I just beat __

Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam

I actually have very few problems with this game, besides maybe how enemy drops work. It's both impressive and surprising how quickly you're whisked into battle with all your options available (literally the first battle has hammers AND Bros. Attacks). Despite slightly wanting it, I can't see a Hard mode version of this game being very nice considering how the bosses seem consistently tougher and actually pose a realistic threat, unlike other Mario RPGs.

The music is maybe the best in the series imo (this game's final boss music is the best in the series by a galactic landslide) and the gameplay is extremely solid (the decision to remove all gyro controls was a well-made one) but the story and character cast feels a bit lonely, although to their credit they've gotten in some pretty cool SM64 references. The areas, per the words of others, tend to be really generic don't have enough spice to them, and the paper aspects of it were a mediocre way of addressing this. The Expert Challenges were handled a lot better in this game as opposed to Dream Team and felt more lively in its variety: being able to spend the points was an interesting concept.

Field movement was very pleasant thanks to dashing (which may have made opposed to performing field actions because most of them are fairly slow), but switching between actions was incredibly frustrating due to the R button going through them all backwards, which normally cycled through them from the start to end in previous instalments. I liked the Battle Cards, although they seemed to be in excess, particularly those that damaged specific enemy types and collecting them all has been a pain (currently at 145/159) because the normal ones are pricy but count towards the total whereas the shiny, better ones are time-consuming to farm from shiny paper enemies, more so if they're actually dropped by normal enemies because you can't do anything to raise the likelihood of the card drop.

I never did get tired of rescuing Toads, but there were a few missions that were downright irritations to deal with. Sidequests felt lacking and many rewards for completing them sucked, to be harshly blunt. Gear also felt drier in this game; the range was less diverse, but for Paper Mario it generally felt like better stats in the newer stores and little else.**

Overall, I really liked the game. Hard to say where I'd rank it, for now.
Got the Platinum Trophy for Naruto Ninja Storm 2.

The second one, I would have three but LEGO pirates has a 2-player trophy and I don't have two controllers. Multiplayer trophies are the worst. Only matched by online trophies.
its been almost a year but i did it
i chose to kill grima with my own hands and the ending was some serious feels but im glad i survived in the end
also that final map music was some rad shit
now to prepare for fates coming next week
Undertale (neutral ending)

I thought Omega Flowey was going to give me a really tough time but holy *bleep* was he easy. I only died three times in the fight total, so I guess he has more bark than bite. :P

As for the phone call, it was...bittersweet to say the least. Good news, the characters are all happy and stuff. Bad news, they're still stuck in the underground for a long while now that the SOULs are gone. But I still loved it, especially with the lovely piano version of the Ruins theme.

I'll start the True Pacifist route...soonish, probably? Idk I have a pretty busy schedule for the next few days so time will tell.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii

All levels beat, all Star Coins collected, all Hint Movies bought, all characters with 99 lives (because why not); 100% completion.
Chara said:
Undertale (neutral ending)

I thought Omega Flowey was going to give me a really tough time but holy *bleep* was he easy. I only died three times in the fight total, so I guess he has more bark than bite. :P

As for the phone call, it was...bittersweet to say the least. Good news, the characters are all happy and stuff. Bad news, they're still stuck in the underground for a long while now that the SOULs are gone. But I still loved it, especially with the lovely piano version of the Ruins theme.

I'll start the True Pacifist route...soonish, probably? Idk I have a pretty busy schedule for the next few days so time will tell.
Beat the True Pacifist Route.
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight

Well I beat the story mode. Final Boss was pretty hard, not as hard as the ones before it though, music was dope, also this credits sequence sounds like I got a bad end with this sad music. I sure hope not. Guess I gotta wait to the end to find out what I'm seeing right now.
Fire Emblem: Fates- Conquest

I ended up losing Keaton in the endgame chapter but it didn't even save anyways so it didn't really matter.

Overall I loved it! The gameplay is definitely top-notch. The story was mediocre but I wasn't expecting much after Awakening's shit plot and writing. The characters were great though. Arthur was my favourite, he's overall a great person, fighting in the name of justice and helping old ladies cross the street and rescuing cats from trees, even in the grim kingdom of Nohr.

I'm starting Birthright now, I probably won't enjoy it as much as Conquest, but more FE is more FE. I hope the maps aren't as terrible as Awakening considering it's supposed to play more like it.
protip: don't grind in birthright

I didn't grind at all and it gave me a pretty good challenge. The only maps I recall being "bad" were Keaton's and Camilla's chapters.
I wasn't going to grind anyways, I never did in Sacred Stones (except to level Amelia because I like her design but I do not want to baby her) or Awakening. So far I'm enjoying Birthright, it actually reminds me more of Sacred Stones than Awakening where the maps are fairly good, but still easy due to OP units. My Corrin is getting strength screwed which really sucks. And for Fates in general between Niles and Takumi archers have really improved.
100%'d WarioWare Inc.: Mega Microgame$!
Metal Gear (MSX)

(I plan on slowly playing through the entire series; I've bought the legacy collection so I have them all except for mg rising revengeance and 5)

Big Boss that motherfucker

He was also the only hard enemy in the entire game (the metal gear fight was very udnerwhelming), but since hes also the last and you come into his fight full stocked theres no way you will die against him so

The start of the game was the hardest tbh, once you figured out how to do basic stuff everything else was just trial and error pretty much. Took me about 3 hours to beat the game.
Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth; 3.

The true ending!

Oh man, What a boss fight! Easily the most difficult one in RPG history! Even though my characters were around Lv. 75. I think you'll have to be Lv. 100+ to beat her without a sweat.
Yellow Heart is OP! The true ending is WAY better than the 'good' one.
Pokken Tournament

This is the first time I've seen the credits so I assume this means I've beaten the game. If the champion of the last league was intended to be the final boss then that was a joke, I double perfected him. Would've been cooler if it ended on a Sceptile mirror fight... though, the Sceptile AI is also questionable.

I unlocked Shadow Mewtwo permanently too. The character select does look a bit strange with those four empty spots. Hopefully they add some through DLC sometime soon.
Pokémon Blue Version (the first time ive played a pokemon game lol)

wow that was easy

i didnt go game over once and i pretty much monoused my starter

my final party was like

blastoise at idk level 69 or something (named jr. troopa) (who ive taught dig so he rekted like 6 different pokemon types)
raichu at level 48 i think (named raijew)
articuno at level 58 (named in honor of walkazo)
the fire bird legendary at level 51 (named neptune)
and the two filller pokemon sandslash and hitmonchan at levels below 40 because they had cut and strength respectively

seriously theres a serious lack of pokemon that can learn cut at the point where you need it because the only one i had that could learn it was sandslash (or well, his unevolved form)

this game wouldve been a lot harder if trainers would respawn after you leave an area. seriously idk why they didnt do that, it would fix about every problem about the game being easy.

on other notes, i also did the optional dungeons (power plant and mewtwo's cave).

caught zapdos after a few tries (i already used the master ball on the fire legendary)

and i caught mewtwo first try

like with the first ball i threw

without putting him to sleep (i weakened him to like 1 hp by chance, though)

that was lame tbh

i dont have proof sadly but damn that was good

so i think ive caught all notable pokemon, my dex is at exactly 80 rn, got most stuff out of the safari zone, some evolutions, some pokemon from fishing

but honestly i cant be fucked to get all 151 pokemon because afaict you need somebody to trade with for those (or a second 3ds), and also the mew glitch.

idk maybe ill get some more pokemon over the course of the next few months and try to get to gamescom and hardcore trade with people there or sth idk

tbh this was better than expected but the game got pretty boring during the longer dungeons near the end (also the elite four were underwhelming, even though lance was arguably the strongest trainer in the entire game, the fact that i brought articuno just completely rekted him (dragon pokemon seem to be weak to ice))

i actually didnt know that giovanni was the leader of viridian gym so that was kinda surprising as well.

the rival (who i named ice in dishonor of icemario) was very underpowered as well, because all the pokemon he had were either weak to water, flying or electricity (which were the types of my most levelled pokemon, basically).

tbh id probably get gold or silver if theyre released in the eshop. dont really see the point in getting yellow if youre going to be stuck with pikachu, because he isnt that great tbh (only reason i used him was because hes like the only electric pokemon for a long time, and by the time i caught others i already had raichu whos far more capable).

also lol at the encounters in mewtwos cave

half of those were safari zone exclusive up to that point or hard-ish to get evolutions.

and zubats

fucking zubats


anyways, good game tbh.
Stella Glow

Ended at 44:45 play time, My main seven characters were all Level 38-40, even though the recommended level for the final mission before you even enter it is Level 41. I did that for most of the game, being underleveled. Happens to me in a lot of RPG's it seems.

My biggest complaint would just be that the game shows you what every enemy is doing when it's their turn, even if they don't do anything. So if the enemy is hella fast, you're just gonna see the camera pan to it often and all you get is the knowledge that the enemy is doing nothing. It's only a problem when there's a significant amount of enemies on the map.

Smaller complaints are music, a certain enemy type and some locations being re-used. Understandable since Imageepoch went bankrupt shortly after this, Stella Glow was their final game and I think they did a pretty amazing job with it anyway. The voice acting is pretty great for every character too, and they all have their own unique skills and abilities that make them all interesting to use.

Gonna play New Game+ later, taking a small break before I start again.




