My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
So I think that someone in my school is a brony. When I asked him he said yes but it's hard to tell whether he was joking or not.
Discord said:
So I think that someone in my school is a brony. When I asked him he said yes but it's hard to tell whether he was joking or not.

Doesn't really sound like something someone would say but then be like "HA! Psyche!" the next day. Unless the tone of his voice suggested he was being sarcastic.

I'm going to be cautiously optimistic and maybe suggest you ask him what his favorite pony is. And from there you decide if you want to talk any more about it to him.
I know. It's just that his joking voice and his serious voice sound exactly the same. I asked him later if he was serious and he was like, "What's a brony? Oh, those fanboys of My Little Pony?"

The thing is that we were doing a comic on a carousel horse that breaks away, so he was doing a thing with a pony named Pinkie and a girl that said "My Little Pony". On the other hand, I learned about ponies just by being on a forum with bronies so it's hard to tell.

(My comic was about a pony named Polar Bear who went to Bronycon and became famous and then went on to dominate the world. :P)
Discord said:
I asked him later if he was serious and he was like, "What's a brony? Oh, those fanboys of My Little Pony?"

...Yeah if he said that after he said yes to your question from before. Then yeah he isn't one. A Brony would know what they mean if they were asked.
Northern Verve said:
Discord said:
I asked him later if he was serious and he was like, "What's a brony? Oh, those fanboys of My Little Pony?"

...Yeah if he said that after he said yes to your question from before. Then yeah he isn't one. A Brony would know what they mean if they were asked.
Oh he knew what it meant. He was joking around like usual.
Did somepony order A LARGE HAM? Seriously though, looks good.

And did I just hear Eye of the Tiger?
Northern Verve said:
Have a preview clip from the upcoming episode!

Well I was wrong about the Asian Master thing. But I think 2257 will be happy about the Goat. And Iron Will turns out to be a Minotaur
Iron Will is a minotaur?! That's... interesting... Also, it seems like he's teaching Fluttershy to be a jerk. :mad:

I have the feeling that Fluttershy's assertiveness is going to bite Iron Will in the ass later on, given that he's got gold coins in his eyes, I get a sense he's mostly in it for the money, rather than to help her.
From the context it looks like he's trying to sell a course for assertiveness and is tossing her around a bit like Photo Finish.
Discord said:
So I think that someone in my school is a brony. When I asked him he said yes but it's hard to tell whether he was joking or not.
Well I know for sure that someone in my school is a brony. That picture in Mindless Junk Pony Thread with the Kirby crossover, I captured it with my phone, and I was showing it to random people that day. Then there is this senior at my school who thinks I'm pretty cool was just laying his head on the desk, and I said I know what will cheer him up (but at that time I was pretty sure it wouldn't). He looked at it and said he knew almost every name in that show. I mentioned that one of them looked like Rarity, but he said she looked like her little sister. I asked if he meant Sweetie Belle. He said he really didn't know since he couldn't name the Cutie Mark Crusaders if his life depended on it. I told him that they were Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and, my favorite, Apple Bloom. Then he looked at me dead serious and said "Bronies forever" and I responed, "Long live Bronies!"
Smashgoom202 said:
But Derpy IS blonde!

But, anyway, I'm TRYING to move on, like seen in this video:

But I JUST read an e-mail from Amy Keaton Rogers, the writer of The Last Roundup, and I'm even MORE pissed off. A whooping 10 angry e-mails compared to 200 positive ones, and my displeasure over what happened to Derpy is not that they changed Derpy. Hell, I LIKED this voice over the other one, which I can now safely say I absolutely loathed in comparison, good intentions and misunderstandings from Tabitha St. Germain not withstanding, but I don't like how she's not called "Derpy" and they slightly fixed her crossed eyes.

Now, who ARE these people who were offended? Were they bronies? Did they know about Derpy beforehand? Or were they just about of average people with mentally disabled family members who... somehow got her e-mail address? If it's the latter kind, I can't really blame them for getting upset, seeing as they had no idea who she was, or what she was meant to be (a hat-tip and shout-out to bronies).

If it WAS Bronies complaining, then I have nothing but contempt for them. :mad:

And like I said before, or at least implied, is that censoring the scene has WORSE implications then the original scene, because it basically says, yeah, that scene WAS bad, and now they're fixing it, when really, it was just ONE SCENE out of an entire series filled with plenty of offensive material that doesn't get cut or censored!

Really, though, I don't think Derpy really means "retarded", or anything to imply that someone is just being silly or stupid, since the name kind of originated with Matt Stone and Trey Parker using it to describe stupid/silly things. However, the name, coupled with the voice, a slow, overly masculine voice, as well as the eyes, MIGHT give the implication that she is mentally disablied. If she just had a softer, lighter, more ditzy voice, it probably would have went over a lot better.

But even still, so WHAT if she's mentally disabled? Yeah, she has cross-eyes and messes stuff up? So what? Are you saying you'd rather not have them exist? I don't see ANYTHING offensive about her or them, or how you can interpret it as offensive. They're not outright saying "this is how mentally disabled people act in real life", hell, they never even USE that word (except for Derpy, which might I remind you, doesn't necessarily mean retarded), and even if they did, it's still funny! you know why? Because it's a cute pony with goofy eyes messing stuff up! It's adorable, it's funny, and at the same time, she's being sincere, she's NOT trying to hurt ANYONE with what she's doing (at least not intentionally), this is NOT some hate-filled message to say mean-spirited things about the mentally handicapped.

Really, it's like those Religious people who get offended if so much as any word from the Bible gets mentioned, regardless of context or useage, and really, I have to ask why? Why get offended? In the end, it only ends up making you feel back and ruining the experience for everyone else! Just ignore it and move on, for Christ's sake!

...And with that rant off my chest, I, hopefully, will move on from this. :-\

Look, I think that the change is pretty moronic too, but for Zazoom's sake, dude, it's ONE EPISODE, and she's going to back to normal after that. Grumble about it for a minute and then move the fuck on! This sure as hell didn't warrant five pages of bitching.

DragonFreak said:
Discord said:
So I think that someone in my school is a brony. When I asked him he said yes but it's hard to tell whether he was joking or not.
Well I know for sure that someone in my school is a brony. That picture in Mindless Junk Pony Thread with the Kirby crossover, I captured it with my phone, and I was showing it to random people that day. Then there is this senior at my school who thinks I'm pretty cool was just laying his head on the desk, and I said I know what will cheer him up (but at that time I was pretty sure it wouldn't). He looked at it and said he knew almost every name in that show. I mentioned that one of them looked like Rarity, but he said she looked like her little sister. I asked if he meant Sweetie Belle. He said he really didn't know since he couldn't name the Cutie Mark Crusaders if his life depended on it. I told him that they were Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and, my favorite, Apple Bloom. Then he looked at me dead serious and said "Bronies forever" and I responed, "Long live Bronies!"

There was a brony at my school. He got expelled for punching his teacher in the face.
Nosferatu Man said:
Look, I think that the change is pretty moronic too, but for Zazoom's sake, dude, it's ONE EPISODE, and she's going to back to normal after that. Grumble about it for a minute and then move the *bleep* on! This sure as hell didn't warrant five pages of bitching.
...You just don't get it, do you? :-\

This is not "bitching", in the same sense as "OMG THEY CHANGED DERPY, THIS SHOW IS RUINED 4EVER!!!!1!!", this is pointing out legitimate concerns of the show and what Hasbro intends to do with it.

Yes, it WAS just one episode. Yes, they said that Derpy for the rest of the season will remain the same. And yes, I DID intend to "grumble for a minute and move on", because you know, we ALL need some time to vent anger and rage from time to time.

But you seemed to react to me like I was any other whiney fanboy about a show they like, and honestly, that's not cool. In fact, I'd say you're no better then the kind of person you think I'm being, not bothering to read the insight I might have, and just blindly accusing me of being an insecure Brony with the inability to let go.

I HAVE moved on, but I'm still keeping that scene and what Hasbro did in mind, because it's not just ABOUT Derpy, or Hell, even the show itself. It's about censorship, stereotypes, and double standards, and people's inability to keep quiet about things they don't like. I mean, there are TONS of scenes and episodes I don't like from this series. I absolutely DESPISE Feeling Pinkie Keen, but that doesn't mean I'm going to write to Hasbro and demand that they remove that episode from existence! Because there ARE people who like that episode, and I don't want to be a dick and take that away from them, like the people who took umbridge with the Derpy scene.

So, yeah, still a little annoyed about the scene and how Hasbro handled it, but I've mostly gotten over it and moved on. And if you actually READ my post, you'd understand that. :mad:
Lily said:
crappy Pokemon anime he has seen 50 times already.
Whoa whoa whoa...whoa...

I like MLP, but Pokemon > ponies for me.

Also, about the Derpy thing, Hasbro did the RIGHT thing: saving their asses.

As much as Hasbro loves it fans and stuff, when it comes to monetary issues and situations which they can be sued for, they better damn well make drastic measures and save themselves.

Think about it this way: if Hasbro didn't do what they did, this show likely wouldn't have a third (if there is another) season. It would be gone. It'd hurt the fans and Hasbro.
DragonFreak said:
Lily said:
There is another pegasister I know but no bronies.
You know, instead of pegasisiter, I wonder if Girny (pronounced like gurney) would work. You know, the combination of Girl Pony.

I prefer the term Brony used for both genders. I've seen some female fans that prefer to be called Bronies too because they either don't like the term Pegasister and/or it'd seem they're splitting them off from the males.
Gamefreak75 said:
Also, about the Derpy thing, Hasbro did the RIGHT thing: saving their asses.

As much as Hasbro loves it fans and stuff, when it comes to monetary issues and situations which they can be sued for, they better damn well make drastic measures and save themselves.

Think about it this way: if Hasbro didn't do what they did, this show likely wouldn't have a third (if there is another) season. It would be gone. It'd hurt the fans and Hasbro.
Well, the thing is, Hasbro knows to let people do what they do. They let Michael Bay do what he wanted with the Transformers movies, and while it made people want to stab themselves in the eyes and ears, it ended up being a huge success.

Hasbro did the same thing with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, they gave the team a lot of creative freedom, and they were rewarded for it, BIG time!

By going in and changing it, they're pleasing the vocal minority (and perhaps the lingering parent who doesn't know any better), but pissing off the Brony fanbase, which while not being their main target, or even primary demographic for that matter, STILL makes up a considerable part of the show's fanbase, AND are a big part of the show's huge success. By suddenly taking control of the helm, they're ruining what got people interested from the beginning!

It's like the deal with Disney and Pixar (and now Marvel, as I see it), they're basically giving a "hands-off approach" saying "Well, you've managed to bring in a lot of people and make lots of money for us doing so, so why take the chance of ruining this success by controlling you guys?" Basically it means the creators do what they want, and as long as it makes the company money, they won't complain or get involved.

I guess from a business prospective, it DOES make sense to edit the scene so that it's less offensive, but like I said, there are PLENTY of OTHER equally offensive things in this show, possibly even more offensive! It had a pony BARKING LIKE A DOG FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! So to draw the line here with Derpy of all things seems very odd, and it also opens an entirely different can of worms, like why people were offended by Derpy specifically an nothing else, or how exactly does removing her name, fixing her eyes, and changing her voice somehow make things better. There are issues of censorship, individuality, conformity, and double standards with the changes of this scene, and it's why I'm so upset by it. It's not that they changed Derpy that upsets me, but rather why they changed her. :-\

Please, PLEASE try to understand where I'm coming from with all this.
Smashgoom202 said:
By going in and changing it, they're pleasing the vocal minority (and perhaps the lingering parent who doesn't know any better), but pissing off the Brony fanbase, which while not being their main target, or even primary demographic for that matter, STILL makes up a considerable part of the show's fanbase, AND are a big part of the show's huge success. By suddenly taking control of the helm, they're ruining what got people interested from the beginning!

They may be pleasing the vocal minority, but like I said, they're also saving themselves from possible money losses due to lawsuits and the like. Secondly, I don't really think Derpy Hooves got people interested in MLP from the beginning. Changing a character's voice who only had less than a minute of speech is nothing to fret over about (although some people take offense for the most miniscule of things).

Smashgoom202 said:
Basically it means the creators do what they want, and as long as it makes the company money, they won't complain or get involved.
When it invloves money issues, you better bet yourself that any AND every company who seeks profit will interfere if there's a possible loss.

Smashgoom202 said:
there are PLENTY of OTHER equally offensive things in this show, possibly even more offensive! It had a pony BARKING LIKE A DOG FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
:???: :???: I see no idea how this is offensive in any way...

I understand where you're coming from, BUT I already stated why the change her. Like I said previously, if they didn't, they would get sued. If they got sued, they'd lose money. Without money, they can't pay people to make the show. And without the show, Hasbro loses even more money and people become distraught. It's a whole cycle of economics and sacrifices have to be made.