Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

Favorite Troll?

  • Aradia Megido

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Tavros Nitram

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Sollux Captor

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • Karkat Vantas

    Votes: 24 38.7%
  • Nepeta Leijon

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Kanaya Maryam

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Terezi Pyrope

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • Vriska Serket

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Equius Zahhak

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Gamzee Makara

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Eridan Ampora

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Feferi Peixes

    Votes: 9 14.5%

  • Total voters
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Nabber said:
Speaking of forums, is anyone here on the MSPAforums?
*raises hand*

Me, I am pyromaniacMurderer there.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Rat said:
I'm becoming quite convinced that Calliope is both UU and uu.

I could see that happening, if not I'm still pulling for the incredibly farfetched theory that uu will end up looking like Lil'Cal.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Iron Will said:
Rat said:
I'm becoming quite convinced that Calliope is both UU and uu.

I could see that happening, if not I'm still pulling for the incredibly farfetched theory that uu will end up looking like Lil'Cal.
Actually he just confirmed it...

In a very anticlimactic way.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Marioguy1 said:
Hey everybody! Stop what you're doing, I was bored so I made some speculation about active/passive classes:

Note: Passive first, then active

  • Rogue/Thief - Confirmed; a Rogue steals for others, a Thief steals for self.
  • Bard/Prince - Confirmed; a Bard allows destruction, a Prince causes it.
  • Maid/Knight - Maids and Knights are both medieval figures who are often related to eachother (moreover "maidens" I guess). In homestuck, Aradia (maid of time) seems to be more of an aid to the rest of her team, not taking any active role and just giving them information (could be related to time?). Another point would be Jane, who seems to have healing abilities - healers aren't usually active players on a team. Meanwhile Dave (and Karkat I guess) seem to be the much more active on their teams being as they are (Dave) a warrior and (Karkat) the leader.
  • Page/Heir - Both Pages and Heirs are something to be. I can't really find any points as to why Tavros and John are active/passive, but in history, Pages usually serve (retrieve things for their masters) and Heirs usually are served (they have servants).
  • Seer/Mage - Both are related to getting information (Rose can often see the future, Sollux has visions of his death) however Rose uses the information to help her team (Terezi too I guess) but Sollux uses it for himself.
  • Sylph/Witch - A Sylph is a manifestation of an element, a Witch can manipulate an element. Sylphs are that which is manipulated (passive), Witches do the manipulation (active).

So yeah, I'm pretty sure those are the pairings of the classes.

For brownie points, here's my theory on genders:

Sylph - Female only (usually defined as female spirits) | Witch - Female only (I've never seen a male witch (female wizards =/= male witch))
Rogue - Mostly Female (conf.) | Thief - Mostly Female (conf.)
Bard - Male only (conf.) | Prince - Male only (conf.)
Page - Mostly Male (Pages are usually male, though female pages have been seen) | Heir - Mostly Male (same as Page)
Maid - Female only (Maids are only ever female) | Knight - Male only (I have heard of female knights, but I already used up all my "Mostly Males" - plus in the medieval sense (which I am basing these two on), then Knights are males)
Seer - Mostly Female (I used up all my "Female onlys" plus seers are usually female) | Mage - Mostly Male (Mages and Sages are the male users of magic)

I matched the genders with the class pairings, if you're wondering.

Now respond :D

And most likely, point out flaws

tl;dr speculation, either read it or don't
Marioguy1 said:
Slight speculation ramification:

-Heir: Passive
-Page: Active

It used to be the opposite. The reason for it is that Heir being active leaves the first group of kids with three active members (Heir, Knight, Witch) and one passive. Likewise, it leaves the second group of kids with three passive members (Maid, Page, Rogue) and one active.

Doing this balances it out perfectly. And, like many things in homestuck, yo can make it work out: Heirs are being trained so that they may help the people (kind of like a benevolent prince) while pages seek simply their own glory.
Following through on what Hussie said about Prospit dreamers being passive classes and Dersite dreamers being active classes, I've correlated that with my speculation.

Maid - Aradia (Derse), Jane (Prospit) = Neutral (Does not oppose my theory)
Knight - Dave (Derse), Karkat (Prospit) = Neutral (Does not oppose my theory)
Page - Tavros (Prospit), Jake (Prospit) = Highly Passive (Supports my theory)
Heir - John (Prospit), Equius (Derse) = Neutral (Active through process of elimination, supports my theory)
Seer - Rose (Derse), Terezi (Prospit) = Neutral (though Hussie kind of confirmed it passive, ruining my theory)
Mage - Sollux (f*ck) = Neutral (Active through process of elimination, supports my theory, but also ruins it)
Sylph - Kanaya (Prospit) = Highly Active (Opposes my theory, but see below)
Witch - Jane (Prospit), Feferi (Derse) = Neutral (though Hussie kind of confirmed it active, confirming my theory)

So, looking at this, I think everything holds water except Seer/Mage. As for that, I'm considering rearranging those to be Seer (Passive)/Witch (Active) and Sylph (Passive)/Mage (Active). In addition, I'd like to point out that in Calliope's session, she and her brother are the most passive and active classes possible. This implies that sessions need balanced passive and active players. So this theory also supports that.

Another possibility would be Mage (Passive)/Sylph (Active), which agrees with Kanaya being a Prospitian dreamer. Though Sylphs are healers and that seems unlikely...

EDIT: I forgot I switched around Heir and those also make less sense. I can't switch them back without unbalancing both the pre and post scratch kids' sessions, so I'm kind of stuck. The only possibility here to keep balance and follow continuity would be to switch Knight to Passive and Maid to Active, which seems so unlikely.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

I just realized the irony in Calliope having the wand/pistol as a weapon.

Hussie in the story earlier used a pistol and a wand in his attempt to get Lord English.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Mariomario64 said:
I just realized the irony in Calliope having the wand/pistol as a weapon.

Hussie in the story earlier used a pistol and a wand in his attempt to get Lord English.

There is also the Doc Scratch/Lord English thing. Calliope has a pistol like Doc Scratch's while uu seems to have a rifle like English's. And they both have the Doctor Jekyll/Mr Hyde transformation thing.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.

Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Okay let me explain. UU and uu are two separate entities that share the same body. It's like Doc Scratch and Lord English. Different people, same body.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Nabber said:
I know that. But it's still a weird concept for me.
But we have juggalo presidents, a troll version of betty crocker who takes over the world and married to a fictionalized version of mark twain, Guy Fieri as the Antichrist, the universe is a frog, the author dies, a puppet that exists because it exists and reproduction through buckets.

I don't think two entities sharing one body is weird compared to these ^
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Ladies and gents, I present: Homestuck.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Iron Will said:
Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Ladies and gents, I present: Homestuck.

Count Bonsula said:
Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Okay let me explain. UU and uu are two separate entities that share the same body. It's like Doc Scratch and Lord English. Different people, same body.
Half-right. You were right about UU and uu sharing bodies but Scratch and English never shared a body. English used Scratch's body to enter the world, but at that time, Scratch was dead as a doornail. And before Scratch died, English did not exist as Scratch's death was a condition for English's existence. So they never shared a body, as they were never both alive at the same time.

In addition, I'm not sure the pistol is uu's weapon. If you look back at intermission II or III, the one where English fought Hussie, English had a cane which turned into a rifle. Similarly, Calliope might have a wand that turns into a pistol (it's obvious that Calliope and English are parallels to some degree).

EDIT: Damn red sun!
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Marioguy1 said:
Iron Will said:
Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Ladies and gents, I present: Homestuck.

Count Bonsula said:
Nabber said:
So Calliope has two genders, multiple personalities, and duped herself in a game of chess. Not only that, she also killed her own dream self.


Okay let me explain. UU and uu are two separate entities that share the same body. It's like Doc Scratch and Lord English. Different people, same body.
Half-right. You were right about UU and uu sharing bodies but Scratch and English never shared a body. English used Scratch's body to enter the world, but at that time, Scratch was dead as a doornail. And before Scratch died, English did not exist as Scratch's death was a condition for English's existence. So they never shared a body, as they were never both alive at the same time.

In addition, I'm not sure the pistol is uu's weapon. If you look back at intermission II or III, the one where English fought Hussie, English had a cane which turned into a rifle. Similarly, Calliope might have a wand that turns into a pistol (it's obvious that Calliope and English are parallels to some degree).

EDIT: Damn red sun!
That is sort of what I meant. Like, Doc Scratch and English do have the same body. And Scratch isn't English. Oh, and English did exist before Scratch's death. He was already there. The whole time. Planning to be summoned.

Also, here's what I think about the wand thing:

Count Bonsula said:
Mariomario64 said:
I just realized the irony in Calliope having the wand/pistol as a weapon.

Hussie in the story earlier used a pistol and a wand in his attempt to get Lord English.

There is also the Doc Scratch/Lord English thing. Calliope has a pistol like Doc Scratch's while uu seems to have a rifle like English's. And they both have the Doctor Jekyll/Mr Hyde transformation thing.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Looks like it.

Do you think (if that's true) maybe that would also be an extremely aged Green Sun?

or is that being too far-fetched

then again the majority of everything Hussie does in this story is far-fetched
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

FireEevee said:
Isn't that the troll's meteor?
OK, theory time.

Red Sun is Green Sun + X years, after it has lost its power and is nearing the end of its life cycle. Remember one key criteria for Lord English's arrival, the Universe must be destroyed. Perhaps the Green Sun dying ends the Universe? In which case, that supports the theory of uu being English, considering this seems to be before he became so powerful. My theory is (1) Green/Red sun goes out, (2) Scratch summons uu, but his leg falls off as a result of being chained to the wall.

I don't think the meteor being there has much significance.

Count Bonsula said:
That is sort of what I meant. Like, Doc Scratch and English do have the same body. And Scratch isn't English. Oh, and English did exist before Scratch's death. He was already there. The whole time. Planning to be summoned.
No he wasn't, that's not how time works. Time is a continuity, time travel does not break that continuity. You may or may not have played mafia games with time travel before, but look at it like that.

When a time traveller dies in mafia, the game goes back a certain number of phases. The game becomes exactly what it was that number of phases before. However that doesn't change the fact that the players of the game played the two succeeding phases. They still experienced those, they don't stop existing because they traveled back. All time travel does is change the setting, it doesn't change the fact that a player did (or didn't, in the case of Lord English) experience whatever they traveled back to.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)


I laughed at her tongue for like 10 minutes.

I wonder, have the inevitable droves of fan cherubs begun to pour in yet?
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

It's likely.

Also I agree that the Red Sun is probably the Green Sun decayed.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Actually from the looks of the scenery it's probably the Sun of post-scratch Earth.

or maybe it could be BOTH
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

So the part about the scribbles by Dave and Karkat looked familiar to Calliope.

This goes with my theory that uu is related to Karkat in some way.