My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Okay, reading another post on another forum I go to, I realize that Hasbro DID do the right thing... That is to say, the right thing in securing their show and property, I'm still not sure if they went about it in the "right" way.

Yeah, it was a minority, but I guess angry/displeased fans are a different kettle of fish to "offended" fans, and whether it was intentional or not, Derpy herself COULD be viewed as offensive.

It's like what Gamefreak75 said, he doesn't see what's so offensive about the crazy barking pony, but then again, I don't see what's so offensive about Derpy scene. But it CAN be offensive, and the fact that people were outraged enough to actually write to Hasbro about it signaled that they needed to ensue it would be less offensive, so it won't upset the wandering parent or anyone else who isn't immediately familiar with the show and it's background.

I STILL don't like that they fixed her eyes, because that's part of who she is, that's the whole reason WHY she got her own scene and is as popular as she is!

But the voice? Much better than the old one. And removing of Derpy? Well, while I don't see it as slang for "retarded", if it upsets enough people, I guess there's not much I can do much about it to convince them otherwise. I'm okay with the idea that her real name is "Ditzy Doo", but her friends call her "Derpy" as a nickname."

That's what I like about discussions like this. Sometimes, people become enlightened, people learn new things, people understand one-another, and we grow smarter and better.

It's MUCH better than the usual "YES SHE IS! NO SHE ISN'T! YES SHE IS! NO SHE ISN'T!" you usually see on YouTube or, dare I say, even Equestria Daily.
Can someone summarize everything that happened past the Derpy stuff?
I keep seeing these annoying walls of text and so I just skipped a bunch of pages. Whenever Derpy is mentioned I just skip the next few pages.
Interesting episode.
I happened to like the goats a lot. Also the Eye of the Tiger thing was neat. So was the "We're both real creatures" part. Overall a touching episode (and certainly shocking) but not the best.
On the first watch. I can't really put down the details. But it was pretty sweet and at times quite funny

I gotta say. I loved Angel's slap on Fluttershy on the beginning. But it's Angel's fault Fluttershy even ends up doing this all. And when Fluttershy finally got that super fancy salad that he wanted just without a cherry. He rejected it. I kinda lost some like for Angel after today's episode.

Also Iron Will isn't QUITE an antagonist as we first thought in fact he doesn't even appear for most of the episode. But his parts were still fun.

Also we need Assertive!Fluttershy Vs. Luna now

Also no appearance by Twilight. So the Rotating avatar will still be up for another week.
Just saw Putting Your Hoof Down. I have to admit this was a pretty awesome episode.

No R. Lee Ermy as Iron Will. Instead we get HERCULE FROM DRAGON BALL Z! At least it sounds like Hercule, and he's hammy enough to be Hercule. Seriously, half the fun of this episode was watching Iron Will shoot poses and spout catchphrases!

I will say this, I DO like nasty/new Fluttershy more than old Fluttershy... Because old Fluttershy kept getting pushed around. If I were there, I'd BEAT UP EVERY SINGLE PONY who DARED to inconvenience Fluttershy! :mad:

But even still, new/nasty Fluttershy insulted Rarity and Pinkie Pie without even being provoked. Even still, there were too many jerks in this episode for me to be mad at Fluttershy for being mean.

Hell, they kept calling Iron Will a monster, and even though his attitude WAS jerky, and he was in it for the money, he DID seem like a reasonable guy. After all, he DID uphold his end of the deal, that is, if they're not satisfied, they don't have to pay. He could have EASILY forced Fluttershy into paying anyway, but he actually stuck to the promise. In fact, I think this might have done a load of good for him, finally being told "no" and having someone actually stand up to him.

Yeah... he's an alright guy in my book. Not an antagonist, and certainly not unreasonable at the end, but at the same time, not necessarily a nice/good guy. sort of a... "chaotic neutral"... Am I right?

Let's see what else...

-Pinkie Pie twisting her head around again, it's so funny and cute!

-AND she was with Rarity, just like last time!

-It's the return of the mailpony from The Last Roundup! I love that dude!

-Yet another voice from Bon-Bon.

-Did I mention I wanted to punch every jerky pony in the face near the beginning? Well I do. :mad:

-Angel was especially jerky in this episode, but then again, he always seems to get his way with Fluttershy... Unless she gives him the STARE! :-X

Which she did, by the episode's end. CONTINUITY! :D

-Hayseed... Greenhooves? Is that what he was called? The same pony from the Grand Galloping Gala? Nice to see him again.

-Seriously, as much as Pinkie Pie and Rarity tried to help Fluttershy, I felt like they were giving her the wrong kind of advise, either seducing or tricking/haggling the other pony (or minotaur) into giving them what they want. Don't really see how that's better advise than Iron Will's. I mean, yeah, I guess they're not as "bad" as Iron Will's, but at least he gets results, and in the end, that's kind of what matters, am I right?

-Speaking of Pinkie Pie haggling, I TOTALLY saw the whole "Rabbit Season/Duck Season" exchange coming from a mile away. Kind of upset that Iron Will nearly fell for it... Almost.

Can't really think of anything else to address... Good episode, overall! Fluttershy and Iron Will DEFINITELY make it one of my new favorites... Just have to sit through poor Fluttershy being abused. :(

Edit: OH I JUST REMEMBERED! When Fluttershy returns home after she realized what a bitch she's been, the music sounds like the sad walking away music from The Incredible Hulk!
I loved the build-up and handling of this episode. Ever since their desert adventure Rarity and Pinkie Pie have become best friend it seems :3

Of course, the plot of the episode was also quite nice, and I liked the Minotaur as a character. Also the goats, they were cool too. But besides them, the salesman and all the valleygirl ponies show that not everyone in ponyville is that nice.
Mason said:
Did Spike die or something? Also how come RD and Twilight weren't in this one?

I don't think Spike died lol

And hey sometimes not everyone of your friends are available at the moment. (Applejack wasn't there either). I think it was alright though, we kinda got a look-in with the relation between Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The last time they interacted was the ending of The Last Roundup where Rarity was being incredibly annoyed.

Also how did you like that scene where Rarity was seducing that nerd pony Mason? xD

(Also next week we're not getting just one Twilight. but 2 of them. So I think it more then balances out)
"pointless pursuits that nopony else gives a flying feather about"

oh my god, i died
OK, before I go into spoilers about the new episode, this just came to me. After seeing the episode, I wonder how many people take advantage of Fluttershy everyday and on purpose. Because if that day was like every other day........well that would be bad. Now for the spoilers:

I never did like that bunny of hers. I think the name is Angel. This episode made me dislike him even less. Insists on getting a 6 star meal instead of normal food. That's not good. So when Fluttershy went to the market, Pinkie Pie and Rarity wanted her to become more assertive (which Pinkie Pie is really good at). So after many failed attempts while a store owner wanted to con 20 bits off of one cherry, Fluttershy when to a seminar.

The host was a minotaur (which in my opinion was not enough human to be one) and when he arrived the opening to Eye of the Tiger played. The one that went B, B A B, B A B, B A G for the notes. But anyways, he said that if anyone is not satisfied, the seminar or plan or whatever is free.

Well it worked. And everythime Fluttershy would make these assertive moves, she would do a rhyming catch phrase. Long story short, it got so bad that she just wasn't being assertive, she was being a jerk. Then it really got bad when she kept talking in third person about New Fluttershy, Old Fluttershy, etc. (because there's more than that). Well that kind of snapped her out of it.

When the minotaur came to collect his dues, Fluttershy said that she wasn't satisfied with it, and firmly said no to him.
So in short, I absolutely loved this episode.
I don't like the bunny either.

Also, Fluttershy is running out of excuses for being mean to Rarity. I'm glad I switched to Rarity being my favorite pony when I started actually watching the show.
DragonFreak said:
OK, before I go into spoilers about the new episode, this just came to me. After seeing the episode, I wonder how many people take advantage of Fluttershy everyday and on purpose. Because if that day was like every other day........well that would be bad.
Bad? It would be worse than bad! It would be...

Unthinkable... :'(

I'm reminded of Dragonshy, and how Twilight basically forced Fluttershy up a mountain without consulting her about her knowledge of dragons, just assuming she was an expert, all the while ignoring her pleas.


I actually saw Angel as Fluttershy's more assertive side, watching out for her and helping her with schedule times and standing up for herself, but I have to say, I also really didn't like him in this episode, the ungrateful little *bleep*. Them and ALL the shopkeepers and jerks who cut in front of her just because they think they can get away with it.

I guess this is to be expected from Merriweather Williams, the writer who's episodes so far (The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, Hearth's Warming Eve, and co-writing this one) seem to really blow the mane 6's negative qualities out of proportion... and the negative qualities of other ponies, too. :-\

On a lighter note, watch this. It has stuff you may have missed in this episode, AND you'll laugh 'til your sides ache! ;)

Smashgoom202 said:
I'm reminded of Dragonshy, and how Twilight basically forced Fluttershy up a mountain without consulting her about her knowledge of dragons, just assuming she was an expert, all the while ignoring her pleas.

I know you put a statement on how they couldn't save Ponyville without her. But the reason she even went is because she hasn't learned the lesson she learned in the most recent episode yet. She couldn't speak up and say "No, I have a fear of Dragons" until they were already at the Dragon's doorstep. And she didn't want to just not go with her friends without explaining. But the problem comes back because Fluttershy is too shy to explain.
Well, she DID try to explain, or at least looked like she was going to, but Twilight just brushed her off as just initial nervousness or some shit.
Smashgoom202 said:
Well, she DID try to explain, or at least looked like she was going to, but Twilight just brushed her off as just initial nervousness or some shit.

I guess so. But I guess on eachother's side it seems different because both ponies are our favorites respectfully. I'm probably not going to stand for it when somebody calls Twilight a jerk/bitch/etc. xD (Same thing with you people treating Fluttershy in a certain way xP)
DragonFreak said:
Lily said:
There is another pegasister I know but no bronies.
You know, instead of pegasisiter, I wonder if Girny (pronounced like gurney) would work. You know, the combination of Girl Pony.

yeah, except that it sounds stupid.

Smashgoom202 said:
There are PLENTY of OTHER equally offensive things in this show, possibly even more offensive! It had a pony BARKING LIKE A DOG!

bwahahahahahaha sig'd
I don't think this was posted yet. But here's the sypnosis for Episode 23 of Season 2

Title: Season 2 Episode 23 - Ponyville Confidential
Air Date: March 31, 2012
Summary: The Cutie Mark Crusaders start a gossip column under the name Gabby Gums, but find it might not be worth the pain the stories cause other ponies.

I think this has the potential to be hilarious. I wonder if the CMC will get "the dirt" on other ponies besides the Main 6?
Discord said:
Sounds interesting. But we haven't been having too many Rarity episodes this season.

Well she already kinda did haver her spot with both Sisterhooves Social and Sweet and Elite.

Also, I'm excited for the next episode. Twilight + Time Travel sounds like a fun time.
Northern Verve said:
Title: Season 2 Episode 23 - Ponyville Confidential
Air Date: March 31, 2012
Summary: The Cutie Mark Crusaders start a gossip column under the name Gabby Gums, but find it might not be worth the pain the stories cause other ponies.
Oh, we're finally getting to that? I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like MLP with time travel in it. I understand magic but time travel seems to be going a bit too far.
Discord said:
Oh, we're finally getting to that? I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like MLP with time travel in it. I understand magic but time travel seems to be going a bit too far.

Well I don't think it will be much. There will be a Present!Twilight and some sort of Future!Twilight. I'm willing to bet that the Future!Twilight is no more then a few days ahead of Present!Twi
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
Oh, we're finally getting to that? I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like MLP with time travel in it. I understand magic but time travel seems to be going a bit too far.

Well I don't think it will be much. There will be a Present!Twilight and some sort of Future!Twilight. I'm willing to bet that the Future!Twilight is no more then a few days ahead of Present!Twi
I'm not really expecting an old person Twilight or a baby Twilight either.