Suggestions for Improvement

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:/ Im not sure then.
And now some Administrator has changed my Custom Title without neither requesting them, nor notifying me.

This case is solved.
You guys remember that thread discussing whether or not there's been too many Hurt/Heal games?

Well, I took a look at the Winners thread and apparently there's 5 of those games in progress right now (4 if you don't count Yami's Pokemon theme game, since it's locked).

Earlier, I suggessted that the mods should limit the number of Hurt/Heal games allowed, kind of like how only 3 Mafia games can be played at the same time.

Just another little thought I wanted to point out.
I know, I locked mine one day after posting, after realizing that nobody cared about that, and I had a lot of other ongoing games.
I think that the server this site is hosted on needs an upgrade, or a new server.
I mean, it's going bad the last few days, in terms of downtime and services.
Forum Games Rule Suggestion

I was thinking, to control the amount of Hurt and Heal games going on, there should be max of two going on at a time, and there should be a thread named "Hurt and Heal Schedule" where users can put there games in a list, and work on up the schedule. It will take a way the ammount of threads, and be a more organized system.
Re: Forum Games Rule Suggestion

We should definitely limit those games. They're swallowing up the other games.
Re: Forum Games Rule Suggestion

I pointed this out over in the "Suggesstions for Improvement" thread, although I don't think the mods noticed or care about my suggesstions.

But you're right, the number of hurt/heal games should be limited and a schedule would help.
Re: Forum Games Rule Suggestion

If this passes, perhaps we should put up a sticky topic in the Forum Games?
Re: Forum Games Rule Suggestion

Maybe, but it seems like mods check this board more often then forum games.

EDIT: I'll put this link in the Hurt and Heal games, in one or two
Re: Forum Games Rule Suggestion

Idea: If you don't like the amount of hurt and heal games then don't play so many. If a million threads crop up but only one or two get activity the other 999,998 will all die. You people can regulate the prevalence of these with just a little self-control, and if that many are active it just shows me that the majority of the community wants that many to be active.
Is it a bad idea if we had the ability to crop our avatars after we upload them? I mean, so many people's avatar look squished and cropping them to keep all avatars square would make their avatars look better.
There is no Mod for cropping avatars, but while looking into SMF's Mod Database, I've found a very useful Mod:
This will resize any image to fit the current user's screen.

It's not really the same, but it's simular to the one, build in into IP.Board.
Baby Luigi said:
We should definitely limit those games. They're swallowing up the other games.
Agreed. Mafia games are limited to three, and are much better.
I'm personally against limiting any of the games, as per what Shyguy27 said above. People need to set their own limit and pick and choose which games to participate in.
Nega-Man said:
Yeah. I'm waiting for 2 of the current Hurt and Heals to finish so I can start the ultimate top secret one.

It's not really a secret anymore, huh?

I don't play in Hurt and Heal games anymore, however.
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