Suggestions for Improvement

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He made spam boards,PLUS he didnt know who Shigaro Miyamoto is *gasp*
*Shigeru Miyamoto (みやもと しげる).
Boards can be made by Administrators only.
Legend of Lily said:
He made spam boards,PLUS he didnt know who Shigero Miyamoto is. *gasp*
*FACEPALM* THIS MUST BE REPORTED TO THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY!! I can't believe it. Isn't it against the law to be Mario fan and not know who he is!?
According to his username, he's a Dragon Ball Z and Sonic fan.
Sharks Territory said:
Goddess of Death said:
No, he was just annoying and n00by as hell.


This. He certainly wasn't a bot; he even sent me a PM asking if I wanted to play MKDS with him.
I've seen this already, and banned users can break any of these rules.
Is it even that important to see why a specific person was banned? It comes off as being a bit nosy. It's usually pretty easy to find out why someone was banned if you check the list of their last posts anyway.
Scrub Jay said:
I've seen this already, and banned users can break any of these rules.
Yes, and when they do, they get banned. Believe it or not, it is just that simple.

On the subject of why users are/were banned, that (^up there^) is all you non-mods need to know. Period.

Archmage Mason said:
Suggestion for improvement: Very slightly stricter rules for spam.
I support this.
Like what?
Use your imagination and read the rules. I really don't care after a while when a user I don't really know gets banned
My reply was directed at the "stricter rules for Spam", silly lacey simpleton.
Why the slightly stricter rules? I haven't seen any spam, except for one user, but he got banned very quickly. These topics and messages get deleted rather quickly
I think Mason is referring to general-offtopicness, which I have seen in a few topics recently. It's nothing too major, and usually just requires a firm "get back on-topic" to stop it.
Really, warning users just because they are off-topic? Isn't that a little too harsh? This is not a big problem.
Well, it is great for the members to stay on topic without needing to remind them
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