Control the Throne

Indeed it does not. But that was just a major decoy for one of my minions to sneak behind you all and steal the throne. Now, I fly.
you know what, I'm sick of being cruel like this. I'll allow everyone to have food again, and then I'll retire to my impenetrable fortress of doom.
Too bad I was hidden behind my monacle :drosh:

I push PTR into the void from behind. Grabbing the throne, i seal the portal, so that no one can ever get out.
suddenly, portal gun

zapping the gun's first portal right underneath LN1, and zapping the second portal onto the moon

LN1 falls into the portal, leaving the throne here on the planet. I then recall the portals before he has a chance to jump into them, and run off with the throne.
You idiots, I'm the hacker from Minecraft! I can hack anything!!

*steals throne from e-mail, makes Palmon and Shroomboom guard the throne at Grass Palace*
*hacks LN1 so he can't mess me up in hacking, claims throne yet again*