Would you rather....


Would you rather get sat on by Peach or by Daisy? (easy one)
Daisy. I hate Peach.

Would you rather stick your hand in a beehive or a cage full of snakes?
Hobo's foot. It would be less likely to eat me. i think

Would you rather get struck by lightning or get caught in a tornado?
Both, as long as it's in a cartoon, 'cuz then I'll most likley develop electric and wind powers.

Would you rather play Paper Mario or Paper Mario TTYD?
Knock out a Teacher (As long as it was an accident...)

Magic Powers or the ability to Fly (Assuming you can't use those powers to make yourself able to fly)
I know we can't say "neither", but can we say "both"?

If not, I choose invisible.

Would you rather eat the mushroom or be 41 years old permanently?

(If I'm the only who gets both of those refrences, I should stop refrencing LPs all together)
I'll eat the mushroom if it isn't poisonous

Would you rather go 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past?
P.S.I got your reference(s)

Would you rather visit an alternate universe where you and your brother are super heroes, or go to an alternate timeline where your greatest enemy rules the world and is still planning to take over other worlds.
Figment said:
Black hole, less painful

Would you rather move to Japan or Brazil?
Ever heard of spaghettificattion? You are literally stretched by black holes. Sounds painful to me.


Would you rather be executed by hanging or executed by shooting?

Would you rather travel 100 years into the past or future?
TV Show

Would you rather fall down a well, and get eaten by crocodiles, or fall of a building, and get paralyzed for the rest of you life.
A Krabby Patty

Would you rather be on a soap opera and work all week, but earn billions of dollars a week, or start a buisness, still have time to do stuff, but only earn 100 dollars a week
Be on a soap opera

Would you rather be Falcon Punched, or Falcon Knee'd?