
I had a dream where there was gonna be a MCU Wonder Woman movie for some reason, but Ant-Man's release date got moved up and bumped it, since it was stuck in developmental hell because they couldn't get the CGI right on the clothing damage. I was like "why didn't they just do the damage IRL?" and the I saw the actress who was playing Wonder Woman, in her non-damaged outfit, slowly riding by on a bike and sobbing. I was like "huh" and then rode my own bike down to the marketplace in the old industrial area of the desert town I apparently lived in (it's actually kinda like where I work irl, since there's actual movie studios and industrial zones in the area, but it's not in a desert). Then I got in an argument with one of the vendors about his lack of Nesquik chocolate powder.
I had a dream where I had to distract Jasper from Steven Universe in order for the Crystal Gems to get a plan in action. I don't know what the plan was, but I managed to distract her long enough by putting away my laundry and singing "The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps". It worked like a charm.
I also had a dream about peanut butter and honey, which made me crave them for breakfast this morning.
I had a dream that I saw amiibos of Marth, Stitch, and Ned Flanders.

I woke up because I realized I would never find a Marth amiibo.
Magikrazy said:
I had a dream that I saw amiibos of Marth, Stitch, and Ned Flanders.

I woke up because I realized I would never find a Marth amiibo.
I had another amiibo dream last night.

This time, I was in a store full of unicorn amiibos. Plus, a gold Kirby that let you unlock Kirby in Mario Kart 7.

Also, some Wave 6 amiibo like Bowser Jr and Mii Gunner.
I had a dream where I was in this room with a bug. Then I ran into a car wash, and didn't get wet, and my hair got bubbly.

Then it changed to a an episode of Super Mario Bros. Super Show. I don't wanna talk about the first part of the episode.

Though in the second part, Toad, Mario, and Luigi were tied onto a pole. I woke up. :P
Oh my god my nightmare last night.

So before I get into this, I have to say that I've had a dream exactly like this before, but it was moreso... a prequel, or first part. This dream I had last night was sort of a continuation or a sequel.

I don't really remember the first part of THIS dream and I don't think it was very connected to the rest of my dream, but it basically was some basketball game I think but there were a ton of people there ranging from friends and family to celebrities and it was kinda weird, becayse everything was kinda dark in the gym although the people's attitudes and personalities weren't any different. It was almost kinda horror-themed, but I know there were a lot of Pokemon plushies sitting in the stands next to me and I also remember my cousin telling me her ex-boyfriend (although in the dream it sounded like they were still together) was having a get together with friends in his hotel room (so wherever we were at for this part of the dream, it was in a large hotel, lol) and having ribs, but to get in I'd have to read out the ending of what I think was a Goosebumps book. Horror. Also, another part of this dream somewhere was my family and I vacationing in this cabin that oversees a large lake and this large patch of grass and there was also this overlook thing made out of wood (idk what the right word is for the thing) and basically, two guys whose son I was talking to were planting weed in this grass, although to do it they had to shovel out a pie-shaped portion of the grass and dirt. I don't even know.

And then cut to a field from my perspective, and there's this guy and this dog who are right at this military bunker that's basically a walled-up hill with huuundreds of military men inside of it. But the man and the dog are reallt clever and manage to pull out all the men and manage to go through the bunker and to the other side while the army men are now outside of the bunker trying to hunt the man and the dog down and they're furious (the army men, anyways).

So then the dog and the man start running extremely fast through this field of trees (and apparently I'm running alongside of them), and we reach this huge building I guess we have some secret mission to do, it almost looks like a church but much bigger than your average-sized one. So this guy throws down a forcefield sorta thing that basically covers the entire quadrant of this church... which when I turn away and then back to it, it magically turns into my house. And my neighborhood.

So my parents and I have to work on something outside while we're being hunted down by cops and their... strange weapons, I guess from a mixture of upsetting the army bunker earlier and idk I guess we had a history/criminal record in this dream. So the dream then basically turned into my parents working on the side of the house on something important while I had to build another barrier because I guess the one the guy created did NOTHING for us. So we had some block walls that were actually ladders stretched out and everything and we had those set-up along with some fences for some strange reason, and cops would come flying by every now and then and start shooting us.

Now this is where it gets even... weirder. I guess every certain hour, when I mentioned "strange weapons" earlier, this is what I'm referring to... every certain hour, a bell tolls and somehow, magically, something is shown to us on a large flat screen TV, and it's whatever creature or weapon of destruction that the cops have decided to unload on us this time. So I think the first time it was more genuinely a warning and showing, and it was just a loooot more gunfire (including actual driving through our yard and trying to find any weak point we built in our barrier).

After that part was finished, two cars came flying up our yard (and by flying I mean SLOW DOWN PLS TOO FAST) and everyone inside were partners of ours or friends of ours who were in this plan with us. I couldn't make out everyone and I don't remember absolutely everyone, but I do remember there was Jeff Lynne (the leader of Electric Light Orchestra) and Thomas Gibson (who I'm pretty sure was playing his character Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds), and I think there was also Dan Aykroyd, but I'm not too sure. Anyways, there was an understanding or something and then one of the cars took off and accidentally clipped some rocks we have lying around a tree in our yard (which we do have) and took off into the air and rolled and it was amazing. The other car stuck around for a few more minutes and then took off, but left a lady behind who was in very... risque clothing.

It was a female Shaquille O'Neal. I'm not even kidding. She didn't look like Shaq at all (she reminded me more of Donna Summer(s?)), but her name was Shaquille O'Neal. I guess Shaq had a sex change, I dunno. But anyways, after a few minutes of talking and discovering that, from the first car flying through the air and rolling, one of the car's inhabitants, Jeff Lynne, died from... vascular cancer... yeah. Anyways, female Shaq disappeared into the air and, by this time, it was night time (although strangely still able to see fairly well). A car then went driving by kind of slowly but out of control, like it was out of gas or something, so it went around this bend on the road next to our house, and in the next minute, there's a crash, and you hear another bell toll. This time, it's basically a serial killer who walks around forests or towns killing people with a sword, but he's basically insane and just wants to kill. Also, he looked a LOT like Gregor from Fire Emblem: Awakening, just... bloodier and you could tell this was what he does, kill. So I have zero idea where he's actually at, so I go outside the barrier I created and around the back of my house to the other side of the house, and I look across the road (or, well, diagonally) to another house whose family we are really, really close with, and I see the two older people living there in the driveway waving at me and calling my name and telling me to get back (I'm still really far up into my yard and not really anywhere close to their driveway). I'm wondering why, so I eye up the rest of the driveway and there he is, walking down the driveway towards our house. His name began with an F, I know that much. I want to say it was Fluijle, something like that, kinda weird. But anyways, I basically couldn't handle it at that point, because things hunting me down at night (especially a serial killer with a sword) scares the bejesus out of me, and I woke myself up. It's been half an hour and my heart is still racing like mad.

This is what my life has been resorted to.

I often have bad dreams where I'm trying to drive, but something is very wrong. Either the brakes or the steering wheel doesn't work, or maybe I can't reach the pedals.

Well a few nights ago, I was having one of those dreams. It was the "I can't reach the pedals" scenario.
How many times has that scenario happened before? Too many. Well, in that dream, I had the bright idea that I should, I dunno... adjust the seat so I could reach the pedals. Honestly, it's a simple solution, and I should have thought of it a long time ago the first time I had that kind of dream. It worked btw.
But I guess I could make the excuse that in my dreams, my judgment is lowered, and my emotions are out of whack, too.
I once had a dream where I listed down things I observed about Steven Universe from the perspective of someone who is yet to see that show, and then asked other people to get me interested in it.

...is that some sort of sign?

Thanks for reading.
Last night I discovered that my dormroom had some crickets in it, so I googled what to do to gather them up. The article said I could leave it overnight and come back in the morning, so I went to bed.
I dreamed that I caught 4 of the 3 crickets.