Avatar: The Last Airbender + Legend of Korra

If you could choose what kind of Bender you'd be. What element would you choose?

  • Waterbender

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Earthbender

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Firebender

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Airbender

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • Non-Bender

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
By the looks of things, she just woke up from a less-than-pleasant dream.
i kinda thought she was just hittin' the gym
So I only just finished Korra Season 2. Lots of cool stuff certainly happened in the back half of the season, although the main impression I keep getting from TLoK in general is that the series would benefit SO much from having full seasons. They mostly got away with it in Season 1, but this time around, there's just so much going on, so many interesting ideas being presented that you really feel the need for more episodes.

For example, it would have been better if Korra realized she needed more info and sought out the Fire Sages rather than washing up on their beach with no memories: dumb luck and amnesia are cheap - but fast, hence their usage to drive the plot along there. A longer season could have also meant the character development in general could be more natural: they did a good job at getting us to know and care about all three of Aang's kids and Varrick (and Wan), but the love triangle was jammed in there, as were the segments with Tenzen's kids - even Jinora felt more like a plot device than a realized character unto herself (not that it made the end of Episode 10 any less sublimely gut-wrenching, of course, but again, that was mainly because of Tenzen and Korra's reactions).

Unalaq's progression from Dark Avatar right to Chernabog also seemed like wasted potential: having Korra fail to stop him from freeing and merging with Vaatu could have been a season finale in itself, leading to a season where she has to struggle with a Dark Avatar, each one trying to make a balance between humans and spirits, with Korra gradually realizing that good spirits and humans can and should coexist, while Unalaq's initially fair ideas about the merged worlds become overwhelmed by darkness, until there's nothing left of him and then you get the giants battling as a series finale. There could also have been a few-episode gap between when Raava got yanked out of Korra and the final, giant battle - then Korra would have had to come to terms with who she is as the not-Avatar, rather than the Tree of Time speeding things along.

On a related note, Korra being The Last Avatar was also a fascinating idea, and a great parallel with Aang being The Last Airbender, and to that end, I was actually a bit sad when Raava remerged with her: the finality would have been an interesting way to end the series, and it wouldn't've been a downer ending if she had already come to terms as being a regular person and had already figured out how the spirits and mortals could coexist peacefully.

That being said, it'll certainly be interesting to see HOW the spirits-with-humans stuff works next season ("Change" being a rather fitting title, in that case), and all my "wasted potential" grumblings aside, except for Jinora suddenly appearing with the golden light, I did like the ending. The four elements fighting to protect the de-avatared Korra from the dark spirits was awesome, and the giant Korra at the end of the path of light was a cool echo of the giant Aang - and then the giant becoming manifest was crazy in a good way; very Dr. Manhattan too, with shades of TLA Season 1 Koizilla. Speaking of which, Zhao's reappearance was an unexpected delight, although there's no topping Iroh's return for sheer win factor - I was grinning like an idiot that whole first scene of his.

Avatar Wan was a great character: the only downside is that he only got two episodes. I get the feeling we won't get to see much of the twins next season either, which also saddens me because they were pretty interesting. It was obvious from a dramatic POV they were destined to turn on their father the moment he shrugged off Desna getting hurt, but I liked how the characters didn't know that and struggled to keep their faith in their father - Desna's surprisingly emphatic rejection of Korra's appeal in the tent being the moment of interest here (the only one, sadly, until right before they change their tune: I blame both the time restraints and the fact that the twins are hard to read in general - the latter point not being a bad thing, of course).

But next season is apparently bringing us more Lin stuff, which is good, because she was not well served this season. I can understand her not wanting to give Mako special treatment (like how she wasn't willing to put up with Korra's shit back when she came to Republic City despite her being the avatar), but no way would Lin let those two idiot cops drag down her forces, and I was disappointed that she'd fall for so obvious a set-up (although the hope is that she only had Mako arrested because she had no choice and was hoping he'd prove innocent before too long). The fact that Asami missed out on this season's climax also made me sad, so hopefully that won't happen again, and fingers crossed that the love triangle's over for good this time - unless they decide to make it a triangle in the truest sense by having Korrasami happen.

Sorry for the long post, but I've had to avoid this thread for months and had half a season's worth of commentary built up, so yeah...
that literally says absolutely nothing about book three in any way

well, that's not true. it shows that they're going to use bo lin as nothing more than comic relief again

i mean i guess they tried to go somewhere with him last season? but it didn't feel very important
Team Avatar just sucks in general because none of them are really necessary like Sokka, Katara, and Toph were to Aang. They're just there to be there.
ba sing se? hell yeah

i mean i'll probably be disappointed. i don't like change, but i guess they have to do that. from that picture it seems they're playing some kind of sport. i'm reminded of basketball, i guess it can be soccer-ish but probably not

the city looks very modern, though more like a suburban city i guess
ba sing se whaaaaat

kinda looks like they're being ambushed considering it looks late at night and they're in their pajamas.