Control the Throne

I send out Paper to cover Rock.

Throne get.
Rock breaks Scissors

Throne get.
A bomb nukes all your rocks and scissors. 8)

Throne get.
I use Stealth Rock. The next person who says "Throne get" is killed by the stones.

And I have Dusknoir block any Rapid Spin attempts.

Jigglypuff's Sing puts you to sleep forever.

Throne get.
I ignore all this Pokémon stuff altogether and go to the throne.

Throne conquered.
I invite you to go bowling. you come with me. while we're gone, my friends (who have nothing to do with this wiki) show up at your place and grab the throne for me.
Throne Stolen
Aggron said:
I use Stealth Rock. The next person who says "Throne get" is killed by the stones.

And I have Dusknoir block any Rapid Spin attempts.

Jigglypuff's Sing puts you to sleep forever.

Throne get.
Primal Dialga is worried! Primal Dialga used a Wonder Orb!
I trap all of you with Wobbuffet's Shadow Tag.

Throne get.
I have Rampardos use Earthquake.

Mold Breaker removes your immunity to Pokemon attacks.

Throne get for sure.
You're not sure enough.

Throne Get.
Yes I am.

Throne get.
I have Rampardos use Earthquake again.

Throne get.
I have Arcanine run off with the throne.

Throne get.
I set up Stealth Rock. Then Rampardos uses Earthquake.

Throne get.
I put on a Nicolas Cage movie. We all get stuck watching it.

Throne alone.