My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Well, Pinkie was just too....random! And she didn't have enough screen time in the first few episodes. I have come to appreciate her for what she is now though.
The Great and Powerful Trixie is not speaking to you in 3rd person!
Nah, I'm not.
Pinkie Pie said:
Goombella said:
Yeah. I used to hate Pinkie Pie. But now, I kinda like her. I mean, she might just be overtaking Twilight.
WHAT?! :(.

It's alright. Some people might not like Pinkie after they've seen other hyperactive characters in other shows. Some are more willing to have her grow on them then others. There's a few Bronies here that like the show but still don't like Pinkie. When in all Honesty, Pinkie isn't that bad. Though people will have different tastes on what the better characters are. Twilight will always be my favorite but I can never rank 2-6.

I've seen all 6 have somebody that had them as their least of the 6.
I like Pinkie, I just hate what some members the fandom have turned her into. See UM's sig for deatils.

Northern Verve said:
Mine is...

1. Rainbow Dash

2. ...........asdf
Pretty much.
Pinkie Pie said:
Ok, but why are you speaking to me in 3rd person?

Crash doesn't think that Goombella was speaking in third person?

If I were to rank them... Fluttershy first, then Pinkie in second...

After that, it's kind of a tie between Dash, AJ and Rarity.

Twilight is probably my least favorite out of the 6 (But let's not confuse least favorite with dislike, she's cool and all but I just think the other ponies are cooler.)

@3K: You mean the whole "homicidal maniac" thing? Yeah, I dislike that, too.
For specific complaints I've seen Twilight be called too boring or over exposed (Even called a Mary Sue...), Pinkie too annoying (And at least in regards to some things like in Feeling Pinkie Keen, again Mary Sue stuff), Fluttershy at least before Best Night Ever happened was called a flat character/shy moeblob, Rainbow Dash too arrogant (And again more Mary Sue stuff), Applejack too stubborn (Mainly because in the one episode she was spotlighted in without sharing it with any other character she was stubborn. That was in Applebuck Season), and Rarity being the most girly and/or vain despite her element of Harmony (Heck there's someone over at Equestria Forums that hates Rarity with a passion)
Northern Verve said:
Pinkie Pie said:
Goombella said:
Yeah. I used to hate Pinkie Pie. But now, I kinda like her. I mean, she might just be overtaking Twilight.
WHAT?! :(.

It's alright. Some people might not like you after they've seen other hyperactive characters in other shows. Some are more willing to have her grow on them then others. There's a few Bronies here that like the show but still don't like you. When in all Honesty, you aren't that bad. Though people will have different tastes on what the better characters are. Twilight will always be my favorite but I can never rank 2-6.

I've seen all 6 have somebody that had them as their least of the 6.
Namely most complaints besides those who might just find her annoying is in episodes like Feeling Pinkie Keen or say Swarm of the Century she has some solution that she won't properly explain until it actually happens. In Pinkie Keen we learn about some psychic ability she has that isn't mentioned before and after the episode. And in Swarm of the Century yes she figures out that it's polka music that drives the Parasprites away but she doesn't properly explain it to her friends as if she thinks they know what she means.

It's not problems I have with it as I attribute to "It's just Pinkie" but for those who do have reason to question Pinkie some of those are valid. But all 6 have moments where they're right and they're wrong. If they were always right, they'd be Mary Sue-like characters, if they were always Wrong they'd be depressing as heck characters.
Top 6 ponies, here we go!

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Rarity
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Fluttershy
5. Applejack
6. Rainbow Dash

I used to have Fluttershy on two and Rarity lower, but Fluttershy got kinda repetitive imo, plus I realised that I actually find Rarity very funny (the whining scene is genius).
Northern Verve said:
Namely most complaints besides those who might just find her annoying is in episodes like Feeling Pinkie Keen

That's actually the episode when I stopped disliking Pinkie.
Nabber said:
Also, who is Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?

They're the other 2 of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. A group of young kids in the show that try to get their cutie marks. You don't meet them until Episode 12. And they have major roles in episodes 17 and 18 and sometimes get smaller roles in other ones.

Sometimes alot of people don't like em'. Though again even the CMC aren't that bad. My theory is that if you dislike the CMC, you don't like kids either.
...I guess I'll say my favorite ponies, though I should clarify that I love all the ponies to bits, and I have no "least favorite", that is, I don't hate or dislike any of them. But if I had to put them in some kind of order...

1.) Fluttershy
2.) Pinkie Pie

...And really, the last four kind of switch places depending on the episode, but usually it's..

3.) Applejack
4.) Rarity
5.) Twilight Sparkle
6.) Rainbow Dash

God damn, I hate this list! Rainbow Dash doesn't deserve to be on the bottom of the list! Nor does Twilight, Applejack, or Rarity for that matter! I just love them all! :'(
While I do have an obvious favorite, nopony deserves to be at the bottom of the list. Pretty much every character is likable in some way.

'Cept Silver Spoon or whatever her name is. She's a bitch.