More official "echo fighters" --- character texture swaps?

She could be a clone or semi-clone. But not an echo. Echoes have 1 to 1 move sets aside from altered visuals and damage values. Dixie would have to have her hair in her move set, it would be criminal otherwise. A Lucas level semi-clone would do her justice. Diddy's fighting style is also way too animalistic for Dixie.
Perhaps every Mario character could use their sports outfit as their pallet swaps. Including Peach in her soccer— *slaps self* No! Bad!
That won't work for the princesses as several of their dresses contain hitboxes for moves like their downsmash. Wouldn't work if they were in shorts.
how would peach float
Well I assume it's not the dress that makes Peach float, it's an inherent ability she has. It'd look weird but it would be doable.
Yeah, she can float in 3D World even with the cat and Boomerang Bro suits on, I believe.

Very doable.