I just beat __

completed armored core 2 instead of doing linguistics homework

no fuck given.
And now I've beaten Spyro the Dragon the original
DragonFreak said:
Portal. That last level was gr8. The game overall was gr8.

ikr i played the first 17 test chambers in like a week and then the whole end in like a day because it was so immersive

and then still alive plays and youre just like

final fantasy tactics a2: grimore of the rift

yep about 55 hours of not doing everything, i finally beat the game.

Very fun game, and i loved almost every moment.

Story could use some work and the battle speed could be upped, but almost everything else was superb, probably one of my favorite rpgs at this point.

The battle customization is glorious, the spritework was decent, the soundtrack was good, and i actually enjoyed the characters.

Easily beats the shit out of FFTA, and even FFT.

Good game.
I just beat Super Mario Galaxy 1. I gotta say that it was thrilling and suspenseful. Galaxy 2 is a little bit lighthearted when compared to Galaxy 1. Although I prefer the lighthearted Galaxy 2 a little too much.
William A. Wheeler said:
Spongebob SuperSponge
a fairly average and short game but it was free.
Ah, my first-ever video game. Which version was it? Mine was the GBA version, but I later played some of the PS1 version. Of course it's one of my favorite non-Mario games but nostalgia does that, y'know?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Fantasy Life

lol so much for the "final boss" people were telling me about

because it doesn't exist

EDIT: wait I don't think I'm just about done yet there might be one
RE-EDIT: yeah no, no final boss

Fire Emblem Awakening on Hard/Classic. There's an extreme sudden difficulty spike at Chapter 23. And Chapter 25 was one of the most painful things I ever played. Robin could almost reach Aversa and kill her, but I was one space away. I thought "No big deal, I'll kill her next turn". Nope, sudden reinforcements come and kill Miriel since she has 12 defense. I gave Robin the boots when I retried so I was sure she could reach. Then I 2-turned Grima. The rankings for Battle/Win ratio were 1: Vaike, 2:Lon'qu and 3:Miriel.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials & Tribulations

Definitely my favorite of the original trilogy.