pipsqueak, huh? Wonder if he'll be a recurring character... Either way, it's nice to see more male characters. Especially young ones. Snips and Snails were a bit too annoying for my tastes.
Tomorrow's episode sure is exciting. It being Holiday themed and our first episode with more Luna then ever before. Hopefully there will be enough content to last the fanbase the whole 2 week wait again for Episode 5 of Season 2.
Northern Verve said:
Hopefully there will be enough content to last the fanbase the whole 2 week wait again for Episode 5 of Season 2.
Wait. There's another break? Are they doing a 2-weeks on, 2-weeks off deal or something? Not complaining, just curious.
'3K said:
Northern Verve said:
Hopefully there will be enough content to last the fanbase the whole 2 week wait again for Episode 5 of Season 2.
Wait. There's another break? Are they doing a 2-weeks on, 2-weeks off deal or something? Not complaining, just curious.

That might be it I suppose. I don't know if there will be a point where they start going weekly again. If they do have that planned, Then Season 2 ends in early June. But perhaps at or after December they might start going Weekly. We'll see how it goes. I see no problem with this though. The fandom waited more then a Summer for Season 2 to begin. If they're stretching out the season so there's even a smaller wait between Seasons 2 and 3. I wouldn't find that too much of a problem.
They're just replaying tomorrow's episode next week. After that, there will be more new episodes.

I don't mind, honestly, since my TV doesn't work, and who knows, maybe I'll actually get it fixed in the next two weeks.
I just saw the episode. I didn't quite enjoy it as much as with Lesson Zero but nonetheless it was still good. I'll get a 2nd look at the episode as soon as I can so I can properly get my thoughts about Luna but...

Luna's Large Ham "Ye Olde Equestrian" voice was awesome.
Also Rarity never appeared the entire episode. Darn shame.
Rainbow Dash and Pinkie weren't exactly helping the episode though
Also the entire Luna Meets Fluttershy scene was the best part in my opinion.
EDIT:That is the whole episode.
I think that video is something like 480p
Awesome episode!
I will probably be treated like Twilight when I go around my neighbourhood dressed as a pony.
And then I will come back here and moan to y'all. Hopefully y'all won't mind.
Saw it again. And Luna was again great. It makes all the more sense for Luna to act that way. You could actually see how Luna could of become Nightmare Moon. Any fics that portrayed her in any emo, or any sort of cutesy moe that was banished by the "big, bad trollestia" just got owned.

Also Episode 7 of Season 2's Title and Sypnosis has been revealed

Title: May the Best Pet Win!
Air Date: November 19, 2011
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash hosts a flying race to see who will be her pet.

And for the first time we won't have to wait a week after 2 episodes. I wonder if the Week breaks are for the most partdone with then. But nice to see another Rainbow Dash episode coming up
Luna talks like Venom, but with a "Ye Olde English" accent. That's pretty sweet. I like the amount of detail they put into the designs of the background characters. I also liked seeing Zecora again.

Northern Verve said:
Also Episode 7 of Season 2's Title and Sypnosis has been revealed
Title: May the Best Pet Win!
Air Date: November 19, 2011
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash hosts a flying race to see who will be her pet.
And for the first time we won't have to wait a week after 2 episodes. I wonder if the Week breaks are for the most partdone with then. But nice to see another Rainbow Dash episode coming up
I'm hope this episode is shows a lot more of
Rainbow Dash's
"Nice costume."
"Thanks! I'm a dragon."
That scene at the end of the episode with Twilight and Pinkie Pie totally reminded of that one Family Guy episode where Peter captures James Woods with pieces of candy.

There definitely needs to be another Fluttershy episode, though.
I'm... not sure if I liked the conclusion to this episode.

I don't understand how scaring the kids some more can actually make them forgive her, and make the entire town see her in a different light.

I also hate how Pinkie Pie kept unintentionally making things harder for Luna out of fun.

I mean, this STILL kind of promotes the image that Luna is this scary monster that will eat them. And even though Pinkie Pie's knows that's BS, she has no problems spreading the rumor for ponies who don't know any better to believe.

I don't know, I'm one of those people who actually DON'T like being scared. I don't see the fun in nearly having a heart attack. :erm:

Regardless, I like the portrayal of Princess Luna in this episode, who she still acts as she did 1000 years ago. It makes sense. Also, her big booming voice definitely sound like that of Nightmare Moon, while her softer voice sounds more like she did when she turned back. Not to mention, I can tell that she's voiced by Tabitha St. Germain, the same voice actress as Rarity...

Speaking of which, we didn't see Rarity in this episode. How odd... :(

You know what else is odd? We got not explanation of why we haven't seen Luna at all in any of the previous episodes.