My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Lily does? I didn't know that.

Also, when does the next episode air?
Epic Nitwit said:
Lily does? I didn't know that.

Also, when does the next episode air?
Next week, 10:00 AM Eastern Time, new episode Sisterhooves Social, in which
Sweetie Belle gets upset with her sister, Rarity, and disowns her.
I vaguely remember Lily having a short conversation about it with me.
Only a few days til' the next Episode. With the next 2 episodes being related to a Cutie Mark Crusader in some way. Is there anything you guys like about the CMC? I know some people don't like em' that much (Most of those are people who probably don't like kids either) but they certainly aren't the worst thing and kinda act as a mini-Main cast when the Main 6 are too busy doing their own thing.

Also have another heartwarming real life story with a lot of Sad as well relating to a child who had cancer.
Okay, I've watched 2 episodes of this, and I have to say: what's the big deal about this show? I just don't see what's so great.
Donut said:
Okay, I've watched 2 episodes of this, and I have to say: what's the big deal about this show? I just don't see what's so great.

The first 2 episodes aren't going to show everything. If you've seen more episodes the pilot becomes decent compared to most of the others. But the main thing to point out is the effort put into the show that you'd expect from something to be horrible just based on title and concept. The great characterization, writing, and more takes something in which everyone's first reaction of it being a girly-girly show about ponies who talk about fashion and boys all day into something that could meet the quality of shows back in the 90's. The plots get into typical cartoon ones but the way the characters interact with eachother and the writing puts quite some clever twists into those. The strongest part of the show is the characters themselves.

EDIT: Also, I'd suggest sticking with it up until at least Episode 10. If you don't see why it's so popular then the show may just not be to your taste like with Bloody Scarlet. He sat through the first 10 and just said it wasn't for him. And that's fine if you aren't.
I'll give it some more time... but not a lot, because I have Red vs. Blue and Homestuck to be paying attention to.
Donut said:
Okay, I've watched 2 episodes of this, and I have to say: what's the big deal about this show? I just don't see what's so great.
Which two episodes did you watch?
Those aren't exactly the best episodes the series had to offer. I recommend you check out "Party of One", episode 25, as well as episode 16, "Sonic Rainboom".
Or Episode 3"The Ticketmaster" as it will help you get to know the characters. If you want a song for that though, check out episode 14 "Suited for Sucess".
Goombella said:
Or Episode 3"The Ticketmaster" as it will help you get to know the characters. If you want a song for that though, check out episode 14 "Suited for Sucess".
Suited for Success is my FAVORITE episode! A word of caution, though, I won't blame anyone who thinks that episode in particular is a bit... um... girly. Which makes sense for a girls show, but doesn't really help convince NEIIIIIGH-sayers of how awesome the series is.
Episode 9 of Season 2 info up. Spoilers, ahoy.

Season 2, Episode 9
12/3 10:00am EST
Sweet and Elite
Rarity must choose between her friends and important social connections in Canterlot.

Another Rarity episode. Hope Applejack, Fluttershy, or even Pinkie has some episodes coming up soon after. Because in Episode focus, Twilight, Rarity, some of the CMC, Luna, and Rainbow is getting all the love there
YAY! I love Rarity! And this is a nice callback to the very beginning of the series, wherein Rarity said she's always wanted to live in Canterlot, as it's where "she truly belongs". Even though I can see the friendship moral from a mile away, I am DEFINITELY looking forward to this episode! ...STILL want to see an Applejack episode, though.
The World of Equestria

OK...So the other day I was surfing my TV's On Demand stuff, and I went to see what shows the Hub had. One of the shows was MLP: Friendship is Magic. I recalled everybody thinking MLP was cool.......



So now I guess i'm part brony.. :-[
I watched the Ticketmaster already, I'll watch the others when I have the time.
To be fair, they're not helping their reputation with the heart and all the girl characters. Spike is the only major boy character.
So Sisterhooves Social aired.

Basically, Sweetie Belle leaves Rarity to go live on Sweet Apple Acres after they spend the first 10 minutes fighting over Sweetie Belle messing everything up. Sweetie Belle teams up with Applejack to compete in the Sisterhooves Social, a competition between sisters, and places second to Berry Punch. However, it turns out that the mud-covered Applejack was actually Rarity, and they make up. They write a letter to Celestia together. This is also the first ever episode without Twilight (in fact, it's just Applejack, Rarity, and Spike out of the main characters). Cute episode with plenty of Rarity reaction faces and some d'awww moments at the end, but not as brilliant as Lesson Zero.