My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
It sucks to have Rob Renzetti leave, as well as other writers. At least some of the better writers (and one writer who made the more controversial episodes) sticking around.
Wow, since when did this thread become active again? I thought it died off a long time ago.

I guess I'll bring up a global topic, who is liking Granny Smith's speaking lines? I know I do :P
Mijzelffan said:
Wow, since when did this thread become active again? I thought it died off a long time ago.

I guess I'll bring up a global topic, who is liking Granny Smith's speaking lines? I know I do :P

Nah it's always been here. With Season 2 going on especially. This thread just seems to slow down in the wait for the next episode. But there's actually quite a few posts made on the day or the day after an episode aired. And less of that will happen now that this entire month will have new episodes without one of those breaks we've been having.

But yeah Granny Smith's lines have been pretty funny, both her one line in Luna Eclipsed and her use of the megaphone in the previous episode (Even gets her eye poked. There's practically no one safe from slapstick in FiM. Males, Females, Little Kids, Old People, you name it.)
Mijzelffan said:
Wow, since when did this thread become active again? I thought it died off a long time ago.

I guess I'll bring up a global topic, who is liking Granny Smith's speaking lines? I know I do :P
It's ALWAYS been active. Bronies never die! :P

I loved Granny Smith in Sisterhooves Social, though she's easily overlooked with all the other awesome stuff in the episode. BTW, she's voiced by Tabitha St. Germain, who also voices Rarity and Princess Luna.
Granny Smith is slowly becoming my favorite side character. Not as much as Photo Finish, though.
Hey guys look here.

I bronified myself. :D
Northern Verve said:
Paper Yoshi said:
Hey guys look here.

I bronified myself. :D

Awesome P_Y. What episodes have you watched so far? (I'm going to assume Fluttershy's your favorite based on your theme right now)

I've watched each and every episode aired so far, and yes, Fluttershy is my favorite.
It's pretty much obvious that Fluttershy is the most popular of the 6 here. But that's ok, because between Fluttershy and Rainbow getting the most attention here. I get more dibs on Twilight that way.
I have decided that Fluttershy is my favorite, with Pinkie Pie coming as a very close second. Oh, and Paper Yoshi is the first person I've seen with Fluttershy in his sig/avatar.
In order of favorites:

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Rainbow Dash
3. Applejack
4. Fluttershy
5/6. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle
Epic Nitwit said:
I have decided that Fluttershy is my favorite, with Pinkie Pie coming as a very close second. Oh, and Paper Yoshi is the first person I've seen with Fluttershy in his sig/avatar.
How interesting, Pinkie Pie is my second favorite pony as well! :P
Epic Nitwit said:
Oh, so you do actually like it?
I guess. I'm not obsessed with it though, and it would help if they had more original episodes. The 9 I've seen so far aren't very original...
Donut said:
Epic Nitwit said:
Oh, so you do actually like it?
I guess. I'm not obsessed with it though, and it would help if they had more original episodes. The 9 I've seen so far aren't very original...

Yeah, well, I'm not obsessed with it either, but I will watch any new episodes that come out.

Paper Yoshi said:
Epic Nitwit said:
I have decided that Fluttershy is my favorite, with Pinkie Pie coming as a very close second. Oh, and Paper Yoshi is the first person I've seen with Fluttershy in his sig/avatar.
How interesting, Pinkie Pie is my second favorite pony as well! :P

Great minds think alike. :P
Epic Nitwit said:
I have decided that Fluttershy is my favorite, with Pinkie Pie coming as a very close second. Oh, and Paper Yoshi is the first person I've seen with Fluttershy in his sig/avatar.

Mason had a Fluttershy theme at one point. But he didn't have it for very long.
Northern Verve said:
Epic Nitwit said:
I have decided that Fluttershy is my favorite, with Pinkie Pie coming as a very close second. Oh, and Paper Yoshi is the first person I've seen with Fluttershy in his sig/avatar.

Mason had a Fluttershy theme at one point. But he didn't have it for very long.

Yeah, that was probably before my time. I just found it ironic that I had seen somone with a theme for every main pony, except for the most popular one.
So, we're now on the subject of favourite Mane 6 ponies?
1. Rarity
2.Rainbow Dash
6.Pinkie Pie.
I'm going to say:

1. Rainbow Dash
2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Twilight
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Rarity

I've gotten to where I like them all, though.
Smasher said:
I've gotten to where I like them all, though.
Yeah. I used to hate Pinkie Pie. But now, I kinda like her. I mean, she might just be overtaking Twilight.