Control the Throne

*sigh* this is getting confusing.

*chokes person wiht poison vines, hence winning back the throme*
*dodges, then uses Razor Leaf*
Oh please, even if it was 100% accurate, I'm pretty much like Turbo(a virus), and therefor Flamethrower isn't effective.

And since I'm a virus...

*uses Leaf Storm, which makes LN1 faint because it's super-effective since I'm a virus, then steals throne forever*
*destroys boat, makes Turbo drown, gets throne*
*I had the throne not turbo

*sits on the throne in the bottom of the ocean
*tugs throne to surface with vines, knocks out Bowser45, claims the throne yet again*
*has Palmon digivolve to Lillymon, makes her use Flower Cannon to destroy the Underground Ruins, takes throne unharmed*
*has Lillymon destroy Bowser45, steals throne*
*B45 kills marioman1213 with a Morgul blade and takes the throne to an unenterable fortress
*regenerates with 1UP mushroom, brings along slenderman who apparently knows the way inside of the castle, kills Bowser45, takes throne*
I destroy YOU.

Throne get.
You are still destroyed though,so you couldn't have destroyed me.

The throne is still mine.
*comes back as ghost, makes the devils of hell rain down on you and your fortress, gets the throne*