The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword 25th Anniversary Edition

Well, Zant I can understand. After all the build-up they gave him, he just turned out to be an emo psychopath that was content to treat his battle like a sitcom flashback, and then insisted on attacking in a random fashion while shouting like a girl... But Ghirahim has been given different build-up and treatment, so even some of Zant's bad points are much better on Ghirahim.

Of course, this is just a tentative opinion and subject to change in the near future, so there may be some element that ruins him for me and causes me to get my name changed to something else asap.
Fawfulfury65 said:
I think Ghirahim is awesome. My friends and I make fun of him and Zant all the time. Seriously.
Yeah, I find this statement incredibly awkward considering you're homophobic.
Sigh, I really thought I'd seen the last of that side of Ghirahim's personality (emo overreacting and the like). In between boss battles, I found him a better villain than I anticipated at E3, but after that fiasco at the Fire Sanctuary, I'm beginning to see why 2257 hates him... Kinda eating crow now, but whatevs. Anyway, the Fire Sanctuary was a picnic compared to the Ancient Cistern, and not much happened that made me really care at all. Ghirahim's fight itself was quite a good battle, if not up to Tentalus' standards, aside from the fact that it seemed a bit of a rerun of his first battle, but I digress on that point. The Mogma Mitts were actually a good item, and I thought they were a success. Made my way back to the Sealed Grounds and stopped after that stupid scaly beast broke loose again.
I beat the Earth Temple. The boss was super easy once I knew what I had to do. They gave me way to much hearts for it to be a challenge. The Desert section after the Earth Temple is beyone awesome.
There are these blue stones that causes the land to become the past. And they brought back those mine carts from most handheld games. Then the upgrade to the beatle is a really nice feature. I activated those three energy...things and now I'm in the mine. Took me four hours and three Game Overs, but that's where I'm at.
Wonder what this game has in store now.
Magus said:
Sigh, I really thought I'd seen the last of that side of Ghirahim's personality (emo overreacting and the like). In between boss battles, I found him a better villain than I anticipated at E3, but after that fiasco at the Fire Sanctuary, I'm beginning to see why 2257 hates him... Kinda eating crow now, but whatevs. Anyway, the Fire Sanctuary was a picnic compared to the Ancient Cistern, and not much happened that made me really care at all. Ghirahim's fight itself was quite a good battle, if not up to Tentalus' standards, aside from the fact that it seemed a bit of a rerun of his first battle, but I digress on that point. The Mogma Mitts were actually a good item, and I thought they were a success. Made my way back to the Sealed Grounds and stopped after that stupid scaly beast broke loose again.
Ghirahim's actually a little more serious at the end (although he's still a little weird at parts...).
Fawfulfury65 said:
Magus said:
Sigh, I really thought I'd seen the last of that side of Ghirahim's personality (emo overreacting and the like). In between boss battles, I found him a better villain than I anticipated at E3, but after that fiasco at the Fire Sanctuary, I'm beginning to see why 2257 hates him... Kinda eating crow now, but whatevs. Anyway, the Fire Sanctuary was a picnic compared to the Ancient Cistern, and not much happened that made me really care at all. Ghirahim's fight itself was quite a good battle, if not up to Tentalus' standards, aside from the fact that it seemed a bit of a rerun of his first battle, but I digress on that point. The Mogma Mitts were actually a good item, and I thought they were a success. Made my way back to the Sealed Grounds and stopped after that stupid scaly beast broke loose again.
Ghirahim's actually a little more serious at the end (although he's still a little weird at parts...).
Well at least there's that... I'm just frustrated that he's displaying his arrogant emo-ness more, which is in stark contrast to his calm calculating nature in between fights. It's like watching Zant fail miserably all over again...
Skyward Yoshi said:
I just beat the Sandship.
Good job, that's probably my favorite temple.
It felt like Skywards Swords version of Snowpeak Ruins.
I find it fun. It took away my hate for looking for stuff.
Skyward Yoshi said:
It felt like Skywards Swords version of Snowpeak Ruins.
Really? I thought Snowpeak was decent, but the infinite healing soup available made it way easier than it should have been, and the Magic Armor made it even easier. Also, Blizzeta was a wimp, and the Sandship's boss was a great encounter.
Mario4Ever said:
Dowsing sucks, doesn't it?
It's OK. But the problem with it, is that it shows you where the things are as the crow flies. It doesn't matter if an unbreakable wall is in the way and you have to backtrack for five minutes to get there. But after the Kikwis, I rarely used it for the keys, and I didn't use it at all to find the generator rooms. Partly because I found two of them before I had the ability to even dowse for them.
Any tricks on how to role that bomb flower into the lava plugged hole thing in Eldin Volcano? I always either fall in, or never make it far enough
New Super Mario said:
Any tricks on how to role that bomb flower into the lava plugged hole thing in Eldin Volcano? I always either fall in, or never make it far enough
The first time? Be on the opposite side of the bridge of the hole, tilt your remote down and roll it across the bridge. It may take a few times though
The second Silent Realms was harder than the first (but mostly because I was going cocky and stupid), but I managed to succeed on my third atempt due to incredible luck (or pure adreneline skill), and the item I recieved from this expedition was the
Clawshot, which I don't know what is the difference between that and the hookshot. Seriously, why couldn't it have been named Hookshot?
The Clawshot allows you to continue to hold onto the target after grabbing to it, since you have two. It's basically pwnage on a long metal chain.
I finished this game and liked it. It's just so great. Dungeon experiences overall

This was my first time playing this game but not the first time playing Legend of Zelda. I was stuck for like an hour looking for a small key without a guide. If you know where the key is, this one is too short. Boss is easy Still, pretty neat.
Run 2(a.k.a. Search for Sacred Water): I thought it would be shorter than the first time since I had shortcuts ready to go in a simple and fast path. Truly it took me less time, but I still was stuck looking for a small key. The three stalfos battle was somewhat hard, but I used spin attack to simplify it a little bit.

Seeing it, I instantly thought:"This one should be called Fire Temple". I was stuck looking for a way to get to the other side, at least it was less time than Skyview Temple. Boss wasn't too hard

This is the only one in which I wasn't stuck looking for a key(other than Ancient Cistern). Neat concept, but once you go to the past, you never need the present. The hardest thing about this one was stabbing. The game sometimes responded with anything but stabbing, and that was used a lot.

Other than the key to get to the other side in the underground, I wasn't stuck in anything. Boss was pretty hard. Is the closest one to a water temple, but it isn't too puzzling. Boss took me like 4 tries to beat.

I liked how you needed to constantly change to past and present. Not that if you are in the past you'll never need the present again. I needed a guide for activating the Engine Room or however it was called. Boss concept was good, appearance wasn't too much, but appearances aren't everything.

I needed a guide to discover you could stab the fruit. After that, the biggest trouble was the boss. I managed to beat him using only a fairy and the needed items(a.k.a. a sword), also the shield. In a single attempt.

I'm surprised I didn't need a guide for this. I randomly shifted rooms to get to the triforce. Took me quite a while. Pretty puzzling

This was a challenging game. More challenging than Twilight Princess.
The later bosses in this game are a pain in the butt.
The first phase of Ghirahim is not too hard. The only hard part is dodging his Punches and Kicks. The Second phase however is a pain in the butt because I when I use a Shield bash on Ghirahim, I try to use my thrust attack on him but then I miss its and he counter attacks me. The Third phase is not as hard but when I fail to break his Sword he once again counter attacks and fixes his Sword. I managed to beat him in the end but then comes the final boss
People say that Demise very easy but he is hard as hell to me. The first phase is not that hard but the second phase is where I always die on. When I try to put lightning in my sword, Demise always rushes towards me and takes Two hearts from me. He is just so hard and I have yet to beat him