
I beat the story mode in Mario Party 2, but I don't know how to let you guys know that. Anyway, it's a very good game.
You Edit your game and change it to beaten
I might sound like a legal freak now but I heard that I can get one of my parents to sign me up instead of signing up myself. Is this correct?
What's the difference? All you need is a username and password right? Or do you need an email
I already have my own email set up by my parents (which btw I had used to create an account on these forums) and an email address is required to sign up to The Blackloggery.
Is that all? They dont ask for your age so it doesnt matter. I don't know why people are getting scared of this COPPA thing. It's not like their going to go to this specific website and look at every person. Hell, they probably dont give a fuck.
SKmarioman said:
I already have my own email set up by my parents (which btw I had used to create an account on these forums) and an email address is required to sign up to The Blackloggery.
You could just make a Gmail account, use that address, and then forget about the account.

Or you can use it for other sites that want you to confirm with an email address.
Under Where you choose unfinished, beaten, completed. You might be in Quick Mode as well.
Boidoh said:
Boidoh said:
Is there a place where i can find the list of badges? And are there any badges besides, Minion of Bak'laag, that ring, Legendary weapon and master of unlocking?


Anyways SKmariomario man i added you to my multitab.
Instead of asking us, go to the FAQ on the site (bottom of page)
started one as I really needed a comprehensive record of my crimes against good taste.
There is a slight issue with the signature images. Usually it is 500 x 88 pixels big when there are three entries in it (when it's showing 'Now Playing') but when a new game is added/unfinished/beaten/completed/mastered it goes down to one entry, making the image stretched.
SKmarioman said:
There is a slight issue with the signature images. Usually it is 500 x 88 pixels big when there are three entries in it (when it's showing 'Now Playing') but when a new game is added/unfinished/beaten/completed/mastered it goes down to one entry, making the image stretched.
Edit your sig, removing the width=500 height=88 and leave
What I usually do to fix it is go into one of my now playing games and save it regularly to make it the Now Playing List again.